Last updated July 2012 CURRICULUM VITAE Amy G. Halberstadt Department of Psychology North Carolina State University Raleigh, NC 27695-7650 Office: (919) 515-1730 FAX: (919) 515-1716 e-mail: EDUCATION Ph.D. The Johns Hopkins University, 1981 Dissertation: The relationship between family expressiveness and nonverbal communicative behavior M.A. The Johns Hopkins University, 1978 A.B. Colgate University, 1976 Magna Cum Laude, Honors in Psychology ACADEMIC POSITIONS 2002- present 1992-2002 1989-1992 1981-1989 1986-1987 1978-1980 Professor, Department of Psychology, North Carolina State University Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, North Carolina State University Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, North Carolina State University Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, Vassar College Visiting Assistant Professor, Institute for Child Study, College of Education, University of Maryland Instructor, Department of Psychology, Towson State University RESEARCH INTERESTS Emotion experience and expression in the family, and embedded within culture Beliefs about emotion within and across families and cultures Affective social competence Relationships between understanding of emotion and empathic responding Gender issues through the lifespan Halberstadt 2 GRANTS Templeton Fund/ Greater Good Science Center (with Andrea Hussong as the PI, and Coffman, Costanzo, Cox, Halberstadt, and Mokrova as co-PIs) The socialization of gratitude through parent-child interaction. ($200,000). 2012-2014. NSF Development & Learning Sciences Program (with Patricia Garrett-Peters as a co-PI) Collaborative research: A dynamic multidimensional examination of parental socialization of children’s emotion understanding and social competence in middle childhood. ($230,000), 2010-2012. University matching supplement: $26,900 NICHD R03-HD042753: Parents’ beliefs about children’s emotions. ($143,617), 2003- 2005 (extension 6/30/2007). NCSU Pilot Program Grant (on behalf of the Psychology Department). Curriculum Diversity ($12,000), 2001-2002. NCSU Grant for Teaching Innovation: Psychology of Gender ($6,650), 1995-1996. NIMH National Research Scientist Mentor (Postdoctoral Fellowship Award 5 F32 MH10966 to Julie Dunsmore under my mentorship). Effects of maternal emotions on young children’s memory for events. ($46, 308), 1994-1996. NCSU Mini-Grant for Teaching Materials (with Lynne Baker-Ward): Videotapes of Developmental Processes ($1,000), 1990-1991. NCSU Faculty Research & Professional Development Award: Children's Nonverbal Communication Skills ($3,490), 1989-1990. NICHD R15-HD22367 Academic Research Enhancement Award: Socialization of emotion expression ($69,916), 1987-1989. NIMH R03-MH42425: Emotion expression in preschool children ($15,469), 1986-1987. Vassar College Mellon Grant ($4,000), 1986-1987. TEACHING Undergraduate Classes: Introduction to Psychology Developmental Psychology Social Psychology Psychology of Gender Psychology of Emotion Research Methods: Developmental Research Methods: Social/Personality Fieldwork & Independent Research Graduate Seminars: Social Development Social Processes during Adulthood and Aging Psychology of Gender Emotion Undergraduate Seminars: Nonverbal Communication Social Development: Play Emotion Psychology of Gender Social Psychology of Urban Life Halberstadt 3 FELLOWSHIPS AND HONORS Alumni Distinguished University Professor, NCSU, 2006-2008 --@ 6 professors from the entire university faculty receive this award yearly (includes three years of monetary award) Academy of Outstanding Teachers, NCSU, 2001 NSF Program for Advanced Study & Research in Social Psychophysiology, Summer 1990 Sigma Xi, North Carolina State University, 1990 National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowship, 1977-79, 1980-81 The Johns Hopkins University Fellowship, 1976-1977 Phi Beta Kappa, 1976 Charles A. Dana Scholar Award, Colgate University, 1976 PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS Center for Developmental Science (1995-present, Executive Council 2011- present) International Society for Research on Emotion (1998-present) Society for Research in Child Development (1981-present) Society for Experimental Social Psychology (1987-present) American Psychological Society, Charter Member American Psychological Association, Divisions 8 and 35 (1986-1990) Hudson Valley Alliance for Social Psychology (Co-chair) (1987-1989) American Association for University Professors, (secy/treasurer, Vassar chapter, 1983-1987) REVIEWING Guest Action Editor, Emotion, 2012 Co-Editor: Social Development, January, 2011-present Guest Editor: Journal of Nonverbal Behavior (two issues), 1993-1994 Consulting Editor: Developmental Psychology, 2000-2004 Child Development, 2001-2002 Journal of Nonverbal Behavior, 1989-1991, 1995-1997 Review of Personality and Social Psychology, 1989-1991 Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 1986-1989 Current Reviewer: Child Development, Developmental Psychology, Emotion, Infant and Child Development, Journal of Nonverbal Behavior, Journal of Family Psychology, Social Development Grant Reviewing: NSF Behavioral and Cognitive Sciences Grants, Ad hoc Reviewer, 2001 to present Halberstadt 4 NIH Social and Group Processes, Temporary Member, 1996 NSF Advisory Panel on Social, Behavioral, and Economic Research Experiences for Undergraduates (SITES), 1993, 1994 NSF Grant reviewing for various divisions, 1980-1985, 1990-1993 EDITED BOOKS Ellyson, S. L., & Halberstadt, A. G. (Eds.), (1995). Explorations in Social Psychology. New York: McGraw-Hill. Halberstadt, A. G., & Ellyson, S. L. (Eds.), (1990). Social psychology readings: A century of research. New York: McGraw Hill. ARTICLES AND CHAPTERS Dennis, P. A.