Personal details
Birth date:
Contact address:
Telephone number:
Zoya Milleva Gadeleva
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Institute for the Study of Societies
and Knowledge
13-a Moskovska str. Sofia 1000
tel. (+3592) 980-90-86
GSM: (+ 359) 0889 916 246
Area of scientific research:
Human resources in science, career
development, job attitudes and motivation,
profession of scientists in knowledge
MA degree
1972-1976 MA of philosophy with
specialization in sociology,
University of Sofia “St Kliment Ohridski”;
Practical experience
Scientific positions:
Assistant Professor, Institute for the Study
of Societies and Knowledge, 2010 –
present, Department ‘Knowledge Society:
Science, Education , Innovation
Research associate, Centre for Science
Studies and History of Science – Bulgarian
Academy of Sciences, 1988 – 2010,
Department of Science Potential and
Academic activities
Participation in schools
and conferences:
Data, place, name of the conference
29.06.2009, Sofia, International Scientific and Practical
Conference “The PhD Training in Bulgaria – Experiences
and Future Development”
04–06.11.2007г., Blagoevgrad, National science policy
school for young scientists “National Priorities and
European Integration in Scientific Research”
01.11, 2005, Sofia, ІІІ National Conference ”The Book
and the Wireless Civilization”.
03.12.2004, Sofia, Public Discussion “Science and
03.11.2004, Sofia, Public Discussion “Social Status of
Bulgarian Scientists”
01.11, 2004, Sofia, ІІ National Conference “The Book
and National Identity”
21.01.2002, Sofia, Scientific and Practical Conference
“The Values of Modern Young Generation”.
Publications list:
PhD Educational and Training Program “Core Research and Transferable Skills”, Sofia,
2010, Centre for Science Studies and History of Science – Bulgarian Academy of
Sciences, (ed. Staikova R., Z. Gadeleva,)
Gadeleva,Z., R. Staikova, I. Arsenova, Human Resources of the Bulgarian Academy of
Sciences, a chapter in ”Bulgarian Academy of Sciences on the Road of the Reforms”,
2001, Sofia;
R. Staikova , Z. Gadeleva Grapes of Knowledge : A Crises of Scientists or of the
Organisations, Sofia, 1998, Foundation ”Free Initiative” 86 p.;
Bobeva, D. ,R. Staikova , Z. Gadeleva, Special Strains on Women and Families that
Impact on Children, Chapter II in “National Situation Analysis of Bulgaria’s Children
and Families”, 1992, UNICEF; (in Bulgarian and in English).
Relationship between NGO(s) and Local Government, Sofia, 1995, “Heron Press Ltd”
(ed. Gadeleva Z.,R. Staikova, ) (in Bulgarian and in English).
Gadeleva,Z., The Profession of Scientists in the Contemporary Society// in 40 years
Sience Studies in Bulgaria, Sofia, 2008, pp. 211-232
Gadeleva,Z.,., Doctoral Education in Contemporary Conditions//Strategies for Policy in
Science and Education, 2007, vol. XV, iss. 2, с. 180 -197.
Gadeleva,Z., Career and Mobility if Scientists // Science, 2005, iss.2, pp. 55 – 60
Gadeleva,Z., The Participation of the Bulgarian Scientists in the Scientific Network
Exchange – Opportunities and Obstacles. J of Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 2001, #1,
pp.33 –36.
Staykova, R., Iossifov, А., Gadeleva, Z. Risk and Indemnity? Society’s Expectations of
State Responsibility in the Bulgarian Transition, On-line:
project papers N 64 (in English) 2000.
Gadeleva,Z., Organisational Culture and Group Dynamics of Scientific Units, Sofia,
1997, issue of “Contact’97” pp. 89-95;
R. Staikova , Z. Gadeleva, Bulgarian Science in the Period of Reconstruction of the
Intellectual Needs, Products and Services, J. “Science”, No 5, 1997, pp. 15-19;
R. Staikova , Z. Gadeleva, Organisational Culture and Motivation - Preconditions for the
Effective Business Team, Sofia, “Personnel Consult”, 1995, No 8, pp. 19-24;
Koleva,A., Staikova,R., Gadeleva,Z., Labour Attitudes and Behaviour in the Period of
Basic Social and Economic Changes, Sofia, J. Sociological Review, 1993 No 2, pp. 7-25
Gadeleva,Z., Mobile Behaviour of the Scientists at Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia,
J. Sociological Review, 1993, No 4-5, pp. 82-89;
R. Staikova , Z. Gadeleva, Loyalty to Career Development
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 1993, No 1, pp. 71-85;
of the Scholars, J of
R. Staikova , Z. Gadeleva, Scientists’ Motivation during Transition, in “Science and the
Challenges of Social Change”, Sofia, 1993, “ART Idea”, pp. 41-57;
R. Staikova , Z. Gadeleva, Women in Bulgaria - their Role Now and in the Future, (coauthor with R. Staikova) J. Feministische Studien, 1992, Nov. 2, pp. 98-103 ;
Conference Proceedings:
Gadeleva,Z., The Professional Doctorate in Librarianship and Information Studies // in
The Book and the Wireless Civilization. ІІІ National Conference, София, November 1,
2005, “For the letters – о письменах” 2006. pp. 471 – 477.
Gadeleva,Z.,., The Scientific Publication – a Building Element of Knowledge
Develoment or a Commodity. // in The Book and National Identity ,.Sofia, 2005, pp.
