Commercial/Industrial Lighting Rebate Program [Enter you utility’s information here] APPLICATION DIRECTIONS: 1. Lighting equipment must be installed in a facility located in [Municipal Utility’s] service territory. Equipment must be purchased and installed between January 1, 2013 and December 31, 2013 to qualify for the 2013 rebate program. 2. After equipment is installed and operating, complete this application, including the signature. 3. Attach original sales receipt(s)/invoice(s) to the rebate application. The receipt(s) must indicate the purchase date, quantity, and price. 4. Mail or bring the completed application and receipts/invoices to: [Municipal Utility Address]. Please allow 4 to 5 weeks for payment. TERMS AND CONDITIONS No customer shall receive more than [X] lighting rebates or [X] worth of rebates from [Municipal Utility] during any period of 12 consecutive months. [Municipal Utility] does not guarantee that the installation and operation of energy efficiency equipment will result in reduced usage or demand or in cost savings. [Municipal Utility] makes no warranties, expressed or implied, with respect to any equipment purchased and/or installed, including, but not limited to, any warranty or merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. In no event shall [Municipal Utility] be liable for any incidental or consequential damages or injuries resulting from defective equipment or installation. [Municipal Utility] reserves the right to cancel or change these programs at any time. [Municipal Utility’s] acceptance of this application does not guarantee payment of the incentive. Prior to any payment of rebates, [Municipal Utility] reserves the right to verify sales transactions and installation. [Municipal Utility] will not be responsible for any tax liability that may be imposed on the customer as a result of the payment of rebates. [Municipal Utility] does not endorse any particular manufacturer, product, system design, claim, or retailer in promoting this program. CUSTOMER INFORMATION (Please Print) Business Name Phone Installation Date Mailing Address City State ZIP Code Installation Address City State ZIP Code Utility Account Number (Found on Utility Bill) Email Address (By providing your email address, you are granting The Utility permission to send emails regarding this project or updates on our incentive programs.) Building Use Office Retail 24-hour Facility Warehouse Restaurant Lodging Grocery Manufacturing K-12 School College Healthcare Clinic Hospital Other/Miscellaneous_______________________________________________________________________________________ Customer Agreement: My signature indicates consent to and agreement with all program terms and conditions. It certifies that all information in this application is correct and that all of the listed new equipment has been purchased, installed, and is operating at the indicated location. I understand that my utility company reserves the right to inspect and verify installation before and after issuing payment. Customer Signature Printed Name Date Thank You for participating in the eco@work program. Commercial/Industrial Lighting Program COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL LIGHTING Equipment Fixture Size # Of Lamps Lamp Type Incentive for Building Retrofit Incentive for New Construction u-bend 2 T8 U-Bend $10/fixture N/A $ 1 T8 or T5 $10/fixture N/A $ 2 T8 or T5 $10/fixture N/A $ 1 T8 $5/fixture N/A $ 2 T8 $10/fixture N/A $ 3 T8 $15/fixture N/A $ 4 T8 $20/fixture N/A $ 1 T8 or T5 $8/fixture N/A $ 2 T8 or T5 $14/fixture N/A $ Any T8 or T5 HO $15/lamp $8/lamp $ 320 W Replace 400 W or larger lamp $20/fixture N/A $ 750 W Replace 1,000 W or larger lamp $30/fixture N/A $ $10/fixture $10/fixture $ 50% of purchase cost up to $2 50% of purchase cost up to $10 $30% of installed cost 2 Foot Replace T12 lamps with T8 or T5 lamps Low-Bay (Mounting Height <15 feet) 4 Foot 8 Foot T8 or T5 HO High Bay (Mounting Height ≥ 15 feet) 4 Foot Pulse Start Metal Halide Fixtures Compact Fluorescent Fixture (Hard Wired Pin Base) Compact Fluorescent Lamps (screw-in) N/A 1 ENERGY STAR rated N/A 1 ENERGY STAR rated LED Screw-In Lamp N/A 1 ENERGY STAR rated LED Fixture (Hard Wired) N/A 1 Design Lights Qualified 50% of purchase cost up to $2 50% of purchase cost up to $10 30% of installed cost N/A N/A Vertical Lighting $20 per door $20 per door N/A N/A $5 per foot $5 per foot N/A N/A Horizontal Lighting Light Emitting Diode $5 each N/A N/A N/A Must control > 400 Watts $20 each $20 each N/A Must control > 150 Watts LED Strip/ Refrigerated Case Lighting LED Exit Sign Occupancy Sensors (Wall or Ceiling) Occupancy Sensors (Fixture Mount) N/A $10 each $10 each TOTALS: Thank You for participating in the eco@work program. Quantity Total Incentive $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Commercial/Industrial Lighting Program Thank You for participating in the eco@work program. Commercial/Industrial Lighting Program