File: IZG NEW COURSES / TEXTBOOKS Any school wishing to introduce a new course or to use a textbook not on the State adopted list, or previously approved by the School Board, shall direct such request to the Superintendent for approval by School Board. All such requests must conform with 8 VAC 20131-110 (Standard and Verified Units of Credit). Any request that seeks exceptions permitted under 8 VAC 20-131-110, must include an explanation of how the content of the course for which credit is awarded is comparable to 140 clock hours of instruction, and how, upon completion, the student will have met the aims and objectives of the course. Courses, which do not promote specific Virginia Standards of Learning or the acquisition of an alternative high school diploma through distance learning, are discouraged. Adopted: ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Legal Ref.: Code of Virginia, as amended, section 22.1 Regulations of Virginia Board of Education Establishing Standards for Accrediting Public Schools in Virginia, 8 VAC 20-131-110 Cross Ref.: IFD Curriculum Adoption IIAA Textbook Selection and Adoption Rockingham County Public Schools Administrative Directive: Procedure for New Course Approval, AD-IZG-7/01 7/01 RCPS ROCKINGHAM COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD