IGBA - RCPS Board Documents - Rockingham County Public Schools

File: IGBA
All residents of Rockingham County from the ages of two (2) through twenty-one (21)
who have a disability and are in need of special education services shall receive a free
appropriate education in the least restrictive environment. Students otherwise eligible must have
attained age two (2) and not have exceeded age twenty-one (21) by September 30.
The School Board shall ensure that students with disabilities and their parents or
guardians are guaranteed the appropriate procedural safeguards in the process of identification,
evaluation, placement, and provision of an appropriate education program. To the maximum
extent appropriate, students with disabilities will be educated with children who are not disabled.
Prior to the identification, evaluation, placement, or provision of a free appropriate public
education to a disabled student, a full explanation of all procedural safeguards shall be made
available to parents.
An Individualized Education Program (IEP) shall be developed for each child eligible for
special education under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (2004).
The program will be developed in a meeting with the child's teachers, parent(s), the student
(when appropriate), a school division representative qualified to provide or supervise the
provision of special education services and other individuals at the discretion of the parents or
school division in accordance with State and federal law. This IEP shall be reviewed at least
A “504 Plan” will be developed, for each eligible child, to provide accommodations in
the regular classroom setting under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.
The IEP or 504 Plan shall be inclusive of areas specified by state and federal statutes and
A free appropriate public education is provided to all identified persons with disabilities
ages two (2) through twenty-one (21), inclusive, who live in Rockingham County. Programs and
services are provided to persons identified as having autism, deaf-blindness, developmental
delay, hearing impairment, intellectual disability, multiple disabilities, orthopedic impairment,
other health impairment, emotional disability, specific learning disability, speech or language
impairment, traumatic brain injury, or a visual impairment.
According to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (2004) a
“disability is a natural part of the human experience and in no way diminishes the right of
individuals to participate in or contribute to society. Improving educational results for children
with disabilities is an essential element of our national policy of ensuring equality of opportunity,
full participation, independent living, and economic self-sufficiency for individuals with
disabilities.” Because special education services endeavor to prepare students with disabilities to
live and work in society, such students are educated with their peers to the maximum extent
appropriate. Effort is made to place the student in the least restrictive environment. In
determining the most appropriate setting, each student is considered on an individual basis. The
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Rockingham County Public School system provides a continuum of alternative placement
options and services to meet the varying needs of disabled students.
The “Local Policies and Procedures Governing Special Education Programs” specific to
Rockingham County Public Schools is revised annually as a function of the Local Special
Education Annual Plan and Report. The “Policies and Procedures” may be viewed on the
Rockingham County Public Schools website (www.rockingham.k12.va.us).
Explanation of Procedural Safeguards
A copy of the procedural safeguards available to the parent(s) of a child with a disability
is given to the parents(s). The procedural safeguards notice includes a full explanation of all the
procedural safeguards available.
Child Find
The Rockingham County School Board maintains an active and continuing child find
program designed to identify, locate and evaluate those children residing in the division who are
birth to 21 inclusive who are in need of special education and related services.
The School Board provides all applicable procedural safeguards including written notice
to the parents of the scheduled screening and, if the child fails the screening, the results of the
screening, confidentiality and maintenance of the student’s scholastic record.
Graduation Requirements
See IKF Graduation Requirements
Suspension and Expulsion of Students with Disabilities
Student Suspension/Expulsion
Teacher Removal of Students from Class
See EEACC, JFCC Student Conduct on School Bus
Credit for Courses Taught by Special Education Teachers
All students with disabling conditions who may reasonably be considered able to learn
material designed for their age/grade level, with appropriate instruction designed to
accommodate the disabling condition, should be considered eligible for receiving credit for
courses taught by special education teachers. Units of credit toward graduation may be granted
for all courses, which are part of the regular school curriculum and meet the following criteria:
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The course follows the scope and sequence of its general education counterpart, is based
on the Standards of Learning Objectives (or locally developed objectives that are equivalent),
and provides the minimum State required clock hours of instruction.
There is a course outline, including the objectives of the course, the skills the student is
expected to gain, and the text/materials to be used.
There are stated procedures for evaluating the progress of the student toward course
objectives which assure that the student has attained the expected skills and knowledge as
measured by the grading options established by the local school board.
There is regular and on-going consultation between the special education personnel and
general education personnel regarding matters of curriculum, planning, implementation, and
Grading for courses shall be in compliance with local school board policy as appropriately
accommodated to meet the needs of students with disabilities.
Foreign Languages:
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Students with speech-language impairments, hearing impairments, or severe
auditory processing disorders associated with learning disabilities, may enroll in
foreign language classes. Modifications to course content, stressing reading and
writing of a foreign language, rather than auditory/oral skills may be necessary to
accommodate the student’s needs. The IEP team, including the foreign language
teacher, prior to enrolling the student in the class, should carefully consider such
Sign Language (American Sign Language or Signing Exact English) may be
applied in fulfillment of the foreign language requirements of the advanced
studies diploma, under the two-plus-two foreign language option (the student
may earn and apply two units of sign language and two units of a traditional
foreign language.)
For students who primary language is sign language, the school may, at its
discretion, recognize sign language as one of the two languages necessary to meet
the two language options for the Advanced Studies diploma. The student would
have to take two years of an additional foreign language and would have to take
the 2 units exempted in some other elective in order to achieve the required units
of credit.
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Elective Credit:
Students receiving special education services should be considered eligible for
receiving elective credit for courses meeting their unique learning needs. School
personnel should look to regular education offerings to meet some of these needs
(e.g., certain family and consumer sciences classes may be appropriate for some
students needing independent living skills instruction). Other courses may be
taught solely by special education faculty and should be considered for elective
The following list delineates some appropriate elective offerings for students
with disabilities:
Independent Living
Social Skills
Industrial Cooperative Training
Business/Marketing Courses
Agriculture Courses
Developmental Reading
Study Skills
Massanutten Technical Center Courses
Fine Arts Courses
Teachers should be assigned in accordance with the School Administrator’s Handbook of
Course Codes and Endorsement Codes and the teacher’s background. Credit may be given in
units less than 1, as appropriate to the number of clock hours involved in the coursework (e.g.,
70 clock hours = ½ unit).
Extended Services
Extended special education and related services will be considered in determining a free
and appropriate public education for all identified children and disabilities.
Legal Refs.:
Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (2004),
20 U.S.C. § 1400 et seq.
29 U.S.C. § 701 et seq.
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42 U.S.C. § 12101 et seq.
Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, §§ 22.1-213, 22.1-215.
Regulations of the Virginia Board of Education Governing Special Education
Programs for Children with Disabilities in Virginia
8 VAC 20-81-50.
8 VAC 20-81-80.
8 VAC 20-81-100.
8 VAC 20-81-110.
8 VAC 20-81-130.
8 VAC 20-81-170.
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973
Cross Ref.:
8/14 RCPS
IKF Graduation Requirements
JFC Student Conduct
JFCA Teacher Removal of Students From Class