Physics Prog.Rev - Winona State University

Use this form to submit proposals for revised majors, minors, concentrations, options, etc.
Note: A department, with its dean’s approval, may change up to two courses per year within an existing major, minor, concentration,
option, etc., per year without seeking review of A2C2 and/or graduate Council, provided that (1) the total credits do not increase or
decrease for the major, minor, concentration, option, etc., and (2) the change does not affect other departments or the University
Studies Program. A2C2 and/or Graduate Council do, however, wish to be informed of these changes. Use form Notifications.
If a department wishes to make more extensive revisions to an existing major, minor, concentration, option, etc., complete and submit
this form with the appropriate number of copies. Refer to Regulation 3-4, Policy for Changing the Curriculum, for complete
information on submitting proposals for curricular changes.
__Physics _and Chemistry_____________________________
Title of Program: __Physical Science Teaching (PPST and CPST)_________________________
____X__ Major
______ Minor
______ Concentration
______ Option
______ Other
______ Major
______ Minor
______ Concentration
______ Option
______ Other
Total credit hours: ___118____
Classroom Hours _103______
Lab Hours _____15____
Proposed Implementation Date:
____Fall 2006_____________________
Please attach to this proposal a narrative with the following information:
A. Statement of major focus and objectives of the revised program.
B. New Catalog Content
Provide a list of program content as it would appear in the catalog including required courses, electives, etc., by number
and name. Include the number and name for each prerequisite, and all prerequisites of proposed prerequisites. All such
prerequisites, and prerequisites of prerequisites, should be included in the total credit hour calculations for the revised
New catalog narrative, if any.
C. Description of Revisions, to include
A display of current program requirements next to proposed new requirements for clear, easy comparison.
A clear identification of each proposed change.
The following information for each required or elective course:
a. Course number and name,
b. A brief course description, and
c. A brief statement explaining why the program should include the course.
Attach a Financial and Staffing Data Sheet.
Attach an Approval Form.
Department Contact Person for this Proposal:
Name (please print)
e-mail address
[Revised 9-05]
A. Statement of major focus and objectives of the revised program.
The Physics Science Teaching Major is housed both in the Chemistry Department (CPST) and the Physics
Department (PPST). It is same major that is shared between two departments. Originally there was a
separate chemistry teaching major (CHET) and a separate physics teaching major (PHST). Both majors
certified the graduate to teach grades 5 through 12. PHST major has not been a very popular major since
it would require a teacher to teach middle school and high school physics. So far no student has selected a
physics teaching major. The physical science teaching major combines physics and chemistry
components of the old physics and chemistry teaching majors. Since the Board of Teaching already
approved those majors, the physical science major did not need to be re-submitted to the Board of
Students who graduate with the physical science major are certified to teach physical science, chemistry
and physics for grades 9 through 12. This revision is to eliminate three courses from the curriculum and
bring the total needed for graduation down to 128 s.h.
B. New Catalog Content
B.S. Major – Physical Science (Teaching) (109 s.h.)
Students selecting this major will be certified in both Chemistry (grades 9 - 12) and Physics (grades 9 - 12).
Required Courses (118 s.h.)
Additional Requirements (18 s.h.)
Mathematics (12 s.h.)
*160, *165 Calculus I, II (8)
270 Differential Equations I (4)
Health and Human Performance (3 s.h.)
*204 Personal and Community Health (3)
Special Education (3 s.h.)
*400 Education of Exceptional Children/Youth (3)
Chemistry (28 s.h.)
*212, *213 Principles of Chemistry I, II (8)
340 Organic Chemistry Survey (4)
320 Environmental Chemistry (4)
360 Chemical Information I (2)
412 Physical Chemistry I (3)
413 Physical Chemistry I Lab (1)
425 Analytical Chemistry I (4)
431 Guided Study in Teaching Chemistry (2)
Physics (32 s.h.)
*221, *222, 223 University Physics I, II, III (12)
311 Science Teaching Methods (4)
340 Modern Physics (4)
350 Mechanics (4)
330 Electronics (4)
370 Optics (4)
Physics or Chemistry (2 s.h.)
CHEM 430 Individual Problems (1) and CHEM 475 Seminar in Chemistry (1) OR
PHYS 460 Undergraduate Research (2)
Education (29 s.h.)
