Core Values and Guiding Principles

Figure 6.3. Value Mapping for
Leadership Education in Pediatric Nutrition Program,
Indiana University (IU ) Medical Center
IUPUI (Indiana University Purdue University at Indianapolis)
Improve nutrition/health/well-being of infants, children and adolescents and their
families thru (1) the interdisciplinary education and development of MCH/pediatric
nutrition leaders for key positions in education, service, research and advocacy,
(2) continuing education to those practicing in the MCH field, and (3) advancing and
providing technical assistance to the field.
Core Values and Guiding Principles
Integrity, Human dignity/Respect, Growth, Excellence/Quality in learning
(education), discovery and patient care/community services, Collaboration and
Healthy Living with nutrition and physical activity as a cornerstone.
Clinical Programs
Indiana University Medical Center has an established center of excellence in neonatal
and pediatric nutrition, JW Riley Hospital for Children, Indianapolis
The Departments of Nutrition and Dietetics and Pediatrics, MCH Title V Programs in
Indiana based at Riley Hospital and the Indiana State Department of Health, MCH
Title V programs have collaborated for >25 years in:
Development & implementation of innovative practice models for nutrition
services w/in Riley Hospital, the surrounding region and country
Education for neonatal-pediatric nutrition fellows and graduate nutrition
students, and, for those practicing in the MCH field
Research and scholarship efforts that advance clinical nutrition care
3 key nutrition faculty (doctoral level pediatric dietitians) and co-director (faculty in
peds) recognized nationally as leaders in the field of neonatal and pediatric nutrition.
12 pediatric RD’s (most w/ master’s & ped nutr fellowship) are integrated into
subspecialty pediatric practice
Key strengths of clinical program – Expertise in Pediatric Nutrition
 Neonatal Nutrition – roles of neonatal RD defined & integrated into NICU &
developmental pediatrics follow up clinic for 30 yrs; collaborated w pediatrics in
developing nutrition protocols, clinical nutrition research & advancing care since
 Adolescent Nutrition – integral part of interdisciplinary LEAH education and
adolescent clinical care for 10 yrs (since funded)
 Children w/ special health care needs – integral part of the interdisciplinary
LEND education and diagnostic/referral clinics for > 25 yrs and systems of health
care for children with CF, diabetes, congenital heart disease, inborn errors of
metabolism and other infants/children w special health care needs
Academic Programs
MS Program w/ pediatric nutrition focus, Indiana U Grad School
Certificate programs:
 Dietetic internship
 Leadership Education (LE) in Pediatric Nutrition fellowship
 Developing e-learning LE in Pediatric Nutrition Clinical Practicum
Interdepartmental PhD program, Purdue U
 Calcium/bone studies w adolescents & children
 Premature infant & other clinical trials in pediatrics
Distance Learning
 Bright Futures modules related to overall focus of Bright Futures, nutrition and
physical activity
 Distance education & mental health modules
 IUPUI Office for Professional Development, Center for Teaching & Learning,
university infrastructure: Developing 3 online mixed mode courses for elearning
clinical update practicum.
Internships & Training Programs
Nutrition see academic programs
 IU Medical School residencies and fellowships in pediatric subspecialties
Such as neonatology, developmental peds, adolescent, ped pulmonary, ped
diabetology, ped GI, inborn errors of metabolism, etc
 IU Graduate Programs in Nursing, Social Work, Psychology, Psychiatry, Dentistry
and other graduate interdisciplinary programs that are a part of LEAH and LEND
MCH Funded Program initiatives, Riley MCH Partners at IUSOM, Riley
Hospital, IN state department of health
 Riley MCH Partners in Leadership Education (LEND, LEAH, and LEPN),
 State Title V Programs (eg., NICU, inborn errors of metabolism, developmental
pediatrics follow up program),
 Distance Education (Title V Consortium in for Distance Education, Bright Futures
and mental health),
Pediatric Research Partnerships
Collaborated more than 25 years with Department of Pediatrics, IU Medical Center
with animal and clinical nutrition research
 Neonatal Collaborative Network, NIH
 Clinical Research Center with nutrition protocols, Neonatal research beds in NICU
 Other pediatrics programs, eg., Pulmonology, Diabetology, etc
Professional Societies
 American Dietetic Association
Expert Panel for Start Healthy Guidelines for Feeding Infants and Toddlers, 2002 –
 American Academy of Pediatrics
Infancy Expert Panel for Bright Futures, revising Bright Futures guidelines for
health care for infants, children and adolescents
Public Health Networks
State Title V Programs and Children with Special Health Care Needs
 Children with Special Health Needs
 Maternal and Child Health
 Comprehensive Infant Care
 IN Inborn Errors of Metabolism Program