4-H Marine Ecology Event

4-H State Marine Ecology Event
Section 4: Natural History Scavenger Hunt
Senior/Intermediate Sample Sheet
For Section 4, youth will need to match "clues" with specimens or photos provided by finding them in a
room. Below is a sample of 20 "clues" based on the organisms Intermediates and Seniors need to know
for the contest. The information needed to complete this "clue sheet" can be found in the "Did you
know?" section of the Senior/Intermediate Companion Guide. Each age level will have their own set of
clues and specimens to select from for the competition (with some overlap). Youth are encouraged to
create additional clue sheets for practice. Answers are on the next page.
1. This beach plant is especially important in keeping sand dunes in place.
2. The fruit of this tree can be made into jelly.
3. This is the official state shell of Florida.
4. This turtle was first hunted for its beautiful speckled shell.
5. This bird is often seen sitting with its wings outstretched to get them dry.
6. The male of this fish gives birth!
7. This fish is also known as an "oyster cracker" because of its eating habits.
8. This animal has a name that means "good tasting" and it is!
9. The fruit of this beach plant is edible but has sharp little spines.
10. When this calcareous plant dies, it forms oatmeal-like flakes on the seafloor.
11. This little coral reef animal is very light sensitive and will quickly pull back into
its tube when something passes over it.
12. This animal has poisonous spines in some of its fins.
13. This animal produces an egg mass that is surrounded by a "sand collar."
14. This very large animal is known for being very vocal underwater.
15. This sea animal is related to the elephant.
16. This popular baitfish is often seen in schools just under the surface. They often
jump out of the water when pursued by other fish.
17. This bird is also known as the "man-o-war" bird because of its behavior.
18. The population of this bird was affected by the use of DDT in the 1970s.
19. This bird feeds by dragging its longer lower bill through the water as it flies.
20. This "crab" is NOT a true crab but more related to a spider.
Answers to Section 4: Senior/Intermediate Sample Sheet
Note: Clues and answers will depend on what specimen are available or on display. Some clues may
apply to more than one animal or plant. Youth should be able to match clues to pictures and actual
specimens, not just to a name alone. The name of the organism (with the specimen) may or may not
be given in the competition.
1. sea oats
2. sea grape
3. Florida horse conch
4. hawksbill turtle
5. anhinga OR cormorant
6. seahorse or pipefish
7. toadfish
8. blue crab
9. prickly pear cactus
10. disc algae
11. Christmas tree worm
12. gafftopsail catfish OR hardhead catfish
13. moon snail
14. humpback whale
15. manatee
16. mullet
17. frigate bird
18. bald eagle
19. black skimmer
20. horseshoe crab