appendix o - Oklahoma State University

Appendix O – Management of Exposure to Hydrofluoric Acid (HF)
Management of Exposure to Hydrofluoric Acid (HF)
Introduction and preliminary instructions
If you are a user or plan to use hydrofluoric acid (HF) in any form or use fluoride salts under acidic
conditions, the following safety practices and information are applicable for OSU laboratories and
work places. The major portion of this safety document was derived from a 1998 presentation by
Miguel Trevino, MD, Occupational Medicine, and U.C.S.F. It includes information and instructions
about self protection during use and handling of HF, decontamination on exposure, emergency
treatment after decontamination, and what the user can expect to encounter during secondary
decontamination and subsequent medical treatment.
Before beginning work:
Familiarize yourself thoroughly with this document, the Material Safety Data Sheet
(MSDS) for the specific form of HF being used, and have a written standard operating
procedure (SOP) that can be incorporated into your required Chemical Hygiene Plan.
Consider your work area carefully to anticipate what can happen if a bottle is dropped, a
flask cracks, a line ruptures, chemicals are spilled, or something topples.
Remove all clutter from the work area and, if practical, mount your apparatus in a
plastic catch pan.
Have sodium bicarbonate (baking soda, saturated solution and dry solid) available for
neutralization of spills and/or placement in the catch pan.
Know the location of the emergency safety shower/eyewash stations and be prepared
to operate both with eyes closed.
Inform your colleagues about your experiment. If HF is being used, your supervisor
must determine whether you can work alone.
Physical and chemical properties of HF
HF is a colorless gas (fumes in moist air) with an irritating and pungent odor having the following
Chemical Abstracts number (CAS) [7664-39-3] bp 67 F, 19 C; dissociation K=3.5 x 10-4; freezing
point -118 F, -83 C; specific gravity 0.97 at 25 F, 14 C; vapor density 3.0 at 25 C; vapor pressure at
20 C/775 mm Hg.
Exposure to HF
The extent and nature of the exposure determines the choice of decontamination procedure and the
subsequent medical treatment. If you have been exposed to HF, regardless of the source,
decontamination and treatment must take place promptly because of the persistence of HF in
damaging tissue. The following sections provide information and instructions about how to proceed
in the event of exposure.
Oklahoma State University Laboratory Safety Manual – Appendix O-1
Appendix O – Management of Exposure to Hydrofluoric Acid (HF)
Exposure to HF is a serious health and safety problem requiring prompt attention. If the pungent and
irritating odor has been detected or felt, an overexposure may have already occurred because the
odor threshold is above the American Conference of Governmental and Industrial Hygienists
(ACGIH) ceiling limit of 3 ppm (2.5 mg/m3). Failure to promptly and properly treat an HF exposure
can result in serious injury, disfigurement, and/or death. In addition to being a highly corrosive acid,
HF is toxic and continues to degrade tissue long after the initial exposure. Untreated exposure
results in wounds that are difficult and very slow to heal and may result in deep-seated health
problems (see Section 4, Health effects and consequences of exposure to HF).
Exposure to HF can vary in severity and the decontamination and treatment procedures also may
vary with the anatomical location of the exposure. A single approach to decontamination and
treatment is not used. Instead, exposures are divided into several categories. These are listed
below; and since all exposures require some decontamination and/or treatment, each user is
expected to become thoroughly acquainted with the entire document.
There is no time, once exposure has taken place, to study procedures. Prompt treatment is crucial.
Study this document, the relevant MSDS and your SOP thoroughly before opening a bottle of
aqueous HF or turning the valve of a cylinder containing anhydrous HF. Quiz yourself and leave
nothing to chance. HF need only contact 2% of the body area to be fatal. Burns from strong HF (5070% HF) are felt immediately; weaker solutions (25%) may take several minutes to be noticed;
solutions of 1-20% may not be felt for several hours. Personnel assisting the injured should also
ensure they are protected by personal protective equipment.
One reported victim in western Australia spilled "about 100 mL of 70% solution of HF on his leg."
The leg was later amputated, but his blood had already been poisoned and he later died.
Exposed skin (less than two-square inch area)
If clothing or jewelry is involved, remove these items immediately and proceed as follows:
Wash the exposed area with running water (5-15 minutes).
