1 The Impact of Taiwan Topography on the Predictability of Typhoon Morakot’s 2 Record-Breaking Rainfall: A High-Resolution Ensemble Simulation 3 4 Xingqin Fang1,2, Ying-Hwa Kuo2,* and Anyu Wang1 5 1 Department of Atmospheric Sciences, School of Environmental Sciences and 6 Engineering, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou, China 7 2 National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, Colorado, USA 8 9 10 11 To be submitted to Weather and Forecasting 12 14 August 2010 13 14 15 16 * 17 Dr. Ying-Hwa Kuo 18 Email: kuo@ucar.edu 19 Address: NCAR, P. O. Box 3000, Boulder, CO 80307 20 Phone: (303) 497-8910 21 Corresponding author: 1 Abstract 2 From 6 to 10 August 2009, Typhoon Morakot brought record-breaking rainfall 3 over southern Taiwan, with a maximum 96-h accumulated rainfall of 2,874 mm on 4 the slope of the Central Mountain Range, causing heavy human casualty and severe 5 property damage. In this study, we examine the impact of Taiwan topography on the 6 extreme rainfall of Typhoon Morakot and the predictability of this rainfall with a 7 high-resolution (4-km) ensemble simulation using the Advanced Research WRF 8 (ARW) model. Ensemble prediction with realistic topography reproduces salient 9 features of orographic precipitation. The 24-h and 96-h accumulated rainfall amount 10 and distribution from the ensemble mean compares reasonably well with the observed 11 precipitation. When the terrain of Taiwan is removed, the rainfall distribution is 12 markedly changed suggesting the importance of the orography in determining the 13 rainfall structure. Moreover, the peak 96-h rainfall amount is reduced to less than 20%, 14 and the total rainfall amount over southern Taiwan is reduced to less than 60% of the 15 experiments with Taiwan topography. Further analysis indicates that Taiwan’s 16 topography substantially increases the variability of rainfall prediction. Analysis 17 uncertainties as reflected in the perturbed initial state of the ensemble are amplified 18 due to orographic influences on the typhoon circulation. As a result, significant 19 variability occurs in storm track, timing and location of landfall, and storm intensities, 20 which in turn, increases rainfall variability. These results suggest that accurate 21 prediction of heavy precipitation at a specific location and at high temporal resolution 22 for an event such as Typhoon Morakot over Taiwan is exceedingly difficult. The 1 1 forecasting of such event would benefit from probabilistic prediction provided by a 2 high-resolution mesoscale ensemble forecast system. 3 4 Keywords: Typhoon Morakot, ensemble simulation, rainfall variability, rainfall predictability, Taiwan topography 5 2 1 1. Introduction 2 Taiwan is an island that possesses complicated mesoscale topography. Its Central 3 Mountain Range (CMR) has a dimension of about 200 km × 100 km, and includes 4 many peaks that exceed 3,000 m. Heavy rainfall resulting from the orographic effects 5 on the typhoon circulation associated with the CMR is one of the most serious threats 6 to Taiwan. From August 6 to August 10, 2009, Typhoon Morakot brought 7 extraordinary rainfall over Taiwan, breaking 50 years precipitation records and 8 causing a loss of more than 700 people with an estimated property damage exceeding 9 US$3.3 billion. Figure 1a and b show the analysis of the observed 96-h and 24-h 10 rainfall, based on the hourly gauge data collected from about 450 automatic stations 11 scattered throughout Taiwan. During the four-day period, more than half of southern 12 Taiwan received more than 800 mm of accumulated rainfall (Fig. 1a). Some of the 13 mountainous areas recorded more than 2,500 mm, with the maximum 96-h gauge 14 value of 2,874 mm recorded at Chiayi County ending at 0000 UTC 10 August 2009 15 (marked with the white star in Fig. 1a). From 0000 UTC 8 to 0000 UTC 9 August, the 16 most intensive rainfall period, 1,504 mm was recorded at the same Chiayi County 17 (marked with the white star in Fig. 1b). 18 The westward moving Typhoon Morakot landed on central eastern Taiwan at 19 around 1530 UTC 7 August 2009. Figure 2 shows the infrared cloud imagery of 20 Typhoon Morakot before, during and after landfall. Although this was not a 21 particularly intense storm (e.g., a category 2 storm), the size of its circulation was 22 fairly large. In particular, the structure of its circulation possessed distinct asymmetry, 3 1 with strong northwesterly, westerly or southwesterly flow sustained in its southern 2 quadrants before, during and after landfall. Significant moisture flux and convergence 3 resulting from the sustained westerly and southwesterly flows impinging upon the 4 mountainous southern Taiwan produced continuous heavy rainfall over a very large 5 area, causing severe flooding and landslides. 6 Typhoon Morakot’s rainfall distribution (Fig. 1a, b) exhibited significant 7 small-scale orographic rainfall features as a result of time-varying typhoon circulation 8 impinging upon the fixed Taiwan mountains. In order to better understand the 9 predictability of the extreme rainfall associated with Typhoon Morakot, it is important 10 to understand the impact of Taiwan topography. Recently, many high-resolution 11 sensitivity simulations were performed to study orographic effects on typhoon 12 circulations for different typhoon cases (e.g., Jian and Wu 2008; Yang et al. 2008). 13 Most of these studies are deterministic modeling studies. Previous studies have 14 suggested that there are many sensitive parameters associated with the orographic 15 effects on typhoon circulations. As reviewed by Wu and Kuo (1999), the behavior of 16 a typhoon approaching Taiwan varies as a function of the intensity and size of the 17 typhoon, as well as the environmental flow. The control parameters influencing the 18 continuity and deflection of typhoon tracks are related to the typhoon strength and its 19 structure, the scale, height and dimension of the mountain and the large-scale 20 background features (Lin et al. 2002; Lin et al. 2005; Lin et al. 2006). As shown in 21 Wu et al. (2002), even if the track is not sensitive to the existence of topography and 22 is well simulated, the rainfall can be very sensitive to model resolution and 4 1 topography. Besides, effects of planetary boundary layer physics, precipitation 2 parameterization, impinging angles, and landfall location can significantly influence 3 the orographic effects on typhoon circulations. Practical predictability is limited by 4 uncertainties in both the initial states and the forecast models. For these reasons, it is 5 necessary to investigate the impact of Taiwan topography on the typhoon mesoscale 6 structures and precipitation forecasts from a stochastic perspective. 7 In this paper, we present results from high-resolution ensemble forecast 8 experiments on Typhoon Morakot with and without Taiwan topography. Section 2 9 presents the experiment design. Section 3 discusses the role of Taiwan topography in 10 Typhoon Morakot’s extreme rainfall. Section 4 examines the rainfall variability 11 impacted by Taiwan topography. Section 5 investigates the variability of the storm 12 features impacted by Taiwan topography and their relationship with the rainfall 13 variability. Section 6 discusses the ensemble probability prediction and the 14 performance of the high-resolution ensemble simulation. Finally, conclusions are 15 presented in section 7. 16 17 2. Methodology 18 a. Data and experiment design 19 Two sets of 96-h 32-member ensemble forecast experiments initiated at 0000 20 UTC of August 6, 2009 are performed with the WRF-ARW model, V3.1.1 21 (Skamarock et al. 2008). Set 1 (hereafter referred to as EN0600) uses the real 22 topography (at 30″ resolution) based on the Moderate Resolution Imaging 5 1 Spectroradiometer (MODIS) landuse data, while Set 2 (hereafter referred to as 2 NTEN0600) reduces the terrain height of Taiwan island to zero but still retains its 3 land surface character. Terrain of everywhere else remains unchanged. The ensemble 4 initial and boundary conditions (ICBC) are randomly perturbed from the 5 high-resolution (0.225º×0.225º) European Centre for Medium-Range Weather 6 Forecasts (ECMWF) analysis by adding analysis uncertainties based on WRF 7 3DVAR background error covariance. Two corresponding deterministic simulations 8 without any perturbations in the ICBC (hereafter ec0600 and ecNT0600) were 9 performed for comparison. Figure 3 shows the model domain configuration and the 10 geophysical height distribution, with the illustration for the removal of the Taiwan 11 topography for sensitivity experiment. The 2-way interactive, triple nested domains 12 include 36-km mesh (280×172), 12-km mesh (430×301), and 4-km mesh (364×322), 13 respectively, extending vertically to the top at 20 hPa, with 36 η levels. The model 14 physics include WSM5 microphysics (Hong et al. 2004; Hong and Lim 2006), YSU 15 planetary boundary layer scheme (Hong et al. 2006; Hong 2007), Noah land surface 16 model (Chen and Dudhia 2001), RRTM longwave radiation scheme (Mlawer et al. 17 1997), Goddard shortwave radiation scheme (Chou and Suarez 1994), and BMJ 18 cumulus convective parameterization (Betts 1986; Betts and Miller 1986; Janjic 1994; 19 Janjic 2000). These physics schemes are used for all three meshes. 20 b. Predictability measure 21 The standard deviation (SD) between the ensemble members is often used to 22 quantify the variability (i.e., the ensemble spread) of a particular variable. The SD is 6 1 calculated as equation (1), and the associated root mean square error (RMSE) and 2 mean error (ME) are defined as equations (2) and (3): 3 1 M 4 SD(i, j, t ) 5 RMSE (i, j, t ) 6 ME (i, j, t ) 1 M M R m m 1 1 M M R m 1 M R m 1 (i, j, t ) R (i, j, t ) m m 2 (i, j, t ) O(i, j, t ) (i , j , t ) O (i , j , t ) (1) 2 (2) (3) 7 where, m denotes the ensemble member index, M the total number of the ensemble 8 members, R the verification variable, R the ensemble mean, O the observation, i, 9 and j the gridpoint two-dimensional spatial coordinate indices, and t the time 10 coordinate index. 11 Some authors (e.g., Mitchell et al. 2002; Zhang et al. 2006) use the root mean of 12 difference total energy (RM-DTE) calculated from the model variables as a measure 13 of the predictability in ensembles. In our study, we focus on the rainfall predictability 14 within a targeted verification area, the worst hit area (hereafter referred to as HA) in 15 Southern Taiwan, which is defined by the box in black in Fig. 1a. Its terrain is shown 16 in Fig. 3. As pointed out by Jolliffe and Stephenson (2003), rainfall is a highly 17 discontinuous variable with highly skewed distributions; it is very challenging to 18 verify rainfall and measure rainfall variability using the instantaneous rainfall 19 prediction on the model grid. Therefore, in order to reduce rainfall discontinuity, we 20 use 3-h rainfall on the model grid as the basic verification variable; this is equivalent 21 to performing time averaging before the calculation of the rainfall SD. The rainfall SD 7 1 between the members of the ensemble simulation is used as a measure of rainfall 2 predictability. Moreover, the SD of some other storm features, such as storm position 3 storm intensity, etc., are used as measures of storm variability. 4 5 3. The role of Taiwan topography in Typhoon Morakot’s extreme rainfall 6 Figure 4 shows the spatial distribution of the simulated 96-h accumulated 7 rainfall ending at 0000 UTC 10 August by the 32 ensemble members. Almost all 8 members of EN0600 with Taiwan topography reproduce the key observed orographic 9 rainfall features, with most of the precipitation concentrated along the windward side 10 of the mountain, which is very different from the members of NTEN0600 without 11 Taiwan topography. Almost all of the members of EN0600 predict 96-h accumulated 12 rainfall over 2,500 mm; while only a few members of NTEN0600 produce 96-h 13 accumulated rainfall exceeding 800 mm. 14 Figure 1c and d show the spatial distribution of the simulated 96-h accumulated 15 rainfall ending at 0000 UTC 10 August from the ensemble mean of EN0600 and 16 NTEN0600, respectively. The EN0600 mean predicts three heavy rainfall areas with 17 amount exceeding 800 mm (Fig. 1c) and several spots with amount over 2,500 mm. 18 The rainfall extremes are distributed along the general orientation of the southern 19 mountain range and on the windward slope, which closely resemble the observed 20 orographic rainfall features shown in Fig. 1a. On the contrary, when the terrain of 21 Taiwan is removed, the simulated rainfall is evenly distributed and exhibits no 22 obvious local extremes (see Fig. 1d). The peak rainfall amount in NTEN0600 mean is 8 1 only 616 mm, which is less than 20% of that (3,128 mm) in EN0600 mean. 2 Table 1 shows some areal average statistics of 24-h and 96-h rainfall in the HA. 3 The areal average 96-h accumulated rainfall in the HA is 917 mm for EN0600 4 ensemble mean and 535 mm for NTEN0600. If we view the difference in the rainfall 5 between EN0600 and NTEN0600 as “orographically additive rainfall” (or OAR), the 6 areal average OAR in terms of 96-h total rainfall is 382 mm, which means that the 7 total rainfall amount in the HA is increased by 70% by Taiwan topography. 