Course Outcomes and Assessment Plan Department and course

Course Outcomes and Assessment Plan
Department and course number:
Japanese 50B
Yoko Clark
Course SLOs
Assessment Methods
Criteria for successful
When wil
1.- Pronounce Japanese
words correctly.
Instructor observation of
student pronunciation during
80% of students will be able to Fall 2008
pronounce Japanese
80% of students will be able to
master the consonants, k, g, s,
sh, z, t, ch, d, j, n, h, b, p, m, y,
w, and the difficult sound, r. In
addition, mastering the
Japanese glottal stops (double
consonants), lengthening
vowels, and softening some
median and final i and u can be
challenging. 20 % of the
students will have problems
learning the Japanese sounds
and will need assistance
during the semester to master
2. Have simple conversations Instructor observation of
70% of students will be able to Spring 20
with others in Japanese.
student conversations
ask and answer questions to
each other with correct
grammar and vocabulary. 30%
of students will need
assistance from the teacher
or the tutor.
3. Recognize and use basic
Analysis of written and oral
60 % of students will be able to Fall 2009
Japanese grammar and
common expressions.
tests utilizing the following
pass the exams with 80 / 100
points or more; 20% will
concepts covered in Japanese receive less than 80 points
and will need assistance or
tutoring; 20% will fail the
1.”i-adjectives” and
exams and will also need
“na-adjectives,” past, present tutoring and assistance.
negative, and past negative.
2. “Let’s” forms.
3. “Shall we?” forms.
4. Verb command forms.
5. Request constructions.
6. “May I…?” and “Please
don’t” patterns.
7. “good at...” “bad at...”forms.
8. “I want to…” forms
4. Respond appropriately to
questions in Japanese.
Students’ answers to
questions t
to instructors and one
another-level of complexity, speed,
appropriate vocabulary-will
be observed and recorded by
the instructor in class.
50 % of students will be able to Spring 20
speak, ask and answer
questions, and have very
simple conversations in
Japanese with correct
grammar and pronunciation;
25% will speak with minor
mistakes; 25% will need further
tutoring and assistance
5. Demonstrate a
comprehension of and an
appreciation for Japanese
Observation of student
80% of students will show
strong interest in and
comprehension of Japanese
and appropriateness of
culture. 20% will need further
their questions after media
presentation/ lecture
on aspects of Japanese
clarification by instructors and
Fall 2010