Gadeleva,Z., Strategies for Professional Performance in Information Society // in The
Values of Modern Generation. София, 2003, с. 26 –33.
Gadeleva,Z., Virtual Environment – first steps: problems and perspectives, in The
Library System of Bulgaria, Sofia , 2001;
Participation in national/international scientific research projects:
2009 - 2011
Bulgaria, Institute for the Study of Societies and Knowledge
(Centre for Science Studies and History of Science), Bulgarian
Academy of Sciences
Project: “Growing skills and qualification of the young scientists a condition for a professional realisation at edge areas between
science and practice”, funded under the OP Human Resources
Position: Project manager
2008 - 2010
Bulgaria, Centre for Science Studies and History of Science,
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Project: "“Doctoral Training in Core Research and Transferable
Skills – a Groundwork for Dynamic Carrier Development
Corresponding to the Labour Market Requirements”, funded
under the OP Human Resources Development
Position: Project coordinator
2006 – 2009
Bulgaria, Centre for Science Studies and History of Science,
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences The Quality of Education of
Doctoral Programmes in Changing Social Environment
Position: Project manager
Bulgaria, ILO-International Training Centre Project “Design and
Delivery of Training Courses for the Ministry of Labour and
Social policy” Position: Training program coordinator
Bulgaria, ILO – IPEC Micro Project “Occupational Safety and
Health Study of Hazardous Works of Children in the Informal
Position: Project coordinator
2003 - 2007
Bulgaria, Centre for Science Studies and History of Science,
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, National Science Fund of
Ministry of Education and Science, BG ‘National Fund for
Scientific Research БОЕ-101/03, г.
Project: ”System and procedures for monitoring of the National
Scientific Program’s’ Projects ”
Position: Team member
2003 – 2005
Centre for Science Studies and History of Science, Bulgarian
Academy of Sciences Project “Training of doctoral students in
the Context of Building European Research Area”
Position: Project manager
2001 - 2003
Bulgaria, Centre for Science Studies and History of Science,
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Project “The Profession of Scientists in the Knowledge Economy
and Knowledge Based Society”
Position: Principal team member
1999 – 2000
Bulgaria, Centre for Science Studies and History of Science,
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Project “Science Development in
Virtual Environment”;
Position: Principal team member
1998 - 1999
Bulgaria, SOCO Program, German Marshal Fund and Institute
for Human Sciences, Wien, CRID
Project “Losses with or without Indemnity: People’s Expectations
about the Responsibility of the State”
Position: Team member
1998 - 1999
Project “Enterprise Education in Schools and Colleges in
Bulgaria”, CRID and Business School at Durham University;
1997 - 1999
Bulgaria, Greece, Research Centre within University
Economics and Business, Athens, Greece
EU Project “Training of Long-term Unemployment in the town of
Teteven”, PHARE - Partnership Programme;
Position: Team member
1996 - 1999
Bulgaria, Centre for Science Studies and History of Science,
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and Centre for Technology and
Culture at University of Oslo and Bulgaria, sponsored by the
Research Council of Norway
Project “Cultural and Organisational Differences between
Scientists in the Balkan Countries and Norway“ - a comparative
Position: Team member
1996 - 1999
Bulgaria, Centre for Science Studies and History of Science,
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Project “New Information Technology in the Academic Studies in
Bulgaria, Bulgaria,
Position: Principal team member
1994 -1996
Bulgaria, Bulgaria, Centre for Science Studies and History of
Science, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences;
Project “Social Context of the Group Dynamics in Science
Position: Principal team member
1994 -1995
Bulgaria, EU Project “NGO(s)’ Activities and the Transparency of
Local Government”, PHARE - Democracy Programme;
Position: Team member
1992 - 1994
Bulgaria, Centre for Science Studies and History of Science,
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Project “Job Motivation and Mobility of Scientists (Bulgarian Greek comparative survey),
Position: Principal team member
Bulgaria, SAPIO Research Institute;
Project “Unemployment as a Result of Economic and Social
Changes - Bulgarians’ Beliefs and Values,
Position: Team member
Bulgaria, Institute for Social and Economic
Confederation of Free Trade Unions in Bulgaria;
Project “Women’s Job Attitudes and the Employment
Position: Team member
1991 - 1992
Bulgaria, Centre for Science Studies and History of Science,
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Project “Manpower in Science - Structure and Dynamics,
Position: Principal team member
1990 - 1992
Bulgarian National Committee for UNICEF;
Project “Bulgaria’s Children and Families - A Nation-wide
Situation Analysis,
Position: Team member
1990 - 1992
Bulgaria, Centre for Science Studies and History of Science,
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences;
Project “Job Motivation and Career Development of Scientists,
Position: Principal team member
1988 - 1990
Bulgaria, Centre for Science Studies and History of Science,
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences;
Project “Organisation and Management of R & D Laboratories
(Bulgarian Slovak Joint Project).
Position: Team member
Courses attended to improve
your qualifications:
Organisations in Academic and R & D Research in Norway,
Short-term scholarship at Centre for Technology and Culture,
University of Oslo, Norway;
Developing Programmes of Entrepreneurial Education, Oneweek workshop, Durham University Business School, England,
Strategic Management, Short-term training course, Wissema
Group, Certificate.
English - fluent
Russion - fluent
Computer skills
MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Explorer, SPSS, STATISTICA