34. Brizel DM. Human Tumor Oxygenation: The Duke University

DM Brizel, MD
David Manfield Brizel, M.D.
Primary Appointment:
Department of Radiation Oncology
Secondary Appointment
Department of Surgery
Division of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery
Social Security Number:
Available upon request and need
Present Position:
Professor of Radiation Oncology
Secondary Position
Associate Professor of Surgery (Head and Neck)
Date and Rank of First
Duke Faculty Appointment:
Medical Licensure:
Specialty Certification:
1987 American Board of Radiology
(Radiation Oncology)
Date of Birth:
April 17, 1958
Chicago, Illinois
Northwestern University
Evanston, Illinois
B. A. Political Science
Graduate School
Northwestern University Medical School
Chicago, Illinois
M.D. June 1983
Assistant Professor
DM Brizel, MD
Post Doctoral Training and Career:
Internship and Residencies
1983 - 1984
1984 - 1987
Intern in Internal Medicine, New England Deaconess
Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA
Resident in Radiation Therapy, Joint Center for Radiation
Therapy, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA
1986 - 1987
Chief Resident, Joint Center for Radiation Therapy,
Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA
Academic Appointments
1984 - 1987
Clinical Fellow in Radiation Therapy, Harvard Medical
School, Boston, MA
1987 - 1991
Assistant Professor, Division of Radiation Oncology, Department of
Radiology, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC
1987 – present
Attending Radiation Oncologist, Durham Veterans'
Administration Medical Center, Durham, NC
1991 - 1995
Assistant Professor, Department of Radiation Oncology,
Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC
1993 - 1997
Director, Radiation Oncology, Durham Veterans'
Administration Medical Center, Durham, NC
1996 - 1997
Associate Professor
Department of Radiation Oncology,
Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC
1997 - 2001
Associate Professor (tenure)
Department of Radiation Oncology,
Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC
Department of Radiation Oncology
Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC
Associate Professor
Department of Surgery (Otolaryngology Head and Neck)
Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC
Leonard R. Prosnitz Professor of Radiation Oncology
Department of Radiation Oncology
Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC
DM Brizel, MD
Professional Societies:
American Society for Radiation Oncology
American Society for Clinical Oncology
American Association for Cancer Research
American College of Radiology
American Medical Association
North Carolina Medical Society
Radiation Research Society
Clinical Research Experience:
Principal Investigator: Measurement of Tumor Oxygenation in Human Malignancy. IRB #
Principal Investigator: A Pilot Study of Multimodality Therapy Including Hyperthermia for
Locally Advanced and Inflammmatory Carcinoma of the Breast. IRB # 1436-96-10R3
Principal Investigator: A Phase II Trial Testing the Thermal Dose Parameter CEM43°T90 as a
Predictor of Response in Human Soft Tissue Sarcoma Treated Preoperatively with
Loco-Regional Hyperthermia and Radiation Therapy. IRB # 701-96-5R2
Principal Investigator: A phase III trial of radiotherapy +/- amifostine in patients with head and
neck cancer. IRB# 1261-96-9R1. This pivotal trial resulted in FDA approval of an
SNDA in 1999 to use this drug for prophylaxis of radiation induced xerostomia. I
presented the clinical data to the ODAC in June, 1999.
Principal Investigator: Assessment of Human Tumor Oxygenation via Interstitial Electrode
Measurement and Positron Emission Tomography. IRB# 207-98-2R1
Principal Investigator: A study of PEG-Hemoglobin in patients receiving palliative fractionated
radiotherapy for the treatment of advanced solid tumors. IRB# 617-97-4
Principal Investigator: KGF 970149 A Phase I/II study of escalating doses of recombinant
keratinocyte growth factor (rHuKGF) in head and neck cancer patients undergoing
chemoradiotherapy. IRB# 1420-98-9R1
Principal Investigator: Phase II study of Tc-HL91-SPECT imaging to detect tumor hypoxia,
predict radioresistance, and establish safety and tolerability in patients with newly
diagnosed squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck. IRB# 275-98-2.
Principal Investigator: A pilot study of hyperglycemia and oxygen breathing to improve tumor
oxygenation IRB #485-99-3.
Principal Investigator: WR-B060 Phase II trial of subcutaneous amifostine and radiation therapy
in patients with head and neck cancer. IRB# 865-99-5.