*, & Halberstadt, A. G. (2012). Is believing seeing? The role of emotion-related beliefs in selective attention to affective cues. Cognition and Emotion, 26, 1-18. Halberstadt, A. G., Parker, A. E., & Castro, V. L.* (in press). Nonverbal communication: Developmental perspectives. In J. A. Hall & M. L. Knapp (Eds.) Handbook of Communication Science (Vol. 2). Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. Parker, A. E., Halberstadt, A. G., Dunsmore, J. C., Townley, G. E., Bryant, A., Jr., Thompson, J. A.*, & Beale, K. S.* (2012). “Emotions are a window into one’s heart”: A qualitative analysis of parental beliefs about children’s emotions across three ethnic groups. Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development, 77, 1-144. Halberstadt, A. G., & Lozada, F. L.* (2011). Culture and emotion in the first five years of life. In M. Lewis (Ed.) Encyclopedia on Early Childhood Development (pp. 1-6, online). Montreal, Quebec: Centre of Excellence for Early Childhood Development. Available at: Stelter, R. L.* & Halberstadt, A. G. (2011). Children’s feelings of security as affected by parental beliefs about children’s emotions and parental stress. Infant and Child Development, 20, 272-287. Halberstadt, A. G., & Lozada, F. L.* (2011). Emotion development in infancy through the lens of culture. Emotion Review, 3, 158-168. doi:10.1177/1754073910387946 Halberstadt, A. G., Dennis, P. A.*, & Hess, U. (2011). The influence of family expressiveness, individuals’ own emotionality and self-expressiveness on perceptions of others’ facial expressions. Journal of Nonverbal Behavior, 35, 35-50. Halberstadt 5 Wong, M. S., McElwain, N., & Halberstadt, A. G. (2009). Parent, family, and child characteristics as predictors of mother- and father-reported emotion socialization practices. Journal of Family Psychology, 23, 452-463. Dunsmore, J. C., & Halberstadt, A. G. (2009). The dynamic context of children’s emotions: Family and cultural system influences (pp. 171-190). In J. A. Mancini & K. A. Roberto (Eds.) Pathways of human development: Explorations of change. Boulder, Co: Lexington Books. Dunsmore, J. C., Her, P., Halberstadt, A. G., & Perez-Rivera, M. B. (2009). Parents’ beliefs about emotions and children’s recognition of parents’ emotions. Journal of Nonverbal Behavior, 33, 121-140. Halberstadt, A. G., Thompson, J. A.*, Parker, A. E.*, & Dunsmore, J. C. (2008). Parents’ emotion-related beliefs and behaviours in relation to children’s coping with the 11 September 2001 terrorist attacks. Infant and Child Development, 17, 557-580. Thompson, J. A.*, & Halberstadt, A. G. (2008). Children's accounts of sibling jealousy and their implicit theories about relationships. Social Development, 17, 488-511. Halberstadt, A. G., & Parker, A. E. (2007). Function, structure, and process as independent dimensions in research on emotion. Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice, 14, 402406. McElwain, N. L., Halberstadt, A. G., & Volling, B. L. (2007). Mother- and father-reported reactions to children’s negative emotions: Relations to young children’s emotional understanding and friendship quality. Child Development, 78, 1407-1425. Dunsmore, J. C., Halberstadt, A. G., Eaton, K. L.* & Robinson, M. L. (2005). Mothers’ typical and event-specific positive expressions influence children’s memory for events. Social Development, 14, 339-360. Dunsmore, J. C., Halberstadt, A. G., & Robinson, M. L. (2004). Mothers’ negative evaluations of children’s performance enhance boys’ memory for crafts. Journal of Genetic Psychology, 165, 345-365. Halberstadt, A. G., & Eaton, K. L.* (2002). Socialization of emotion expression and understanding in the family. Marriage and Family Review, 34, 35-62. Halberstadt, A. G., Dunsmore, J. C.*, & Denham, S. A. (2001). Spinning the pinwheel, together: More thoughts on Affective Social Competence. Social Development, 10, 130136. (Reply to the commentaries on our lead article referenced just below.) Halberstadt, A. G., Denham, S. A., & Dunsmore, J. C.* (2001). Affective social competence. Social Development, 10, 79-119. Halberstadt 6 Carpenter, S., & Halberstadt, A. G. (2000). Causes of anger in family relationships. Social Development, 9, 458-477. (authorship determined by coin toss) Halberstadt, A. G. (1999). Of models and mechanisms. Psychological Inquiry, 9, 290-294. Halberstadt, A. G., Crisp, V. W.,* & Eaton, K. L.