Marzano`s Six Steps to building Tier 3 Academic Vocabulary

Marzano’s Six Steps to building Tier 3 Academic
Step One:
Provide a description, explanation, or example of new term. (You are building
initial understanding of the term. Introduce experiences you have had, use
video and images)
Step Two:
Students restate explanation of new term in own words. (Students do not
copy what you just said but construct their own descriptions, examples, or
Step Three:
Students create a nonlinguistic representation of term. (Draw a picture
representing the term. This is not an art project but quick drawings to
cement knowledge. You may need to model, model, model this.)
Step Four:
Students periodically do activities that help add to knowledge of vocabulary
terms. (This may be highlighting prefixes and suffixes, identifying synonyms
and antonyms, drawing additional pictures, translations into other languages
Step Five:
Periodically students are asked to discuss terms with one another.
(Think Pair Share is a great quick way to review)
Step Six:
Periodically students are involved in games that allow them to play with
terms. (Have fun with the vocabulary they need to know.)
Graphic Organizer for Tier 3 Terms
My Definition:
Picture or Symbol:
Picture or Symbol:
My Definition: