PreAP English 9 (Period 7) ~

Wednesday, September 1, 2010
PreAP English 9 (Period 7) ~
 Read together “The Most Dangerous Game” pp. 12 (intro) – 30.
 Do #1-10 p. 31.
 Discussion: Analyzing Literature – Understanding Plot
 Briefly discuss the other five elements
 Introductions and Conclusions Handout
 Thesis Statement Handout
HW: Read for 30 minutes in your IRB.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
PreAP English 9 (Period 2) ~
 QUIZ BOWL!! Short Story Review – “All the Years of Her Life”
and “The Most Dangerous Game.” Recall questions, figurative
language, games.
 Describe three things you would like to change about the world
and explain why you would change them – Brainstorm together.
 PIE structure – apply to your essay. You must choose one of
the four prompts we have been discussing: two given as a prewriting activity, one about literary character, or today’s
brainstorm group activity. Review the five PP structure with a
clear thesis statement in your introduction.
 Write an introduction for your essay.
HW: Complete the first two pages of Grammar Test: Effective
English 9 (Period 4) ~
 Are writing assignments complete? Have they been submitted?
(Writing Choices: Writer’s Notebook or Spine-Tingling
Adventures p. 36.)
 Groups of 4: Vocabulary Cards for “The Most Dangerous
 Handout: Introductions and Conclusions.
 PIE structure (the essay).
HW: Read for 30 minutes in your IRB.
Friday, September 3, 2010
PreAP English 9 (Period 7) ~
 QUIZ BOWL!! Short Story Review – “All the Years of Her Life”
and “The Most Dangerous Game.” Recall questions, figurative
language, games.
 Describe three things you would like to change about the world
and explain why you would change them – Brainstorm together.
 PIE structure – apply to your essay. You must choose one of
the four prompts we have been discussing: two given as a prewriting activity, one about literary character, or today’s
brainstorm group activity. Review the five PP structure with a
clear thesis statement in your introduction.
 Write an introduction for your essay.
HW: Complete the first two pages of Grammar Test: Effective
Monday, September 6, 2010
Labor Day – No School
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
PreAP English 9 (Period 2) and English 9 (Period 4) ~
 MAP Testing
HW: Read your IRB at least 30 minutes.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
PreAP English 9 (Period 7) ~
 MAP Testing
HW: Read your IRB at least 30 minutes.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
PreAP English 9 (Period 2) ~
 Read a peer’s introduction: provide constructive criticism. Is the
introduction engaging? Is the thesis statement clear? Is it a fact
or does it represent the writer’s conclusion/opinion?
 What will be the point of each body paragraph (3)? What
illustration/evidence/example will you use to prove each point?
You can use your chart on the PIE handout!
 Work on revising your introduction and writing your first body
paragraph. This should be finished by the time you leave class
today. If you finish early, please work on the Grammar Test:
Effective Sentences.
HW: Read your IRB for at least 45 minutes.
English 9 (Period 4) ~
 Read "The Necklace" with audio-tape. Follow along in your
literature books pp. 96-103.
 Quiz on "The Necklace" in class.
 Write introductory paragraph about the theme of “Rules of the
Game,” “The Most Dangerous Game,” or “The Necklace.”
 Peer Review of Introduction Is the introduction engaging? Is the
thesis statement clear? Is it a fact or does it represent the
writer’s conclusion/opinion?
 What will be the point of each body paragraph (3)? What
illustration/evidence/example will you use to prove each point?
You can use your chart on the PIE handout!
HW: Revise your introduction and make sure you complete the PIE
chart for the remainder of the paper.
Friday, September 10, 2010
PreAP English 9 (Period 7) ~
 Read a peer’s introduction: provide constructive criticism. Is the
introduction engaging? Is the thesis statement clear? Is it a fact
or does it represent the writer’s conclusion/opinion?
 What will be the point of each body paragraph (3)? What
illustration/evidence/example will you use to prove each point?
You can use your chart on the PIE handout!
 Work on revising your introduction and writing your first body
paragraph. This should be finished by the time you leave class
today. If you finish early, please work on the Grammar Test:
Effective Sentences.
HW: Read your IRB for at least 45 minutes.
Monday, September 13, 2010
PreAP English 9 (Period 2) ~
 Read “The Invalid’s Story” pp. 98-104.
 Answer questions #1-6 p. 105.
 Work on copying vocabulary from “All the Years of Her Life,”
“The Most Dangerous Game,” and “The Invalid’s Story.”
 If time: Read and answer questions from “Identifying
Exaggeration” and “Understanding Idioms” p. 105.
HW: Study vocabulary for a matching quiz tomorrow.
English 9 (Period 4) ~
 Read “The Cask of Amontillado” pp. 37-43.
 Answer questions #1-7 p. 44.
 Discuss “Literary Focus: Irony” p. 44.
 Work on your first body paragraph of your theme essay. This
should be finished as HW if you do not finish in class.
HW: First Body Paragraph of theme essay.
PreAP English 9 (Period 7) ~
 Read “The Invalid’s Story” pp. 98-104.
 Answer questions #1-6 p. 105.
 Work on copying vocabulary from “All the Years of Her Life,”
“The Most Dangerous Game,” and “The Invalid’s Story.”
 If time: Read and answer questions from “Identifying
Exaggeration” and “Understanding Idioms” p. 105.
HW: Study vocabulary for a matching quiz Wednesday.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
PreAP English 9 (Period 2) ~
 Vocabulary Quiz
 Go over the answers to Grammar Test: Effective Sentences
 Peer edit of first body paragraph – Is the point clear? Are there
examples to support the point? Does the writer clearly explain
and SHOW how the point is proven through his/her examples?
 SSR: Read “The Cask of Amontillado” pp. 138-144.
 Answer Qs #1-8 (Recalling and Interpreting) p. 145. Submit to
 Start HW
HW: Write the second body paragraph of your essay.
English 9 (Period 4) ~
 Discuss the 6 Elements of “The Cask of Amontillado.”
 Discuss the answers to the questions completed in class on
 Peer edit of first body paragraph – Is the point clear? Are there
examples to support the point? Does the writer clearly explain
and SHOW how the point is proven through his/her examples?
 Write the second body paragraph of your essay.
 SSR: Independent Reading Book
HW: Read for at least 30 minutes in your IRB.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
PreAP English 9 (Period 7) ~
 Vocabulary Quiz
 Go over the answers to Grammar Test: Effective Sentences
 Peer edit of first body paragraph – Is the point clear? Are there
examples to support the point? Does the writer clearly explain
and SHOW how the point is proven through his/her examples?
 SSR: Read “The Cask of Amontillado” pp. 138-144.
 Answer Qs #1-8 (Recalling and Interpreting) p. 145. Submit to
 Start HW
HW: Write the second body paragraph of your essay.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
PreAP English 9 (Period 2) ~
 Discuss the 6 Elements of “The Cask of Amontillado.”
 Peer edit of third body paragraph – Is the point clear? Are there
examples to support the point? Does the writer clearly explain
and SHOW how the point is proven through his/her examples?
 Read “The Scarlet Ibis” pp. 188-198.
 Discuss the Qs #1-10 p. 199.
 Complete and submit #11 (Applying) and the three questions in
“Interpreting Symbols” p. 199.
HW: Write the third body paragraph of your essay, Also read at least
45 minutes in your IRB.
English 9 (Period 4) ~
 Peer edit of second body paragraph – Is the point clear? Are
there examples to support the point? Does the writer clearly
explain and SHOW how the point is proven through his/her
 Revise your body paragraphs and draft your third and final body
 Read “The Scarlet Ibis” pp. 133-144.
 Discuss Qs #1-7 p. 145.
 Discuss symbols – think of examples – write down three
symbols and what they symbolize.
HW: Read at least 45 minutes in your IRB.
Friday, September 17, 2010
PreAP English 9 (Period 7) ~
 Discuss the 6 Elements of “The Cask of Amontillado.”
 Peer edit of second body paragraph – Is the point clear? Are
there examples to support the point? Does the writer clearly
explain and SHOW how the point is proven through his/her
 Read “The Scarlet Ibis” pp. 188-198.
 Discuss the Qs #1-10 p. 199.
 Complete and submit #11 (Applying) and the three questions in
“Interpreting Symbols” p. 199.
HW: Write the third body paragraph of your essay, Also read at least
45 minutes in your IRB.
Monday, September 20, 2010
PreAP English 9 (Period 2) ~
 Library Computer Lab. Students will learn about the first quarter
IRB Project: Blogging.
 Collect Participation Points!
HW: Continue Reading in your IRB (at least 45 minutes).
English 9 (Period 4) ~
 Library Computer Lab. Students will learn about the first quarter
IRB Project: Blogging.
 Collect Participation Points!
HW: Continue Reading in your IRB (at least 30 minutes).
PreAP English 9 (Period 7) ~
 Library Computer Lab. Students will learn about the first quarter
IRB Project: Blogging.
 Collect Participation Points!
HW: Continue Reading in your IRB (at least 45 minutes).
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
PreAP English 9 (Period 2) ~
 Review for Short Story Test.
 Peer edit of third body paragraph – Is the point clear? Are there
examples to support the point? Does the writer clearly explain
and SHOW how the point is proven through his/her examples?
 Revise third body paragraph and write your conclusion.
HW: Study for the Short Story Test.
English 9 (Period 4) ~
 Review for Short Story Test.
 Peer edit of third body paragraph – Is the point clear? Are there
examples to support the point? Does the writer clearly explain
and SHOW how the point is proven through his/her examples?
 Revise third body paragraph and write your conclusion.
