In the name of god amen the one and twentieth day of May in the

Robert Banks 1613
Borthwick v32 f459
In the name of God Amen the one and twentieth day of May in the year of our Lord god
according to our English computation one thousand six hundred and thirteen. I Robert
Bankes of Rathmell in the County of York Carpenter sick in body but of good and perfect
remembrance praised be Almighty god do make and ordain this my last will and testament in
manner and form following. First I commend my soul into the merciful hands of almighty
god my maker and redeemer confidently believing to have full remission of all my sins
through the merits and blessed passion of Jesus Christ my sweet saviour. And for my body I
commend the same to the earth from whence it came to be buried in the church yard of
Giggleswick at the discretion of my executors and friends. Item I give and demise all my
lands and hereditaments with their appurtenances in Rathmell aforesaid to William Bankes
my son and to his heirs forever. And I give also unto my said son William Bankes and to his
executors and assigns all my leases and estates for terms of years and all my interest claim
title and demand in them and every of them. Item whereas James Armitstead and I have
lately bought of master William Nowell and John Robinson certain parcels of the houses and
grounds in Rathmell called Quickwood Tenement held by long lease upon which bargains we
either of us have paid and must pay an equal part of the consideration and are fully agreed
that either of us must have to us our executors administrators and assigns severally a full
moiety of the premises so by us jointly bought, now for my part or moiety thereof I do give
the same also to my said son William and to his executors and assigns for and during all the
term of years yet to come therein, to be divided and severed from the other moiety thereof so
soon as conveniently may be by the said James and my executors hereafter named. And I do
also give unto my said son William all my husbandry gear and all my sawn boards all which
premises shall be to him in full recompense of his child’s portion. And for my other goods
my will is that my debts and funeral expenses shall be first discharged and I also give to
Elizabeth Armitstead my sister’s daughter 20s to be paid to her within half a year next after
my decease and the rest and residue of all my goods and chattels whatsoever I give the same
wholly unto Margaret my daughter. And I do hereby ordain and appoint my loving brother
Christopher Bankes of Huggon House in Rathmell aforesaid and William Bankes his son to
be the executors of this my last will and testament. And I do also hereby commend and
commit the Tuition, education and government of my said two children and of their portions
and all other rights to them belonging unto my said brother and to his said son William
Bankes for and during the minorities and nonages of my said children.
Witnesses hereof the above named James Armetstead, Allan Carr and William Lawson.