Tollgate Clinic - Guildford and Waverley CCG

Tollgate Clinic
Tollgate Clinic
145 London Road
Colchester, CO3 8NZ
01206 216990
Tollgate Clinic Colchester Tel:
01206 560432
Tollgate Clinic Colchester Fax
Oaklands Surgery Canvey Island Telephone 01268 686106
When the surgery is closed call Please leave a message
Tollgate Clinic is a small privately run clinic offering community surgical services to
both NHS and Self Pay Patients.
Minor Surgery (lumps and bumps)
Carpal Tunnel Decompression
Experienced Team and a Personal Service
Tollgate Clinic has a small and friendly team which offers patients a more personal service.
When you call us, you don’t have to navigate options with your keypad – we aim to answer your
call directly and be happy to help. (If not, leave a message and we will ring you back promptly!)
Tollgate Clinic is managed by Tollgate Clinic Ltd, a company set up in 2005 by Dr Laurel
Spooner and her husband Richard Spooner. They have both worked with the NHS for many
years, and now enjoy operating a privately-run clinic as it redoubles their focus on customer
service and using resources efficiently.
NHS services at Tollgate Clinic are commissioned and paid for by North East Essex PCT. We
are always interested to hear from clinicians and managers who may want to work with us to set
up new services for patients. Please call reception and they will put you in touch with Richard
For other queries relating to appointments etc the administrative team can be contacted via
Tollgate Clinic Ltd runs clinics in both Colchester and Canvey Island for North East Essex and
South East Essex. Please contact us for more information on the services we are able to offer at
each location.
Colchester - 01206 216990
Canvey Island - 01268 686106
We look forward to welcoming you to our clinic.
Visit us on Facebook
Colchester Business Awards
Tollgate Clinic are proud winners of the Excellence in Customer Service Award, presented to them at the Colchester Business Awards 2012.
Repeat Prescriptions
Prescriptions Charges and Exemptions
Extensive exemption and remission arrangements protect those likely to have difficulty in paying
charges (NHS prescription and dental charges, optical and hospital travel costs).
The NHS prescription charge is a flat-rate amount which successive Governments have thought
it reasonable to charge for those who can afford to pay for their medicines. Prescription
prepayment certificates (PPCs) offer real savings for people who need extensive medication.
NHS charges
From 1 April 2011, the charges are:
Prescription (per item): £7.65
12-month prepayment certificate (PPC): £104.00
3-month PPC: £29.10
If you will have to pay for four or more prescription items in three months, or more than 14 items
in 12 months, you may find it cheaper to buy a PPC.
Telephone advice and order line 0845 850 0030
General Public - Buy or Renew a PPC On-line
There is further information about prescription exemptions and fees on the NHS website
Please allow 48 hours, excluding weekends and Bank Holidays, for your request to be processed.
Any problems please telephone the surgery.
Minor Surgery
Minor Surgery
Current Wait for Appointment: 1-2 Weeks
The procedure will usually be carried out by Dr Laurel Spooner or Dr Hein Leonhardt
Tollgate Clinic offers Minor Surgery to private patients. You do not need a referral from your
Among others we are able to offer treatment of the following:
Minor Skin Conditions
Lumps and Bumps
Lipomas (fatty lumps)
Skin Tags
Benign Moles
Simple Eye-Lid Cysts
Eye-Lid Skin Tags
Blocked Tear Ducts
Carpal Tunnel Release
Joint & Trigger Finger Injections
In-growing Toe Nails
Other Conditions
Painful joints that can be treated with an injection
Haemorrhoids - Injection & Banding
We are able to perform biopsies if indicated.
Sutures are not needed for most minor surgery procedures but if they are Tollgate Clinic usually
uses soluble stitches which means there is no need for a return visit to the clinic to have stitches
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Diagnosis & Treatment of Carpal Tunnel
Current Wait for Initial Assessment: 2-3 Weeks
Current Wait from Assessment to First Treatment: 2-3 Weeks
Tollgate Clinic are able to offer this service to patients of both North East Essex and South East
Essex. Please ask your GP for a referral to us in order to use our Carpal Tunnel Service.
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) is a condition affecting the hand and the wrist. The main
symptom is altered feeling in the hand, affecting the thumb, index, middle and ring fingers.
Many people describe the altered feeling as tingling. Tingling is often worse at night or first
thing in the morning. It may be provoked by activities that involve gripping an object, for
example a mobile telephone or newspaper, especially if the hand is elevated.
Your Appointment and Treatment
At your initial consultation with Dr Spooner, Dr Bohannan or Dr Leonardt, we will diagnose
whether you have CTS and how severe it is. This may involve a study using a machine to see
how well the nerve in your wrist is conducting small electric signals. We will offer you treatment
options, including splinting and injection for less severe cases, and an operation on your wrist (at
another appointment) for more severe cases. We will provide all follow-up care.
Assessment and Treatment Performed by our own Clinicians.