Principal Investigator: KGF 99-0119. Phase II study of recombinant keratinocyte growth factor
(rHuKGF) in head and neck cancer patients receiving concurrent chemotherapy with
standard or hyperfractionated radiotherapy. IRB# 1335-99-7.
DM Brizel, MD
Principal Investigator: Phase I Trial of Motexafin Gadolinium and Chemoradiation in Locally
Advanced, Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Head and Neck. IRB# 3838-02-6
Principal Investigator: Safety and Efficacy of Darpoietin Alfa as a Means to Prevent or Correct
Anemia in Head and Neck Cancer Patients Receiving Radiotherapy and Concurrent
Chemotherapy. IRB#4732-03-4R0
Principal Investigator: A Phase 3 Randomized Double-Blind Placebo-Controlled Study to
Evaluate the Efficacy & Safety of Wkly Doses of Palifermin (Amgen Study 20020402)
IRB# 6667-04
Principal Investigator: Pilot Study of the Relationship between EF5 Uptake and Concentration
of Oxygen-Related Metabolites in Head and Neck Cancer. IRB # 3512-02-3.
Principal Investigator: Phase III randomized trial of concomitant radiation, cisplatin, and
tirapazamine (SR259075) versus concomitant radiation and cisplatin in patients with
advanced head and neck cancer (study #EFC5512 TRACE sponsored by SanofiAventis) IRB#6868-05-2R0
Radiation Therapy Oncology Group (RTOG): Principal Investigator for Duke University and
institutional representative to this NCI sponsored cooperative group
Principal Investigator: Concurrent Angiogenic and EGFR Blockade in Conjunction with Curative
Intent Chemoradiation for Locally Advanced Head and Neck Cancer IRB#7077-05
(Supported by Genentech)
Principal Investigator: A Multi-Institutional Phase II Study of Radiation and GW572016
(Lapatinib) for Patients with Stage III/IV Head and Neck Cancer Who Cannot Tolerate
Concurrent Chemoradiotherapy (Supported by Glaxo Smith Kline)
Principal Investigator: The Use of Functional Imaging to Quantify Tumor and Normal Tissue
Physiology in Patients With Locally Advanced Head and Neck Cancer (ongoing)
clinicaltrials.gov NCT00933114 (Departmental funding)
Submitted and Under Review
Principal Investigator: Functional Metabolic Imaging During Radiotherapy for Head and Neck
Cancer 1R21CA153583-01A1
Teaching/Mentoring Experience:
1993- 1996
Preceptor for third year medical students during their
research year
Head and Neck Cancer Lecturer Resident Radiation Oncology Lecture
Mentor for 3rd year Duke Medical Student Steve Lin
Mentor for 3rd year Duke Medical Student William Hage
DM Brizel, MD
Mentor for 3rd year Duke Medical Student Thomas Bryce
Course Lecturer for The Basic Science of Oncology: Medical School
Course #RON 228B
Advisor/Thesis reviewer for Masters of Physics Candidate Esi Cleland
Mentor for 3rd year Duke Medical Student Michael Roach
Fellowships, Honors and Awards:
1976 - 1977
Phi Eta Sigma Honor Society
1984 - 1987
Clinical Fellow in Radiation Therapy, Harvard Medical School,
Boston, MA
1986 - 1987
Chief Resident in Radiation Therapy
ASTRO/ESTRO Exchange Program Fellow
Best Doctors in America
America’s Top Doctors
America’s Top Doctors for Cancer
North Carolina’s Best Doctors by Business North Carolina
R. Wayne Rundles Award for Excellence in Cancer Research
Duke University Comprehensive Cancer Center
Todd H. Wasserman, MD Lecture in Translational Research Washington
University in St. Louis
Resident Teaching Award Department of Radiation Oncology, Duke
University Medical Center
Leonard Prosnitz Endowed Professorship in Radiation Oncology, Duke
University Medical Center
Grant Support (completed)
(no salary)
NIH PA-92-86 Predicting Human Tumor Response by 31P MRS 5% effort
NIH 5PO1 CA42745-07 Hyperthermia and Perfusion Effects in Cancer
Therapy1.4% effort
Investigator NIH 2RO1 CA40355-09
10% effort
Investigator NIH 1RO1 CA62613
Consultant (no salary)
Effects of Heat and Radiation on Tumor
Magnetic Resonance Monitoring of Hyperthermia
Principal Investigator RSNA Seed Grant
Assessment of Human Tumor Oxygenation via
Interstitial Electrode Measurement and Positron Emission Tomography $20,0001/1/9812/31/98
Principal Investigator Alza Pharmaceuticals Preclinical Assessment of Effect of Amifostine on
Radiation Induced Pulmonary Toxicity $50,000
Co-Principal Investigator Amgen, Inc. Preclinical Assessment of Effect of Recombinant
Human Keratinocyte Growth Factor on Radiation Induced Pulmonary Toxicity $35,000
DM Brizel, MD
Principal Investigator NIH R21 CA85683-01 Hyperglycemia and Oxygen Breathing in Head
and Neck Cancer
$354,000 20% effort
Co-Principal Investigator Amgen, Inc. Preclinical Evaluation of Palifermin (rHuKGF)
Mediated Esophageal Radioprotection in a Tumor Bearing Rodent Model $88,006.