Quickly wash with saturated sodium bicarbonate solution, apply aqueous calcium
carbonate paste or aqueous magnesium sulfate paste. Have the dry materials on hand
ready to be made into a paste (as described in 7C).
Rinse the bicarbonate treated area with water or calcium gluconate solution.
Gently dry the exposed area with clean toweling or facial tissue.
Apply calcium gluconate gel. Have this on hand and available for use. Massage gel on
and around the contaminated area with clean, preferably gloved fingers. White specks
appearing around the contaminated area indicate that the desired reaction (formation of
calcium fluoride) is taking place. Continue the massage, with repeated applications, for
15 minutes after pain has subsided or until medical treatment is available.
Note the time of exposure. Is there pain or discomfort? Don't under estimate--seek
medical help! Phone 911 (give building and room number).
Exposed skin
(exceeding two-square inch area is considered a major exposure)
Use of an emergency safety shower is warranted if the entire burn area cannot be
immediately immersed or washed as described under 3a. Before entering shower, remove
all contaminated clothing and jewelry, but do not remove safety goggles and the inner layer
Oklahoma State University Laboratory Safety Manual – Appendix O-2
Appendix O – Management of Exposure to Hydrofluoric Acid (HF)
of gloves; modesty should not be a consideration. After entering the shower, close eyes,
face into the spray, and pull the goggles over your head. Wash thoroughly all areas exposed
to HF. Some sources recommend limiting the shower to five minutes so that emergency
decontamination procedures can be initiated. If you are unable to read the time, count
slowly to 60 for each minute. If you are helping another person into the shower, make
certain you later decontaminate yourself as well. Phone 911 (give the building and room
number) and inform the dispatcher that a hydrofluoric acid exposure has occurred.
Prior to the arrival of the emergency medical service and after the victim has been in the
emergency safety shower for at least five minutes, and if time permits:
Wash with sodium bicarbonate solution; apply aqueous calcium carbonate paste. Have
these on hand and ready for use. Magnesium sulfate is unsatisfactory because the
anhydrous form liberates considerable heat on exposure to water and the hydrated form
is usually not available as a fine powder.
Rinse the bicarbonate solution/calcium carbonate paste-treated area with water or
calcium gluconate solution.
Gently dry the exposed area with clean toweling or facial tissue.
Apply calcium gluconate gel. Have this on hand and ready for use. Massage gel on
and around the contaminated area with clean, preferably gloved fingers. White specks
appearing around the contaminated area indicate that the desired reaction (formation of
calcium fluoride) is taking place. Continue the massage, with repeated applications, for
15 minutes after pain has subsided or until medical treatment is available.
Note the time of exposure. Is there pain or discomfort? Don't under estimate--seek
medical help!
Exposure of eye
All eye exposures are considered severe and require medical help. Phone 911, give building
and room number and inform the dispatcher that a hydrofluoric acid eye exposure has
occurred. Decontaminate with eye wash (forcibly open the lids) or low-pressure hose for 5
minutes (count slowly to 60 for each minute), then irrigate with 500 mL of 1% calcium
gluconate in saline per eye. The calcium gluconate solution is to be kept near the eye wash.
If only one eye is involved, when rinsing make certain contaminated water does not enter the
uncontaminated eye.
Exposure through inhalation
Phone 911 (give building and room), inform dispatcher that a hydrofluoric acid inhalation
exposure has occurred, and oxygen (12 L/min.) as well as nebulizing (2.5% solution of
calcium gluconate in saline) will be required. Decontaminate and treat any exposed areas
as described above.
Exposure through ingestion
Conscious patient: Phone 911 (give building and room number). Orally give any
calcium or magnesium-based antacid; i.e. products such as Tums® (500 mg), Tums
EX® (750 mg), Tums ultra® (1000 mg), or Alka-mints® (850 mg) or water only. Do not
induce vomiting.
Oklahoma State University Laboratory Safety Manual – Appendix O-3
Appendix O – Management of Exposure to Hydrofluoric Acid (HF)
Unconscious patient: Phone 911 (give building and room number) and inform
dispatcher that hydrofluoric acid is involved and the victim has ingested hydrofluoric
Decontaminate skin or eyes if they were exposed (fingernails not properly
decontaminated can become a problem).