8 Figure 5 shows the time series of some areal average statistics of the 3-h rainfall 9 in the HA. The areal average OAR in terms of 3-h rainfall is positive during the entire 10 96-h simulation period, with a maximum of about 25 mm. These results suggest that 11 Taiwan topography substantially increases the precipitation and plays a key role in 12 making Typhoon Morakot a record-breaking rainfall event. 13 14 4. The rainfall variability in the HA impacted by Taiwan topography 15 a. The areal average 24-h and 96-h rainfall SD in the HA 16 If we view the difference in the SD between EN0600 and NTEN0600 as 17 “orographically additive rainfall variability (or OARV)”, as shown in Table 1, the 18 areal average 24-h rainfall OARV in the HA is positive for each of the four 19 simulation days, and the areal average 96-h accumulated rainfall SD is significantly 20 increased with the existence of Taiwan topography. The maximum OARV occurred 21 on the third day, when the observed rainfall is also the greatest. 22 b. The spatial distribution of 24-h and 96-h rainfall SD in the HA 9 1 As shown in Fig. 6, significant 24-h and 96-h rainfall SD in the HA is induced by 2 Taiwan topography, especially on the second and third simulation days. For instance, 3 in EN0600, there exist two areas with SD exceeding 250 mm on the second day and 4 three areas with SD exceeding 350 mm on the third day, while the maximum SD in 5 NTEN0600 on these two days is less than 150 mm. 6 c. The time series of areal average 3-h rainfall SD in the HA 7 The areal average 3-h rainfall OARV in the HA is positive during the entire 8 simulation period except for a short 9-h period from 15/7 to 00/8 (see the dotted curve 9 in Fig. 5b). The OARV is about 5-8 mm on average before this 9-h period. After that, 10 the OARV becomes even larger, with amounts exceeding 15 mm. 11 The comparison of the time series of the SD (the dotted curves) and ensemble 12 mean (the solid curves) of EN0600 and NTEN0600 in Fig. 5a shows that they are 13 generally in phase with each other: the larger the ensemble mean, the larger the SD. 14 However, it is not always the case in EN0600; they are out of phase during the 18-h 15 period from 15/7 to 09/8, when the ensemble mean is near a peak while the SD is 16 exhibiting a local minimum. This is unique in EN0600 and may be a result of 17 orographic effects on typhoon circulations, which will be discussed later. 18 According to the time evolution of the simulated areal average 3-h rainfall SD in 19 the HA and its relationship with the ensemble mean shown in Fig. 5a, the total 96-h 20 simulation period of EN0600 with Taiwan topography can be separated into 5 stages: 21 stage one (30-h period from 00/6 to 06/7), the SD and ensemble mean are well in 22 phase with each other, both reaching a local maximum from 21/6 to 00/7; stage two 10 1 (9-h period from 06/7 to 15/7), the SD and ensemble mean have similar positive 2 trends; stage three (18-h period from 15/7 to 09/8), the SD and ensemble mean are out 3 of phase with each other, when the ensemble mean reaches its global maximum from 4 21/7 to 00/8, while the SD reaches a local minimum; stage four (6-h period from 09/8 5 to 15/8), large SD persists, although the ensemble mean decreases rapidly; stage five 6 (33-h period from 15/8 to 00/10), the SD and ensemble mean both have similar 7 decreasing trends. 8 Obviously, the most significant OARV is at stage four and the first half of stage 9 five (see the dotted curve in Fig. 5b). Note that this is also the period when the model 10 significantly under-predicts the observed rainfall (see the dot-dashed curve in Fig. 5b). 11 As will be shown later in Section 5, the storm (both in the observation and the 12 simulation) has left Taiwan during this period. 13 d. The spatial distribution of 3-h rainfall SD in the HA 14 Figure 7 shows the spatial distribution of the simulated 3-h rainfall SD in the HA 15 at 3-h intervals from 00/7 to 00/9 August. This two-day period is selected for detailed 16 examination because it includes all of the five stages mentioned above as shown in 17 Fig. 5a, and it is also the period when the simulated rainfall and rainfall variability are 18 high. 19 Consistent with the results of SD and OARV presented in Fig. 5, EN0600 has 20 much larger rainfall variability than NTEN0600, in terms of the maximum SD values 21 and the area coverage with SD at large thresholds. For example, for threshold of 40 22 mm, EN0600 has a much larger areal coverage than NTEN0600 after 09/8, except for 11 1 the short period from 15/7 to 03/8. For NTEN0600, there is only a brief period, from 2 15/7 to 21/7, when the simulated typhoon rainbands propagate over the HA and 3 produce significant rainfall and rainfall variability. The maximum 3-h rainfall SD in 4 EN0600 is over 90 mm at the southern tip of the CMR from 12/7 to 15/7. For 5 NTEN0600, there is also a region of large SD near the southern boundary of the HA, 6 but the amount of SD is 10 mm less and it occurs 6-h later. The areas with SD 7 exceeding 50 mm only exist for a very short period (12-h) in NTEN0600 in the 8 southern part of the HA. On the contrary, in EN0600, regions with SD exceeding 50 9 mm persist over a much longer period (36-h), and cover larger areas, with the 10 distribution pattern changing with time. From 06/7 to 18/7, one large SD area is 11 located at the northern part of the HA and the other one near the southern tip of the 12 CMR; while from 03/8 to 00/9, a string of small areas with SD exceeding 50 mm are 13 located along the mountain range. The distribution of large SD in EN0600 tends to 14 orient along the CMR, showing the distinct orographic influence. 15 e. The spatial correlation between the rainfall SD and ensemble mean in the HA 16 As shown in Fig. 6 and Fig. 7, the rainfall SD generally matches well with its 17 corresponding ensemble mean in terms of spatial distribution, for both EN0600 and 18 NTEN0600. The orographically enhanced small-scale, large-value SD structures are 19 consistent with the orographically enhanced small-scale structures of ensemble mean 20 rainfall. This relationship suggests that the spatial distribution of the rainfall ensemble 21 spread is not independent of the ensemble mean; the larger the mean, the larger the 22 spread. Such relationship of ensemble mean precipitation and spread was discussed by 12 1 Hamill and Colucci (1998). In our experiments, significant (at 99% confidence level 2 with the student t-test) spatial correlation between the rainfall SD and ensemble mean 3 in the HA exists in both EN0600 and NTEN0600. However, higher correlation exists 4 in EN0600 with Taiwan topography (see Table 1). 