Principal Investigator Medimmune Oncology, Inc. Preclinical Evaluation of Amifostine
Mediated Esophageal Radioprotection in a Tumor Bearing Rodent Model $77,500.
Visiting Professorships
Department of Radiation Oncology
University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, PA. May, 1996
Department of Radiation Oncology
Thomas Jefferson University
Philadelphia, PA. May, 1996.
Department of Therapeutic Radiology
Yale University
New Haven, CT. October, 1997
Department of Radiation Oncology
Thomas Jefferson University
Philadelphia, PA. April, 1999.
Department of Radiation and Cellular Oncology
University of Chicago
Chicago, IL. October, 1999
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
Harvard Medical School
Boston, MA October, 1999
University of Pittsburgh Medical Center
Department of Otolaryngology
Pittsburgh, PA April, 2001.
Sun Yat Sen Cancer Center
Taipei, Taiwan
June 22-July 6, 2002
Genentech Visiting Scholar
S. San Francisco, CA
May 8, 2006
Department of Radiation Oncology
Northwestern University Medical School
August 18, 2006
DM Brizel, MD
Department of Radiation Oncology
Cleveland Clinic Foundation/Lerner School of Medicine
October 20, 2006
University of North Carolina
Department of Radiation Oncology
November 30, 2006
Washington University in St. Louis
Department of Radiation Oncology
May 11, 2007
Department of Radiation Oncology
Kimmel Cancer Center
Thomas Jefferson University
June 16, 2010
Publications in Refereed Journals:
Selected Abstracts
Brizel DM, Weinstein H, Hunt M, Tarbell NJ. Failure pattern and survival in childhood
soft tissue sarcomas. Int J Rad Onc Biol Phys 13 (Supp 1): 183, 1987.
Brizel D, Winer E, Prosnitz L, Scott J, Crawford J, Moore J, Gockerman J. Combined
modality therapy (CMT) versus chemotherapy alone (CT) in the treatment of advanced
Hodgkin's disease. Proc Am Soc Clin Oncol8:261, 1989.
Brizel DM, Huang A, Leopold KA, Panella T, Cole TB, Fisher, SR, Kenan PD, Prosnitz
LR. Concurrent hyperfractionation radiotherapy and chemotherapy for the treatment of
unresectable squamous carcinoma of the head and neck. Proc Third Intl Head & Neck Oncol
Res Conf, 1990.
Brizel DM, Dewhirst MW, Cook JM, Klitzman B. Microvascular tumor and normal
hematocrits and red cell flux in a rat window chamber model. 9th International Congress of
Radiation Research, Toronto, CA, 1991.
Brizel DM, Leopold KA, Fisher SR, Panella TH, Fine RL, Bedrosian CL, Kenan PD,
Huang A, Womack T, Bjurstrom T, Dodge R, and Prosnitz LR. Hyperfractionated irradiation
and concurrent chemotherapy for locally advanced squamous carcinoma of the head and neck.
Proc Third Intl Conf on Head & Neck Cancer, 1992.
Brizel DM, Rosner G, Dewhirst MW: An Evaluation of the Patterns and Variability Of
Tumor Oxygenation in Human Soft Tissue Sarcomas and Cervical Carcinomas. Int J Rad Onc
Biol Phys 30(S1): 207,1994.
