Centennial Scholarship Awards

RAeS Centennial Scholarship Fund
2005 Series 1 and Series 2 Winners
Our congratulations go to the following teams and individuals for their
Individual Awards 2005
 Mr Ran An
University of Manchester
Funding to support tuition fees for PhD in Aerodynamics; Mr An’s project is
examining compressible vortex ring structure and propagation and the interaction of
vortex ring with generic-body configurations.
Mr Ammar Bairam
CPDA (jointly run by the University of Bristol
and UWE)
Support towards the payment of the final taught module of MSc Aerospace, Design,
Manufacture and Management, run jointly by the University of Bristol and the
University of the West of England.
 Mr Lawrence Baker
Loughborough University
Support towards tuition fees for the final year of MEng Aeronautical Engineering.
 Mr Paul Bateman
Loughborough University
Support towards the tuition fees of MEng Aeronautical Engineering and purchase of
Matlab software to enable Mr Bateman to continue his aero-engine research.
 Ms Jessica Clark, Brunel University
Support towards tuition fees for Ms Clark’s final year MEng Mechanical Engineering
with Aeronautics at Brunel University.
 Mr Hyowon Kim
Imperial College
Support to Tuition fees support for Mr Kim’s PhD which specialises in performance
optimisation of helicopter smart rotors using computational methods. Mr Kim is an
active member of the Young Members Board and is currently responsible for
disseminating aerospace news and events to the electronic Young Members List on
a monthly basis.
 Mr Alireza Maheri, University of the West of England
Tuition fee support for third year of Mr Maheri’s PhD focussing on development of
simulation methodology that links fluid flow, elasticity and composite materials to
form a hybrid adaptive blade design tool which could be applied to propellors, rotorcraft and wind energy products.
 Mr Matjaz Milic, International Space University, Strasbourg
Tuition fee support for a Master’s in Space Management.
 Mr Constantinos Regas, City University
Tuition fee support for a PhD 'Technical and Commercial Development of a Novel
Flow Control Technology'.
 Mr Thomas Uchenna Nlemadin Kingston University
Financial support for tuition fees for MSc Aerospace Engineering.
 Ms Vipra Sharma, City University
Financial support for third year tuition fees in order to enable Ms Sharma’s proposed
project, "Computational techniques for high-speed flows with chemical effects' to take
place and acquire necessary materials.
 Sgt Robert Taverner, Royal Air Force
Sgt Taverner is leading a project to encourage young children into aerospace. The
award will support towards the production of a new colouring book for children for
distribution by RAF and RAeS at airshows etc.which will contain aerospace and
aviation related illustrations to help inspire children of a young age to consider
careers in aerospace.
 Mr David Williams, Imperial College, London
Tuition fees support for final year MEng Aeronautical Engineering.
 Mr Mark Wood, Loughborough University
To undertake one-year placement at the European Space Agency site ESTEC, in the
Netherlands, as part of Mr Wood’s PhD in Satellite Dynamics and Control.
 Mr Jin-Hyun Yu, Imperial College, London
Tuition fee support for MSc Composite Materials at Imperial College. Mt Yu has
recently completed an aeronautical engineering degree at Imperial College and
wishes to develop his knowledge of composites for application in the aerospace
 Mr Syed Zaidi, Imperial College, London
A joint award from the Centennial fund and the Society’s travel bursaries to support
USA-based research for Mr Zaidi’s PhD on Inter-war and early post-war proposals for
the internationalisation of civil aviation, and the formation of an international air force.
Mr Zaidi’s research is of particular interest to the Society’s specialist Historical group.
Team Awards 2005
 Mr Paul Cope
Launchpad for Learning
This is a new award to provide financial support towards Launchpad for Learning’s
'Database and Mapping Project' which aims to create an online resource of
aerospace information for young people including apprenticeships, relevant youth
organisations, projects etc. The award will support the purchase of relevant software.
 Mr Edward Cox
Air League
Continuation of an RAeS Centennial Fund-sponsored flying scholarship for 2005; this
year’s award was made possible by the donation raised on behalf of Sir Peter Norriss
at his 60th birthday celebrations. This year’s scholarship will be named after Sir
Peter, and has been given to a young person from the Bristol area.
 Mr R.A.K Crabtree
Royal Aero Club Trust
Continuation of four RAeS-sponsored bursaries of £250 to young people from the
Royal Aero Club Trust’s Flight Simulation/PC group.
 Mr David Ozholl
Continuation of Centennial sponsorship of the Headstart project for 2005; Headstart
run summer schools across university engineering departments in the UK to
encourage young people to consider reading a degree in an engineering field. The
award will support the running of courses which specialize in aeronautical fields.
 Ms Linda Scott
The Arkwright Scholarships Trust
This is a new award in support of The Arkwright Scholarships Trust which aims to
encourage and stimulate high-ability 16 year-olds to take up engineering, design and
technological careers by awarding Scholarships during A Level/Scottish Higher
The recipient of the Royal Aeronautical Society Arkwright Scholarship 2005 is Oliver
Smith of Balcarras School who is keen to become an aeronautical engineer.
 Mr Pete Stratten
British Gliding Association
Continuation of RAeS-sponsored gliding scholarships to around 40 young people to
encourage them to consider aviation careers.
 Mr Paul Tacon
Guild of Air Pilots & Air Navigators
This is a new award made in recognition of the valued support that GAPAN give to
support young pilots in completing their training; the award will support a Guildadministered part-sponsorship of a PPL, entitled "The RAeS Centennial