NERC Energy Emergency Alert 3 Report In compliance with NERC policy 9B REQUESTING CONTROL AREA: California ISO ENTITY EXPERIENCING ENERGY DEFICIENCY (IF DIFFERENT FROM CONTROL AREA): California ISO DATE/TIME IMPLEMENTED: Tuesday, 5/8/01 @ 1510 DATE/TIME RELEASED: Tuesday, 5/8/01 @ 1730 DECLARED DEFICIENCY AMOUNT (MW): Does not apply TOTAL ENERGY SUPPLIED BY OTHER CONTROL AREAS DURING THE ALERT 3 PERIOD: Undetermined CONDITIONS THAT PRECIPITATED CALL FOR “ENERGY DEFICIENCY ALERT 3”: See comment section below. IF “ENERGY DEFICIENCY ALERT 3” HAD NOT BEEN CALLED, WOULD FIRM LOAD BE CUT? IF NO, EXPLAIN: Yes EXPLAIN WHAT ACTION WAS TAKEN IN EACH STEP TO AVOID CALLING FOR “ENERGY DEFICIENCY ALERT 3”: 1. ALL GENERATION CAPABLE OF BEING ON LINE IN THE TIME FRAME OF THE ENERGY DEFICIENCY WAS ON LINE (INCLUDING QUICK START AND PEAKING UNITS) WITHOUT REGARD TO COST. Yes 2. ALL FIRM AND NONFIRM PURCHASES WERE MADE REGARDLESS OF COST. Yes 3. ALL NONFIRM SALES WERE RECALLED WITHIN PROVISIONS OF THE SALES AGREEMENT. Yes 4. INTERRUPTIBLE LOAD WAS CURTAILED WHERE EITHER ADVANCE NOTICE RESTRICTIONS WERE MET OR THE INTERRUPTIBLE LOAD WAS CONSIDERED PART OF SPINNING RESERVE. Yes (see comments below). 5. AVAILABLE LOAD REDUCTION PROGRAMS WERE EXERCISED (PUBLIC APPEALS, VOLTAGE REDUCTIONS, ETC). Yes 6. OPERATING RESERVES BEING UTILIZED. Yes COMMENTS: Today started out very similar to yesterday with slightly higher temperatures and a slightly lower number of generators out of service (12,088 MW). A Stage 1 Emergency was declared at 0815. The morning started out with a 1,000 MW cut in imports at about 0730 when an external entity reported the loss of transmission lines. Those imports were restored at 0900. By 0930, loads were running about 1000 MW higher than at the same time yesterday. The saving factor was that imports were also running about 1000 MW higher. At 1115, a Stage 2 Emergency was declared. Most of the mitigation steps in Stage 2 were used, but we were hoping to delay the call for the non firm loads as long as possible due to the fact that they can only be off for a 6 hour period and we didn't want them returning to service in the middle of peak. 1250: Requested non firm loads be curtailed in the following amounts: SDG&E 3 MW, PG&E 60 MW, SCE 475 MW. 1316: Requested the remainder of SCE's non firm (approximately 400 MW). At 1417 requested Glen Canyon energy be ramped in on the 1/2 (@ 1430 for approximately 350 MW). With the temperatures reaching new records and the load continuing to climb, a Stage 3 Emergency was declared at 1510. 400 MW total of firm load was requested to be interrupted as follows: PG&E 49.6% SCE 42% SDGE 7.4% PASA (Pasadena) .6% VERN (City of Vernon) .4% At 170 the OK was given by the ISO for restoration of all firm load. The Stage 3 Emergency was cancelled at 1730. At 1815 the OK was given to restore all non firm loads. REPORTED BY: Tamara L. Elliott ORGANIZATION: California ISO TITLE: Emergency Response Coordinator