Full Gospel World Missions, Inc. - Constitution & Bylaws
Chapter 1. General Rules
Article 1. Purpose
For the purpose of spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ at home and in
foreign lands, we, whose name appear above, provide administrative
support and cooperation to grow the churches, and guidance and help to
govern them.
Article 2. Name
The name of the council shall be Full Gospel World Missions, Inc.
Article 3. Territory
This council shall consist of all affiliated ministers in North America
and the office shall be located in California as a general rule.
Article 4. Cooperation and Relationship
1. This council shall have the Yoido Full Gospel Church as the
parent body.
2. The Full Gospel World Missions, Inc. as the superior agency,
shall have supervision over this council and it can have an
authority in regards to pastoral personnel changes.
3. This council shall follow the mission policies of the general
Superintendent of the Full Gospel World Missions, Inc.
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Chapter 2. Doctrine
Our doctrinal belief is based on the general evangelistic doctrine of
the Protestant Christianity.
Article 5. The Scriptures
The Scripture, both the Old and New Testaments, are verbally inspired of
God and are the revelations of God to man, the infallible, authoritative
rule of faith and conduct (2 Tim. 3:15-16, 2 Peter 1:21).
Article 6. God
The one true God has revealed Himself as the eternally self-existent “I
AM,” the Creator of heaven and earth, the sovereign God with divine
providence. He has further revealed Himself as embodying the principles
of relationship and association as Father, Son and Holy Ghost (Isa.
43:10-11, Mat 28:19).
Article 7. Jesus Christ
As one being of three persons, as a Trinity, the Lord Jesus Christ is
the eternal Son of God, the Word of the Father God (John 1:1, 14) and
everlasting true God himself (John 10:30, 12:45, 14:9). He was conceived
by the Holy Spirit and born of
Virgin Mary (Matt 1:18-25). He is divine
and human inseparable. He was crucified (Matt. 27:50), buried as a
sacrifice of atonement between God and mankind (1 Tim. 2:5, Rome 3:25).
He gave Himself as a ransom of all sin, the Original Sin and the sin
committed by man. He was resurrected from the dead (Matt. 28:1-7),
stayed in this earth for 40 days (Acts 1:3), was ascended to Heaven
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(Acts 1:9). will return as the King of the kings (Rev. 19:11-16, 22:20).
Article 8. Holy Spirit
As one being of three persons, as a Trinity, the Holy Spirit is equal
with the Father and the son in essence and in majesty of power and holy
for eternity. (Matt. 28:18, John 14:16-17, Rev. 5:6). He carries out the
will of God on this earth (John 14:16), and convicts the world of sin
and righteousness and judgment (John 16:8). The Holy Spirit guides and
empowers to strengthen the believers’ spirit and sanctify the believer
and the church.
Article 9. Man (Fall and Redemption).
God created man to be good and upright in His image and let him have the
fellowship with God through the Holy Spirit (2 Thess. 5:23). He let Man
rule over all creation (Gen. 1:26-27), however, man by his own free
will, sinned and fell from grace and his only hope of redemption is
through Jesus Christ, Son of God.
Article 10. The Salvation of Man
repentance toward God and faith toward the Lord Jesus Christ. By
the washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Ghost, he is
justified by grace through faith (Titus 2:11, 3:5-7, Rom. 10:815).
2. The Evidences of Salvation: The inward evidence of salvation is
the direct witness of the Spirit. The outward evidence to all men
is a life of righteousness and true holiness (Rom. 8:16).
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Article 11. The Baptism in the Holy Spirit
All believers are entitled to and should ardently expect and earnestly
seek the promise of the Father, the baptism in the Holy Ghost, according
tot he command of our Lord Jesus Christ. They need to experience it and
receive the power to be witnesses for Christ to the ends of the Earth
(Luke 24:49, Acts 1:4, 10:44-46, 12:14-16, 15:7-9, 1 Cor. 12:1-41).
Article 12. The Evidence of the Baptism in the Holy Spirit
The baptism of believers in the Holy Ghost is witnessed by the initial
physical sign of speaking with other tongues (Acts 2:4). The speaking in
tongues in this instance is the same in essence as the gift of tongues,
but different in purpose and use.
Article 13. Sanctification
Sanctification is an act of separation from that which is evil, and of
dedication unto God (Rom. 12:1-2, 1 Thess. 5:13, Heb. 13:12). The
Scriptures teach a life of “holiness without which no man shall see the
Lord (Heb 12:14)” The Lord said, “I am holy, therefore, be holy.” It
means that we must practice God’s will in holiness through the power of
the Holy Spirit (Heb 12:14, 1 Thess 5:23-24, Ecclesiastes 1:15-16, John
Article 14. Baptism in Water
Baptism is to immerse a person in water in the name of the Father and
the Son and the Holy Spirit. It means dying with Jesus and living with
Jesus through raising from the water. This is a holy ordinance showing
the person is accepting Jesus as the Lord and Savior and it is a sign of
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a declaration to the world repentance and rebirth (Matt. 25:19, Heb
10:22, Acts 10:47, 20:21, Rom 6:4).
Article 15. Holly Communion
The Lord’s Supper, consisting of the elements--bread and the fruit of
the vine is to be participated as a memorial of Christ’s death and it
symbolizes the Lord’s suffering and second coming. All believers should
practice it until the Lord comes again
(1 Corinthians 11:23-26).
Article 16. Divine Healing
Healing from sickness is provided for the atonement and is a privilege
given to atoned believers (Isa. 53:4-5, Matt 8:16-17, James 5:14-18).
Article 17. The Millennial Kingdom
The second coming of Christ includes the rapture of the saints. All
believers will be resurrected and meet the Lord in the air in glory.
After Tribulation, they will reign with Christ as kings on the earth for
a thousand years. This is the promise in the Bible and the hope of the
world. (2 Thess 1:7, Rev. 19:2-14, 20:1-7, Rom 11:26-27).