Bentel GC, Marks LB, Hendren K, Krishnamurthy R, Sherouse GW, Spencer DP,
Anscher MS, Brizel DM, Prosnitz LR. Facilitating Reproducible Fractionated Radiation
Therapy with Rigorous Immobilization: Review of 4198 Port Films. Radiotherapy and Oncology
40(S1): 266, 1996.
DM Brizel, MD
Brizel DM, MA Albers, Fisher SR, Scher RL, Richtsmeier WJ, Clough R, George S,
Prosnitz LR. A Phase III Trial of Hyperfractionated Irradiation +/- Concurrent Chemotherapy for
Locally Advanced Carcinoma of the Head and Neck: Superiority of Combined Modality
Treatment. Proc. Fourth International Conference on Head and Neck Cancer. 118, 1996.
JM Bean, GE Archer, MT Munley, E Ong, SA Snyder, ZA Haroon, RE McLendon, LB
Marks, MRL Stratford, DJ Chaplin, DM Brizel, DD Bigner, and MW Dewhirst. The Impact of
Hypoxia and Oxygenation Modification on the Radiation Response of an Intracranial Rat
Glioma, Int. J. Radiat. Oncol. Biol. Phys., 39(2):S247, 1997.
Brizel DM, Light K, Zhou S, Marks LB. Conformal 3D radiation therapy treatment
planning reduces the dose to the optic structures for patients with tumors of the paranasal
sinuses. Int J Rad Onc Biol Phys 39(2):S240, 1997.
Carter DL, Hebert ME, Leopold KA., Brizel DM. A double blind, placebo controlled trial
of sucralfate for the prevention of mucositis in patients receiving radiotherapy for cancer of the
head and neck. Int J Rad Onc Biol Phys 39(2):S234, 1997.
Sauer R, Wannemacher M, Brizel D, Jones C, Henke M, Strnad V, Eschwege F.
Randomized phase III trial of radiation (RT) + Ethyol (amifostine) in patients with head and
neck cancer. Int J Rad Onc Biol Phys 39(2):Supp. p 234, 1997.
Brizel DM, Albers MA, Fisher SR, Scher RL, Richtsmeier WR, Clough R, George SL,
Prosnitz LR. A phase III trial of hyperfractionated irradiation + concurrent chemotherapy for
locally advanced carcinoma of the head and neck: superiority of combined modality treatment.
Proceedings ASCO (16): 384a, 1997.
Brizel D, Sauer R, Wannmacher M, Henke M, Eschwege F, Wasserman T.
Randomized phase III trial of radiation +/- amifostine in patients with head and neck cancer.
Proceedings ASCO (17): 386a, 1998.
Brizel DM, Dodge RK, Dewhirst MW. Oxygenation of head and neck cancer: changes
during radiotherapy and impact on treatment outcome. Int J Rad Onc Biol Phys 42(1):Supp. p
146, 1998.
Jamieson T, Killian, Brizel D, Caruso, Clough R, Jirtle R. Loh of chromosome 6q
adversely correlates with recurrence and survival in squamous cell carcinoma of the head and
neck. American Radium Society, 1999 annual meeting.
Brizel DM, Wasserman TH, Strnad V, Wannemacher M Henke M, Monnier A
Eschwege F, Zhang J, Russell L, Sauer R. Final Report of a Phase III Randomized Trial of
Amifostine as a Radioprotectant in Head and Neck Cancer. ASTRO Annual meeting, 1999.
Brizel DM.
Randomized trials evaluating radiation and concurrent chemotherapy
and radioprotectors. Lung Cancer 25(3): 229, 1999.
19. Jones EL, Hardenbergh PH, Prosnitz LR, Dewhirst MW, Brizel DM. Tumor oxygenation
during multimodality therapy for locally advanced breast cancer. Int J Rad Onc Biol Phys. 48(3)
Supp, p. 197, 2000.
DM Brizel, MD
20. Vujaskovic Z, Feng QF, Brizel DM, Anscher MS. Assessment of the protective effect of
amifostine on radiation induced pulmonary toxicity. Int J Rad Onc Biol Phys 48(3) Supp, p. 163,
Brizel DM, Scher RL, Walenta S, Dewhirst MW, Mueller-Kleiser W. Elevated tumor
lactate concentrations predict for an increased risk of metastases in head and neck cancer. Int
J Rad Onc Biol Phys. 48(3) Supp, p. 177, 2000.
