an integration of science, education and industry

Main editor’s column
Lisov V.I. About effective industrial policy in subsoil use sector of Russia …….. 5
Novikov I.V. On the age of Early Triassic Tupilakosaurus fauna of Eastern Europe
…………………………………………………………………………………….. 8
The composition of Tupilakosaurus fauna is adjusted. Land tetrapod assemblage
from the Upper Sukhorechka Subsuite of the Buzuluk Depression is excluded from
the fauna. Based on the analysis of all available paleontological (temnospondyl
amphibians, phyllopods, palynocomplexes) and paleomagnetic data the age of
Tupilakosaurus fauna (and, accordingly, the age of Vokhmian Horizon) is set as
Griesbachian (Early Induan). Late Sukhorechka tetrapod assemblage is considered
to be Dienerian (Late Induan) in age, compared with a temnospondyl amphibian
complex of Myalina kochi beds (uppermost part of the Wordie Creek Formation)
of East Greenland and is regarded as an intermediate between the Tupilakosaurus
and Benthosuchus faunas.
K e y w o r d s : Early Triassic, biostratigraphy, tetrapods, Eastern Europe.
Mineralogy, petrography, lithology
Kalinina T.A., ChaikovskY I.I. Isotope composition (δ13С, δ18О) of Lower Permian
carbonates of Permian Pre-Kama and products of its hypergenic alteration
…………………………………………………………………………………… 14
Carbon and oxygen isotope composition of Lower Permian carbonates is similar to
carbonates of the Perm Zechstein basin and Sakmarian-and-Kazanian dolomites of
the east side of Russian platform. Local variations of δ13С and δ18О in the
Kungurian dolomites are caused by its formation in basin with various
hydrodynamic activity and depth. Solikamsk carbonates formed in basin with
different evaporating rate in fringe and central zones. Difference of isotope
structure of the Kungurian carbonates from the Solikamsk ones is caused by
change of the regressive regimen of the early Perm basin to transgressive regimen
that is caused by water basin demineralization. Hypergenesis of Lower Permian
dolomites in the condition of semiarid climate and repeated infiltrations of
atmospheric waters lead to formation of two product groups. The first is presented
by secondary cavernous dolomite enriched by 13C, and the second – reworked
(neogenic) calcite enriched by 12C and 16O which filled interstices in secondary
K e y w o r d s : lithology, carbonate, evaporates, isotope of carbon and oxygen,
Ivanov V.P. Evolution of coal-forming plants and floristic restorability of Upper
Paleozoic coals ………………………………………………………………….. 25
The floristic similarity of coal–bearing deposits of Donetsk, Karaganda, Pechora
and Kuznetsk basins is caused by evolution of coal-forming plants of upper
Paleozoic and is reflected in the petrographic composition of coals. Plant mass of
peat bogs with high content of proteins and lipids become the cause of floristic
restorability (Prfl) under the influence of climatic, paleogeographic factors and the
evolution of plants. Indicators Pg (degree of coal gelification) and Pr fl (degree of
coal restorability) are proved to reveal features of sedimentogenesis of different
coals basins better than petrographic composition indexes do.
K e y w o r d s : floristic restorability, lithofacial restorability, gelification of
coals, coal–forming plants, gelificated coal mass, petrographic composition, spore–
pollen method.
Useful minerals, methods of their prospecting and exploration
Necrasov E.M., Dorojkina L.A. Spatial distribution features and geological
settings of the largest gold deposits ………………………………………………32
The paper considers the problem of distribution and tectonic setting of the largest
gold deposits in folded and folded-blocked belts of different types and ages. We
present a generalized scheme showing a distribution of 14 giant deposits (with the
amount of mined metal, remaining gold reserves and economical gold resources of
more than 1000 tons) as well as other deposits with reserves being smaller in
mineralization but close to the giant ones. Spatial distribution of deposits in
relation to regional faults, accompanying faults, high-orders (3-5'th) faults has been
shown, as well as ore-bearing environment that is most favorable for the
localization of the largest accumulations of ore and gold reserves.
K e y w o r d s : gold deposits, spatial distribution of giant deposits, faults, ore
and gold reserves
Geophysical methods of prospecting and exploration
Popov E.Yu., Savelev E.G. Registration of rock samples properties spatial
variations with optical scanning method …………………………………………40
Technique of registration of 2D variations of the thermal properties of rock
samples with the optical scanning method is described. Results of registration of
spatial variations of the thermal conductivity for samples of several types of rocks
are given. Spatial distribution of rock thermal anisotropy coefficient is shown for
an anisotropic rock sample. It was established that 2D distribution of rock porosity
can be obtained through correlation between thermal conductivity and porosity. It
is shown that registration of spatial variations in thermal properties of full size core
sample provides for more reasonable selection of an area of the core sample for
following special petrophysical investigations.
Key words:
optical scanning
thermal conductivity, spatial distribution, porosity, rocks,
Antonov Yu.V., Sizask I.A. Synchronous ripples in non-tidal variations of gravity
and seismic fields ……………………………………………………………… 46
The results of simultaneous observations of the vertical component of the seismic
field in Voronezh (Russia) and non-tidal variations of gravity in Bishkek
(Kyrgyzstan) are considered in the paper. Pulsations are observed in gravity and
seismic fields. Ripples of non-tidal variations of gravity and seismic fields exist
simultaneously in the mentioned sites. The frequency characteristics are also
synchronous and identical. Pulsations have periods of oscillations in the range 0 –
20 min (preferably – 8 minutes).
K e y w o r d s : lunar-solar variations of gravity; non-tidal variations of gravity;
coronal mass, meteor showers; pulsations; the vertical component of the seismic
Shchelik G.S. Analysis of polarization of dipole modes in non-circular boreholes
in anisotropic formation ………………………………………………………….52
The problem of determination of principle axes in anisotropic formation in noncircular boreholes is studied with numerical simulation of acoustic logging
measurements. The processing algorithms for acoustic logging data used in
practice involve propagation of two orthogonally polarized waves along borehole
axis that correspond to dipole modes. However, the oscillation directions of dipole
modes in elliptical boreholes are shown to be substantially non-orthogonal and
depend on frequency spectrum of the source signal. This leads to incorrect
determination of principle directions in the considered transversely-isotropic
media. The results for principle directions obtained after processing are compared
with eigenvectors for dipole modes calculated independently with semi-analytical
finite element method (SAFE). The application of frequency filters and “nonorthogonal” processing algorithms is proved to be effective for validation and
accuracy improvement of the obtained directions.
K e y w o r d s : acoustic logging, elliptical borehole, anisotropy, Alford rotation.
Geological exploration technique
Kulikov V.V., Frolova M.S. Base mathematical models of process of transmission
of mechanical energy during drilling of exploratory and geotechnological wells
………………………………………………………………………………… 60
The most general mathematical models of transmission of mechanical energy from
the drilling rig and boring pump in a mining hole are considered in the paper.
Additive, proportional and generalized models of process of transmission of energy
are grounded and offered. The base additive mathematical model of transmission
of mechanical energy is underlain in the basis of the traditional method of
calculation of energy consumption at well drilling and calculation of hydraulic
resistances in a mining hole. Basic property of the additive model is absence of
cross-coupling of different parts of transmission of energy. The base proportional
mathematical model of transmission of mechanical energy is characterized by the
followings properties: the values of the coefficient of efficiency of the parts of
transmission of energy ratios stay unchanging; general coefficient of efficiency of
all areas remains unchanging; at the different areas of transmission of energy the
spent power changes in different number of times; the areas of transmission of
energy mutually influence on each other; the maximum degree of influence is
possessed by the last area, the least one is in the first area.
K e y w o r d s: boring pump; boring rig; hydraulic resistance; pressure; column of
boring pipes; power; energy; coefficient of efficiency.
Legal Issues in Mineral Resources Exploitation
Lisov S.V. Institutional aspects of the regulation of the activity of the raw-mineral
complex of Russia ……………………………………………………………… 66
The system defects of the federal legislation on subsoil are shown. They include
such problems as: base terms meanings; formation of the strategies and programs
in subsoil use sector; regulation of the property relations and order of licensing.
More thorough account of the federal legislation about strategic planning in subsoil
use sector is important. The present institutional norms don’t take into account the
demands of the economic diversification, the increase of the products of mineral
processing. That’s why the subsoil use sector is recommended to be applied with
federal legislation concepts of industrial policy, which main task is to declare the
transmission to the innovational type of the economy.
K e y w o r d s : subsoil use; legislation on subsoil use; ways of improvement;
diversification; strategic planning legislation; industrial policy.