To learn more see our Carpal Tunnel Decompression - Information Leaflet
No-Scalpel Vasectomy
Permanent Contraception for Men
Current Wait for Appointment: 1-2 Weeks
If you are absolutely sure you don't want to father a child in future, no-scalpel vasectomy is a
reliable and easy method of permanent contraception. It is also much less scary than it sounds!
We use the no-scalpel method which involves less discomfort, no stitches and faster recovery
than the traditional method.
North-East Essex NHS patients will need a referral from their GP in order to use our vasectomy
service. We can see other patients privately at a charge of £245. Waiting time is minimal.
For more information read our Vasectomy - Information Leaflet
Your Appointment
Your appointment will begin with a short consultation with our consultant to talk you through
your decision to have a vasectomy and the procedure.
Your vasectomy will be performed by Dr Laurel Spooner or Dr Hein Leonhardt. Dr Spooner is
one of the UK's most experienced vasectomists and pioneered the no-scalpel technique in this
country. She is the founder of the British Association of No-Scalpel Vasectomists (BANSV) and
in May 2011 was elected President of the Association of Surgeons in Primary Care ( (ASPC).
Patient Opinion
We collected feedback from 94 men who had a vasectomy at Tollgate Clinic from September to
November 2012 with the following results:
63% said they felt no pain during the operation and the remaining said that they rated the
pain as either 1 or 2 on a scale of 0 to 5.
Asked how the operation was in relation to what they expected,75% said they thought is
was better or much better than they expected.
98.9% of patients rated our services as Fairly or Extremely Good.
Seedless is Best!
Diagnosis & Treatment of Conditions
Affecting the Anus and Rectum
Current Wait for Appointment: 1-2 Weeks
Sigmoidoscopy is a test performed on your back passage (anus and rectum) usually because you
have had bleeding, pain, a change in bowel habit, soreness, itching or a lump in the area.
You will need a referral from a GP in North-East Essex in order to use our sigmoidoscopy
The Procedure
A narrow plastic tube lubricated with jelly is inserted into the rectum to between 15cm and
20cm. It has a bright light which enables the doctor looking up the tube to examine the lining of
the bowel in detail. If an abnormality is found a biopsy (a small sample of tissue) may be
removed for examination at the hospital laboratory.
The procedure will be carried out by Dr Laurel Spooner (with a nurse chaperone available) and
takes only a few minutes.
To find out more read our Sigmoidoscopy Information Leaflet
Your Test Results
Your Test Results
Please call between 11am and 3.30pm to enquire about your test results as our reception staff
will have more time to deal with your request between these times.
Note that the practice has a strict policy regarding confidentiality and data protection and we will
only release test results to the person to whom they relate unless that person has given prior
permission for the release of this data or they are not capable of understanding the results.
When you take your test you will be told how long it will be before the results are returned to the
It is your responsibility to check your results and to make an appointment to discuss them with
your doctor if your are advised to do so.
Blood Tests
Blood Tests
A blood test is when a sample of blood is taken for testing in a laboratory. Blood tests have a
wide range of uses and are one of the most common types of medical test. For example, a blood
test can be used to:
assess your general state of health
confirm the presence of a bacterial or viral infection
see how well certain organs, such as the liver and kidneys, are functioning
A blood test usually involves the phlebotomist taking a blood sample from a blood vessel in your
arm. and the usual place for a sample is the inside of the elbow or wrist, where the veins are
relatively close to the surface. Blood samples from children are most commonly taken from the
back of the hand. The child's hand will be anaesthetised (numbed) with a special cream before
the sample is taken.
You can find out more about blood tests, their purpose and the way they are performed on the
NHS Choices website ( .
An X-ray is a widely used diagnostic test to examine the inside of the body. X-rays are a very
effective way of detecting problems with bones, such as fractures. They can also often identify
problems with soft tissue, such as pneumonia or breast cancer.
If you have a X-ray, you will be asked to lie on a table or stand against a surface so that the part
of your body being X-rayed is between the X-ray tube and the photographic plate.
An X-ray is usually carried out by a radiographer, a healthcare professional who specialises in
using imaging technology, such as X-rays and ultrasound scanners.
You can find out more about x-ray tests, how they are performed, their function and the risks by
visiting the NHS Choices website ( .
Why Patients Choose Us
Current Waiting Lists
Minor Surgery: 1 to 2 weeks from referral
Carpal Tunnel - wait for Initial Assessment: 2-3 Weeks from referral
Carpal Tunnel - wait from Assessment to First Treatment: 2-3 Weeks from referral
Vasectomy: 1 to 2 weeks from referral
Sigmoidoscopy: 1 to 2 weeks from referral
Excellent Customer Service
Among other reasons, our patients may choose to have their procedure carried out at Tollgate
Clinic for the following reasons.
Excellent Customer Service- At Tollgate Clinic we treat our patients as individuals
rather than part of a process.
Shorter Waiting Lists - Currently between 2-5 weeks
Quicker Appointments - Be in the clnic for less than one hour - most appointments are
only 30 minutes
Convenient Location - just off the A12, and out of town centre traffic.
Free Parking - ample spaces in the clinic car park
Specialist Clinicians - Our Cinicians perform over 50 procedures a year which means
that they are specialists in their field.