* (1999). Family expressiveness: A retrospective and new directions for research (pp. 109-155). In P. Philippot, R. S. Feldman, & E. J.Coats (Eds.) The social context of nonverbal behavior. NY: Cambridge University Press. Dunsmore, J. C., & Halberstadt, A. G. (1997). How does family emotional expressiveness affect children’s schemas? In K. C. Barrett (Ed.) New Directions in Child Development, The communication of emotion: Current research from diverse perspectives, 77, 45-68. Hall, J. A., Halberstadt, A. G., & O’Brien, C. E. (1997). “Subordination” and nonverbal sensitivity: A study and synthesis of findings based on trait measures. Sex Roles, 37, 295-317. Hall, J. A., & Halberstadt, A. G. (1997). Subordination and nonverbal sensitivity: A hypothesis in search of support. In M. R. Walsh (Ed.) Women, men, and gender: Ongoing debates (pp. 120-133). New Haven, CT: Yale University Press. Carpenter, S., & Halberstadt, A. G. (1996). What makes people angry? Laypersons’ and psychologists’ categorizations of anger in family relationships. Cognition and Emotion, 10, 627-656. Halberstadt, A. G., Cassidy, J., Stifter, C. A., Parke, R. D., & Fox, N. A. (1995). Selfexpressiveness within the family: Psychometric support for a new measure. Psychological Assessment, 7, 93-103. Ellyson, S. L., & Halberstadt, A. G. (1995). On reading the research literature. In S. Ellyson, & A. G. Halberstadt (Eds.), Explorations in Social Psychology (pp. 3-13). New York: McGraw-Hill. Hall, J. A., & Halberstadt, A. G. (1994). "Subordination" and sensitivity to nonverbal cues: A study of married working women. Sex Roles, 31, 149-165. Halberstadt, A.G. (1994). Social development and nonverbal behavior: An overview. Journal of Nonverbal Behavior, 18, 1-5. Halberstadt, A. G., Fox, N. A., & Jones, N. A.* (1993). Do expressive mothers have expressive children? The role of socialization in children's affect expression. Social Development, 2, 48-65. Halberstadt, A. G. (1993). Emotional experience and expression: An issue overview. Journal of Nonverbal Behavior, 17, 139-143. Halberstadt 7 Halberstadt, A. G., & Green, L. R.* (1993). Social attention and placation theories of blushing. Motivation and Emotion, 17, 1-12. Halberstadt, A. G., Grotjohn, D. K.*, Johnson, C. A.*, Furth, M. R. S.*, & Greig, M. M. (1992). Children's facial management of affect. Journal of Nonverbal Behavior, 16, 215-230. Halberstadt, A. G. (1991). Towards an ecology of expressiveness: Family expressiveness in particular and a model in general. In R. S. Feldman & B. Rimé (Eds.), Fundamentals in nonverbal behavior (pp. 106-160). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Ellyson, S. L., & Halberstadt, A. G. (1990). On reading the research literature. In A. G. Halberstadt & S. L. Ellyson (Eds.), Social psychology readings: A century of research (pp. 3-11). New York: McGraw Hill. Halberstadt, A. G., Hayes, C. W.*, & Pike, K. M.* (1988). Gender and gender-role differences in smiling and communication consistency. Sex Roles, 19, 589-604. Burrowes, B. D.*, & Halberstadt, A. G. (1987). Self- and family-expressiveness styles in the experience and expression of anger. Journal of Nonverbal Behavior, 11, 254-268. Halberstadt, A. G., & Saitta, M. B.* (1987). Gender, nonverbal behavior, and dominance: A test of the theory. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 53, 257-272. Halberstadt, A. G. (1986). Family socialization of emotional expression and nonverbal communication styles and skills. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 51, 827836. Hall, J. A., & Halberstadt, A. G. (1986). Smiling and gazing. In J. S. Hyde & M. Linn (Eds.), The psychology of gender: Advances through meta-analysis. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press (pp. 136-158, 260-268). Halberstadt, A. G. (1985). Race, socioeconomic status, and nonverbal behavior. In A. Siegman & S. Feldstein (Eds.), Nonverbal communication and interpersonal relations. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum (pp. 227-266). Halberstadt, A. G. (1984). Family expression of emotion. In C. Z. Malatesta & C. E. Izard (Eds.), Emotion and adult development. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage (pp. 235-252). Halberstadt, A. G. (1983). Gender and nonverbal behavior: Of relevance and rigor. Semiotica, 45, 357-369. Halberstadt, A. G. (1983). Family expressiveness styles and nonverbal communication skills. Journal of Nonverbal Behavior, 8, 14-26. Halberstadt 8 Hall, J. A., & Halberstadt, A. G. (1981). Sex roles and nonverbal communication skills. Sex Roles, 7, 273-287. Halberstadt, A. G., & Hall, J. A. (1980). Who's getting the message? Children's nonverbal skill and their evaluation by teachers. Developmental Psychology, 16, 564-573. Hall, J. A., & Halberstadt, A. G. (1980). Masculinity and femininity in children: Development of the Children's Personal Attributes Questionnaire. Developmental Psychology, 16, 270-280. *Collaboration with students MANUSCRIPTS IN PREPARATION Halberstadt, A. G., Dunsmore, J. C., Bryant, A., Jr., Parker, A. E.*, Beale, K. R.* and Thompson, J. A.* (2012). Development of the Parents’ Beliefs about Children’s Emotions Questionnaire. Revise and Resubmit Brown, G. L.*, Halberstadt, A. G., & Craig, A. B.* (2012). Gender differences in parents’ emotion socialization behaviors vary by ethnicity and child gender. Revise and Resubmit Lozada, F. T.