Article 18: The Lake of Fire
The devil and his angels, the beast and the false prophet, and anyone’s
name not found written in the book of Life is thrown into the lake of
burning sulfur. This is the second death. (Rev. 19:20, 20:10-15).
Article 19. The New Heaven and the New Earth.
“We, according to His promise, look for new heavens and a new earth,
wherein dwells righteousness” (2 Peter 3:13, Rev. 21:23).
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Article 20. The Church
The Church is the Body of Christ. Each believer, born of the Spirit, is
an integral part of the Church to be an agency of God for evangelizing
the world (Eph. 1:22-23, 2:22, Heb 12:23).
Article 21. The Ministry
A divinely called and ordained ministry has been provided by our Lord
for the dual purpose of leading the Church in evangelizations of the
world (Matt. 16:15-20) and in building a body of Christ, which is the
Church (Eph. 4:11-13).
Chapter 3. Council
Article 22.
This Council shall have supreme authority over the legislative and the
executive body of the churches that belong to FGWM. This governing panel
consists of ordained pastors, non-ordained pastors, and missionaries.
Member churches shall have district councils and committees.
Chapter 4. Officers
Article 23. Officers
1. General Superintendent: The senior pastor of Yoido Full Gospel
Church shall be the general superintendent.
2. Superintendent: 1 person.
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3. Assistant Superintendent: 3 persons.
4. General Secretary (Also Treasurers): 1 person.
Article 24. Elections
2. Assistant Superintendent: Shall be appointed by the General
4. Record Clerk: Shall be appointed by superintendent.
5. Supervisors: Two shall be nominated by the executive committee
and appointed by the superintendent.
Article 25. Terms and Qualifications.
consecutive one year term. In the event that an office is vacated,
the un-expired term shall be filled by a successor.
2. The term of office for General Secretary shall be for two
years. He may serve two consecutive two-year terms.
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3. Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent, and General Secretary
should have at least ten years of experience as the ordained
pastor and have served continuously for more than seven years in
this denomination.
Article 26. Duties of the Officers.
1. General Superintendent: He could receive reports from the
disciplinary actions and give the appropriate advice. He could
support the churches which belong to FGWM in their spiritual life
and in the ministry of evangelization for a revival.
2. Superintendent: He shall represent this council and respect the
duties of the General Superintendent and oversee this council and
all of its activities. He may serve his church as a senior pastor.
3. Assistant Superintendent: He shall assist and counsel the
Assistant Superintendent specifically designated by the General
Superintendent shall carry out the duties of the Superintendent.
4. General Secretary: He shall perform clerical and administrative
works of all the activities of this council under the direction of
the General Superintendent. If he is on a pay-roll of FGWM, he
cannot pastor a church as a senior pastor. He shall keep all the
records and notes of meetings and, with the approval of the
Executive Committee, he has the responsibility for finance and
property management, keep the record of all the incomes and
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payments. He shall conduct the works of his office according to
the accepted accounting method and give reports from time to time
at the request of the Council or the Executive Committee.
5. Standing Committee: The Standing Committee shall consist of
Superintendent, Vice Superintendent, General Secretary, immediate
prior Superintendent. Committee shall be responsible for the
administrative work including human relations.
6. Executive Committee: The Executive committee shall consist of
Standing Committee members, District Presbyters and Director of
each Committee. The committee shall plan, draft and present the
agenda including the affiliation of new pastor members to the
annual business meeting and shall prepare for the meeting.
(Qualifications according to chapter 4 article 25 section 3).
administrative work of FGWM.
8. Consultative Committee: Shall consist of formal superintendent,
excluding anyone who left FGWM. He shall take the consultative
role for the development of FGWM.
Article 27. This Council
shall have the committees as follows.
1. Constitution Committee: The constitution committee shall draft,
amend, study and interpret the constitution of this council.
2. Test Committee: The test committee shall perform administrative
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work pertaining to the examinations to become a pastor and an
ordained pastor.
3. Education Committee: The education committee shall administer
the plan for evangelization.
4. Mission Committee: The mission committee shall administer the
plan for evangelization.
5. Public Relations Committee: The public relations committee
shall be responsible for the advertisement and other public
relations matters.
6. Benefits Committee: The benefits committee shall plan and
implement the fringe benefits for the members of FGWM.
7. Theology Committee: The theology committee shall be responsible
for the administration of the Bible college and shall define the
meaning of the theological terms .
8. Youth Group Committee: Shall provide spiritual discipline for
the spiritual development and growth for the youth.
9. Church Planting Committee: Shall support the church planting
10. Women’s Division Committee: Shall support the spiritual growth
and character development for women.
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11. Mobilization Committee: Shall mobilize resources and personnel
support as necessary--for the various activities of the council
and the duties of Executive Committee.
12. Procedure Committee: Shall support the General Secretary and
the Council and the duties of Executive Committee.
Chairman of each committee shall be appointed by the Standing
Each committee members shall be nominated by the chairman and
shall be ratified by the Standing Committee.
13. Relief Aid Committee: Shall aid council members and member
churches that are in need of help.
Chapter 5. Meetings
Article 28. There shall be an annual business meeting and special
business meeting.
1. There shall be an annual business meeting (Proper notice shall
be given three months prior).
2. Special business meetings may be called when necessary by the
Superintendent, provided the meeting has been agreed upon by a
majority of the executive committee.
3. Two-thirds of the voting membership shall constitute a quorum.
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Article 29. Agenda of the annual business meeting.
1. Business plan and report.
2. Budget and endorsement.
3. Amendment of the articles and concerning the missionary.
4. The management and statement of disposal, purchase of the
5. Membership eligibility: Membership shall be divided into two
different categories: Regular members are those who meet the
constitutional requirements and paid all the membership fees. The
regular members have the right to vote and speak at a meeting.
Semi0members are those who have failed to pay the membership fee
for more than 3 months. 2 semi-member doesn’t have a right to
assistance from the council.
Chapter 6. Public Fiance and Accounting
Article 30. Finances and Accounting.
1. Finances of the council shall be consist of membership fees,
mission fees, and other sponsorship support money.
