GEL 110: Quantitative Skills and college Success (A Summer Academy College success Course) Summer 2007 Instructor: Sahar Mosleh Class Schedule: MTWR 9:00-11:10 Office hours: Monday, Wednesday 11:20-12:00 @ Science Hall2 room 221 Class Location: ACD 402 Lab Schedule: MTWR 12:00-14:10 Lab Location: UNIV 273 Email: Course Description: Welcome to GEL 110! Summer Academy includes classroom instruction and out-of-class activities that will help strengthen your basic skills and college survival techniques. You will also get to know our campus and some of our wonderful staff and faculty. The entire experience is designed to empower you and to prepare your mind, body and sprit for your first year college! As part of your summer Academy experience you are enrolled in GEL110. This course is designed to complement GEL 010A and together they will provide you with the opportunity to retake the Enter Level Math Exam. Catalog description for GEL 101 Equips students with the Math skills, basic skills, concepts, and knowledge necessary to become life long learners. Fundamental college success skills including study skills, test taking strategies, information literacy, academic and career planning will be covered with an emphasis on development of quantitative skills necessary for successful completion of the lower division curriculum in mathematics. Course offered during summer session for incoming first- year students. Prerequisite: Freshman standing or consent of instructor. Corequisite: GEL 010A or GEL 010B. Students receiving credit for GEL 110 may not receive credit for GEL 101 0r GEL 120. Required Text: 1. Your College Experience: Strategies for Success Seventh Edition by John N. Gardner 2. Career Development and Choice??? Course Requirement: 1. All assignments are to be submitted at the beginning of class. Late assignments are NOT accepted. 2. You must attend all classes and arrive on time. You MUST check Website daily as your assignments, quizzes, and readings will be posted there. 3. Classroom Courtesy Guidelines: a. Breaks given should be respected and the allotted timeframe followed accordingly. b. Early preparation for departure is strongly discouraged; class is done when it is done. c. Talking will be limited to that of which benefits the environment of the classroom; therefore, with everyone or no one. d. Respect individual diversity of each person in the class. 4. Your Grade will be based on following items: Library Module 150 points Career Module 100 points Research Project 75 points Video Project 75 points Tests 1 and 2 (50 points each) Attendance & Participation (5 points per 40 class sessions; 1st day& final exam date are not included)* 100 points Total 700 points Point scale for determining final Grade: 650-700 600-650 525-599 450-524 Below 450 A B C D F 200 points Course Schedule: Week Week 1 Course Schedule 7/9; 7/10; 7/11; 7/12 Week 2 7/16; 7/17; 7/18; 7/19 Week 3 7/23; 7/24; 7/25; 7/26 Week 4 7/30; 7/31; 8/1; 8/2 Week 5 8/6; 8/7; 8/8; 8/9 Topic Introduction to Course/ First Impressions Succeeding in College and in life Thinking Critically Math Anxiety Doing your Best on Exams and Tests Talking about research project Co-curricular Activities and Resources at CSUS Library Module Library Module Library Module Library Module Developing Values and Financial responsibility Talking about “How To” and “News and Special Events” Video” Career Module Career Module Managing your time Listening, Note- Taking, and Participating Diversity: Appreciating Difference Among us Career Module Working on the video project Video project presentation Overview of CCR (Guest Speaker: Mary Atkins) Taking CCR. Class begins one hour earlier in a computer lab. Reading Ch. 1 Ch. 6 Handout Ch. 9 Ch. 10 Test 1 Ch. 2 Ch. 7 Ch. 11 Test 2 Course Evaluation Directions Tests: There will be two tests administered over the course of the semester. The tests will consist of any of the following question forms: multiple choice, fill in the blank, short answer, matching or essay. You will need an 882-E Scranton (blue). Test Dates: Test Test 1 Test 2 Date Time 7/24 9:00 am 8/6 9:00 am Research Project: You will be choose one of the following research topics Infinity Research Paper Biographical Sketch "Large Numbers" Research Paper Conduct research on the topic using a variety of sources. Your research must consist of one scholarly articles, one public interest article, and an online web article. Include a cover page, running head, and a reference list using APA format. More details will be discussed in class. You must turn in the research project using the assignment on the specified due date. “How To” and “News and Special Events” Video Project: Training type “how to“ videos show step by step procedures for how to make something or how to perform a service or improve a skill, such as “ How to calculate the area of a piecewise rectangular figure”. You will use facilities and the help of the faculties at the Technology center to complete this video project. You will choose the topic based on the “chalk-talks” mini lessons at the GEL010A. Class Attendance and Participation: You will be given 5 points for 1) attending each class session and 2) participating in class discussions, activities, and labs as they are presented. These points are all or none. Although it is a better reflection of your academic commitment to come to each class session and not participate than be absent. Tardiness is not acceptable and will not be tolerated; therefore, you will lose points. Commutation with the Instructor: You can see me during office hour at Science Hall 2 room 221. Academic Dishonesty: Any student employing dishonest tactics shall be subject to penalty. Academic dishonesty includes such things as using unauthorized notes, materials, or assistance during exams, using or copying the work of other students, submitting work that isn’t your own, sharing answers to exams or assignments, suing the works or ideas of another without giving credit to the source (plagiarism). Consequently, cheating of any kind will result in the following: 1) the student will be expelled from the class 2) the students will receive an automatic “F” for the course; and 3) A letter will be sent to the student file, their Department Chair, the Dean of their school, the Dean of students, the Dean of Academic Affairs, and CSUSM President. ADA Statement: Student with disability should provide appropriate document to the Office of Disable Student Services (DSS) This office is located in Craven Hall 5205, and can be contacted by phone at (760)750-4905.