*305 Human Development and Learning (4)
308 Human Relations and Student Diversity (3)
312 Instructional Planning and Assessment (3)
429 Secondary Reading and Teaching Strategies (4)
459 The Professional Educator (3)
465 Student Teaching (12)
*Courses may be used to satisfy certain University Studies requirements.
Note: Individuals holding a college degree wanting only a certification for grades 9 - 12 physics are required to complete
PHYS 221, 222, 223, 311, 340, 345, 350, 330, 370, and 460; CHEM 212, 213; MATH 160, 165, 270 and EDUC 305, 308, 312,
429, 459, 465
Individuals holding a college degree wanting only a certification for grades 9 - 12 chemistry are required to complete CHEM
212, 213, 320, 340, 360, 412, 413, 425, 430, 431 and 475; PHYS 221, 222, and 311; MATH 160, 165 and EDUC 305, 308,
312, 429, 459, 465
C. Description of Revisions
The revised program is to eliminate three courses from the physical science major. The courses are
Physics 320, Computational Physics (2 s.h.); Chemistry 400, Biochemistry (4 s.h.); and Education 449,
Middle School Philosophy, Organization and Interdisciplinary Planning (3 s.h.). This will reduce the
major by 9 s.h.
Physics 320, Computational Physics, was originally put in the physics teaching major to meet the
technology standard. However, with the laptop permeating all the physics and chemistry classes, the
technology standard is being met in the other classes.
Chemistry 400, Biochemistry, was not in the original approved program but added in to balance the
physics and chemistry offerings. The standard for biochemistry can be met in the organic chemistry
Education 449, Middle School Philosophy, Organization and Interdisciplinary Planning was in the original
approved program when the certification for 5th through 12th grades. However, the physical science
teaching major is for 9th through 12th grade, so middle school course is not needed.
Eliminating 9 s.h. from the program should bring the major to the 128 s.h. that is needed for graduation.
Hopefully it will increase the number of students hoping to become physical science teachers. There has
not been a physical science graduate for past three years.
Present B.S. Major – Physical Science (Teaching) (137
Revised B.S. Major – Physical Science (Teaching) (128 s.h.)
University Studies (19s.h.)
1. Basic Skills (7 s.h.)
ENG 111 English Composition (4)
CMST 191 Speech Communication (3)
*MATH (Satisfied by MATH 160)
*Physical Development and Wellness (Satisfied by
HHP 204)
2. Arts and Science Core (9 s.h.)
A. Humanities (6 s.h. )
B. Natural Science (Satisfied by Additional Req.)
C. Social Science (Satisfied by SPED 400 and EDUC
D. Fine and Performing Arts (3)
3. Unity and Diversity (3 s.h.)
A. Critical Analysis (Satisfied by PHYS 223)
B. Science and Social Policy (Satisfied by CHEM 320
C. Global or Multicultural Perspectives (Satisfied by
EDUC 308)
D. Contemporary Citizenship or Democratic
Institutions (3 s.h.)
University Studies (19s.h.)
1. Basic Skills (7 s.h.)
ENG 111 English Composition (4)
CMST 191 Speech Communication (3)
*MATH (Satisfied by MATH 160)
*Physical Development and Wellness (Satisfied by HHP 204)
2. Arts and Science Core (9 s.h.)
A. Humanities (6 s.h. )
B. Natural Science (Satisfied by Additional Req.)
C. Social Science (Satisfied by SPED 400 and EDUC 305)
D. Fine and Performing Arts (3)
3. Unity and Diversity (3 s.h.)
A. Critical Analysis (Satisfied by PHYS 223)
B. Science and Social Policy (Satisfied by CHEM 320
C. Global or Multicultural Perspectives (Satisfied by EDUC
D. Contemporary Citizenship or Democratic Institutions (3
Required Courses (118 s.h.)
Additional Requirements (18 s.h.)
Mathematics (12 s.h.)
*160, *165 Calculus I, II (8)
270 Differential Equations I (4)
Health and Human Performance (3 s.h.)
*204 Personal and Community Health (3)
Special Education (3 s.h.)
