Required Clues

Required Clues
If you prefer you may add additional information to your presentation. Be sure to keep the
presentation to 10 minutes or less.
Developing your Clues:
When developing your clues try to make sure each one is challenging. The other classes should
not be able to determine your city and state from hearing one or two clues and not doing any
research. For example, if you were presenting a clue for Orlando, Florida you would never want
to come out and say you can visit Disney World. Also, you would not want to give a clue that
the other classes can Google and find the first few search result descriptions.
Answer at least one question from this category.
1. How are goods imported to and exported from the state?
2. How do average people travel within the state?
Answer at least one question from this category.
1. Give a clue about the highest or lowest point in your state.
2. What bodies of water or landforms are near the political borders of the state?
Human-Environment Interaction
Answer at least one question from this category.
What are the major economic activities in the state?
In what ways have people modified the environment of this state?
In what ways have the people adapted to the environment of the state?
During the months of December through February, what recreational activities does
your state enjoy?
Answer at least one question from this category.
1. Give a relative location clue for your state.
2. In what time zone is your state located?
Answer at least one question from this category.
1. What is the area of the state?
2. Describe the climate of the state.
3. What is the major ecosystem(s) in this state?
Answer at least four questions from this category.
Describe the state’s involvement in a major conflict.
When was the state established?
What European(s) first explored your state?
Give a clue about one Native American culture that is historically from your area.
What is a major contribution of the state to the world?
What is a point of pride for your state?
Answer at least one question from this category.
1. Who are your state U.S. Senators?
2. How many U.S. Representatives is your state entitled to? (Don’t name all of them.
Usually too many!)
Give at least 7 city clues in your presentation. You are required to give one clue from
each section.
Movement(one required)
1. How are goods imported to and exported from the state?
2. How do average people travel within the state?
Region(one required)
1. Name one or more bodies of water or landforms that are near the political border of
this city.
Human-Environment Interaction(one required)
1. What is the major industry/employer of your town or city?
2. In what ways have people modified the environment of this city?
3. In what ways have people adapted to the environment of this city?
Location(one required)
1. Which direction from the state capital do you travel to reach the town or city?
(Note: DO NOT PRESENT THE CAPITAL because it is too easy or gives it away if you don’t answer
this question.)
Place(one required)
1. Give a clue about a tourist attraction or landmark in your city or town. Illustrate if
2. What is the population of your city?( You can give a range if you wish)
3. Give a clue about the nearest state park.