2. The council finance shall be managed by the General Secretary
with the approval of the Superintendent. In an emergency as 2
reported item, the accounting can be carried out with the
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oversight of the superintendent.
3. The period of the accounting is from Jan 1st to eh end of
December of each year.
Article 31. Finance of the District Presbytery.
1. The finance of District Presbytery consists of the event
offering, special offering and membership fee from ministers and
2. The management of the District finance is administered by the
treasurer with the approval of the district presbytery according
to the financial plan.
Article 32. Individual Church Financial Affair.
1. The finance of each church consists of tithes, missionary
expenses and other extra offerings.
2. Administration:
a) Treasurer and accountant administrate the finance in
accordance with the budget decision and
senior pastor’s approval. Proof of expenditure must be
b) Keep an itemized account of the income and expenses in
the accounting note and deposit any
c) The treasurer and accountant are equally responsible for
the financial management.
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Chapter 7: District Presbytery
Article 33. Formation and Purpose
1. It shall be organized according to the sections divided by the
2. 2 District Presbytery consists of 7 or more churches in the
region (an exception can be made due to a circumstances)
3. District Presbytery shall cooperate with the council in
activities and promote a mutual fellowship between members and
support the local church administration. Only in the event of
problems shall it mediate and guide the church. It shall support
the local churches for revival and mission.
Article 34. Qualification of the Officers.
1. District Presbyter is to be elected by a secret ballot in each
individual district and must have 7 years since ordination as a
senior pastor and 5 consecutive years of ministry with this
council. He must have pastored in the district for over three
2. Officers must have been ordained ministers for over 3 years and
nominated from senior pastors (except, if there is none in the
district, exception is allowed).
3. All the members of a district must fulfill the membership
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duties of the council and the district. (Not fulfilling the duties
can be a ground from exclusion.)
Article 35. Duty
1. Responsible for the appointing and accepting the ceremony of
the elders and the senior deacons.
2. Presbyter: Be a member of the Executive Committee, have general
supervisors of all the activities within his district and presides
at all meetings.
3. Assistant Presbyter: Assist presbyter and is a substitute for
the presbyter in his absence.
4. Secretary: Responsible for carrying out administrative duties
and maintaining members’ personal information in assistance to the
5. Clerk: Responsible for keeping the record of all the district
and official meetings.
6. Treasurer: Responsible for all the financial transactions,
under the permission of the presbyter.
7. Test Committee: Nominated by the District officers’ committee.
Article 36. Organization of District Officers.
1. Officers of the District Presbytery are elected by its members
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Secretary, Clerk, and Treasurer.
2. The election of District Presbyter and each officers shall be
decided by more than 2/3 vote of the members present. However, if
there is still not a clear winner after voting times, the
candidate who received the majority vote will be elected.
Article 37. Terms of the Officers.
It shall be one year but can be reappointed each year.
Article 38. Name of the Sections and Section Boundaries.
1. North: Eastern District
Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut,
New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania. Eastern Canada
2. East: Central District.
Delaware, Maryland, Washington DC, West Virginia, Virginia
3. South: Eastern District
Mississippi, Tennessee
4. Central: Northern District
North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, Nebraska,
Missouri, Ohio, Arkansas, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan.
5. Central: Southern District.
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New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana.
6. Central: Western District.
Wyoming, Idaho, Montana, Kansas, Utah, Colorado, Arizona, Nevada.
7. North: Western District.
Washington, Oregon, Western Canada, Alaska.
8. West: Central District
9. Los Angeles District
Southern California, (LA County, Orange County)
10. Pacific District
Hawaii, Samoa, and other Pacific Islands of USA.
Chapter 8. Church Administration
Article 39. Definition of Church
Church is the kingdom that Jesus Christ rules as the king. Church
members consist of people who confess that Jesus Christ is the Lord, and
the spiritual community which is the Body of Jesus. Jesus Christ is the
cornerstone and each single believer a living stone, builds a house on
that stone.
Everywhere this house is established, the demons are cast
out, the Kingdom of God reigns. The power of Hades is broken and souls
are set free. The church is the body of Jesus as well as the temple of
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the Holy Spirit and the house of worship.
Article 40. Church Distinction.
1. Organized Church: This is the church which ahs the Elder Board,
is an administrative department of the Church. There are a
Deacon Board and Congregational meetings, Sunday School for the
education department. Men’s and Women’s mission groups, youth
groups and young adults groups and voluntary choir groups.
2. Pre-organized Church: Such church does not have an Elder Board:
The Senior Pastor, himself, administers the church affairs.
Article 41. Local Church Planting and Naming a Church
1. Planting
Local churches shall be planted to worship God and to spread the
Gospel and with more than 20 attending members. However, in order
to pioneer a church with more than 20 attending members, a request
must be made to the District Presbytery for the permission form
the FGWM council.
2. Church Planting
1. When a church is planted in the same area, it shall get a
permission from the FGWM council through the district
presbytery. A new church cannot be established within 1 mile
distance from the existing church of our denomination in an
area populated by Koreans. It must be apart 2 miles in other
less Korean populated areas.
2. Our denomination minister who resigned from the ministry
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is not allowed to establish a church in the same area within
10 miles for 2 years.
3. Naming a Church: Naming a church requires a permission
from the FGWM council.
Article 42. Mediation for Local Churches.
1. Circumstance requiring mediation.
In the event a mediation is
necessary, the churches under the supervision of FGWM Council must
at first receive a mediation from the district presbytery.
if necessary, the FGWM council. Some of the circumstances which
require mediation by the district presbytery are as follows:
1. division resulted from disagreement.
2. Violation of the council principles and practices
3. Attempt to disaffiliate from this council.
4. Financial matter of estate and real estate.
2. Mediation Procedure:
This council has the right to meet with the board or congregation
or may postpone an invitation in following circumstances:
1. By the request of the pastor.
2. By the request of the district presbytery.
3. Discipline of Churches.
Since the approval of a church identity is the prerogative
of this council, the council has the right to cancel the
FGWM council membership if for some valid reason, its status
is in question at a member church.