HW: Study for the Short Story Test.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
PreAP English 9 (Period 7) ~
 Review for Short Story Test.
 Peer edit of third body paragraph – Is the point clear? Are there
examples to support the point? Does the writer clearly explain
and SHOW how the point is proven through his/her examples?
 Revise third body paragraph and write your conclusion.
HW: Study for the Short Story Test.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
PreAP English 9 (Period 2) ~
 Peer edit of Conclusion – Does the conclusion restate the
thesis without being redundant/repetitive? Does it tie up any
loose ends? Does it read the reader with a positive impression
of the essay? Is it fresh and original?
HW: Finish reading your IRB!!! Monday is our last trip to the library.
Remember, the blog submissions must be finished by next Friday,
October 1.
English 9 (Period 4) ~
 Peer edit of Conclusion – Does the conclusion restate the
thesis without being redundant/repetitive? Does it tie up any
loose ends? Does it read the reader with a positive impression
of the essay? Is it fresh and original?
HW: Finish reading your IRB!!! Monday is our last trip to the library.
Remember, the blog submissions must be finished by next Friday,
October 1.
Friday, September 24, 2010
 Peer edit of Conclusion – Does the conclusion restate the
thesis without being redundant/repetitive? Does it tie up any
loose ends? Does it read the reader with a positive impression
of the essay? Is it fresh and original?
HW: Finish reading your IRB!!! Monday is our last trip to the library.
Remember, the blog submissions must be finished by next Friday,
October 1.
Monday, September 27, 2010
PreAP English 9 (Period 2) ~
 Library Computer Lab: Blogging.
 Collect Participation Points!
HW: Final Draft of your essay.
English 9 (Period 4) ~
 Library Computer Lab: Blogging.
 Collect Participation Points!
HW: Final Draft of your essay.
PreAP English 9 (Period 7) ~
 Library Computer Lab: Blogging.
 Collect Participation Points!
HW: Final Draft of your essay.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
PreAP English 9 (Period 2) ~
 The Persuasive Essay:
1. Watch America’s Civil Rights Movement
2. Read “I Have a Dream” speech by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
pp. 498-501. Discussion questions – Handout.
 Self-Evaluation/Reflection/Goal Setting and Examine the
Reading Comprehension Rubric.
 Finish up your paper and bring to class on Thursday. You will
be submitting paper to!
 If extra time, revisit the Effective Sentences handout!
HW: Finish blogging by Friday, October 1, at midnight!
English 9 (Period 4) ~
 The Personal Narrative: Read “Woodsong” beginning on p.
682. Discussion questions p. 693.
 Proofreaders’ Marks and MUG shots.
 Reading expository essays. Identifying main idea and
supporting details. Analyzing for audience and purpose. Work
on Theme Paper! First four paragraphs need to be finished by
today BEFORE you leave class. Bring the paper to class on
Thursday to submit on
HW: Finish blogging by Friday, October 1, at midnight!
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
PreAP English 9 (Period 7) ~
 The Persuasive Essay:
1. Watch America’s Civil Rights Movement
2. Read “I Have a Dream” speech by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
pp. 498-501. Discussion questions – Handout.
 Self-Evaluation/Reflection/Goal Setting and Examine the
Reading Comprehension Rubric.
 Finish up your paper and bring to class on Thursday. You will
be submitting paper to!
 If extra time, revisit the Effective Sentences handout!
HW: Finish blogging by Friday, October 1, at midnight!
Thursday, September 30, 2010
PreAP English 9 (Period 2) ~
 – Discussion and paper submission! In library
computer lab.
 Investigate the life of Dr. Maya Angelou – website.
 Read together “New Directions” by Angelou – website.
 SSR: Read “Single Room, Earth View” by Sally Ride pp. 516520. Answer discussion questions p. 521. Handout.
HW: Do additional assignment on
English 9 (Period 4) ~
 – Discussion and paper submission! In library
computer lab.
 Read and summarize Personal Narrative (“The Struggle to Be
an All-American Girl” beginning pp. 672-673). Discuss Making
Connections p. 674. Compare and contrast with the excerpt
from The Joy Luck Club by Amy Tan.
 Literary Focus: Irony
 Define new vocabulary and use it in a sentence.
 Teach your Teacher OR Funny Ideas p. 674. Can do both for
extra credit.
 Self-Evaluation/Reflection/Goal Setting and Examine the
Reading Comprehension Rubric.
HW: Finish blogging by Friday, October 1, at midnight!
Friday, October 1, 2010
PreAP English 9 (Period 7) ~
 – Discussion and paper submission! In library
computer lab.
 Investigate the life of Dr. Maya Angelou – website.
 Read together “New Directions” by Angelou – website.
 SSR: Read “Single Room, Earth View” by Sally Ride pp. 516520. Answer discussion questions p. 521. Handout.
HW: Do additional assignment on