The Speech Therapists Association of Latvia in cooperation with the

The Speech Therapists Association of Latvia in cooperation with the Lithuanian
Logopedists’ Association is organizing the 1st Congress of Baltic Speech and
Language Therapists that will be held in Riga on 21 March 2014. The theme of
the Congress 2014 is “Multilingualism and multiculturalism: opportunities and
challenges in a contemporary speech-language therapy”.
We invite you to participate actively in this congress, which will be a great
opportunity to exchange thoughts and experiences in the field of multilingualism in
speech-language therapy.
We look forward to receiving your abstracts for the scientific programme. We invite
you to contribute on:
 actual problems of assessment, prevention and treatment of language disorders
in bilingual or multilingual children;
 problems of bilingual or multilingual language development;
 recovery of language in bilingual or multilingual stroke patients;
 others actual issues of contemporary speech-language therapy (preference will
be given for presentations related to the main topic of the Congress 2014).
Your presentation options are an oral presentation, a poster or only publication of an
abstract without presentation.
Abstract can only be submitted online (the abstract submission form is below). The
abstract must be submitted to until 12 January 2014.
All submitted abstracts will be reviewed.
Abstracts can be submitted in English. A research abstract should include the
following structure: objectives, methods, results, conclusions. For non-research
abstracts, it is not necessary to specify the objectives, methods, results and
conclusions. Images, tables, diagrams, and graphs cannot be accepted in the abstract
submission process. It is necessary to point out at least 3 keywords. The author is
responsible for the accuracy of the abstract. The submitted abstracts cannot be
modified and they will be published in the original format.
The accepted abstracts will be published and distributed in the electronic online
edition “Book of Abstracts of Congress of Baltic Speech and Language Therapists”
on website of the association, and on a CD-ROM. By submitting an abstract, the
author and co-authors agree that their contact details (name, surname, affiliation, email address) will be published in the Book of Abstracts and CD-ROM.
The languages of the Congress:
oral presentation: Latvian (translation in Russian), English (translation in
Latvian), Russian (translation in Latvian);
poster presentation: English, Latvian;
abstracts: English, Latvian.
The authors of the accepted abstracts are asked to complete their Congress
registration, otherwise their presentation may not be included in the program and
related published materials.
The Congress will take place at the Islande Hotel, 20 Kipsalas street, Riga.
Registration fee:
oral or poster presentation: 30 euro;
abstract publishing only: 20 euro.
Social event: 15 euro.
Abstract submission form
Author(s), underline the
main presenter,
degree of author(s)
Type of abstract
do you agree to
change a type of
presentation if oral will
not be accepted
Abstract (2500 characters (including spaces), Arial, size 12, spacing 1,5)
E-mail address of the
main presenter