* Halberstadt, A. G., Craig, A. B.*, Dunsmore, J. C., & Dennis, P. A.* (2012). Parents’ beliefs about children’s emotions and their conversations with children. In preparation. Halberstadt, A. G., Beale, K. R.*, Craig, A. B.*, & Parker, A. E. (2012). Anger in the family: Individual and dyadic contributions. In preparation. Craig, A. B., Stelter, R. L., & Halberstadt, A. G. (2012). Parents’ beliefs about children’s emotions cluster by gender, ethnicity, education, and age. In preparation. Dissanayake, M. P.*, Halberstadt, A. G., Kalat, J. W., & Shamble, S. V. (2012). The link between emotion differentiation and relationship quality across three cultures. In preparation. Craig, A. B., & Halberstadt, A. G. (2012). Parental distress differently affects mothers’ and fathers’ responses to children’s negative emotions. In preparation. *Collaboration with students RESEARCH IN PROGRESS Halberstadt 9 Halberstadt, A. G., Garrett-Peters, P., Leary, K.*, Lozada, F. T.*, Sibley, P. A. (2012). Children’s understanding of emotion. This two-year grant examines third-grade children’s understanding of emotion in across multiple domains and contexts and considers mothers‘ socialization beliefs and behaviors as longitudinal predictors, and children’s social competence in school as outcomes. We expect multiple papers to emerge from this grant, with each of us as first authors. Halberstadt, A. G., Craig, A. B.,* Sibley, P. A.*, Thompson, J. A.*, Dunn, J. F., & Eisenberg, A. R. (2012). Social construction of gender through language. In two studies of families with four-year-old children, we find frequent use of gendered language by both parents and children. Further, it appears that when parents lead with gendered language, children follow. Halberstadt, A.G., Thompson, J.A.*, Dunn, J., & Eisenberg, A.R. (2012). Messages about gender: The communication of gender beliefs with family and friends. Parents, and to some degree children, communicate many messages about gender rules and roles for children and adults; this study describes the frequency of meta-messages about gender and by gender, within the family. BOOK REVIEW Eaton, K. L.,* & Halberstadt, A. G. (2000). Gender and emotion: A rich account of the relationship. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 24, 379-380. PRESENTATIONS AND INVITED TALKS Leary, K. A.*, Halberstadt, A. G., Brinton, J. E.* (2012, July). Ethnic and gender similarities and differences in the socialization of children’s pride. Poster submitted for the conference of the Society for Personality & Social Psychology, New Orleans. Lozada, F. T.*, Halberstadt, A. G., Leary, K. A.*, Sibley, P. A.*, Garrett-Peters, P. (2012, February). The impact of racial socialization on children’s emotional outcomes. Poster presented at the Positive Development of Minority Youth themed meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Tampa, Fl. Lozada, F. T.*, Halberstadt, A. G., & Craig, A. B.* (2012, January). The contribution of parents’ beliefs about children’s emotions to parents’ emotion-related socialization behaviors. Poster presented at the Society for Personality & Social Psychology, San Diego. Halberstadt, A. G., Craig, A. B., * Lozada, F. T.*, & Brown, G. * (2011, April). Parents' beliefs, behaviors, and the relationships between them: Differences and similarities by ethnicity and education. In E. M. Leerkes & J. A. Nelson (Chairs), Racial and cultural differences in parents' emotion socialization beliefs and practices. Symposium presented at the meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Montreal, Canada. Halberstadt 10 Stelter, R. L.*, & Halberstadt, A. G. (March, 2011). Parental socialization of children’s anger and sadness. Poster presented at the meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Montreal, Canada. Leary, K. A.*, Lozada, F. T.*, & Halberstadt, A. G. (2011 , March). Ethnic and gender differences in parental beliefs about children's pride. Poster presented at the meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Montreal, Canada. Dissanayake, M. P.*, Halberstadt, A. G., & Kalat, J. W. (2010, February). The relationship between emotion differentiation and relationship quality of individuals across cultures. Paper presented at the Society for Cross-Cultural Research, Albuquerque, NM. Lozada, F. T.*, Dennis, P. A.*, Stelter, R. L. *, Craig, A. B.*, & Halberstadt, A. G. (2010, January). Parental socialization of emotion: Discouraging and encouraging emotion in conversations with children. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Society of Personality and Social Psychology, Las Vegas, NV. Craig, A. B.*, Stelter, R. L.*, Halberstadt, A. G. (2010, January). Gender differences in the relationship between parents’ distress and reactions towards children’s dominant and submissive negative emotions. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Society of Personality and Social Psychology, Las Vegas, NV. Halberstadt, A. G. (2009, October). How parents' beliefs about emotions may affect children's emotion competence. Invited talk at Cape Breton University. Halberstadt, A. G., Dennis, P. A.