*********************************************************** Association for Information Systems AIS Offices P.O. Box 2712 Atlanta, GA 30301-2712, USA *********************************************************** Dear AIS members, There are now 4,000 AIS members, 11 AIS chapters and 4 affiliates around the world, 21 Special Interest Groups and 21 discounted publications for AIS members. We hope to welcome you to ECIS in June in Finland, AMCIS in August in New York or SAIS in February in Savannah. We also wanted to remind you the open Call for Papers for AIS conferences (ICIS), sponsored conferences (ECIS, PACIS), chapter conferences (ITAIS), affiliated organizations conferences (AIM, UKAIS), and endorsed conferences (ICEC). You will find more information about these conferences in the forthcoming AIS Newsletter and on the AIS Web site <http://www.aisnet.org>. See you soon, on AIS media Emmanuel Monod, AIS VP for communications A) Forthcoming AIS related conferences B) 11 chapters and 4 affiliates C) 21 SIGs D) 21 discounted Journals A)Forthcoming AIS related conferences AIS conferences (and sponsored conferences): ECIS, June 14-16, Turku, Finland http://www.ecis2004.fi/ AMCIS, August 6-8, New York, USA, http://howe.stevens-tech.edu/amcis2004/ CFP for AIS conferences (and sponsored conferences): PACIS, deadline: March 15, Shanghai, China, http://www.pacis2004.org/ ICIS, deadline: May, 3, Washington DC, http://icis2004.org/ CFP for AIS chapters' conferences: ITAIS (Italy), deadline: June 30, http://www.organizzazione.org/ CFP for AIS affiliated organizations conferences: AIM, Association Information et Management (French Speaking World), deadline: March, 1, Evry (Paris South), France http://www.aim2004.intevry.fr/gb/index.html UKAIS, deadline : Feb. 27, http://www.ukais2004.gcal.ac.uk/ CFP for AIS endorsed conferences: ICEC (electronic commerce), deadline : April, 1, http://www.icec04.net/ B) Ten chapters and four affiliates The 10 chapters and four affiliates are spread across the three AIS regions (Americas, Europe Middle East Africa and Asia Pacific). In the Americas (Region One), there are now two chapters. In addition to the Southern US chapter (SAIS), we now welcome the Latin America and Caribbean AIS (LACAIS) Chapter, which will. organize AMCIS 2006 in Acapulco. The Europe, Middle East and Africa (Region Two) has been an active area of chapter and affiliate creation. In this region, there are now five chapters and two affiliates. While the first European chapters were Italy (ITAIS) and Slovenia, a new European chapter joined them, Ireland (IAIS). While Morocco (AIS Maroc) is still the only one in Africa, the Middle East has now its first chapter with Israel (ILAIS). In addition to the two European affiliates AIM (French Speaking World) and FB5 (Germany), we welcome now UK AIS (United Kingdom). In Asia Pacific (Region Three), there are three chapters. Joining Australasia (AAIS), and the Chinese Speaking chapter, AIS Pakistan (PAIS) has been created. Finally, an affiliation with IEEE has been approved in principle. As chapters form, we will be http://www.aisnet.org/chapters.asp. posting links to their websites here, C) Twenty-one Special Interest Groups The 21 SIGs cover a wide area of topics. Some cover managerial issues (Leadership, Decision Support, Process Automation), while others focus on technologies (Agents-based IS, Ontology-driven IS, Semantic Web). Some cover applications fields (Accounting IS, Education, e-government, e-culture), while others are cross-functional (e-business, IS Outsourcing, Enterprise Systems). Some focus on management of IS (Systems Analysis and Design, IT Professional Management), while others concentrate on human and social issues (Human Computer Interface, Adoption and Diffusion of IS). Finally, some are building bridges with other sciences (Cognitive Research, Philosophy and Epistemology of IS), while others include the global dimension of IS (Cross-cultural research in IS, IS in developing countries). These two latter SIGs are extremely relevant because of the recent creation of AIS chapters in Morocco, Latin America and Caribbean, China and Taiwan and Pakistan! If you'd like to read more about our AIS SIGs, you can find links to their respective websites here, http://www.aisnet.org/sigs.shtmlYou may join an AIS SIG at anytime during the year, by logging in here, https://www.aisnet.org/login/?ReturnUrl=%2fmemfunct%2fsigMemberships.aspx. D) Twenty-one discounted Journals In addition to the currently four journals free to AIS members (MISQ, MISQ executives, JAIS and CAIS) and the proceedings of ICIS and AMCIS, the AIS council approved the addition of 10 new journals to the AIS membership discount list. This decision does not mean that these journals are endorsed by AIS, but simply that they are made available at a discounted price for AIS members. If you would like to receive a discount coupon via email for any of these journals, you may do so at anytime, by logging in here, https://www.aisnet.org/login/?ReturnUrl=%2fmemfunct%2fjournalCoupons.aspx. e-Service Journal Journal of Global Information Management (JGIM) Information Resources Management Journal (IRMJ) Journal of End User Computing (JEUC) Journal of Database Management (JDM) Journal of Electronic Commerce In Organizations (JECO) Journal of Distance Education Technologies (JDET) Journal of IT Standard and Standardization Research (JITSR) Annals of Cases on Information Technology (ACIT) Journal of Information Systems Education These new journals augment the existing 11 journals: Information & Management Information Systems Information Systems Journal Journal of Information Technology Journal of Management Information Systems Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce Journal of Strategic Information Systems MIS Quarterly The DATABASE for Advances in Information Systems The Information Society: An International Journal European Journal of Information Systems As always, thank you for your continued support of AIS. If there is an item you would like to see in cluded in this eNewsletter or our print AIS Newsletter, Vol. 2 coming soon, please email Emmanuel Monod at newsletter@aisnet.org or vpcommunications@aisnet.org Emmanuel Monod AIS V.P. of Communications AIS is hosted by and located in the Computer Information Systems Department Suite 917, Robinson College of Business, Georgia State University, 35 Broad Street, Atlanta, GA 30303 USA Phone: +1 404 651 0348 Fax: +1 404 651 4938 E-mail: ais@aisnet.org Internet: http://www.aisnet.org