Health effects and consequences of exposure to HF
In addition to the corrosive effects of HF as an acid, it is toxic through binding with calcium and
magnesium ions, destruction of tissue, and transport of the negatively charged fluoride anion (F-)
that eventually reaches and damages the liver and kidneys. Fluoride salts can impair blood
electrolyte and cellular function at the enzyme level. Salt (calcium and magnesium) imbalance in
blood, due to presence of fluoride ion (F-), can cause heart arrhythmia.
If not promptly treated, painful lesions can result that are difficult to heal. The question of pain needs
emphasis. The initial exposure may not be painful for lower concentrations of HF and consequently
the user may be lulled into not properly decontaminating and treating the exposure and/or seeking
medical aid.
Calcium gluconate and calcium carbonate aqueous paste--why?
Exposure of tissue to HF causes a corrosive reaction as HF dissociates on contact with moisture in
tissue to form the fluoride ion (F-). This ion associates with soluble counter ions (sodium, potassium,
etc.) as well as insoluble counter ions (magnesium and calcium). The soluble counter ions (K, Na)
more readily transport the fluoride ion to sensitive organs (liver, kidney, heart) whereas the less
soluble calcium and magnesium fluorides are localized and their formation is beneficial by trapping
the fluoride ion, thus limiting transport. Calcium gluconate (non-toxic) is a better choice than calcium
acetate since use of the latter results in release of acetic acid on reaction with HF in exposed tissue.
Check the HF kit to make certain the necessary sources of calcium or magnesium ions (calcium
gluconate solution, calcium gluconate gel, antacid) and neutralizing agents (bicarbonate, calcium
carbonate paste) are on hand before beginning use of HF.
Protective equipment
HF is more hazardous than most users realize (see Sections 3, Exposure to HF, and 4, Health
effects and consequences of exposure to HF). The following alphabetized list of protective
equipment should be carefully considered and the necessary items acquired before using HF.
Materials listed below may be obtained from the Chemistry Storeroom (4-7211), Student Health
Center pharmacy (4-7025), Stillwater Milling Agri-Center (372-2766), or Safety Equipment Suppliers
like Boren Safety (1-800-282-6736).
Absorbents: Calcium carbonate (CaCO3, limestone), magnesium carbonate
[(CaMg(CO3)2, dolomitic limestone], calcium sulfate (CaSO4, gypsum). Do not use kitty
litter or any material containing silicates as SiF4 (toxic and corrosive gas) may be formed.
Apron: rubber or approved plastic. (Neoprene has a 60 min. breakthrough time.)
Decontamination supplies: locate and check HF kit before working.
Eye wash: locate and know how it is used.
Face protection: face shield is very important. Splash-proof goggles and face shield are
recommended. Use of contact lenses is prohibited.
Oklahoma State University Laboratory Safety Manual – Appendix O-4
Appendix O – Management of Exposure to Hydrofluoric Acid (HF)
Glasses, safety: safety goggles are better. See Face protection.
Gloves: two layers recommended--inner layer of latex or nitrile, outer layer of Neoprene,
nitrile, or buna. Inner gloves should be new; all gloves should be checked for leaks. Have
spare gloves in reserve.
Goggles: splash-proof; see Face protection.
HF kit: check contents (see below for list).
Hood: make certain it is working. Is verification current? (Never use HF outside of the
Phone: locate and decide in advance what kind of emergency help should be sought--see
emergency section. Remember 911 (give building and room number). Emergency phone
numbers, name of building, building number, and room numbers should be posted by the
Safety shower: locate and know how it is used.
Sleeve protectors: or gloves that pass the elbow.
Emergency HF kit and a supply of other items wherever HF is used
Aluminized plastic sheet. One or more (comes with 911?)
Antacids (calcium and magnesium-based).
Calcium carbonate for preparation of aqueous paste. Magnesium sulfate paste may be
substituted. However, the anhydrous magnesium sulfate powder evolves much heat on
exposure to water and the heptahydrate (Epsom salt) is a hard, needle-shaped crystal. The
latter can be ground in a mortar to a fine powder. In either case, practice preparing a paste
by drop wise addition of water, with stirring, to the powdered, solid calcium carbonate or
magnesium sulfate heptahydrate (when tried, calcium carbonate gave the better paste).
Calcium gluconate, gel, two or more 30-gram tubes.
Calcium gluconate, solid.
Eye wash. Include two 500-mL eye irrigation bottles filled with 1% calcium gluconate
Gloves, (inner and outer), two or more pairs.