*, Craig, A. B.*, Stelter, R. L.*, & McNeil, S.** (2009, April). Parents’ beliefs: Relationships with parents’ and children’s emotional competence in the family. In B. Holmes & F. Jellesma (Chairs), Emotional intelligence and the parent-child relationship. Symposium presented at the meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Denver, Co. Dennis, P. A.*, & Halberstadt, A. G. (2009, April). A developmentally appropriate approach to analyzing dot-probe data. Poster session presented at the biannual meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Denver, CO. Dunsmore, J. C., & Halberstadt, A. G. (2008, September). The dynamic context of emotion socialization. Paper presented at the 2008 ISCE Summit, Riva san Vitale, Switzerland. Dennis, P. A.*, Halberstadt, A. G., Schwartzman, A.* (2008, March). Bias of memories: how schemas influence implicit and explicit learning. Poster presented at the conference of the Southeastern Psychological Association, Charlotte, NC. Stelter, R. L.*, & Halberstadt, A. G. (2008, February). Parental stress moderates the relationship between parents’ beliefs about children’s emotions and children’s feelings Halberstadt 11 of security in the parent-child relationship. Poster presented at the conference for the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Albuquerque, NM. Craig, A. B.*, Stelter, R. L.*, & Halberstadt, A. G. (2008, February). Profiles of parents’ beliefs about children’s emotions: Relations with parent characteristics and children’s feelings about their parents. Poster presented at the conference for the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Albuquerque, NM. Dennis, P. A.*, Halberstadt, A. G., Stelter, R. L.*, Craig, A. B.* (2008, February). How parents’ beliefs about children's emotions are reflected in conversations with their children. Poster presented at the conference for the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Albuquerque, NM. Halberstadt, A. G., Thompson, J. A.*, Parker, A. E.*, & Dunsmore, J. C. (2008, February). Parents’ emotion-related beliefs and behaviors and children’s coping with emotional events. Poster presented at the Emotion Preconference of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Albuquerque, NM. Halberstadt, A. G. (2007, June). The importance of emotion in interventions. In R. Cortes (Chair). Parenting interventions in early childhood: Shifting the focus from behavior to emotion. Symposium presented at the meeting of the Society for Prevention Research, Washington, DC. Beale, K. S.*, Halberstadt, A. G., & Bryant, A., Jr. (2007, March). Ethnicity, SES, and education as predictors of parents’ beliefs about children’s emotions. In P. GarrettPeters (Chair). Emotion socialization: Predictors and outcomes. Symposium conducted at the meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Boston, Ma. Parker, A. E.*, & Halberstadt, A. G. (2007, March). Parents’ beliefs and reactions and children’s display rule knowledge. In T-M. Chiang & S. Denham (Chairs). Parental emotion socialization and children's emotional competence. Symposium conducted at the meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Boston, Ma. Parker, A. E.*, Thompson, J. A.*, & Halberstadt, A. G. (2007, March). Parents’ beliefs and children’s everyday coping with peers and siblings. In T. G. Power & J. A. Thompson (Chairs). Parents’ and children’s coping: A multicontextual approach. Symposium presented at the meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Boston, Ma. Craig, A. B.*, Stelter, R. L.*, & Halberstadt, A. G. (2007, March). Parents' beliefs about children's emotions cluster by gender, ethnicity, education, and age. Poster presented at the meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Boston, Ma. Halberstadt, A. G., Beale, K. S.*, Parker*, A. E., Stelter, R. L.*, Craig, A. B.*, & Bryant, A. Jr. (2006, July). Parents’ beliefs about children’s emotions: Development of a questionnaire. In A. G. Halberstadt & J. C. Dunsmore (Chairs). Parental socialization Halberstadt 12 of emotion. Symposium conducted at the annual meeting of the International Society for Research on Emotion, Atlanta, Ga. Stelter, R. L.*, Beale, K. S.*, Craig, A. B.*, & Halberstadt, A. G. (2006, May). Emotion regulation strategies, gender, and ethnicity predict parents' beliefs about children's emotions. Poster presented at the Association for Psychological Science, New York, NY. Parker, A. E.*, Thompson, J. A.*, & Halberstadt, A. G. (2006, May). Parents' emotionrelated reactions and children's coping with everyday peer stressors. Poster presented at the Association for Psychological Sciences, New York, New York. Thompson, J. A.*, Parker, A. E.*, & Halberstadt, A. G. (2006, May). Parental socialization of children's beliefs and behaviors during sibling jealousy experiences. Poster presented at the Association for Psychological Sciences, New York, New York. Dunsmore, J. C., Halberstadt, A. G., Her, P., & Omar, S. H. (2006, January). Biobehavioral correlates of parents’ beliefs about emotions. Poster presented at the Emotion Preconference of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Palm Beach, CA. Thompson, J. A.