D.M. Brizel , T. Herman , D. Goffinet , S. Sailer , S. Agarwala , G. Schwartz ,
Venkatesan , C. Cripps , R.F. Meredith , E. Logan and B. Yao. A phase I/II trial of escalating
doses of recombinant human keratinocyte growth factor (rHuKGF) in head & neck cancer
(HNC) patients receiving radiotherapy (RT) with concurrent chemotherapy (CCT). Int J Rad
Onc Biol Phys. 51(3) Supp, p. 40, 2001.
P. Anné, W. Curran, M. Machtay, D. Rosenthal, D. Brizel, D. Irwin, P. Chougule, N.
Estopinal, A. Berson, W. Morrison. A phase II trial of subcutaneous amifostine and radiation
therapy in patients with head and neck cancer (WR-B060). Int J Rad Onc Biol Phys. 51(3)
Supp, p. 84, 2001.
Z.N. Rabbani, M.S. Anscher, Q.F. Feng, Z.A. Haroon, K. Amin, T.V. Samulski, D.M.
Brizel, Z. Vujaskovic. Radioprotection of lungs by amifostine is associated with reduction in
pro-fibrogenic cytokine activity. Int J Rad Onc Biol Phys. 51(3) Supp, p. 89-90, 2001.
E. Jones, D. Brizel, M. Dewhirst, A. Alvarez, A. Berchuck, D. Clarke-Pearson, G.
Rodriquez, J. Soper, L. Prosnitz.
Phase I/II results using concurrent hyperthermia,
radiotherapy, and chemotherapy for cervix cancer. Int J Rad Onc Biol Phys. 51(3) Supp, p. 6364, 2001.
DM Brizel, H. Pavilonis, SR Fisher, S Hunter, RL Scher. Pre-irradiation head and neck
tumor oxygenation is correlated with pathologic findings at post-treatment neck dissection.
Lung Ca, 34(Supp.1): S48, 2001.
Prosnitz LR, Kirkpatrick JP, Clough RW, Moore JO, Gockerman JP, Brizel DM. Longterm update of a prospective randomized trial of combined-modality therapy versus
chemotherapy in advanced Hodgkin's disease. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 57 (S2): 286,
Dewhirst MW, Poulson JM, Yu D, Sanders LL, Vujaskovic Z, Jones, EL, Samulski T,
Charles HC , Brizel DM, Prosnitz LR.: Relation between 31-P MRS parameters and treatment
outcome in patients with high-grade soft tissue sarcomas (STS) treated with
thermoradiotherapy. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 57:S165, 2003.
Chen L, Larrier N, Rabbani ZN, Anscher MS, Samulski TV, Brizel DM, Vujaskovic Z .
Assessment of the protective effect of keratinocyte growth factor on radiation-induced
pulmonary toxicity in rats. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2003; 57:S162.
Brizel DM. A Phase I trial evaluating the addition of motexafin gadolinium (MGD) to
hyperfractionated irradiation and concurrent chemotherapy in locally advanced head and neck
cancer. Cancer Investigation 22 (supp. 1): 48, 2003.
Vujaskovic Z, Blackwell K, Hardenbergh PH, Brizel DM, Prosnitz LR, Dewhirst MW.
DM Brizel, MD
Concurrent chemotherapy, hyperthermia and radiotherapy improve reoxygenation in locally
advanced breast cancer. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 57 (supp 2): 357, 2003.
Brizel DM, Wasserman T. The influence of intravenous amifostine on xerostomia and
survival during radiotherapy for head and neck cancer: two year followup of a prospective
randomized trial. Proc. ASCO, 23: 495, 2004.
Thrasher B, Brizel M, Vujaskovic Z, Brizel D. Preclinical Evaluation of Amifostine
Mediated Esophageal Radioprotection in a Rodent Model. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 66:
S556-557, 2006.
Peer Reviewed Articles
Brizel DM, Weinstein H, Hunt M, Tarbell NJ. Failure Patterns and Survival in Pediatric
Soft Tissue Sarcoma. The Joint Center for Radiation Therapy/Dana Farber Cancer Institute
Experience. Int J Rad Onc Biol Phys 15:37-41, 1988.
