‘Do Not Let Kindness and Truth Leave You’ proverbs 3:3 ST MARY’S SCHOOL AUTUMN TERM 2015 – NEWSLETTER 4 Monday 28th September 2015 www.stmarys-shackleford.surrey.sch.uk CITIZENSHIP AWARD This week this award has been awarded to: Year R – Sapphire Latimer Year 1 – Max Canham Year 2 – Bethan Westbury Well done to you all COMMUNICATION We will continue to communicate the majority of our notifications via email but on occasion, e.g. snow days or cancellations of after school clubs we will instead send a text message. Please ensure we always have your up to date email address and mobile phone number. ST MARY’S JACKANORY STYLE DVD On Wednesday 30th September we will be recording a Jackanory style DVD with Wizard Productions, a local company in Witley. Each class will be retelling a story on the DVD plus individual teachers. SUPPORTING THE SYRIAN REFUGEES CLOTHING COLLECTION PLEASE REMEMBER …… A local resident has set up ‘Just a Little Something’ which is co-ordinating donations and collections for the Syrian refugees. The items that are needed include: men’s, women’s and children’s clothes especially warm coats and waterproofs, tents and sleeping bags. These need to be in good condition and bagged up. If you have any of these items we will be holding the collection on Monday 28th September. Please bring these items to St Mary’s at drop off on this day. (Please note do not bring items at pick up as the collection will have been made!) STARTING JUNIOR SCHOOL IN SEPTEMBER 2016 Year 2 came home yesterday with information from Surrey County Council about applying for a junior or primary school for your child/children to join in September 2016. There was also a letter from Waverley Abbey School. The Open Evenings and Open Mornings for local Junior schools are as follows: Waverley Abbey School– Monday 5th October from 6-8pm Friday 9th October from 9.30-10.30am Chandler School – Friday 2nd October @ 11.am 2/10 at 11am Thursday 8th October @ 1.30pm Wednesdays 14th October @ 10 am Tuesday 20th October @ 11am Tuesday 3rd November @ 1.30pm Wednesdays 11th November @ 10am Friday 20th November 9.30am Monday 223rd November @ 1.30pm Tuesday 1st December @ 9.30am Tours take about 40 mins and parents need to call Chandler to book a place – 01428 683071 Godalming Junior School – Friday 6th November @ 11am Friday 13th November @ 9.00am Friday 20th November @ 11.00am FUNDRAISING FOOTBALL FUN A reminder that we have been offered heavily discounted tickets to watch exciting matches in their home stadium. This initiative gives you, your family and friends the opportunity to go and see professional football matches in a world class stadium at a hugely discounted rate. We are allocated 4 fixtures per season and our first fixture is Reading V Charlton Athletic Saturday 17th October @ 3pm. This year tickets can be purchased online only and the link is https://next.fatsoma.com/stmarys-school/huk7hfwu/reading-vs-charlton-athletic The booking deadline for this match is Friday 2nd October. SPECTACULAR DAY – THE FARM IN AUTUMN ON WEDNESDAY 7TH OCTOBER 2015 Just a reminder that our first Spectacular Day for this year is coming up on Wednesday 7th October. It will be based on ‘The Farm in Autumn’ with a science focus. All children should dress up in a farm related costume for the day. Any parents, who have had a DBS check and would like to help on the day, please let Sarah in the office know. HARVEST SERVICE There will be a family Harvest Service at St Mary’s Church on Sunday 11th October @ 10.30am. All families very welcome to attend. CLUBS The clubs that running this week are: Football – Monday lunchtime Dance - Monday Gardening – Monday Art – Monday Italian – Monday Tag Rugby – Tuesday Board Games – Wednesday – please bring a board game Drama - Wednesday DIARY DATES AUTUMN TERM Monday 28th September Collection at St Mary’s for ‘Just a Little Something’ Wednesday 30th September Wizard DVD Storytelling Wednesday 7th October ‘The Farm in Autumn’ Spectacular Day Sunday 11th October Family Harvest Service at St Mary’ Monday 26th Oct – Friday 30th Oct HALF-TERM Wednesday 25th November Owls, Owls, Owls Wednesday 9th December Xmas Production dress rehearsal Thursday 10th December Xmas Production @ 6.30pm Friday 11th December Xmas Production @ 6.30pm Friday 11th December Flying Pizza Theatre Company @ 1.30pm Friday 18th December Christingle Service @ 10.00am Friday 18th December END OF TERM @ 1PM SPRING TERM Tuesday 5th January INSET DAY Wednesday 6th January Children start back Wednesday 3rd February ‘Space, The Final Frontier’ Spectacular Day Monday 15th – Friday 19th February HALF-TERM Wednesday 16th March ‘Castles’ Spectacular Day Thursday 24th March END OF TERM @ 1PM