4. New churches resulting from a division:
1. Criteria for recognition: When efforts to maintain
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unity and harmony in a church have failed, and a
division results in a new congregation being formed,
the council should exercise strong and wise leadership
in ascertaining the facts, and seek to preserve the
continued fellowship. Within the bounds of ethical
principles, sound doctrine and council policy, the
council should seek to retain any group within this
Council, according to Article 42.
2. Criteria for discipline of Pastor who is involved:
According to the circumstances, in the event he pastor
is being disciplined due to his mistakes resulting in
the violation of the council principles, the council
shall deal appropriately according to the Article 67 &
68 of the constitution of this council.
5. Church Properties
In case a court dispute about the church property is raised
in the church affiliated with this council, the decision as
to whom the property belongs, shall be made by the standing
disapproves of the ownership of any church properties by an
6. Reversion of the Church Property
In case a church affiliated to this Council is closed, the
church assets shall revert to and be transferred to the
council unless the church is qualified to be incorporated
and hold title to its own property.
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Article 43. Worship Service.
1. Worship
1. Meeting for public worship service shall be held on each
Lord’s Day and each Wednesday. Overnight service and cell
group meeting or cell church meeting and Sunday school
service shall be held regularly at designated time.
2. Only the senior pastor and a pastor who is permitted by
senior pastor shall preside over the service.
3. The order oft eh public worship service shall be fitted
to meet each congregation’s need. A typical example is as
silent prayer
hymn of praise
apostle’s creed
hymn of praise
scripture reading
choir praise
hymn of praise
10. offering
11. announcement
12. praise (Lord’s prayer)
13. benediction .
4. Worship Attitude.
The service is holy ritual and the believers in the service
shall worship God in the spirit and in truth from the
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beginning until the end of service without causing any
disturbance to the worship leader.
2. Ritual
1. Baptism
The baptism, commanded by Christ, is a ceremony by immersion
in water in the name of father, the Son and the Holy Ghost
to proclaim the symbolic burial and resurrection with the
Christ into a new person.
(Matthew 28:19, Acts 10:47, Romans 6:4).
2. The Holy Communion
The congregation that believes that Jesus is their savior
and he was crucified for their sins on the communion after
examining themselves, and shall continue it until he comes
back (Luke 22:19-20, 1 Corinthians 11:24-29).
3. Divine Healing.
Healing the sick is an important commandment of Jesus that shall
be exercised during each service.
4. A season
1. Christmas
2. Good Friday
3. Easter Sunday
4. Pentecost
5. Thanksgiving
6. Barley Harvest.
5. Ceremony
The order of Confirm, commission, inauguration, elder commission,
dedication for church building, holy matrimony, funeral, memorial
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service, baby dedication.
Article 44. Qualification of the church membership.
1. New Member: a person who repents all sins to be saved and
believes in Jesus and also registers as a member at a church.
2. Baptized member: a person who is baptized after passing the
baptismal questions.
Article 45. Duties and Rights.
1. Obey rules and regulations of the church.
2. Attend the service on the Lord’s Day and give the tithe.
3. Read the Bible and pray everyday.
4. Share the Gospel diligently and be faithful to your calling.
5. Right to participate in the holy communion and in the
congregational meetings.
Article 46. Changes of registration, removal, and reinstatement.
1. If a member moves or leaves the home church, the person should
request the church for the change of membership registration
within three months and the Elder Board shall issue the change of
registration certificate after examining the case.
2. The member who moves without making such a request and without
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a known address for 6 months or stops attending Sunday services
without valid reasons shall lose the membership of the church.
3. If the person without membership was previously
returns to the church, his/her membership can be reinstated after
the 6 months.
Article 47. A believer’s life standards.
1. The believer is set apart saint who believes in Jesus as the
Lord and is born again person in Christ. Since the believer’s life
responsibilities as a believer and love and respect each other by
being filled with the Spirit, to the scripture, and its doctrine.
(Ephesians 5:18-21).
Therefore, they need to keep the bylaws and the articles of faith
of the church and live in holiness and truth. (Galatians 5:14-24).
2. Believer’s Life
Believer’s life shall be as follows:
1. Shall keep the Lord’s Day holy and faithfully and pay
attention to the pastor’s scripture reading and listen
carefully to the sermon and shall attend any service or
communion with a prepared heart.
2. Shall read the Bible everyday and shall have family
service and strive to pray diligently.
3. Shall spread the Gospel as Jesus commanded and shall take
care of the poor, sic, and imprisoned ones in mercy.
4. Shall give the tithe and offerings according to the
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teachings of the Bible.
5. The wives shall submit to the husbands, as to the Lord,
and or the husbands, they shall love their wives just as
Christ also loved the church.
6. The parents shall bring their children up in the training
and instruction of the Lord, and the children shall honor
their parents and obey.
7. Shall be diligent and economical in living moderately.
Borrowing money must not create a scandalous situation.
8. Shall neither smoke nor drink alcohol nor sell them.
9. The holy matrimony is established by God. Therefore, it
shall be monogamy and it shall not be bigamy.
10. The children of a believer’s family should marry a
Christian believer and should seek the counsel of a minister
about their marriage, and the wedding should be performed by
a pastor.
11. Cannot divorce except for marital unfaithfulness. As
long as both parties are alive, neither one can marry again.
12. Shall not defame a person’s faith or church by spreading
empty rumors.
13. Shall refrain from doing any recreation that is improper
according to the Gospel and do not sing a vulgar songs not
read books that hinder the faith.
3. Standard Practice of a Believer’s Life.
We shall faithfully follow the standard practice of a believer’s
life without insistence and stubbornness. In case someone defames
the church or the pastor’s authority, and hinders the light of the
church, the body of Christ, he must repent when the church exhorts
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him to do so. If he repents, he will be forgiven. If he does not
repent, he will be disciplined according to the disciplinary
Chapter 9. Ministers and Deacon
Article 48. Definition of Pastor
1. The pastor is a minister who preaches God’s words. A holy
authority stemming from the ordination ceremony . A representative
(Revelations. 2:1)
2. The pastor is the Ambassador of the Gospel, chosen by Christ’s
appointment. (Ephesians 4:11)
3. The pastor is the shepherd who teaches and guides the sheep of
Christ. (1Peter 5:2-4).
