Spelling Homework: Please keep this paper in your reading folder

Spelling Homework: Please keep this paper in your reading folder.
Directions: Please select any two spelling assignments from the choices given. You will be working on
completing all of these assignments over the next few weeks from different spelling lists. The assignments
need to be completed on two separate pieces of paper and turned in by Thursday of that week. Add up the
number of possible points you are working toward. Write that number under your class number and put a
circle around it. Each assignment is worth a certain number of possible points based on the level of
difficulty. Your spelling grade for the week will be based on how many points you earned out of the total
possible points. Please see me with any questions.
1.) ABC Order--Write each word
in ABC order.
(15 points possible)
4.) Vowel Hunt--Write each word
and circle the vowels. For
example: apple--You would
circle the a and the e.
(15 points possible)
7.) Type, type, type---Type each
spelling word three times.
(15 points possible)
10) Multicolored Words---Write
each word by writing the vowels
and consonants in different
colors. Ex. Apple---a,e in red
and ppl in blue.
(15 points possible)
2) Sentence Star--Write each
sentence correctly using each
word. Underline each spelling
word. I will check for correct
spelling, punctuation,
capitalization, grammar, and for
following directions given in
(30 points possible)
5.) Scrambler--Scramble each
word and then write it
unscrambled beside it.
(30 points possible)
8. Rainbow Words--Write each
word in three different colors.
For example: write the word in
pencil, trace over the word in
red, trace it in green and trace
it again in blue.
(30 points possible)
11) Triangle Spelling---Write each
word while creating a triangle.
Ex: apple
apple (30 points possible)
3.) Word Search--Create a word
search using graph paper or
www.puzzlemaker.com. Create
a word bank with all of the
spelling words listed. Also,
circle the words in the puzzle.
(50 points possible)
6.) Story Time--Write a
paragraph or short story using
at least 10 spelling words. The
story has to make sense and be
grammatically correct.
(50 points possible)
9.) Order Up--Write your
spelling words in order (least to
greatest) based on the number
of letters in each word.
(50 points possible)
12) Making Words---Write each
spelling word. Make at least
three “mini-words” using the
letters in each spelling word.
Ex: apple---ape, pale, and leap.
(50 points possible)