University Studies Cluster Proposal Cover Sheet Add Existing Cluster Course to a New Cluster Proposal For Academic Year 2016-2017 This form is to be used with the initial request to create a cluster course, and assign it to a cluster. If the course is intended to be a part of more than one cluster, please submit a separate form for each cluster for review. If you are proposing a new course please attach that course proposal with this request. Cluster Proposed for: Title of course: Course Number: Cross-listed with: Proposing Faculty name, email, and phone: Other contacts: If you would like the results of this review to be sent to anyone other than the proposing faculty and cluster coordinator (dept. chair, co-instructor, etc.), please list them here with contact information Cluster Coordinator: Date Submitted First term to be offered in the new cluster (Term/Year): *Note courses first active Fall 2016 Please note that there are some special rules concerning cluster courses that are listed under omnibus numbers (i.e. 399 and 410) and courses that are intended as a topics series. Cluster courses may not have prerequisites and may not be cross-listed with graduate level courses. University course proposals are reviewed by the Cluster Curriculum Committee and the University Studies Council. For additional assistance, please contact Katherine Barich ( Cluster course proposals are reviewed by the UNST Council and Faculty Senate. Please deliver 1 hard copy (UNST – CH 117) with signatures and 1 electronic copy to Rowanna Carpenter ( and Katherine Barich ( Proposals are due by: For Fall 2016 - Friday, November 13, 2015, For Winter 2017 – Friday, January 29, 2016 University Studies Cluster Course Addition Adding an already approved “U” course to another cluster (When addressing questions, please attach a separate sheet) 1. COURSE TITLE AND NUMBER: PROPOSING FACULTY (Name, signature, and department): TO WHAT CLUSTER ARE YOU PROPOSING ADDING THIS “U” COURSE? FOR WHAT OTHER CLUSTER(S) HAS THIS COURSE ALREADY BEEN APPROVED? 1. AVAILABILITY: With what regularity has the course been—or will the course be—offered? 2. GENERAL EDUCATION GOALS: SUITABILITY & CLUSTER INTEGRITY Discuss the place of this particular course within the cluster to which you wish to add it, indicating how adding the proposed course will contribute to, while also sustaining, the thematic integrity of the cluster. 3. LEARNING OUTCOMES: Please address the cluster specific learning outcomes. 4. SYLLABUS: Please attach a current syllabus. 5. CLUSTER OVERLAP: Please indicate how this course addresses the themes of the multiple clusters to which it belongs/will belong. OBTAIN CHAIR AND CLUSTER COORDINATOR SIGNATURES BEFORE SUBMITTING DEPARTMENT CHAIR(S): __________________________________ DATE: _____________________. DATE: _______________________. CLUSTER COORDINATOR __________________________________ DATE: _____________________. THE ORIGINAL 1 MUST BE RECEIVED AT UNIVERSITY STUDIES (CH 117), ATTN: KATHERINE BARICH. ONE ELECTRONIC COPY OF THE PROPOSAL MUST BE SENT TO ROWANNA CARPENTER ( and KATHERINE BARICH ( BY FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 2015 – For listing in fall BY FRIDAY JANUARY 29, 2016 – For listing in winter Proposals submitted by this due date will be reviewed for inclusion in clusters beginning in AY 2016 - 2017. Changes will not be in effect until Fall Term 2016 or Winter Term 2017 ***************************************************************** COURSE APPROVED FOR CLUSTER INCLUSION All changes to Clusters must be approved by PSU’s Faculty Senate. CHAIR UNST COMMITTEE: __________________________________ DATE: _____________________. DATE: _______________________. CHAIR, CLUSTER COORDINATOR __________________________. DATE: _____________________.