*400 Education of Exceptional Children/Youth (3)
Chemistry (32 s.h.)
*212, *213 Principles of Chemistry I, II (8)
340 Organic Chemistry Survey (4)
320 Environmental Chemistry (4)
360 Chemical Information I (2)
400 Biochemistry (4)
412 Physical Chemistry I (3)
413 Physical Chemistry I Lab (1)
425 Analytical Chemistry I (4)
431 Guided Study in Teaching Chemistry (2)
Physics (34 s.h.)
*221, *222, 223 University Physics I, II, III (12)
320 Computational Physics (2)
311 Science Teaching Methods (4)
340 Modern Physics (4)
350 Mechanics (4)
330 Electronics (4)
370 Optics (4)
Physics or Chemistry (2 s.h.)
CHEM 430 Individual Problems (1) and CHEM 475
Seminar in Chemistry (1) OR
PHYS 460 Undergraduate Research (2)
Education (32 s.h.)
*305 Human Development and Learning (4)
308 Human Relations and Student Diversity (3)
312 Instructional Planning and Assessment (3)
429 Secondary Reading and Teaching Strategies (4)
449 Middle School Philosophy, Organization and
Interdisciplinary Planning (3)
459 The Professional Educator (3)
465 Student Teaching (12)
Required Courses (109 s.h.)
Additional Requirements (18 s.h.)
Mathematics (12 s.h.)
*160, *165 Calculus I, II (8)
270 Differential Equations I (4)
Health and Human Performance (3 s.h.)
*204 Personal and Community Health (3)
Special Education (3 s.h.)
*400 Education of Exceptional Children/Youth (3)
Chemistry (28 s.h.)
*212, *213 Principles of Chemistry I, II (8)
340 Organic Chemistry Survey (4)
320 Environmental Chemistry (4)
360 Chemical Information I (2)
412 Physical Chemistry I (3)
413 Physical Chemistry I Lab (1)
425 Analytical Chemistry I (4)
431 Guided Study in Teaching Chemistry (2)
Physics (32 s.h.)
*221, *222, 223 University Physics I, II, III (12)
311 Science Teaching Methods (4)
340 Modern Physics (4)
350 Mechanics (4)
330 Electronics (4)
370 Optics (4)
Physics or Chemistry (2 s.h.)
CHEM 430 Individual Problems (1) and CHEM 475 Seminar in
Chemistry (1) OR
PHYS 460 Undergraduate Research (2)
Education (29 s.h.)
*305 Human Development and Learning (4)
308 Human Relations and Student Diversity (3)
312 Instructional Planning and Assessment (3)
429 Secondary Reading and Teaching Strategies (4)
459 The Professional Educator (3)
465 Student Teaching (12)
Course or Program___Physical Science (Teaching)
Include a Financial and Staffing Data Sheet with any proposal for a new course, new program, or revised program.
Please answer the following questions completely. Provide supporting data.
Would this course or program be taught with existing staff or with new or additional staff? If this course would be taught by
adjunct faculty, include a rationale.
The elimination of three courses will have no effect on staffing.
What impact would approval of this course/program have on current course offerings? Please discuss number of sections of
current offerings, dropping of courses, etc.
Since there are only a few physical science majors, the impact on current offering will be extremely small.
What effect would approval of this course/program have on the department supplies? Include data to support expenditures for
staffing, equipment, supplies, instructional resources, etc.
This revision will have no effect on resources or supplies.
[Revised 9-05]
Routing form for new and revised courses and programs.
Course or Program__________________________________
Department Recommendation
Department Chair
Dean’s Recommendation _____ Approved
Dean of College
A2C2 Recommendation
_____ Disapproved
_____ Approved
_____ Disapproved
Chair of A2C2
Graduate Council Recommendation
(if applicable)
_____ Approved
Chair of Graduate Council
Director of Graduate Studies
Faculty Senate Recommendation
_____ Approved
President of Faculty Senate
_____ Disapproved
_____ Disapproved
Academic Vice President Recommendation _____ Approved
Academic Vice President
Decision of President
_____ Approved
e-mail address
_____ Disapproved
_____ Disapproved
Please forward to Registrar.
Date entered
Please notify department chair via e-mail that curricular change has been recorded.
[Revised 9-05]