Article 49. Qualifications of Pastor and Affiliation Procedure
1. Qualification
1. A person who completed the theological training course
that is approved by the council.
2. A person who has proved the pastor’s calling by being
baptized in the Holy Spirit.
3. A person who received a BA at a theological college. This
denomination approves ministry full time for more than 3
years and a person who received M.Div. for more than 2 years
(A part time minister with a BA must serve for 4 years. A
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part time minister with a M.Div. must serve for 3 years.)
4. A person who can lead and manage a church spiritually.
A person who is more than 27 years old and les than 65
years old.
6. Woman pastor.
a. A licensed woman minister who has ministered
continuously for more than 3 years as a senior pastor
who is more than 40 years old and less than 65 years
old shall be ordained after the executive committee
makes the decision. She must have been recommended by
pastor’s examination.
b. If she is a licensed minister who has been working
at a church under the Council for 5 years, and is more
than 45 years old, and less than 65 years old, she can
recommendation of a senior pastor and the District
7. Man and woman who are not separated, divorced, or married
more than once. But if the person had divorced before
accepting the Lord as the savior, he/she may be ordained
after a consideration. A person who had divorced after
getting saved cannot be ordained.
8. A person whose language and conducts are proper according
to the Gospel and who is a good example to other believers.
9. A person who is financially honest and is not pursuing
dishonest gain.
10. A person who has harmonized family and the one who is
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2. Affiliation Procedure
1. A person who passed the Examination by the Examination
Committee of this council and was ordained by the Council.
2. If a pastor of different denomination wants to join this
denomination, he must be examined according to the Article
49, Clause 1, then must pass the written examination by the
examination Committee and must be ordained.
3. A minister wanting the affiliation must first get the
prior approval from FGWM and then follow the affiliation
procedure set by the council.
Article 50.
Pastor shall teach with God’s Words, lead the Service, perform holy
ceremonies, bless and guide church members.
Article 51. Titles of Pastor.
Pastor is a lifetime office and the title of pastor remains with him as
long as he lives a godly life.
1. Delegated Pastor: He shall be authorized to guide all the
matters of the designated church unless he pledge not to do so.
2. Senior Pastor: He is empowered to and takes care of the church
he is pastoring.
3. Assistant Pastor: He shall assist the senior pastor and fulfill
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the senior pastor’s duties in case of the senior pastor’s absence.
(He shall be appointed or transferred by the senior pastor).
4. Administrative pastor: A pastor who works at the appointed
office of this denomination.
6. Retired senior pastor: He shall be more than 65 years old and
served at his church for more than 10 years. He receives a
retirement pension.
7. Retirement of Pastor: He or she should retire at age 65 years
old but if the church wants, the can pastor until the age of 70,
through the approval by the Executive Committee (The church
founding pastor is an exception).
Article 52. Pastor’s appointment and transfer (Resignation, etc.)
1. Appointment: The pastor is appointed by ordination of the
council through the test given by the examination committee of the
2. Transfers: When a pastor wants to get transferred, he should
get a permission from the council. It should be dealt with by the
district presbytery.
3. If a pastor desires to resign because of personal business or
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inability to do the job, he must make a request to the Council
through the District Presbytery.
4. Recommended Resignation: The Council advises a pastor to resign
when the pastor breaks the oath of the pastor’s duties or makes a
serious mistake or cannot serve without causing considerable
5. When the senior pastor is recommended to be resigned, all other
ministers of that church should also resign.
Article 53. Licensed Minister
1. Definition of a Licensed Minister
A licensed minister is someone who assists the senior pastor and
takes care of the church members, teaches them, exhorts them and
leads the service. He is appointed by the council.
2. Qualification
The licensed minister is appointed by the council and is qualified
as below:
1. A person who finished the theological training course
that is approved by the council.
2. A person who is called by the Lord.
3. A person who is baptized in the Holy Spirit.
4. A person who serves at a church or office under this
5. Person who is qualified according to the requested forms
of this council.
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6. Person who passed the test by the Council.
7. Man or woman who is not divorced or remarried.
Man./Woman who was divorced and whose ex spouse is still
alive cannot be a licensed minister of this council. (Except
if the ex-spouse have committed one-sided deception for
their matrimony in fraud.) These exceptions shall require
clear and complete proof of evidence.
3. Licensed
ministers’ affiliation procedure.
If a licensed minister from a different denomination wants to be
certified by this council, the procedure is as follows:
1. A person who have graduated from a different denomination
Bible college must attend this denomination Bible college
for one semester to be acquainted with our doctrines and
bylaws and constitution in the affiliation procedure.
2. The person must pass the examination given by this
3. May do so if the church the licensed minister is serving
also wants to be affiliated with the council.
4. A licensed minister who wants the affiliation must first
get the prior approval from FGWM and then follow the
affiliation procedure set by the council.
4. Duties of Licensed Minister
Licensed minister may deliver sermon and lead a service but does
not have the right to perform and ceremonies and benediction.
Article 54. Elders
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1. The Elder
The elder is a holy position serving the church and shall be a
member of the Elder Board at his church. He is ordained through
the Judging of the District Presbytery by the recommendation of
the church.
congregation, especially those who are sick and suffering. It is a
noble position, demanding faithfulness and dedication.
2. Qualifications of the Elders.
The elder shall be a person whose life shows holiness and who
served for more than 5 years as a ordained deacon over the age of
40 and under 65 years old.
1. Have strong faith and no fault before God, in language
and conduct and practices faithful tithe. He must be a model
to all believers, with a moral influence, not separated,
divorced nor remarried (1 Timothy 3:1).
