Shelly Presnell -- Bingo: Students Grasp the Concept

Shelly Presnell
Students Grasp the Concepts
Rationale: To provide an interactive exam review that both enhances student retention of the
concepts and improves their performance on exams. Reviewing exam material before an exam is
an essential part of any course, but students often find these class meetings to be uneventful.
They attend primarily to get the study guide and look for the “clues” that will help them decide
what to “memorize” for the exam. This activity helps motivate students to “learn” the material
by encouraging cooperative learning from each other. In addition, it allows students to assess
their command of the material prior to the exam. This assessment often encourages students
to make use of your office hours when they discover they may not be as prepared as they
1. 5 or 6 Bingo cards (determined by how many students you want in a group). Make sure the
cards are different.
 Or have each group of students make one 5 x 5 grid and randomly assign a number from 1
to 25 in each box—no free space here!)
2. Write 25 multiple choice questions and have one question on a PowerPoint slide for a total of
25 slides.
2. Have a bag with small slips of paper numbered 1 to 25 for the Bingo number drawing.
3. Optional: Candy for “Bingos” or assign extra credit points. Prizes encourage students to
continue playing after getting a “Bingo.” Activity works well without additional incentives.
1. Divide the class into groups.
2. Distribute Bingo cards or explain how to make one.
3. Randomly select one of the slips of paper from the bag and “call” that Bingo number. Use the
“right click” function on your mouse to select “go to slide” and choose the slide number
that matches the Bingo number.
3. Explain that each question will be displayed for 2 minutes (increase or decrease time as
necessary) and that all notes, texts, etc. can be used to answer the questions.
4. At the end of 2 minutes continue to the next question.
5. When a group thinks they have answered 5 questions in a Bingo line (horizontal, vertical or
diagonal) correctly, they are to yell “Bingo.”
6. Continue this process until all 25 questions have been reviewed.
7. “Bingo” is frequently called several times before all 5 questions in a Bingo line are correct.
Do not provide the correct answer at that time. Continue with the game.
8. Students who yelled “Bingo” and had an incorrect answer can not merely correct their answer
and yell “Bingo.” They must use a different line for their next “Bingo.”
Processing: Note the opportunities to discuss how to understand the concepts, how to read
test questions, how to prepare for an exam, and even how to work together cooperatively versus
competitively. This is an effective exercise because it encourages and rewards students for
studying prior to the exam rather then just cramming the night before the exam. Moreover, it
provides some lively discussions about why some answers are correct or incorrect, and provides
the instructor with an additional means of evaluating how students are processing course