*, & Halberstadt, A. G. (2005, April). Implicit beliefs about relationships and sibling jealousy. Poster presented at the Society for Research in Child Development, Atlanta, Georgia. Halberstadt, A. G., Duff, A.*, Dunsmore, J.C., Beale, K. S.*, & Cox, M. (2005, April). Parents’ beliefs about emotions predicts parents’ and children’s interpretations of conflicts. Poster presented at the Society for Research in Child Development, Atlanta, Georgia. Halberstadt, A. G. (2005, April). Emotional processes in the family: Pathways, positivity, and reciprocity. Discussion of J. H. Grych (Chair). Emotional processes in the family: Pathways to adaptive and maladaptive development. Symposium presented at the meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Atlanta, GA.. Halberstadt, A. G. (2005, April). What is emotional competence? Discussion of T-M Chiang (Chair). Emotional competence in diverse samples of children and youth and its implications for social adjustment and competence. Symposium presented at the meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Atlanta, GA. Duff, A.*, Halberstadt, A. G., Townley, G.*, Beale, K. S.*, & Thompson, J.A.* (2005, April). “Emotions are part of who we are”: Cross-cultural parental beliefs about children’s emotions. In J. C. Dunsmore (Chair), Multicultural examination of parents’ beliefs about children: Methods, meanings, and mechanisms. Symposium conducted at the Society for Research in Child Development, Atlanta, Georgia. Halberstadt 13 Beale, K.S.*, Halberstadt, A.G., & Duff, A.* (2005, April). Three sides of the same coin: Differing experiences of anger in familial relationships as reported by mothers, fathers, and adolescents. Poster presented at the Society for Research in Child Development, Atlanta, Georgia. Halberstadt, A. G. (2005, March). Socialization of gender through language. Colloquium Speaker at Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA. Halberstadt, A. G. (2004, July). Socialization of emotion: Its importance in the well-being of children. Colloquium presented at the Australian Institute for Family Studies, Melbourne, Australia. Halberstadt, A. G. (2004, June). Parents’ beliefs about emotion. Colloquium presented at Murdoch University, Perth, Australia. Halberstadt, A. G. (2004, June). Socialization of gender through language. Invited speaker at the Gender Conference, Rockingham, Australia. Halberstadt, A. G. (2004, January). Parents’ beliefs and behaviors regarding emotion. Lunchtime series at UNC-Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC. Halberstadt, A. G., Cutshall, K. T.*, Hatcher, L. A.*, & Hoffman, J. A.* (2003, May). Socialization of gender themes through language. Poster presented at the meeting of the American Psychological Society, Atlanta, GA. Halberstadt, A.G. (2003, April). A pinwheel model of affective social competence. In T-M. Chiang (Chair), Affective Social Competence: Theoretical Framework and Empirical Applications. Symposium conducted at the meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Tampa, FL. Dunsmore, J.C., Halberstadt, A. G., Hoffman, J. A. *, & Trovato, D. (August, 2002). Parents’ discussions with children about terrorist attacks. Poster presentation at the biennial conference of the Society for Research on Child Development, Tampa, FL. Halberstadt, A. G., Hoffman, J. A.*, Coble, S.*, Grant, C.*, & Eisenberg, A. (2002, April). Social constructions of gender through language: Mother-child conversations. Poster presentation at the biennial Conference on Human Development, Charlotte, NC. Halberstadt, A. G. (2002, February). Do emotions in the family affect children? Lunchtime series at Duke University, Durham, NC. Eaton, K. L.*, Halberstadt, A. G., & McCool, A.* (2001, April). Unpacking emotion socialization: How beliefs about emotions influence parents' expressive and reactive emotion styles. Poster presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Minneapolis. Halberstadt 14 Dunsmore, J. C., Halberstadt, A. G., & Raag, T. (2001, March). Raising gender-free children: Research and reality. Workshop conducted at the meeting of the Association of Women Psychologists, Los Angeles. Halberstadt, A. G. (2000, October). Does the emotional climate in the family really matter to children? Colloquium at Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona. Halberstadt, A. G. (2000, October). Gender-free children. Workshop presented at Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona. Halberstadt, A. G., & Hess, U. (2000, August). The influence of self-expressiveness and emotionality, and family expressiveness on perceptions of others’ facial expressions: Is a face always a face? Poster presented at the meeting of the International Society for Research on Emotion, Quebec City, Canada. Halberstadt, A. G., & Eaton, K. L.