Modern Proc edures - means quicker recover times and usually no reason to return to
the clinic for a follow-up appointment. Standard follow-up appointments are performed
over the telephone
24hr/7 days a week support - Support from our Clinicians
Tollgate Clinic are winners of the Excellence in Customer Services Awardat the Colchester
Business Awards 2012.
Patient Satisfaction Surveys
Patient Satisfaction Surveys
Patient Satisfaction Questionnaire
95% of patients scored us as Excellent (5 out of 5) in relation to Patient Overall Satisfaction in
5% of patients scored us as Good (4 out of 5) in 2011/12
Repeat Referrals
49 GP Surgeries in North East Essex have chosen to refer patients to us on more than one
occasion since April 2011 - a sign of their satisfaction with our service.
Usage by GPs
90% of practices in the area refer to Community Service.
For further information on the results from our Patient Satisfaction Surveys, please see the links
Carpal Tunnel Decompression - Patient Survey Results
Vasectomy - Patient Survey Results
Sigmoidoscopy - Patient Satisfaction Results
Patient Feedback
Excellent Patient Feedback
Around 800 patients per year choose Tollgate Clinic, and the number is growing fast. Here are
some recent written comments from post-operative patients:
“ Thank you for the fantastic treatment received .”
– Carpal Tunnel patient, March 2012
“ In the end nothing to worry about most impressed with doc and clinic .”
– Sigmoidoscopy, October 2012
“ Easy parking, made welcome, staff excellent .”
– Sigmoidoscopy, Ocotber 2012
“ I was impressed with every aspect of my treatment from start to finish. The environment is
welcoming, airy, clean and friendly. All staff displayed. Professionalism which gave me
confidence. I found this tablet a wonderful way to communicate with you and is a great way
forward. Well done to everyone involved .”
– Carpal Tunnel patient, September 2012
“ I found the staff to be extremely helpful in putting me at ease all through the procedure
very professional very well done .”
– Vasectomy, August 2012
“ I found the staff to be extremly helpful in putting me at ease all through the procedure
very professional very well done .”
– Vasectomy, September 2012
As these comments show, patients value the personal service and high continuity of care from
our small and experienced team.
Maintaining Quality and Accountability
Tollgate Clinic is fully committed to the highest standard of care for patients and to remaining
accountable for the care it provides. We believe we have strong governance measures in place to
ensure quality and accountability.
Promoting Quality
Tollgate Clinic is a member of the UK Association of Surgeons in Primary Care ( (ASPC), a body which discusses and monitors quality of care among its
members. In fact, Dr Laurel Spooner (Lead Clinician of Tollgate Clinic) was elected President of
the ASPC in May 2011.
Like other ASPC members, Tollgate Clinic collects post-operative satisfaction questionnaires
from its patients and regularly audits post-operative outcomes to check that the highest level of
quality is being maintained by all staff.
CQC Registration
Tollgate Clinic are CQC Registered ( . At the last
inspection, the Clinic was found to be fully compliant with all Standards inspected.
Our Accountability
Tollgate Clinic is managed by Tollgate Clinic Ltd, a company registered in England and Wales
with the company number 5843096.
Tollgate Clinic Ltd mainly provides services to patients under contracts commissioned by NorthEast Essex NHS Primary Care Trust (PCT), and is accountable to the PCT for delivery of those
services within the contractual terms, as well as within all other national legislation and
We also provide some services to a few non-NHS patients (c 5% of all our patients). In the
provision of these services we are subject to the normal legislation and regulation within the UK
regarding private healthcare providers.
All of our Clinicians are covered by Medical Defense Union Ltd (MDU) or the equivalent.
Principles and Rules to Guide Decisions
Our staff have to make a lot of decisions in the delivery of your care and the discharge of their
duties. To help us get it right as close as possible to 100% of the time, we maintain the following
policies which staff are bound to read and abide by. If you would like to know more about a
specific policy please contact our management team via Richard Spooner at the email address
Policy Reference Document
TC 01
Patient Satisfaction
TC 02
Complaints policy
TC 03
Service User Consent Policy
TC 04
Adult Safeguarding Policy
TC 10
Staff credentials verification policy
TC 11
Equality and diversity
TC 12
Training policy
TC 13
Whistle-blowing policy
TC 31
Medicines Management
TC 32
Quality Management
TC 33
Waste Management
TC 34
Control of Infection & Decontamination
TC 35
Incident Reporting
Health and Safety TC 41
Health and Safety
TC 42
Implementation of Safety Alerts
TC 43
Maintenance of Medical Devices
TC 51
Information Governance
TC 52
Record keeping
TC 53
Records management
Staff Details
Dr Laurel
Lead Clinician GP with Special Interests in Carpal Tunnel,
Vasectomy and Sigmoidoscpy
Dr Hein
Surgeon GP with Special Interests in Carpal Tunnel and
Dr Philip
Diagnostics GP with Special Interest in Carpal Tunnel
Mr Michael
Orthopaedic Consultant Mentor and member of the Board
Mrs Fiona Adedotun
Clinic Nurse