February 2014 Minutes#1

Town Council Minutes
Regular Town Council Meeting
February 11, 2014
Council Members (C/M) present: V/M S. Moss, C/M B. Moss, C/M Jones, C/M K. Moss,
C/M Davis, and C/M Wallace
C/M absent: none
Others present: Mayor Paige: Peggy Johnson, Clerk; Jordon Miles, Farmville Herald;
Donnie Bryan, Buckingham Supervisor.
The meeting was held at the Dillwyn Town Hall located at 1030 Main Street, Dillwyn, VA,
on February 11, 2014, at 7:00 p.m.
Mayor Paige gave the invocation and led the Pledge of Allegiance.
The Mayor opened the meeting and declared there was a quorum in attendance.
The Mayor asked the council if there were any changes or corrections to the January 2014
minutes. Motion made by C/M S. Moss and seconded by C/M B. Moss to accept the minutes
as presented. Motion passed unanimously. Ayes: V/M S. Moss, C/M B. Moss, C/M Jones,
C/M K. Moss, C/M Davis, and C/M Wallace. Nays: none
Mayor Paige greeted the visitors.
Donna Jones – Relay for Life. Paint the town with purple bows to be purchased by the
businesses. Hope Day in Dillwyn, Saturday, April 26, 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. Big county event is
May 10, 6 p.m. to 6 a.m. Location is needed for the event.
Transportation Enhancement:
Phase 4
. Bid results: one bid, Dickerson Construction
. New estimates prepared by LPDA
. Rebid-- motion was made by C/M S. Moss and seconded by C/M K. Moss to rebid
phase 4. Motion passed unanimously. Ayes: V/M S. Moss, C/M B. Moss, C/M Jones, C/M
K. Moss, C/M Davis, and C/M Wallace. Nays: none
Phase 4 ext./5: LPDA working on designs
Revitalization Project:
. Phase 2: contracts on 4 buildings. Fisher is still considering. Ford (1020), think
they will pull out. May need to re-bid as the deadline to accept the bid by the owners is past.
. Parking/pocket – to submit a formal request for this park and an extension on the
project end date to make this possible.
. Friday Night events: still on hold.
. The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, March 11, 6:00 p.m.
Street Maintenance Committee:
- Street lights: no report
- Yards, etc.: Quentin Booker (C/M Jones)
- Town clean up: no report:
Mayor Paige brought up snow removal—ordinance in effect for the business owners
to clear the area in front of their businesses. Suggestion to call Mr. Walker to see if he will
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consider doing this. Alternative—Jimmy Bolden.
- Contact VDOT about excessive speeding on Main St. (Camden & Hancock)—
markings (center lines) so cars will know to stay on their side of the road.
- Bill Davis asked about the area on Hancock at the entrance to the waste water plant
and the railroad tracks for overflow parking for Ellis Acres. Motion was made by C/M S.
Moss and seconded by C/M K. Moss to allow Ellis Acres to use the field for overflow
parking. Motion passed unanimously. Ayes: V/M S. Moss, C/M B. Moss, C/M Jones, C/M
K. Moss, C/M Davis, and C/M Wallace. Nays: none
Tourism Committee: no report.
Ordinances: Mayor Paige advised she will have some ready soon to review.
Drainage issues: Mr. Husky asked about drainage field on Warehouse St. Letter to be sent
to VDOT concerning this.
Town Charter-elections: Motion was made by C/M S. Moss and seconded by C/M B. Moss
to contact town attorney to do the required update to the charter. Motion passed
unanimously. Ayes: V/M S. Moss, C/M B. Moss, C/M Jones, C/M K. Moss, C/M Davis, and
C/M Wallace. Nays: none
Heating system: It is a heat pump and when too cold—it does not do the job. Mills H/A did
not close up the ducts when they removed the duct work. The suggestion was that we need a
propane heater in the basement to help with the cold weather. Letter to Mills Heating & Air,
and a call to Josh Mills, expressing our concerns.
VA Community Development Block Grant (VCDBG) Program
Bank of America CD renewal (8816) 9 mo. Risk free, Feb. 12 Motion was made by C/M B.
Moss and seconded by C/M Jones to renew with Boa. Motion passed unanimously. Ayes:
V/M S. Moss, C/M B. Moss, C/M Jones, C/M K. Moss, C/M Davis, and C/M Wallace.
Nays: none
Workmen Compensation Panel—approved as presented.
Mayor Paige: Ellis Acres dedication brick—wording needed by March.
C/M Jones- events-town cookout for residents. C/M David, C/M Wallace and C/M Jones to
work on this.
Donnie Bryan advised the following:
. New Library—who will own the library and materials?
---internet service?
---tax increase?
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Beulah Crawford: expressed her concerns about the pocket park—traffic, privacy, policing,
Donnie Bryan: could flyers be passed out by BBRR at the train rides?
The Mayor asked for a sign of standing to adjourn the meeting. Meeting adjourned at 8:30
Minutes scribed by,
Peggy N. Johnson
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