5 Figure 8 is a scatter plot of the 3-h rainfall SD and ensemble mean in the HA at 6 3-h intervals from 00/7 to 00/9 August. The correlation coefficient between the 3-h 7 rainfall SD and ensemble mean is, in general, larger in EN0600 than in NTEN0600. 8 The smaller regression coefficient of the 3-h rainfall SD against ensemble mean in 9 EN0600 than in NTEN0600 may be related to the much larger rainfall amount in 10 EN0600 with Taiwan topography. The correlation coefficient is relatively low 11 (between 0.66 to 0.76) from 12/7 to 21/7, when the storm is very close to or on top of 12 Taiwan in EN0600. Also, there is an obvious cluster separation in SD between large 13 and small ensemble rainfall thresholds, with a very large range of rainfall SD 14 occurring at smaller values of ensemble mean rainfall. The minimum regression 15 coefficient of 0.18 in EN0600 occurs from 21/7 to 00/8, which is consistent with 16 results shown in Fig. 5, with relatively small SD tied to the large ensemble mean 17 rainfall. 18 We note that the amplitude ratio between the SD and ensemble mean (or the SD 19 normalized by the ensemble mean) may vary significantly in space. For instance, as 20 shown in T00/6-00/10 of Fig. 6, of the several areas with large SD values, one area 21 with SD exceeding 400 mm, located at the northern part of the HA (hereafter referred 22 to as Area A), is tied to the ensemble mean precipitation of about 1,500 mm. On the 13 1 other hand, another area with large SD values located at the southern tip of the CMR 2 (hereafter referred to as Area B) is associated with ensemble mean precipitation of 3 over 2,500 mm. These two areas have similar values of rainfall SD but with very 4 different ensemble mean precipitation. The loci of Areas A and B are shown in Fig. 9. 5 f. The rainfall predictability at specific locations 6 Ensemble spread has been used as a measure to gauge flow dependent errors 7 through the ensemble spread-skill relationship (see, e.g., Houtekamer 1993; Wobus 8 and Kalnay 1995; Whitaker and Loughe 1998). However, this may not be applicable 9 to a discontinuous variable with skewed distribution such as rainfall. 10 Figure 9 shows the spatial distribution of the mean error (ME) of 24-h and 96-h 11 accumulated rainfall in the HA in EN0600. The relationship between rainfall SD and 12 magnitude and distribution of rainfall errors (as reflected in ME/RMSE) shown in 13 Table 1, Fig. 5, Fig. 6 and Fig. 9 suggests that the rainfall SD can serve as an indicator 14 for ensemble rainfall errors in some sense, at least for integrated quantities such as 15 24-h or 96-h total rainfall. However, for rainfall forecast verification at a specific 16 location and time, it may not be so simple. 17 Two rain gauge stations within Areas A and B are selected to examine the 3-h 18 rainfall SD and model rainfall prediction skills, respectively: Station A (23.51ºN, 19 120.80ºE) at Chiayi County within Area A, which received the maximum 96-h gauge 20 value shown in Fig. 1a; and Station B (22.59ºN, 120.60ºE) in Area B, which is near 21 the maximum of model 96-h rainfall in Fig. 1c. Figure 10 shows the time series of 22 selected 3-h rainfall statistics at these two stations. Significant orographically 14 1 enhanced rainfall and rainfall variability (i.e., OAR and OARV) are introduced at 2 both stations. The OARV values of these two stations are comparable, with relatively 3 small values just after storm makes landfall, and the maximum value after the storm 4 leaves Taiwan, consistent with the OARV curve in Fig. 5b. But, their OARs are quite 5 different. The very large OAR at Station B is due to its orographically amplified 6 erroneous heavy rainfall prediction. 7 As shown in Fig. 10, the EN0600 ensemble mean significantly under-predicts the 8 observed rainfall at Station A after 09/8 August but significantly over-predicts the 9 rainfall at Station B, especially before 21/7 August. Although the ensemble spread has 10 been used to estimate or predict large-scale flow dependent errors for traditional 11 meteorological variables, this may not be applicable to rainfall. It is evident from Fig. 12 10 that there is no clear relationship between model rainfall errors and rainfall SD at a 13 fixed geographical location with high temporal resolution. The model rainfall RMSE 14 at Station A varies significantly with time, and reaches extreme values after 09/8. 15 However, there is no apparent time variation in SD around that time. Likewise, no 16 clear relationship exists between the ensemble rainfall errors and the rainfall SD for 17 Station B. It is very evident from Fig. 10 that when the model has large systematic 18 errors, the SD among members will not adequately reflect these errors. 19 20 21 5. The relationship between the variability of storm features and rainfall variability 15 1 Figure 11 shows the simulated tracks1 of Typhoon Morakot of EN0600 and 2 NTEN0600 ensemble members. For EN0600, the model storm tracks follow generally 3 the observed track well during the first 36-h simulation, until right before landfall. At 4 about 50-km before landfall, the observed storm started to turn northwestward, and 5 moved through northern Taiwan after making landfall. The model storms make 6 landfall south of the observed landfall location, and have only a very slight 7 northwestward turning after landfall. Consequently, the model storms move across 8 central Taiwan, and the storm tracks deviate further away from the observed storm 9 with time. The model storm tracks do not have a significant spread in the ensemble 10 before the storms leave Taiwan. The systematic southward and westward storm track 11 bias may account for, at least partially, the large model rainfall error at the Chiayi 12 station on the third day (0000 UTC 8 - 9 August). 