Bunchberry Dogwood Family Cornaceae Latin Name: Cornus Canadensis (Also Known As): Chamaepericlymenum canadense (J.Hill.) Common Names: Puddingberry, Dwarf Cornel, Creeping Dogwood, Dwarf Dogwood, Pigeonberry Native American Names: Makah: bûbûwak!tibupt, “berries with pebbles in them”; Quinault: olka´stap, snakeberry (2) Related species: C. nuttalii, Pacific Flowering Dogwood; C. stolonifera, Red-Osier Dogwood Body System Affiliations: Respiratory System, Digestive System, Nervous System Botanical Description: (1:292) Habit: Perennial herb. Size: 6-9 inches high. Branching: Whorled. Leaves: Roundish, oval, deep green, turning yellow in fall. Flowers: Clusters of tiny flowers surrounded by four showy bracts that look like ptetals. Fruit: Clusters of small, red, shiny berries. Underground Parts: Creeping rootstalks send up stems. Ecology: Habitat: Under trees near lakes, streams. Range: Northern California to Alaska. Native Where: Northern California to Alaska. (1:292) Places/Dates Observed/Description: May 2003 on the floor of temperate rainforest in Quinault, WA. June 2003 in native plants garden at Point Defiance Park in Tacoma, WA. Indigenous and Non-Western Use/Relationships/Significance: Food: The Makah have eaten the berries fresh. (2:43) Other: The Quinault have claimed the berries are poisonous. (2:43) Western (European-American) Uses/Relationships: Food: Fruit can be eaten raw or cooked. High in pectin, can be added to jams. Medicine: Part Used: Whole plant Medicinal Actions: Analgesic, Cathartic, Febrifuge, Kidney, Ophthalmic (plants for a future) Indications: Fever, inflammation, pain, headaches, colitis, dysentery, diarrhea, chronic gastritis, abdominal gas cramps, mild colitis. (4:960) Body System Associations: Digestive, Respiratory, Nervous Constituents: Cornine, cornic acid, quercetin, phenylethylamine, tannins, flavenoids. (4:96) Harvest: Dry whole plant Storage: Dried plant good for one year. Preparation: Standard infusion of 3-4 grams for a cup. Applications: Drink tea up to four times daily. Cautions: May have allergic reaction in people who respond negatively to salicylates. Personal Experience: An unusually cheery plant which always seems to say hi to me when I pass. When not in flower can be easily distinguished by the leaves; the way they are arranged and the way the leaf veins curve toward the tip. Super fun to draw. Harvest: Plant Part: Whole Plant (4:96) Season of Harvest: Summer to early fall. Method of Harvest: Dry by hanging, lying flat, or in a paper bag. Propagation: Technique: Sow seed as soon as it is ripe. Separate from fruit which has germination inhibitors. (4) Timing: Germination may be slow. Divide in spring. Present in “Gifts of the First People” Project: Yes, with the Respiratory System plants. Taken at Pt. Defiance Native Plant Garden, Spring 2003. Seen with Adiantum pedatum, Fragaria vesca, Oxalis oregana, and other friends. References Cited: 1. Brenzel, Kathleen Norris, et al. Western Garden Book. Menlo Park, California: Sunset Publishing Corporation, 2001. 2. Gunther, Erna. Ethnobotany of Western Washington. Seattle and London: University of Washington Press, 1973. 3. Hitchcock, C. Leo, and Arthur Cronquist. Flora of the Pacific Northwest. Seattle and London: University of Washington Press, 1973. 4. Moore, Michael. Medicinal Plants of the Pacific West. Red Crane Books, Inc., Santa Fe, NM: 1993. 5. Morris, Rick. Plants for a Future Database. http://www.ibiblio.org/pfaf/database/latinA.html [Site visited 07-22-03] * Erin Degenstein Plants as Food and Medicine Summer 2003