2. Submissive to the presiding pastor and his policy and
3. Attended the church as an ordained deacon for 5 years and
his whole family is attending the church. Must have served
at the church for 3 years for a transferred ordained deacon
within the same district and 2 years if from a different
4. Pass the election with a 2/3 vote of the attendance in
the congregation meeting (only the fist vote shall be
5. A divorced man whose ex-spouse is still alive shall not
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be an elder of this denomination (except if the ex-spouse
committed one sided deception for then matrimony in fraud.)
These exceptions shall require clear and complete proof and
3. Election of Elders.
1. There may be one elder for every 30 baptized members.
2. They shall be recommended after being elected in the vote
by a 2/3 by the attendance in the congregational meeting.
But the transferred elders from another church under this
Council can work only after serving as an associate elder
for 1 year and having received a 2/3 vote attendance in the
congregational meeting. (The vote shall be limited to one
3. The elder (board committee) shall submit an application
of ordination for an elder candidate to the District
examination, he shall be ordained within 6 months by the
District Presbytery.
4. Associate Elders
1. Transferred elders from different denominations
serve as an associate elder for more than 1 year at a church
then must receive a 2/3 vote of the attendance in the
congregational meeting to be examined.
2. However, the elders under this Council shall be associate
elders by the recommendation of the Elder Board and can be
active elders after 1 year and having received a 2/3 vote by
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the congregation meeting.
3. Elder is a lifetime office until the age of 65 years old
for an active elder. Except according to the circumstance an
elder can stay in the official position until 70 years old.
If it is difficult for him to hold his duties due to illness
or old age, he may take time of or retire at the request of
majority of church members or at the elders’ request.
And if the elder is found guilt of evil conduct or of
claiming a heretical doctrine, the district presbytery shall
discipline him at the request of the majority of the Elder
Board of the church (Acts 24:26, Roman 9:1, 1 Timothy 3:13,
2 Timothy 1:5, 1 Peter 4:14).
Article 55. Ordained Deacon.
1. Duties of ordained deacon.
Under the supervision of the Elder Board of the staff board, they
shall carry out the assignments and office duties and assist the
pastor by visiting church members and take care of the members
that are in hardship or trouble. It is a life time office.
2. Qualifications of Ordained
1. Ordained Deacon shall be man who served for 3 years as a
Deacon and must be over 35 years old and under 65 years old
2. He shall be faithful, pay tithes, and be blameless either
before God and people.
3. He shall be a person who served at the church and in a
dedicated manner by praying and spending time serving the
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denomination after serving 1 year the church, shall be
Presbytery having received a 2/3vote from the congregational
meeting. (However, if he is a ordained deacon under the
Council, he would be positioned as the Ordained Deacon at
the church after serving 1 year, having received 2/3 vote
from the congregational meeting).
5. He must be an individual who is baptized by the Holy
6. He shall not be a person who is divorced, and whose exspouse is still alive. (Except when the ex-spouse committed
one-sided deception for their matrimony in fraud. A clear
and complete proof and evidence must be submitted.
3. Selection of Ordained Deacon.
After being examined, he shall be ordained by the District
Presbytery within one year after the recommendation was made by
the Elder Board having received a 2/3 vote from the regular
congregational meeting.
Article 56. Senior Deaconess.
1. Meaning of the Senior Deaconess is not an ordained position.
She shall assist the pastor and ministers in serving the church
visiting, praying, and encouraging the congregation, especially to
those who are sick and suffering. It is a noble position striving
to grow in faith.
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2. Qualifications and Selection of the Senior Deaconess.
1. Senior Deaconess: Senior Deaconess shall be a woman who
served more than 5 years as a deaconess and under 65
years old.
2. Her family shall attend the church and she shall keep
tithing and attend the Sunday services faithfully. She shall
be a model to the congregation.
3. Transferred Senior Deaconess shall be a woman who has
served at the church for over 1 year.
She may be appointed by the chairman of the Elder Board
having received a 2/3 vote from the congregational meeting
after the recommendation of the Elder Board.
Article 57. Deacon
1. Meaning of the Deacon
Under the supervision of the Elder Board, Deacon shall assist in
the administration of church management, maintain order during the
service, and work in the various department including the offering
management. It is a noble position, assisting ministers to visit
the congregation and leading cell group activities.
2. Qualification of the Deacon.
1. He shall be a person who is registered on a church
membership and has been going for over 1 year after the
baptism. He does not skip regular services and participates
in the church activity faithfully.
2. He shall be a person who is over 27, experienced baptism
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by water and the Holy Spirit, attending Sunday service
faithfully and gives tithes. He must not be a drunkard. He
must be a model to the congregation and be appointed by the
senior pastor.
Chapter 10. Governing Policies
Article 58. Meaning of Church Administration.
The church administration needs organized activities for the faith of
congregation and maintaining of the church order (John 21:15-17),
perfecting gifts (1 Corinthians 14:40) to prevent the intervention of
ungodly practices of the lawbreakers (1 Thessalonians 2:3-10) by
appointing overseeing committee. The church is obligated in both
proceeding the duties and perfecting the saints (Hebrews 13:17).
Article 59. Congregational Meeting (There are regular and temporary
1. Formation
The member shall be baptized and over 18 years old who has been
attending the church at least 1 year. (A registered church member
who does not attend the church service over 3 months loses the
2. Officers
Chairman shall be the President of the Elder Board and the
secretary shall be appointed by the chairman. IF the elder board
temporary chairman (from among the district presbytery pastors).
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3. Duties
reporting the member capacity and department business and
recommending both plans and budget.
2. Temporary meeting is limited in resolving only the
presented agenda being called by the president of the Elder
board in the event 1/2 of the congregational members make a
(However, if the presented agenda tends to have a
problem in a discussion it would not be held.)
3. Temporary meeting shall be held if it is an urgent or in
a need of chairman.
4. Regular meeting is annual.
5. 2/3 vote of approval is required for the following
governing issues: Invitation of pastor as the staff member,
relocation of the church, consolidation of churches into
single one, selection or approval of elders, ordained
deacons, and senior deaconess.
denomination the church shall announce 3 weeks in advance
for the meeting and must receive a 3/4 vote of the
registered members and the district presbyter shall be the
chairman of that meeting.