13 The model storms in NTEN0600 behave similar to that of EN0600 before 14 landfall for the first 30 h. However, at about 250 km before landfall, the model storms 15 in NTEN0600 veer to the north of the observed track, as well as that of the model 16 storms in EN0600. The model storms then move across Taiwan with nearly a straight 17 westward track. For NTEN0600, the ensemble storm tracks start to diverge earlier 18 than those in EN0600, at around landfall time. It is important to note that the tracks 19 shown in Fig. 11 do not completely represent differences in storm positions with time. 20 Some storms whose overall tracks look similar to each other may move slower or 1 The tracks of the model storms are determined from a smoothed SLP field with scales below 1000 km filtered. This is necessary to prevent the possibility of mixing the typhoon center with transient mesolows created by topography. 16 1 faster than the others. 2 Figure 12 shows the time series of the storm track spread in EN0600 and 3 NTEN0600. Note that the dispersion radius of storm position, the latitude spread and 4 the longitude spread are calculated separately, because they are each important 5 parameters when referring to the location of the storm relative to the fixed Taiwan 6 topography. 7 For EN0600, the storm position spread increases sharply during 12/7-18/7 8 August at around landfall time. By comparison with the storm position spread in 9 NTEN0600, the impact of topography on the storm track spread becomes quite 10 obvious. The difference between the two will be called orographically additive storm 11 track variability (OASTV), which can be attributed to increased variability in the 12 latitude and longitude directions. Although the storm ensemble mean propagation 13 speed in the east-west direction is not significantly impacted by Taiwan topography, 14 the storm position longitude variability substantially increases near the landfall time, 15 which is probably due to variability in timing of landfall among ensemble members in 16 EN0600. Figure 10b shows that between 00/7 to 18/7, the NTEN0600 ensemble mean 17 shows a distinct northward track bias when compared with the observed track. Such 18 bias is largely removed in EN0600 with the inclusion of topography. After 18/7 both 19 EN0600 and NTEN0600 show southward and westward track bias, consistent with 20 Fig. 11. There are little differences in storm position spread between EN0600 and 21 NTEN0600 after 18/7 (after model storms leave Taiwan). The differences in position 22 variability between these two sets of ensemble experiments in longitude and latitude 17 1 directions appear to cancel each other. 2 The storm intensity is weakened around landfall time in both EN0600 and 3 NTEN0600, but it is weakened 3-5 hpa more with the impact of Taiwan topography; 4 and the orographically additive storm intensity variability (OASIV) around landfall 5 time is about 5-8 hpa (Fig. 12d). After landfall, the OASIV is negative when the 6 storms are moving towards the mainland, related perhaps to the significant impact of 7 the mainland topography on the more intense storms in NTEN0600 at that time. 8 To better understand the relationship between the variability of the storm 9 features and the rainfall variability over southern Taiwan impacted by Taiwan 10 topography, three 3-h periods, 12/7-15/7, 21/7-00/8 and 12/8-15/8 August in stage 11 two, three and four, respectively, are selected for further examination. 12 a. 12/7-15/7 August (model simulation time 36-h~39-h) 13 This period is around the time when the model storms make landfall, with very 14 large rainfall SD in the HA in both EN0600 and NTEN0600 (see Fig. 5a and Fig. 7). 15 Figure 13 shows the spatial distribution of the model 3-h rainfall and the associated 16 sea-level pressure (SLP) at 15/7 August. Both the inner and outer circulations of the 17 typhoon are moving over Taiwan during this period. The simulated SLP field and 18 rainfall distribution involved with the typhoon rainbands in EN0600 with Taiwan 19 topography are totally different from those in NTEN0600 without Taiwan 20 topography. 21 As noted by Lin et al. (1999), the low pressure and circulation centers tend to 22 split when a tropical cyclone passes over the CMR, which makes it difficult to trace 18 1 the path of the storm center. Based on the analysis of many historical typhoons 2 influencing Taiwan, Wang (1980) showed that when a typhoon passes over Taiwan, 3 its track may be continuous or discontinuous. When the center of a typhoon with a 4 discontinuous track is about to make landfall, a secondary center (or secondary low) 5 often forms on the lee side of the CMR. As the primary typhoon center above the 6 mountain moves over and becomes aligned with the secondary center, the secondary 7 low develops and replaces the original surface center. The formation of the secondary 8 center often influences the spatial distribution and intensity of local rainfall and makes 9 the rainfall forecast even more difficult. Some typhoons may experience a 10 “quasi-continuous track” phenomenon (Lee et al. 2008), in which the convective 11 bands and the circulation associated with the secondary low interact with the 12 topography to produce local heavy rainfall. 13 In our simulation with Taiwan topography, as shown in Tm1-32 in Fig. 13, the 14 typhoon circulations are significantly modulated by topography, and the formation of 15 a secondary low is clearly indicated by the minimum SLP. Most of the ensemble 16 members form a secondary low on the lee side over northwest Taiwan presumably 17 associated with orographic effects on the typhoon’s inner circulations. Before the 18 storm completely passes over the mountains, a low pressure trough extends southward 19 on the lee side over the southeast Taiwan seashore and a transient low-pressure center 20 shows up in some members. Together with the original low, a total of three lows show 21 up on the SLP map. This transient low pressure center can be slightly deeper than that 22 of the secondary low over the northwest Taiwan or even the main typhoon low-center, 19 1 as found in members 1, 10, 12, 17, 19, 20 and 28. 2 Due to variability in the timing of landfall and the orographic effects on the 3 typhoon circulations, the relative positions between the storms and the CMR vary 4 among the ensemble members, which in turn results in large rainfall variability. For 5 3-h rainfall exceeding 100 mm, the two areas with largest variability among Tm1-32 6 of Fig. 13 are the two regions, Areas A and B, with large SD in T00/7-00/8 and 7 T00/6-00/10 of Fig. 6 and T12/7-15/7 of Fig. 7. Obviously, the large rainfall SD 8 within Area A is related to the different positions of the inner typhoon circulation 9 relative to the CMR; while the even larger rainfall SD within Area B is related to the 10 larger diversity of the positions of the outer typhoon circulations relative to the 11 topography over southern Taiwan. 