
Love INC is on the move – to Waukegan!
We’ve signed our new 2-year lease for 339-341 Lakewood Ave. Waukegan, IL. It provides a huge warehouse space, a
new Clearinghouse & conference room environment, and is closer to those who serve.
Please join us in giving thanks for the new space & praying for continued provisions to support this new home.
God is Moving us Quickly!
Our current timing is to be out of the Ministry Room by end of May, out of the office area by end of June, then complete
the transition by moving the Furniture warehouse in early July.
Move = More Opportunities to Serve!
As with any other part of the ministry, things don’t happen without faithful servants from our partner churches. Following
are just some of the needs already identified at this point to get us out of the old & into the new space. Please help us by
contacting folks in your network, sharing within your churches, and just spreading the word to everyone you know!
Set up
*Acquire boxes & packing material
*Take down clothing shelving
*Pack remaining starter kit inventory
*Take down starter kit shelving
*Pack up office/break room items
*Clean current office space, post move
*Clothing bins & racks (drivers needed)
*Starter Kit inventory (drivers needed)
*Pack up remaining Furniture
*Take down shelving in Furniture
*Remaining furniture (drivers needed)
*Set up clothing & starter kit shelving in
new warehouse
*Stock shelves for starter kits & clothing
*Sort donated clothing into bins
*Install network wiring
*Install break room appliances & cabinets
*Paint/carpet new space, as needed
*Install cubes, other office furnishings
*Unpack office/break room items
*Set up Furniture warehouse shelving
*Build new Furniture shelving (need tbd)
On-going daily life…
Phone ministers
Office support
Office cleaning
Landscape maintenance
Clothing prep (sort & organize)
*Chairs out of off-site location (driver
*Office/break room items
*Office furniture
Anticipated Funding/Goods Donation Needs
Potential permit fees
Outdoor & indoor signage
Build out of additional office space
Potential new office furnishings
Potential new warehouse shelving (furniture, starter kit,
On-going business operations (increased rent, utilities, etc.)