1 Approved for use beginning Fall 2013 College of Education Course Syllabus Checklist Please review this form to ensure that you are in compliance with College of Education and University requirements. In addition to this course checklist please review the chart below for additional required forms. This checklist must be completed and submitted with all required documents at least one week before a curriculum committee scheduled meeting to ensure that it is reviewed. Types of Course Changes New Face to Face Course Proposal New Online/Hybrid Course Proposal Existing Course Change (Description/objectives) Course Change from Face to Face to Online/Hybrid **Existing Online course change to Face to Face Forms Needed *New Course Proposal Form College Of Education Course Syllabus Checklist *Course Change Form Copy of Old Syllabus Copy of New Syllabus X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X *Requires department-level review and chair’s signature **If the course was not previously approved as a face to face course you must follow this process. UPS documents can be found at http://www.fullerton.edu/senate/documents/ups.asp Forms can be found on this these two sites: http://www.fullerton.edu/academicprograms/formsanddocuments.html and http://ed.fullerton.edu/about-us/faculty-and-staff/faculty-home/faculty-resources/ 2 Approved for use beginning Fall 2013 COLLEGE OF EDUCATION Course Syllabus Checklist Course Information Department Course Number Course Title General Requirements for ALL Submission of a Syllabus for COE Curriculum Committee Review All syllabus documents are included in one electronic file. Date of syllabus revision is included in the heading. Syllabus includes page numbers. Include the context for the course. In a short narrative, please include the following: Where does this course fit in terms of your program (beginning, middle, end)? Is this course a lecture course, seminar, or independent study? Any additional information to help the committee to better understand this course? General Requirements for ALL COE Syllabus (include page numbers where applicable) All requirements outlined in UPS 300.004 Policy on Course Outlines and 320.005 Policy on Retention of Student Work Clear grading standards for all assessed assignments. Please be as specific as possible. For course grades, please indicate whether or not you will be using +/- grading system. Note: 400 level courses require a statement whether the course is available for graduate credit. If it is not for graduate students: This course cannot be taken for graduate credit. If the course can be taken for graduate credit—a statement to that effect with specific changes in assignment guidelines. Course outlines must include the conceptual framework statement, professional standards guiding the department’s program (e.g. CTC, NBPTS, CEC – list all of these in full words the first time they are mentioned in the syllabus) and appropriate connections among those professional standards, the learning goals, course strategies, and key course assessments. See the College of Education (COE) syllabus template on the COE Community website under faculty resources. The syllabus includes the course calendar which describes the weekly topics, activities, planned assignments, examination dates, and assigned readings. You may also be expected to follow a department template for individual courses and utilize specific assignments. Please see your department chair or course custodian for further details. Statement regarding Integrity/Academic Dishonesty Statement regarding Disability Support Services Statement regarding Online library resources Statement regarding Student Disposition-http://ed.fullerton.edu/about-us/accreditation-andassessment/candidate-dispositions/ Statement regarding two week plan for interrupted instruction plan Link to CSUF Emergency Information: http://www.fullerton.edu/emergencypreparedness/Default.asp Office Hours: Faculty are required to list at least three office hours. Note office hours cannot be on Sunday 3 Approved for use beginning Fall 2013 Contact Hours: Please include a statement including how quickly the instructor responds to email questions and online assignments (usually within 48 hours except weekends), how often the instructor will be online, and alternate communication options. 4 Approved for use beginning Fall 2013 Additional Requirements for a COE Online/Hybrid Syllabus (Please note that the College Recommends using best practices for online teaching and learning) All requirements outlined in UPS 411.104 Policy on Online Instruction Statement of Netiquette How the instructor will track student online activities, for example, by maintaining a copy/log of online discussions and chat sessions, etc. (This refers to participation, number of postings, frequency and timeliness of postings). Weekly deadlines for posting and due dates need to be stated (dates and times). Please include PST (Pacific Standard Time) and do not use 12:00 pm, instead state 11:59 pm PST or 12:00 pm midnight PST. Please specify the length of learning modules or use actual dates. Office Hours: Faculty are required to list at least three office hours. If teaching an online course there must be at least one hour of online (virtual) office hours. Note office hours cannot be on Sunday. Please safeguards as to how student work will be authenticated. There must be a statement regarding student work to be authenticated. All student work must be submitted through Titanium. Technical competencies expected or required of students. Minimum computer hardware and software specifications, and website access requirements. Whom to contact in case of technical problems. Alternative procedures for submitting work or communicating in the event of technical problems. On-campus or online synchronous meeting requirements. (e.g., orientations, hybrid meetings, exams, etc.) **These must be footnoted in the course schedule. I have reviewed this list of requirements and have insured that all requirements are met. Signature of Course Proposer Curriculum Committee Feedback Signature of Chair