Brizel D, Winer E, Prosnitz L, Scott J, Crawford J, Moore J, Gockerman J. Improved
Survival in Advanced Hodgkin's Disease with the Use of Combined Modality Therapy. Int J
Rad Onc Biol Phys 19:535-542, 1990.
Dewhirst MW, Ong ET, Vinuya RZ, Klitzman B, Dodge R, Brizel D, Secomb T, Gross
JF. Perivascular and Interstitial Oxygen Tensions in a Transplantable Mammary Tumor
Growing in a Dorsal Flap Window Chamber. Radiation Research 130:171-182, 1992.
Halperin EC, Brizel DM, Honore G, Sontag MR, Griffith OW, Bigner DD, and Friedman
HS. The Radiation Dose-Response Relationship in a Human Glioma Xenograft and an
Evaluation of the Influence of Glutathione Depletion by Buthionine Sulfoximine. Int J Rad Onc
Biol Phys 24:103-109, 1992.
Dewhirst MW, Ong ET, Madwed D, Klitzman B, Secomb T, Brizel D, Bonaventura J,
Rosner G, Kavanagh B, Edwards J, and Gross J. Effects of the Calcium Channel Blocker
Flunarizine on the Hemodynamics and Oxygenation of Tumor Microvasculature. Radiation
Research 132:61-68, 1992.
Brizel DM, Klitzman B, Cook JM, Edwards J, Rosner G, and Dewhirst MW. A
Comparison of Tumor and Normal Tissue Microvascular Hematocrits in a Rat Window
Chamber Model. Int J Rad Onc Biol Phys 25(2):269-276, 1993.
Brizel DM, Leopold KA, Fisher SR, Panella TH, Fine RL, Bedrosian CL, Kenan PD,
Huang A, Womack T, Bjurstrom T, Dodge R, and Prosnitz LR: A Phase I/II Trial of Twice Daily
Irradiation and Concurrent Chemotherapy for Locally Advanced Squamous Cell Carcinoma of
the Head and Neck. Int J Rad Onc Biol Phys. 28(1): 213-220, 1994.
LaChance DH, Brizel DM, Gockerman JR, Halperin EC, Burger PC, Boyko OB and
Schold SC: A Pilot Study of Cyclophosphamide, Doxorubicin,Vincristine, and Prednisone for
Primary Central Nervous System Lymphoma: Short Duration Response and Multi-focal
Intracerebral Recurrence Preceeding Radiotherapy. Neurology. 44:1721-1727, 1994.
DM Brizel, MD
Berlangieri SU, Brizel DM, Hoffman JM, Schifter T, Hawk TC, Hamblen S, and
Coleman RE: Serial F-18 Fluorodeoxyglucose Positron Emission Tomographic (PET) Studies
in Patients with Squamous Carcinoma of the Head and Neck Treated with Radiotherapy and
Concurrent Chemotherapy. Head and Neck. 16(4): 340-346, 1994.
Brizel DM, Gockerman JP, Crawford J, Moore JO, Hathorn JW, Osborne B, and
Prosnitz LR: A Pilot Study of Etoposide, Vinblastine, and Adriamycin (EVA) Plus Involved Field
Irradiation in Advanced, Previously Untreated Hodgkin's Disease. Cancer. 74(1): 159-163,
Kavanagh BD, Brizel DM, Leopold KA, and Acker JC: Radiation Therapy for Head and
Neck Cancer in a Patient with Takayasu's Arteritis. Acta Oncologica. 33(1): 73-74, 1994.
Brizel DM, Rosner G, Harrelson J, Prosnitz LR, and Dewhirst MW: Pretreatment
Oxygenation Profiles of Human Soft Tissue Sarcomas. Int J Rad Onc Biol Phys . 30(3): 635642, 1994.
Brizel DM, Dewhirst MW: The Perflubron Emulsion Oxygent Does Not Affect the
Calibration Characteristics of Polarographic Oxygen Electrodes. Radiotherapy and Oncology.
33:262-265, 1994.
Brizel DM, Rosner G, Dewhirst MW: An Evaluation of the Patterns and Variability Of
Tumor Oxygenation in Human Soft Tissue Sarcomas, Cervical Carcinomas, and Lymph Node
Metastases. Int J Rad Onc Biol Phys . 32(4):1121-1125, 1995.