Sodium bicarbonate (solid) and sodium bicarbonate (saturated solution).
Storage and use of HF
Since aqueous HF is highly corrosive and highly toxic, it must be stored in a well-ventilated cabinet or
hood. With each use, the bottle should be tightly recapped and rinsed with water to remove any acid
from the cap area or the outside of the container. Aqueous HF (about 50% max. conc.) attacks
silica-containing glass, so HF is supplied in wax or plastic bottles (keep this in mind should you
prepare solutions containing HF).
Oklahoma State University Laboratory Safety Manual – Appendix O-5
Appendix O – Management of Exposure to Hydrofluoric Acid (HF)
Anhydrous HF is a gas at room temperature (bp 67 F, 19 C) and is supplied in steel cylinders. A
vented (to exterior of building) toxic gas enclosure is required. HF can be withdrawn from a cylinder,
as a gas, through copper or Teflon® tubing and then recondensed to a liquid by chilling the tubing.
Because the vapor pressure of anhydrous HF is 775 mm Hg at 20 C, it must not be resealed in
bottles. Anhydrous HF is the most dangerous form. Do not use any form of HF without thorough
prior training and preparation. There is a specific MSDS for each form of HF.
Potential uses of HF
Acid catalysis in organic chemistry.
Brightening aluminum or other metals.
Cleaning brick and stone.
Cleaning components used in production of particle beams.
Cleaning surfaces of electronic components and circuit boards (RCA process).
Cleaners, low concentration in many cleaners.
Cleaving synthetic peptides from resins.
Digesting samples prior to metal analysis.
Digesting soil and rock samples for pollen analysis.
Dissolving steel samples.
Excimer laser (fluoride mixes).
Opening rock samples for analysis.
Processing plant/animal fossils.
Wire stripping (HF in methylene chloride).
What to expect at Medical Facility.
Secondary examination and decontamination:
Orifices including ear canals, mouth, nose, anus, and vagina.
Skin folds of neck, auxiliary regions, sub-mammillary, groin, behind knees, inter-digital.
Under nails, hands, feet.
Areas covered with hair; scalp, pubis.
Secondary medical treatment
For exposed area under two inches, with pain persisting 20-30 minutes beyond
exposure, initiate 2.5% calcium gluconate infiltrations using long and small caliber
needles (preferably steel).
Oklahoma State University Laboratory Safety Manual – Appendix O-6
Appendix O – Management of Exposure to Hydrofluoric Acid (HF)
For exposure area exceeding two inches, administer intravenously at a slow rate 1000
mL of Hartman or saline solution plus 2 ampoules (10 mL of 10% calcium gluconate).
Possible studies: EKG, serum calcium, magnesium, and electrolytes, renal function,
neurological function, blood chemistry, arterial gases and chest x-ray if there is
respiratory involvement.
Hemodialysis to provide adequate elimination of fluorinated compounds in serum.
Eye exposure
Subsequent to initial irrigation (see 3c) use 1% calcium gluconate eye drops as required
and ophthalmic Dexamethasone or prednisone solution as required by the
Monitor ocular pressures. Rise in eye pressure may indicate HF penetration.
Inhalation exposure
Maintain airways open.
Intubate or use tracheostomy procedure.
Initiate intermittent positive pressure ventilation (volumetric respirator).
Nebulize or ultra-nebulize calcium gluconate (2.5% in saline) until the resolution of the
upper or pulmonary edema.
Include positive and expiratory pressure (PEEP), which is vital to the minimization of
pulmonary fibrosis and edema resolution.
Monitor: EKG, serum calcium and electrolytes, arterial gases, chest X-rays, hepatic
functions, renal functions, neurological functions, blood chemistry.
Ingestion exposure
Access the esophagus and gastric cavities to neutralize or dilute HF.
Monitor the patient and systemic effects.
Titrate calcium, magnesium, and other electrolytes in serum.
Emergency help and evacuation.
Exposure to HF is considered an emergency; dial 911 (give building and room) for prompt
evacuation to the Stillwater Medical Center Emergency Room for treatment. A copy of this
document [Management of Exposure to Hydrofluoric Acid (HF)] has been sent to the Director of the
Stillwater Medical Center Emergency Room (405)-372-1480.
Oklahoma State University Laboratory Safety Manual – Appendix O-7