4. Call to Meeting
Elder Board Chairman shall call the congregational meeting 2 weeks
in advance.
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5. Quorum
Quorum shall be valid with more than 1/2 of registered members of
Article 60.
1. Organization
Pastor, elders, ordained deacons, senior deaconess, and deacons
shall form a staff board. Pastor shall serve as the chairman and
the secretary shall be appointed by the chairman.
2. Duties
1. The staff board: shall form the subordinate departments
under it to execute the decisions made by the Elder Board as
2. Reporting the monthly budget performance and items of
3. Carry out the budget performance.
4. Appropriating the salary and living expenses of the
3. Call to Meeting.
Deacon Board meeting shall be categorized into regular and
convenient time.
4. In the vacancy of the chairman, the district presbyter shall
carry out his duty.
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Article 61. Elder Board and Pastoral Assistant Committee.
1. Organization
1. Elder Board Organization.
Elder Board shall be organized with the pastor and 2 elders
or more. A retired Elder cannot be a member of
the Elder Board. The Elder Board automatically shall be
disorganized if there is no active Elder.
2. Officers
There shall be one chairman and one secretary. The senior
appointed by the chairman among the elder board members.
3. Call to Meetings
There shall be regular meeting and the chairman shall call
temporary meetings if necessary.
4. Quorum
The attendance of half of the board members shall constitute
a valid quorum.
5. Duties
2. Guide the spiritual well-being of the congregation.
3. Performs congregation’s membership’s matters such
as issuing the change of membership registration
certificate for the formal members.
4. Safekeeping of committee record.
5. Convene the congregational meeting and the staff
6. Recommend the seeking of a new senior pastor and
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deaconess and presides over the appointment.
7. Manage the church property and assets and audits
church’s financial performance.
8. The chairman shall appoint staff members, cell, and
department leaders and seek assistant ministers if
9. In the vacancy of the chairman, the district
presbyter shall carry out his duty.
10. The chairman shall appoint department director for
the each sub-department committee, and each department
director shall be appointed by the chairman among the
elder board members (The director’s term is one year.)
6. Record Keeping. Conference records shall be precisely
kept and be inspected by the chairman once a year.
2. Pastoral Assistant Committee
At a church where there are not enough elders, ordained deacons
chairman’s appointment. This applies only a an organized church.
* Elders and Pastoral Assistant Committee shall take 1 year
inactive roll after serving 3 years. But 3 years can be extended
by the senior pastor’s judgment. (Organizing, staff, call to
meeting, quorum, duties are for the Elder Board).
Chapter 11. Examination
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qualification may submit the application for the pastor’s examination
separate from the council through their home church Elder Board Chairman
or director of such department, with a letter of recommendation from the
pastor of his church. After receiving the application, the Council shall
prepare and give the examination within 3 months. But to do so, the
council shall listen to the opinion of the candidate’s state of faith
from the pastor of his church and other two pastors of his denomination.
Article 63. Licensed Minister’s Examination
After finishing the theology education course approved by the Council,
ministers may apply for the examination by presenting the application
(separate form) for the Licensed Ministers’ Examination with a letter of
recommendation of the pastor of his church pledging to keep the bylaws
and the articles of faith before God as minister of this denomination.
Article 64. Elders and Ordained Deacons
The chairman of the Elder Board of the local church shall present the
established by the council with personal history and family references.
Within 3 months, the district presbytery shall prepare and give the
examination. After the examination is passed, they shall be ordained in
the supervision of the district presbytery within 6 months.
Chapter 12. Transfer of Minister
Article 65. Transfer Approval.
Pastor, licensed minister, or missionary may be transferred within the
country or to a foreign country after they submit a request to the
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council and received an approval.
Article 66. Transfer within Council’s Jurisdiction
The local church shall submit to the council through the belonging
district presbytery with the request form resolved in the congregational
meeting in order to invite a pastor to the church for a pastoral
1. Council shall review the request for the invitation. Once
approved, the council shall deliver the request to the pastor who
is invited.
2. Council shall hear from both sides’ representatives and decide
whether to transfer the ministers fro the edification of the
church after considering the circumstance. The decision is as to
presiding pastor should remain in the church or invited pastor may
replace him.
3. Approval from the council and the mutual support of the related
district presbytery are required to invite or transfer pastors
from the district presbytery under the FGWM.
4. Only 3 replaced ministers from the council may be rejected by
the local church. The church may decide to reject the assigned
ministers, but after that, the church must accept the minister the
council sends as an obligation.
Article 67. Self-Resignation
If a pastor submits his resignation form to the council through the
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district presbytery by reason that he can no longer continue the
ministry at the church, the council shall ask the representative of that
church to come and explain the resignation reasons. If either the
representative does not come or there is not enough reasons as to why
the resignation shall be permitted, the resignation shall be granted and
recorded and reported to the council.
Article 68. Recommended Resignation.
Council may recommend the resignation
when a pastor is not incompetent
or not handling the clergy duties.
Article 69. Leaves and Vacations.
Presiding pastor shall consult with the board of elder in times of his
absence if the vacancy exceeds two months due to physical problems,
further theological studies, or a personal matter. He shall receive the
district presbytery’s consent if it is more than 6 months. In case of
more than one year’s vacancy, he shall receive consent from the council.
Chapter 13. Salary of Pastor (or Licensed Minister)
Article 70. Salary of Senior Pastor
1. Capability
Salary shall be decided based upon the capability of the local
church, and shall be for 14 months annually.
2. Classification
Wages, housing aid, transportation, studies, guest expenses,
children’s education, and taxes.
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3. Welfare
1. The local church shall provide health insurance and life
insurance for the pastor.
2. The local church shall deposit the pastor’s pension
according to the pension plan of this council.
3. The local church shall grant 75% of the monthly salary to
a retired senior pastor.