12 In sharp contrast, the storm track spread for ensemble members without Taiwan 13 topography is much smaller during the period of 12/7-15/7 (see Fig. 12), and no 14 secondary low is found in any member of NTm1-32 in Fig. 13. It is obvious that 15 without Taiwan topography, the typhoon circulation structure is not disturbed, and 16 both the inner and outer rainbands are intact. Neither the rainfall distribution nor its 17 variability exhibits any topographical influence. 18 b. 21/7-00/8 August (model simulation time 45-h~48-h) 19 During this period, the simulated storms in EN0600 with Taiwan topography 20 have a relative small rainfall SD concurrent with the greatest ensemble mean rainfall 21 in the HA. Figure 14 shows the distribution of the simulated 3-h rainfall during this 22 period and the associated SLP at 00/8 August in EN0600. The simulated storms are 20 1 about to leave or have just left the Taiwan island. On average, the storm is located on 2 the west coast of Taiwan with sizeable position spread. However, regardless of the 3 storm position spread, the typhoon circulations for almost all the members are 4 positioned very favorably for topographically enhanced precipitation, with broad and 5 strong moist southwesterly flows impinging upon the CMR at a very favorable angle. 6 Under this circumstance, the orographic effect produces almost identical heavy 7 rainfall that is closely tied to Taiwan topography. As a result, the 3-h rainfall in the 8 HA of almost each member is very large and the rainfall is distributed along the 9 mountain range in a very similar pattern (see Tm1-32 of Fig. 14); consequently, there 10 is a relatively small rainfall variability. This presents a unique situation in which 11 relatively small rainfall SD is associated with maximum ensemble mean rainfall when 12 the storm circulations are positioned at a very favorable position relative to Taiwan 13 topography. 14 As an illustration, Figs. 15a and 15b show the west-east and south-north cross 15 section for member 31 of EN0600 along the lines AB and CD as shown in Fig. 3. 16 Intensive convection occurs over a very large area along the west-east cross section 17 (see Fig. 15a). There are several low level westerly jets with speeds up to 36 m s-1 18 (see Fig. 15b), providing northward and upward moisture transport along the 19 windward slope of CMR (see Fig. 15a). Consequently, deep convection associated 20 with the inner rainband takes place on the northern end of the low level westerly jet 21 (see Fig. 15b). This is a very favorable environmental condition for orographically 22 enhanced convection and precipitation. 21 1 c. 12/8-15/8 August (model simulation time 60-h~63-h) 2 This period has the largest areal average rainfall SD in the HA (see Fig. 5) after 3 the simulated storm moves farther away from Taiwan. Figure 16 shows the 4 distribution of the simulated 3-h rainfall and the associated SLP at 15/8 August. At 5 this stage, the storm inner core has moved far enough away from Taiwan, such that 6 only the outer circulation can impact the precipitation forecast in the HA. Due to large 7 spread of the storm tracks in EN0600 (especially the longitude spread, see Fig. 12), 8 some members are now begin to be affected by the topography of mainland China, 9 and the rainfall SD in the HA consequently reaches a maximum. On one hand, some 10 members of EN0600, with the outer circulation at the back of the typhoon impinging 11 on the CMR, produce large amounts of precipitation. On the other hand, some 12 members have almost no precipitation over the HA; for these members the storm’s 13 circulation is no longer interacting with the CMR. The large storm spread in east-west 14 direction, amplified by the orographic effect, has resulted in very large rainfall 15 variability. Although the rainfall variability in NTEN0600 over the HA also reaches 16 its maximum at this period due to very large track spread, without the orographic 17 effect, the rainfall discrepancy among the dispersed members is not amplified and 18 thus the rainfall variability in NTEN0600 is much smaller than that in EN0600. 19 20 6. Probabilistic rainfall prediction 21 a. A rainfall probability forecast 22 An important advantage of ensemble prediction is its ability to provide 22 1 probabilistic forecasts and estimates of forecast uncertainties. Palmer (2002) gave an 2 example of an extratropical cyclone that devastated parts of Europe on 26 December 3 1999. Although the single deterministic prediction from ECMWF did not forecast the 4 storm, about a third of the ECMWF 50-member Ensemble Prediction System 5 produced intense cyclogenesis. 6 Based on the forecasts from our high-resolution ensemble system, the rainfall 7 probability distribution for different thresholds at different forecast periods are shown 8 in Fig. 17. Obviously, for an extreme rainfall event such as Typhoon Morakot, 9 probabilistic forecasts for high thresholds are very important, even if the probability is 10 small. For example, as shown in Fig. 17d, the south part of the observed main rainfall 11 area with 24-h rainfall ending at 0000 UTC 9 August over 1,000 mm in Southern 12 Taiwan is predicted by 30-60% of the members, and 10% of the members indicate 13 that such extraordinary rainfall could take place over the north part of HA (where the 14 maximum observed rainfall was recorded). This is important probability forecast 15 information that a single deterministic prediction cannot provide. Initialized with a 16 global ensemble Kalman filter data assimilation based on the NCEP Global Forecast 17 System (GFS), Zhang et al. (2010) also showed that cloud scale ensemble prediction 18 could provide useful probability forecast of precipitation for Typhoon Morakot. 19 b. The performance of the high-resolution ensemble simulation 20 As indicated by Roebber (2004), the accuracy of ensemble probabilistic forecasts 21 can be compromised by model biases. How well the ensemble (probability forecast) 22 performs depends on how well the "ensemble mean forecast" performs. 23 1 As shown in Figs. 1c, and 1e, the two forecasts of the 96-h accumulated rainfall 2 ending at 0000 UTC 10 August, one from EN0600 mean and another from the single 3 deterministic forecast ec0600, look so similar that it is difficult to differentiate one 4 from the other in the HA. However, if we look at their simulated time series of the 5 areal average 3-h rainfall in the HA (see Fig. 5a), it is evident that the EN0600 mean 6 outperforms ec0600 in the HA during most of the simulation period. From 00/6 to 7 00/8 August, both EN0600 mean and ec0600 overestimate the rainfall, but EN0600 8 mean is closer to the observation; from 00/8 to 06/9 August, both EN0600 and ec0600 9 underestimate the heavy rainfall. Again, EN0600 mean is closer to the observation. 10 Therefore, the superior performance of EN0600 mean over ec0600, obscured by the 11 96-h accumulated rainfall shown in Figs. 1c, and 1e, is nonetheless clearly reflected in 12 Fig. 5a. 13 14 7. Conclusions and discussions 15 This paper investigates the impact of Taiwan topography on the record-breaking 16 rainfall of Typhoon Morakot and its predictability through a high-resolution ensemble 17 simulation. Analysis of results from ensemble experiments with and without Taiwan 18 topography leads to the following conclusions: 19 a. Taiwan topography plays a key role in making Typhoon Morakot a 20 record-breaking rainfall event. With realistic topography, the high-resolution (4-km) 21 ensemble with the WRF-ARW model reproduced salient features of orographic 22 precipitation. The 96-h total rainfall amount and distribution from the ensemble mean 24 1 compares reasonably well with the observed precipitation. When the terrain of Taiwan 2 is removed, the orographic rainfall distribution features completely disappear and the 3 maximum 96-h accumulated rainfall amount is reduced to less than 20% and the total 4 rainfall amount in the HA is reduced to less than 60%. The orographically enhanced 5 rainfall in the HA reaches 25 mm and 382 mm for ensemble mean 3-h and 96-h 6 accumulated rainfall, respectively. 7 b. Rainfall variability is substantially enhanced by Taiwan’s topography. The 8 standard deviation of areal averaged rainfall in the HA among members of the 9 ensemble system is increased by up to 15 mm and 75 mm for 3-h and 96-h 10 accumulated rainfall, respectively, as a result of topography. For a single grid-point 11 rainfall prediction, the variability can be more than doubled, with a value less than 12 150 mm for no terrain experiment and more than 400 mm with terrain. The spatial 13 distribution of rainfall variability is strongly modulated by the underlying topography. 14 c. The relationship between the ensemble mean precipitation and rainfall 15 variability is complex and time varying. There is no simple linear relationship 16 between the amount of ensemble mean precipitation and the rainfall variability. There 17 exists a unique period when the ensemble mean precipitation reaches its maximum, 18 while the rainfall variability is having a local minimum. This is the time when the 19 storm is located over the west coast of Taiwan, and shortly after it left Taiwan, a 20 period when the typhoon circulations are positioned most favorably relative to 21 Taiwan’s topography for producing topographic precipitation. 22 d. It is not possible to use the rainfall forecast standard deviation to estimate 25 1 model rainfall forecast error at high temporal and spatial resolution. Although 2 ensemble spread has been considered a useful variable to measure flow dependent 3 model forecast uncertainties for large-scale variables, this does not seem to apply for 4 rainfall prediction. The high temporal and spatial variability of rainfall, coupled with 5 enhanced variability due to topography, prevents the use of rainfall ensemble spread 6 as a useful measurement of model rainfall forecast errors. This is especially true when 7 the model exhibits significant systematic bias in certain specific regions. We do note 8 that for integrated quantities, such as 96-h accumulated rainfall, this relationship 9 becomes more robust. For example, the correlation coefficient for rainfall standard 10 deviation and rainfall RMSE is 0.63. 11 e. The orograhic effects on typhoon circulations amplify uncertainties in the 12 initial model states and substantially increase variability in storm track, positions, 13 storm propagation speed, landfall location and timing, and the detailed pressure 14 structures (e.g., secondary lows) among the ensemble members. The variability in 15 these mesoscale storm features, in return, result in significant variability in rainfall. 16 The topographically enhanced variability is particularly robust near the time of 17 landfall. This makes it practically impossible to make an accurate quantitative 18 precipitation forecast at a specific location for a land-falling typhoon over Taiwan. 19 f. Probabilistic rainfall prediction derived from the high-resolution ensemble 20 system does show some skill in estimating where significant rainfall may take place. 21 For example, the 90% probability of accumulated rainfall exceeding 1000 mm 22 between 00/7 and 00/9 match well with the contour of the observed 1000 mm. In 26 1 comparison with one single deterministic forecast, the ensemble mean is shown to 2 possess superior skill in forecasting precipitation. 3 Careful evaluation of the ensemble mean prediction with observations also 4 points out some notable deficiencies. This includes a westward and southward track 5 bias after landfall, significant under-prediction of the rainfall over Chiayi county and 6 significant over-prediction of rainfall over southern Taiwan over the mountain ridge. 7 The significant under-prediction of rainfall after 0600 UTC 8 August by the ensemble 8 mean may be attributed, at least partially, to the systematic track bias. 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Areal average statistical measures of 24-h and 96-h rainfall in the HA Rainfall variables Areal average measures Analyzed observation (OBS) (mm) EN0600_mean (mm) NTEN0600_mean (mm) OAR* (mm) EN0600_SD (mm) NTEN0600_SD (mm) OARV** (mm) Correlation coefficient of SD and ensemble mean in EN0600 Correlation coefficient of SD and ensemble mean in NTEN0600 EN0600_RMSE (mm) EN0600_ME (mm) EN0600_RMSE/EN0600_SD (%) Correlation coefficient of EN0600_SD and EN0600_RMSE 24-h rainfall (00/600/7) 24-h rainfall (00/700/8) 24-h rainfall (00/800/9) 24-h rainfall (00/900/10) 96-h rainfall (00/600/10) 84 129 55 75 39 27 12 0.87 321 383 277 107 115 91 24 0.75 625 356 191 165 183 114 69 0.97 179 48 12 36 32 11 21 0.79 1209 917 535 382 216 142 74 0.86 0.79 0.48 0.89 0.62 0.22 76 45 1.97 0.78 171 62 1.49 0.69 358 -269 1.96 0.58 141 -131 4.47 0.41 470 -293 2.18 0.63 3 4 5 6 7 * OAR denotes orographically additive rainfall, the rainfall difference between EN0600 and NTEN0600 ** OARV denotes orographically additive rainfall variability, the rainfall variability difference between EN0600 and NTEN0600 8 34 1 Figure captions: 2 Fig. 1. The spatial distribution of Typhoon Morakot’s rainfall over Taiwan and 3 surrounding islands (unit: mm): objective analysis of the observed 96-h 4 accumulated rainfall ending at 0000 UTC 10 August (a) and 24-h 5 accumulated rainfall ending at 0000 UTC 9 August (b); the simulated 6 96-h accumulated rainfall ending at 0000 UTC 10 August by EN0600 7 mean (c), NTEN0600 mean (d), and ec0600 (e). The white star mark 8 shows the maximum gauge value, 2874 mm in (a) and 1504 mm in (b). 