* (2000, April). Parental socialization, emotion understanding, and competence with peers. In M. J. Colwell (Chair), Socialization mechanisms in young children’s development of emotion knowledge and understanding: Parenting, peers, and sociocultural influences. Symposium conducted in the meeting of the Conference on Human Development, Memphis, Tennessee. Dunsmore, J.C., Halberstadt, A.G., & Robinson, M. L. (2000, April). Do mothers’ negative performance evaluations influence children’s memory for crafts? Poster presented at the biennial meeting of the Conference on Human Development, Memphis, Tennessee. Dunsmore, J.C., Halberstadt, A.G., & Eaton, K.L.* (1999, April). Maternal expressions of emotion and children’s memory for crafts. Poster presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Albuquerque, NM. Ward, M. C.,* & Halberstadt, A. G. (1998, June). Is becoming our parents’ inevitable? Adult daughters’ reports of “being” their mothers. Poster presented at the meeting of the International Society for the Study of Personal Relationships, Saratoga Springs, NY. Ward, M. C.*, Halberstadt, A. G., Leslie, K.*, Parris, P. L. S.*, & Johnson, C. A.* (1997, November). Self in relationship: Women’s experiences of being and being like their mothers. Poster presented at the Society of Southeastern Social Psychologists, Research Triangle Park, NC. Ward, M. C.,* & Halberstadt, A. G. (1997, Nov.). The self in relationship: Adult daughters’ experiences of being and being like their mothers. Poster presented at the meeting of the Society of Southeastern Social Psychologists, Research Triangle Park, NC. Cain, W. J.,* Juniper, M. D.,* Bolstad, C.,* Waters, S.,* Crisp, V.,* Oxendine, D.,* & Halberstadt, A.G. (1997, May). Time spent in identities predicts life satisfaction in young adults. Poster presented at the meeting of the American Psychological Society, Washington, D. C. Halberstadt 15 Dunsmore, J.C., & Halberstadt, A. G. (1997, April). Complex influences on children’s schemas of emotion. In Karen Barrett (Chair) Emotional communication and the family. Symposium conducted at the meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Washington, D.C. Halberstadt, A.G. (1997, March). Gender, subordination, and nonverbal behavior: Can subordination account for women’s superiority? Colloquium at Hamilton College, Clinton, NY. Halberstadt, A.G. (1997, March). Raising gender-free children: Personal experiences from the front. Colloquium at Hamilton College, Clinton, NY. Halberstadt, A.G. (1997, January). Affective social competence. Invited address at the Carolina Consortium for Developmental Science, Chapel Hill, NC. Leslie-Case, K.P.,* King, J. A.,* & Halberstadt, A. G. (1995, June). Memories of parents: College students reflect on their relationships with their parents. Poster presented at the International Network on Personal Relationships, Williamsburg, Va. Parris, P. L. S.,* Whitmire, V. L.,* Halberstadt, A. G., & Leslie-Case, K. P.* (1995, June). What do women want from their mothers? Poster presented at the International Network on Personal Relationships, Williamsburg, Va. Halberstadt, A. G., Leslie-Case, K. P.,* & King, J. A.* (1994, April). How students talk about their parents. Poster presented at the Conference on Human Development, Pittsburgh, PA. Halberstadt, A. G., & Carpenter, S. L. (1993, March). Anger within family relationships. In Diane C. Jones (Chair) Emotions and the family. Symposium conducted at the meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, New Orleans, LA. Halberstadt, A.G, with Evans-Salter, D.*, Goerger, P.*, Leslie-Case, K.*, McGee, K.*, Reeth, J.*, Wong, M.*, & Wrenn, S.* (1993, March). The affective components of social competence: The state of the art and what's next. In M. Underwood (Chair), Affective components of social competence. Symposium conducted at the meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, New Orleans. Carpenter, S. L., & Halberstadt, A. G. (1992, October). Categories of anger in relationships. Paper presented at the meeting of the Society for Experimental Social Psychology, San Antonio, TX. Halberstadt, A. G. (1991, November). Anger in family relationships. Colloquium at the Social Psychology Group, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC. Halberstadt 16 Ford, A.*, Halberstadt, A. G., & Ellyson, S. E. (1991, April). Smiling and dominance. Paper presented at the Carolinas Psychology Conference, Raleigh, NC. Green, L. R.*, & Halberstadt, A. G. (1991, April). Why do people blush? Paper presented at the Carolinas Psychology Conference, Raleigh, NC. Halberstadt, A. G. (1991, April). Maternal expressiveness and emotionality: Socialization of children's expressiveness. In J. P. Tangney & S. Denham (Chairs), Socialization of emotion in the family. Symposium conducted at the meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Seattle, Wa. Halberstadt, A. G., Grotjohn, D. K.*, Johnson, C. A.*, Swanson, M. R.*, & Greig, M. (1991, March). Children's facial management of affective displays. Poster presented at the meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Seattle, Wa. Halberstadt, A. G. (1990, November). Emotion expression: Definitions, assumptions, and a developmental model. Invited address at the meeting of the Society of Southeastern Social Psychologists, Raleigh, NC. Halberstadt, A. G. (1990, October). Blushing as a form of appeasement. Paper presented at the meeting of the Society for Experimental Social Psychology, Buffalo, NY. Halberstadt, A. G. (1990, July). Psychophysiological issues in emotion expression. Colloquium at the Department of Psychology, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH. Halberstadt, A. G., Fox, N. A. (1990, March). Mother's and their children's expressiveness and emotionality. Poster presented at the Conference on Human Development, Richmond, VA. Halberstadt, A. G., Hoeft, S.