CPI Evidence for Portfolio Narrative

Suggestions for evidence of each of the 3 KSU CPI Outcomes
(for portfolio narrative)
Proficiency 1.1: Candidate demonstrates broad, in-depth, and current knowledge of
discipline content.
Calculate GPA for science courses
Performance on content exam administered in SCED 4416/6416
Artifacts from university science studies in lab, field, and mentored research projects.
Can be evidenced through range of lesson plans and assessments developed in field experiences
during SCED 4416/6416 & SCED 4475/6475
Current content knowledge evidenced in assignments that allowed students to learn about recent
discoveries or research in a particular science discipline
Proficiency 1.2: Candidate represents content accurately.
Evidenced via observation comments from supervisor or collaborating teacher
Written analysis of video-taped lessons may address this proficiency – consider analyzing your
content accuracy and pedagogical content knowledge development over time, as evidenced in
videotaped lessons.
Discussion of aspects of teaching that were refined in response to student questions, reflecting on
and improving ways of explaining content, or revisions made due to input from collaborating
This is a good place to specify goals for content development in terms of strengths/weaknesses
going into the first year of teaching a particular science subject
Proficiency 1.3: Candidate connects content to other disciplines and applies it to common
life experiences.
Specify examples from lessons/units developed this year
Add some examples of this relative to the GPS Standards. For the specific science subject(s) you
taught (both semesters) give examples of how you related other science disciplines and/or other
school subjects to the course you were teaching.
Proficiency 1.4: Candidate uses pedagogical content knowledge effectively.
This relates to Proficiency 1.4, and requires you to consider the effective ways that you have made
science concepts comprehensible to students. Examples of specific ways of explaining concepts,
special ways of demonstrating ideas or teaching events that stand out in terms of “kids getting it”.
Anything that shows you are refining and extending your content knowledge to promote teaching
and learning relates to this area.
Proficiency 2.1: Candidate demonstrates knowledge of how learners develop, learn and
Impact on Student Learning Analysis
Summarize your thoughts on student learning---What is learning? How do you know when
students are learning science? What do you do to move beyond mere presentation, to provide kids
an opportunity to make sense of concepts? Think about how you can show that you try to teach for
understanding instead of mere memorization/regurgitation.
Try administering one of the on-line learning style inventories to at least on class, and use this data
to inform your teaching.
Proficiency 2.2: Candidate successfully motivates students to learn.
Observation feedback
Anecdotal or structured student feedback
Specific methods you have found helpful in maintaining student attention
Adjustments you have made to units or specific lessons to increase student involvement in the
learning process
Impact on Student Learning Analysis
Proficiency 2.3: Candidate creates and implements instruction that embodies multiple
cultures and a rich, diverse curriculum.
know our students and structure opportunities for them to connect their individual talents,
interests, and cultural heritage to the curriculum.
constantly elicit student input in the form of “real-world examples” and often these will be
culturally specific, thus enriching the learning community.
give students a varied array of choices and opportunities to evidence science learning in ways that
draw upon their cultural individuality.
depict science as the global endeavor that it is, with regard to people, places, and historical
seek advice from veteran teachers of various cultures and ethnic backgrounds.
encourage the exploration of cultural perspectives on science that differ from your own.
Rich and diverse curriculum is evidenced in varied instructional experiences that allow students to
perform and demonstrate learning in a variety of ways.
Modification made for special education and gifted students addresses multiple cultures
Drawing upon student experiences that relate to cultural heritage or world travels
Ways that students come to realize that people various cultures contribute to our science
Proficiency 2.4 Candidate creates effective, well-managed and active learning environments.
Evidenced via observation comments from supervisor or collaborating teacher
Reflection and self-assessment from viewing video-lesson
Classroom management and lab safety plan
Summary statement of your class rules, academic and behavioral expectation, and how you bring
out the best in students
Proficiency 2.5: Candidate creates environments that reflect high expectations for student
Impact on Student Learning Analysis
Examples of Instructional Objectives and the corresponding formative and summative assessment
Evidenced via observation comments from supervisor or collaborating teacher
Proficiency 2.6: Candidate designs effective instruction.
Impact on Student Learning Analysis
Examples of Instructional Objectives and the corresponding formative and summative assessment
Evidenced via observation comments from supervisor or collaborating teacher
Proficiency 2.7: Candidate implements effective instruction that positively impacts the
learning of all students.
Impact on Student Learning Analysis
Examples of Instructional Objectives and the corresponding formative and summative assessment
Evidenced via observation comments from supervisor or collaborating teacher
Proficiency 2.8: Candidate uses a variety of methods, materials, and technologies.
Summarize technology integration thus far, and future goals
Technology integration report
Summarize range of methods implemented thus far, and areas for focused attention in the first year
Examples of materials and methods that you found to be most effective in promoting learning
Proficiency 2.9: Candidate utilizes a variety of strategies to assess student learning.
Impact on Student Learning Analysis
Examples of Instructional Objectives and the corresponding formative and summative assessment
Evidenced via observation comments from supervisor or collaborating teacher
Proficiency 2.10: Candidate uses the results of assessments to improve the quality of
Impact on Student Learning Analysis
Give specific examples of reflective thinking and revisions to your teaching that result from
observing students performance in lab, analyzing results of formative quizzes and summative
tests; also consider what you learned from initial efforts at assessing projects with rubrics or
checklists—what works and what will you try to improve?
Proficiency 3.1: Candidate communicates effectively orally and in writing.
 Here you might build on feedback in writing or from conversations with university supervisor or
collaborating mentor teachers in the schools (methods practicum and student teaching). Your
written narrative for each outcome show effective writing skills. You might include any of your
written work and feedback from oral presentations while in the program.
Evidenced via observation comments from supervisor or collaborating teacher
Proficiency 3.2: Candidate reflects upon and improves professional performance.
 Here you might write one paragraph summarizing your growth through the teaching experiences
in methods practicum and student teaching, and in a second paragraph, set professional growth
goals - some realistic achievement benchmarks for managing your work with teaching in the first
year. Then say a bit about goals for professional development beyond the first year.
 Video Critique and Critical Incident Reflections
 Reflective journal entries that show consistent analysis and revision of performance
 Scan representative pages from your learning log or copy paste some of your email posts, showing
consistent written reflection over time.
Proficiency 3.3: Candidate builds collaborative and respectful relationships with colleagues,
supervisors, students, parents and community members.
 This is evidenced in observation notes and final CPI comments for outcome 3.
 Document parental contact via written log of regular email or telephone contact regarding student
progress; also reference other interactions with parents (open house, extracurricular or community
events. etc).
 Evidence of respectful relationships with students can come in form of student-evaluation of
candidate’s effectiveness as a teacher.
 It can be difficult to evidence the community component of this proficiency. Consider community
resources and experts in the area who may contribute in some way to your science curriculum
(guest speaker, or seek advice from area experts in to enrich your lessons).
Proficiency 3.4: Candidate displays professional and ethical behavior
 Be sure to indicate that you have read and are in full compliance with the Code of Ethics for
Educators published by the Georgia Professional Standards Commission.
Evidenced via observation comments from supervisor or collaborating teacher