Mineral and Geological Exploration Economics
Vinslav Yu.B., Lisov S.V. Industrial policy and subsoil use: an integration of
science, education and industry ………………………………………………….72
The reasons of actualization of processes of the integration of science, education,
industry in economics are considered. The post-reform economical situation didn’t
help the development of the persistent long-term integration of industrial, scientific
and educational organizations. The main factors, hampering this integration, are
The experience of the integration of the industrial, scientific, educational
structures in the subsoil use sector. The principals of the organization of integrated
activity are worked out, which concern: actualization of the needs of the industry
in innovations and competitive staff; accounting of the factor of “fall down” of the
market in state regulation; the balanced industrial, scientific-technical and
educational policy at macro- and meso-levels; the presence of leading organization
in the interaction; project approach to the interaction activity. The organizationalmanagement algorithm of creation of educational-scientific-industrial cluster is
K e y w o r d s : integration, science, education, industry, industrial policy,
subsoil use, clusters, principles
From the history of science
Komarov V.N. Nikolay Ivanovitch Karakash – an outstanding scientist-naturalist
The 2016 year is a year of the 100th anniversary of the death of the outstanding
Russian geologist and paleontologist, one of the first investigators of Cretaceous
deposits of Crimea and Caucasus, Nikolay Ivanovitch Karakash. His researches of
Caucasas are emphasized to have significantly improved the stratigraphic scheme
of Cretaceous deposits. The paper considers the contribution of N.I. Karakash in
Lower Cretaceous deposits of Crimea, where Nikolay Ivanovitch took part in a 10-
verst geological survey from 1898 till 1912. The result of these investigations was
the paleontologically proven scheme of Lower Cretaceous, which was published in
1907 in a fundamental monograph “Lower Cretaceous deposits of Crimea and its
fauna”. N.I. Karakash did not limit himself only by paleontological-stratigraphic
problems. He was also interested in hydrogeological investigations, mineral
resources studies, geological surveys for building of railways, slide slopes
investigations. Brief data on biography of the scientist are given.
Key words: N.I. Karakash; paleontology; stratigraphy; Cretaceous; Crimea;
Brief reports
Zayats P. P., Nazarenko O. V., Ruban D. A. New findings of ichnofossils in the
Bagovskaya formation (Lower Jurassic) of the Western Caucasus …………… 82
An ichnofossil association is established in the shales of the Bagovskaya
Formation (Lower–Middle Toarcian, Lower Jurassic) in the southern periphery of
the town of Guzeripl' (Republic of Adygeya). It includes Megagrapton irregulare
Ksiazkiewicz, 1968, Helminthopsis isp. and ?Chondrites isp.; also Planolites isp.
is present in some layers. This association characterizes the Nereites ichnofacies
(probably, Paleodyction subichnofacies) and indicates the turbidite sedimentation
at the foot of the continental slope. The findings of trace fossils allow the
conclusion about unstable character of oxygen depletion on the studied territory.
The rapid change of depositional environments interpreted on the basis of
ichnofossils findings influenced negatively on marine paleoecosystems. The
established locality of trace fossils is also of geoconservation and geotourism
importance, and it can be used for the purposes of educational excursions.
K e w w o r d s : trace fossils, Bagovskaya Formation, anoxia, Western Caucasus,
Toarcian Stage.
Gorobtsov D.N., Nikulina M.E. Case study of engineering-geological researches
for linear constructions building ………………………………………………….86
Features of carrying out of engineering-geological researches for building
of linear constructions during updating of normative documents: Construction
Norms and Regulations 11-02-96. "Engineering researches for construction. Basic
provisions" and Sanitary Rules 11-105-97 "Engineering-geological researches for
construction. Part 1" are considered. The analysis and comparison of earlier acting
document (Sanitary Rules 11-105-97) and actualized one (Sanitary Rules
47.13330.2012 "Engineering researches for construction. Basic provisions") is
carried out., the main differences influencing the carrying out of engineeringgeological researches for linear constructions are allocated. Comments of the
expert organizations on the example of engineering-geological researches under
construction of the cable communication line are considered.
engineering-geological researches; linear constructions;
normative documents; examination; soil.
Golovin S.V. Modernization of autonomous energetic complex of drilling rig for
exploratory drilling: directions and variants of optimization solutions …………..88
The problem of improving the autonomous energetic complexes of drilling rigs for
exploratory drilling is considered. The experience of exploitation of heat recovery
systems (HRS) with air coolant allowed revealing of key problems, limited
maximum effective use of complex autonomous energy source: “rigid” connection
of the systems of heating of the drilling rig and cooling of diesel aggregate; straight
dependence of the power of utilized heat on the value of charge of the diesel
aggregate; labour absorptivity of heat of the mobile diesel power stations.
To solve the problem some constructive alternations and additions are suggested to
be made in HRS, allowing separation of heat currents in the system. This leads to
the independent work of the subsystem of heat supply from the operational charges
of the diesel aggregate of the energetic complex. The system of automatic
regulation of heat recovery complex in the autonomous energetic complex of
drilling rig of exploratory drilling.
K e y w o r d s : exploratory drilling, boring machine of exploratory
drilling, complex power supply, autonomous power supply, energy saving, heat
recovery, import substitution, optimization, automation.