*, Tesh, M.* (1990, March). Self- and family-expressiveness and emotionality correlates in friendship choices. Poster presented at the Conference on Human Development, Richmond, VA. Halberstadt, A. G. (1989, October). Expressiveness: A model. Paper presented at the meeting of the Society for Experimental Social Psychology, Santa Monica, CA. Halberstadt, A. G. (1989, June). Understanding more than they are told and telling more than they can say: Children's nonverbal communication skill. In S. Nowicki (Chair), The development of nonverbal communication. Symposium conducted at the meeting of the American Psychological Society, Arlington, VA. Halberstadt, A. G. (1989, May). Issues of power in gender research. Invited talk at the Nags Head Conference on Sex & Gender, Nags Head, NC. Halberstadt 17 Halberstadt, A. G., Dovidio, J. F., & Davidson, L. A.* (1988, October). Gender, power, and nonverbal behavior. Paper presented at the meeting of the Society for Experimental Social Psychology, Madison, WI. Halberstadt, A. G. (1988, June). Children's emotional experiences and expressiveness. Invited talk at the Nags Head Conference on Social and Personality Development, Nags Head, NC. Halberstadt, A. G. (1987, August). Family socialization of expressivity. In A. G. Halberstadt (Chair), Social and biological influences on expressivity. Symposium conducted at the meeting of the American Psychological Association, New York City. Halberstadt, A. G. (1987, August). (Chair), Social and biological influences on expressivity. Symposium conducted at the meeting of the American Psychological Association, New York City. Halberstadt, A. G. (1987, March). Gender and power differences in nonverbal behavior. Colloquium at the Department of Psychology, Graduate Faculty, University of Maryland, College Park, MD. Halberstadt, A. G. (1987, February). Socialization of emotional expression. Colloquium at the Institute for Child Study, Graduate Faculty, University of Maryland, College Park, MD. Halberstadt, A. G. (1986, May). Teaching life-span developmental psychology. Invited panelist at the meeting of the Midwestern Society for Research in Life-Span Development, Akron, OH. Halberstadt, A. G. (1986, May). Family socialization. Invited address at the meeting of the Midwestern Society for Research in Life-Span Development, Akron, OH. Halberstadt, A. G. (1985, October). Family socialization of emotion. Colloquium at Union College, Schenectady, NY. Baird, M. L.* & Halberstadt, (1985, March). Nonverbal gender differences and portrayals of dominance in advertisements. Paper presented at the meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association, Boston. Halberstadt, A. G. (1984, May). (Chair), Family stress and divorce. Session conducted at the meeting of the Midwestern Society for Research in Life-Span Development, Akron, OH. Halberstadt, A. G. (1983, April). A meta-analysis of race and socio-economic status differences in nonverbal behavior. Paper presented at the meeting of the Eastern Psychological Associate Philadelphia. Halberstadt 18 Hayes, C. W.*, Halberstadt, A. G., & Pike, K.* (1983, April). Gender differences in smiling while speaking: Is perfidy really the issue? Paper presented at the meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association, Philadelphia. Halberstadt, A. G. (1982, August). The relationship between family expressiveness and nonverbal communication. Paper presented at the meeting of the American Psychological Association, Washington, DC. Halberstadt, A. G. (1982, April). Family expressiveness styles and nonverbal communications skills. Paper presented at the meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association, Baltimore. *Collaboration with students NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIVERSITY COMMITTEES Departmental Curriculum Diversity Committee, 2001-2003 Ad hoc Space Committee, Chair, 1997-1998 Colloquium Committee, 1993 Developmental Psychology Steering Committee, 1989-present Affirmative Action Recruitment Committee, 1989-1990 Tenure & Promotion Document Development, 1990 College Reappointment, Promotion, and Tenure Committee, 2006-2008 College Computer and Technology Committee, 1996- 2000 NCATE Preparation Faculty Committee, 1989-1990 University Institutional Review Board, Member, 2002- present Women’s and Gender Studies Executive Council, 1998-present Association of Women Faculty, Founding Member, Steering Committee, 2000-2003 University Resolution Officer for Civil Rights and Sexual Harassment Cases, 1998-2003 NCSU Parent Cooperative Equipment and Program Committee, 1991 Women's Studies Steering Committee, 1990-1998 Women's Studies Faculty Series, Co-Chair, 1990-1992 Provost's Ad Hoc Committee on Maternal/Parental Leave Committee, 1990