4. The church should provide financial assistance to the
minister in the event of unexpected accident.
5. One time retirement payment is to be paid at the rate of
one month per year of service year.
6. The church shall provide the pastor with a vacation of at
least 2 weeks per year.
Chapter 14. Discipline.
Article 71. Meaning
Discipline is an exercise of scriptural authority and privilege by
Jesus. A believer’s actions or verbal behavior brings a dishonor to God
and causes an ungodly results, the church should take a proper stops to
warn and reprimand.
Article 72. Purpose
The aims of discipline are that the purity and order of the church may
be maintained, and to prevent and discourage any action that are not
deemed to comply with the spirit of the scripture. The goal is to bring
those under discipline to repentance and restoration through the Holy
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Spirit and the Scripture.
Article 73. Transgression
Transgression is defined as all non-biblical or immoral conducts,
causing others to stumble and sin and all verbal behavior or conduct
that interferes with the edification of faith.
Article 74. Causes of Disciplinary Action.
1. For church members.
1. Any conduct deliberately influencing the church with
false doctrine that is contrary to the doctrine of this
denomination or following such a false doctrine.
2. Immoral relationship with another person or sexual sins
including illegal act of marriage and/or divorce actions
contrary to the denomination’s doctrine.
3. Deliberate misuse or private use of church property or
4. Any conduct causing division by stirring up members of
the church or disobedience due to disagreement of the
results from the congregational meetings.
5. Any attitude or action that is in disobedience to the
direction given by the church committee.
6. Any action to provoke dissension and criticism of the
preaching of non-biblical and contrary to the doctrines of
this denomination.
7. Any argumentative behavior or act of dissension.
8. Violent behavior and/or use of abusive language.
9. Any disruptive behavior or action to interfere service or
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10. Stealing, fraud and similar acts.
2. For ministers
1. Violation of bylaws and constitution of this council and
abuse of pastoral power or neglect of pastor duties.
2. Causing disgrace to the clergy by not paying off personal
3. Performing rituals or activities that are not approved by
this council.
Article 75. Disciplinary Actions.
If the cause of action for discipline is found, pastor or the Elder
Board Chairman may form assistant committees. If the issue is serious
enough, the local church may request a disciplinary action from the
district presbytery and council.
Article 76. Classification of Actions
1. The reason for the discipline shall be explained to the
individual if the person is found to be obedient, then the problem
shall be resolved privately. If the person is found to be
disobedient or is in denial, confront him/her with two eye
witnesses and then a proper discipline shall be announced in front
of the congregation.
2. Disciplinary confinement member of the staff board shall be
restricted from the public prayer during services, attendance at
the staff board meetings and participating in Lord’s Supper for a
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period of time. Lay church members shall be disciplined according
to the pastor’s direction.
disqualified as a staff board member for 2 period of time.
4. Termination: The individual shall be disqualified indefinitely
as a staff board member. Termination of Clergy shall be handled by
the standing committee. Elders and ordained deacons shall be
handled by the District Presbytery. (Senior deacons and deacons
are handled by the individual church’s Elder Board or the District
membership list of the church.
Article 77. Extension of Disciplinary Actions.
Disciplinary duration may be extended if the disciplined individual
continues the disciplinary cause.
Article 78. Removal of Disciplinary Action
After the disciplinary action has taken place, the elder board /
individual shows a self discipline and prudence and the evidence of a
genuine change.
Article 79. Appeals
The individual may appeal or request a review of his disciplinary action
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case either to the disciplinary committee or to the higher authority
within 1 month from the disciplinary measure and reasons unfair.
Chapter 15. Duties
Article 80. Duties of the Local Church.
1. Affiliated local church shall remit $1 per baptized church
member to the council every month.
2. Affiliated local church shall submit elder board’s journal size
of the congregation and the budget balance sheet to the council.
Article 81. Duties of the Minister
1. Pastors and licensed minister shall each pay monthly membership
fee of $70.00 and $50.00 to the council respectively.
denomination shall be approved by the affiliated council.
3. Change of address for the church or ministers shall be reported
to both district presbytery and council within 4 weeks.
4. All ministers must renew their minister’s identification by
January 31 of each year.
Chapter 16. Revisions
Article 82. Revisions and amendments to the constitution.
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1. Revision and amendment proposal shall be submitted to the
council 3 months prior to discussion. The proposal must first go
through the district committee before being submitted to the
2. Unregistered vote of approval of 2/3 of the members present at
the regular council meeting is required for approval of the
or amendment of the constitutions after the council
meeting’s review of the proposal.
Superintendent approves it.
4. The constitution becomes effective on the day the council
approves it.
Chapter 17. Welfare Committee
Article 1. Name
Full Gospel World Missions Welfare Committee
Article 2. Purpose
To provide ways to assist the members of this council after the
retirement for a financial security in living. And in the event of
death, to provide a financial benefit to the surviving family members to
lessen the burden.
Article 3. Categories.
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1. mutual aid plan
2. retirement pension plan
3. active minister’s children’s scholarship plan
4. church loan plan
Article 4. Organization
To manage the welfare fund and office duties, a welfare committee of
officials shall be formed. For an expert opinion if necessary, a
consultative committee may be formed.
1. Duties
The welfare committee officials shall also be the legal directors
of the welfare fund and the duties and exercise the total
jurisdiction over the welfare issues of the members.
2. Committee Formation
committee as a matter of course. From the officials, 3 shall be
the operation directors. One clerk and the term shall be for 2
3. Qualification
The welfare committee members must have maintained the membership
of this council for the past 5 years most recently and must also
have at least 10 years of patrol experience. He should be
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faultless in both the ministry and in personal life. And also must
be capable and mature. He must also have followed all the policies
of the council.
Article 5. Meetings and Operation
1. There shall be regular meetings of officials.
If necessary, 2 temporary committee may be organized.
2. Detail items of operation shall be decided by the operational
Article 6. To Fill up Vacancy.
If during the term, the officer makes a default, for the remainder of
the term, the Executive Committee shall select the substitute officer.
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