9 The box in black in (a) is the worst hit area (HA), with latitudes from 10 22.50ºN to 23.74ºN and longitudes from 120.32ºE to 121.14ºE (about 11 130×90 square km). 12 Fig. 2. The Dvorak BD curve enhanced (a-f) and color enhanced (g and h) 13 infrared cloud imageries (from 14 http://rammb.cira.colostate.edu/products/tc_realtime) of Typhoon 15 Morakot before, during and after landfall at: (a) 1530 UTC 6 August; (b) 16 0030 UTC 7 August; (c) and (g) 1530 UTC 7 August; (d) 0030 UTC 8 17 August; (e) 1530 UTC 8 August; (f) and (h) 1530 UTC 9 August. The two 18 yellow circles in (a)-(f) have radii of 1 and 2 degrees latitude around the 19 storm center respectively. 20 21 Fig. 3. The model domain configuration and the geophysical height distribution (color shaded, unit: m) with the terrain of Taiwan removed for 35 1 sensitivity simulation. The zoomed area in the red box shows the real 2 Taiwan geophysical height, lines AB and CD are the cross section lines 3 used in section 5, and the box in white in this zoomed area is the 4 targeted verification area. 5 Fig. 4. The spatial distribution of the simulated 96-h accumulated rainfall 6 ending at 0000 UTC 10 August over Taiwan and surrounding islands 7 (unit: mm) by the 32 ensemble members of EN0600 (labelled by 8 Tm1-32) and NTEN0600 (labelled by NTm1-32). 9 Fig. 5. The time series of some areal average statistical measures of the 3-h 10 rainfall in the HA estimated from the ensemble members (unit: mm): (a) 11 minimum, lower quartile, median, upper quartile and maximum 12 depicted by the blue wide (red narrow) box-and-whisker plot for 13 EN0600 (NTEN0600), SD, and 3-h rainfall from ensemble mean, ec0600 14 and the analyzed observation (OBS); (b) OAR, OARV, ME and RMSE of 15 EN0600. The time axis indicates the ending time of each 3-h interval, 16 and the triangles separate the total simulation period into different 17 stages. 18 Fig. 6. The spatial distribution of the 24-h and 96-h accumulated rainfall SD 19 (unit: mm, color shaded in levels as in the color bar), ensemble mean 20 (unit: mm, contoured in levels of 10, 30, 50, 70, 100, 150, 200, 300, 400, 21 500, 800, 1000, 1200, 1500, 2000 and 2500 mm) for EN0600 and 36 1 NTEN0600 (labelled by “T” and “NT”, respectively, and time stamp) in 2 the HA. 3 Fig. 7. The spatial distribution of the 3-h rainfall SD (unit: mm, color shaded in 4 levels as in the color bar), ensemble mean (unit: mm, contoured in levels 5 of 10, 30, 50, 70, 100, 150 and 200 mm) for EN0600 and NTEN0600 6 (labelled by “T” and “NT”, respectively, and time stamp) in 3-h intervals 7 from 00/7 to 00/9 August in the HA. 8 9 Fig. 8. The scatter plot of the 3-h rainfall SD (Y axis, unit: mm) and ensemble mean (X axis, unit: mm) for EN0600 and NTEN0600 (labelled by “T” and 10 “NT”, respectively, and time stamp) in 3-h intervals from 00/7 to 00/9 11 August in the HA. 12 Fig. 9. The spatial distribution of the 24-h and 96-h accumulated rainfall ME 13 (unit: mm) in the HA in EN0600: (a) 00/6-00/7; (b) 00/7-00/8; (c) 14 00/8-00/9; (d) 00/9-00/10; (e) 00/6-00/10. The blue (red) box 15 illustrates Area A (B). 16 Fig. 10. The time series of some 3-h rainfall statistical measures (unit: mm) at: 17 (a) Station A; (b) Station B. See text for station descriptions and 18 locations. 19 Fig. 11. The simulated track of ensemble members (green lines), the single 20 deterministic simulation (blue line), and the average track of the 21 ensembles (red line) of EN0600 (top) and NTEN060 (bottom). The JMA 37 1 best track (modified by analysis from Taiwan Central Weather Bureau) 2 is superimposed as the thick black line labelled OBS. The track is plotted 3 from 00/6 to 06/9 August, and the storm positions are shown by the red 4 circles at 00/6, 00/7 and 00/8, blue circles at 12/6 and 12/7, black 5 circles at 12/8 and cyan circles at 00/9. 6 Fig. 12. The time series of storm track and intensity spread and related 7 ensemble mean in EN0600 and NTEN0600: (a) storm center position 8 dispersion radius (relative to the ensemble mean position, unit: km); (b) 9 storm center latitude (unit: degree); (c) storm center longitude (unit: 10 11 degree); (d) storm center minimum SLP (unit: hpa). Fig. 13. The spacial distribution of the simulated 3-h rainfall rate (colored 12 shade, unit: mm) at 12/7-15/7 August for the ensemble members of 13 EN0600 (labelled by Tm1-32) and NTEN0600 (labeled by NTm1-32). 14 The associated sea level pressure (blue contours, unit: hPa) and the 15 observed typhoon center (black dot) at the end of this period is 16 superimposed. 17 Fig. 14. Same as Fig. 13, but for EN0600 at 21/7-00/8 August. 18 Fig. 15. West-east cross section along line AB in Fig. 3 of reflectivity (color 19 shaded, unit: dbz), wind bar (u, w) (m s-1, 0.05 m s-1) with one full bar of 20 10 unit and meridional wind v (blue line, unit: m s-1) for member 31 of 21 EN0600 (a); south-north cross section along line CD in Fig. 3 of 38 1 reflectivity (clour shaded, unit: dbz), wind bar (v, w) (m s-1, 0.05 m s-1) 2 with one full bar of 10 unit and zonal wind u (blue line, unit: m s-1) for 3 member 31 of EN0600 (b). X axis is the model grid number with grid 4 length of 4 km. 5 Fig. 16. Same as Fig. 13, but for 12/8-15/8 August. 6 Fig. 17. The rainfall probability distribution (%) exceeding the thresholds of (a) 7 500, (b) 1000 mm for 24-h rainfall ending at 0000 UTC 8 August; (c) 8 500, (d) 1000 mm for 24-h rainfall ending at 0000 UTC 9 August; (e) 9 1000, (f) 1500 mm for 48-h rainfall ending at 0000 UTC 9 August; (g) 10 1500, (h) 2500 mm for 96-h rainfall ending at 0000 UTC 10 August 11 estimated from the 32 members of EN0600. The observed rainfall at the 12 corresponding threshold is shown by the blue line, and the black star 13 indicates the automatic observation station at which the maximum 96-h 14 accumulated rainfall occurred. 15 39