Brizel DM, Lin S, Johnson J, Brooks J, Dewhirst MW, and Piantadosi CA. The
Mechanisms by which Hyperbaric Oxygen and Carbogen Improve Tumor Oxygenation. British
Journal of Cancer. 72:1120-1124, 1995.
Jones DN, McCowage G, Sostman HD, Brizel DM, Layfield L, Charles HC, Dewhirt
MW, Prescott DM, Friedman HS, Harrelson JM, Scully S, and Coleman RE. Monitoring of
Neoadjuvant Therapy Response of Soft Tissue and Musculoskeletal Sarcomas Using F18-FDG
PET: Initial Evaluation. Jour. Nuc. Med. 37(9): 1438-1444, 1996.
Dewhirst MW, Ong ET, Rosner GL, Rehmus SW, Shan S, Braun RD, Brizel DM, and
Secomb TW. Arteriolar Oxygenation in Tumor and Subcutaneous Arterioles: Effects of Inspired
Air Oxygen Content. British Journal of Cancer. 74(suppl. XXVII): s241-246, 1996.
Brizel DM, Scully SP, Harrelson JM, Layfield LJ, Bean JM, Prosnitz LR, Dewhirst MW.
Tumor Oxygenation Predicts for the Likelihood of Distant Metastases in Human Soft Tissue
Sarcoma. Cancer Research. 56: 941-943, 1996.
Brizel DM, Scully SP, Harrelson JM, Layfield LJ, Dodge RK, Charles HC, Samulski TV,
Prosnitz LR, and Dewhirst MW. Radiation Therapy and Hyperthermia Improve the Oxygenation
of Human Soft Tissue Sarcomas. Cancer Research. 56: 5347-5350, 1996.
Bentel GC, Marks LB, Hendren K, Brizel DM. A Comparison of Two Head and Neck
Immobilization Systems. Int J Rad Onc Biol Phys . 38(4): 867-873, 1997.
DM Brizel, MD
Brizel DM, Prosnitz LR, Sibley GS, Scher RL, Rosner GL, Dewhirst MW. Tumor
Hypoxia Adversely Affects the Prognosis of Carcinoma of the Head and Neck. Int J Rad Onc
Biol Phys . 38(2):285-290, 1997.
Brizel DM, Hage WD, Munley, M, Dodge R, Piantadosi CA, Dewhirst, MW. Hyperbaric
oxygen improves tumor radiation response significantly more than carbogen/nicotinamide.
Radiation Research. 147: 715-720, 1997.
Prosnitz LR, Brizel DM, Light KL: Radiation techniques for the treatment of Hodgkin's
disease with combined modality therapy or radiation alone. Int J Radiat Onc Biol Phys,
39(4):885-895, 1997.
Nozui M, Lee I, Yuan F, Teicher BA, Brizel DM, Dewhirst MW, Milross CG, Milas L,
Song CW, Thomas CD, Guichard M, Evans, SM, Koch CJ, Lord EM, Jain RK, Suit HD.
Interlaboratory variation in oxygen tension measurement by Eppendorf "Histograph" and
comparison with hypoxic marker. J Surg Onc, 66:30-38, 1997.
Brizel DM, Dewhirst MW.
Is hyperbaric oxygen more effective than
carbogen/nicotinamide in tumor radiation response? Response. Radiation Research. 148:
524-525, 1997.
Bryce TJ, Dewhirst MW, Floyd CE, Hars V, Brizel, DM. An artificial neural network
predictive model of survival in patients treated with radiation with and without concurrent
chemotherapy for advanced carcinoma of the head and neck. Int J Radiat Onc Biol Phys,
41:339-346, 1998.
Brizel DM. Radiotherapy and concurrent chemotherapy for the treatment of locally
advanced head and neck squamous cell carcinoma. Sem. Rad. Onc. 8(4), 237-246, 1998.
Brizel DM, Albers MA, Fisher SR, Scher RL, Richtsmeier WJ,. Hars V, George SL,
Huang AT, Prosnitz LR.
Hyperfractionated irradiation with and without concurrent
chemotherapy for locally advanced head and neck cancer. New England Journal of Medicine,
338(25): 1798-1804, 1998.
Brizel DM.
Where there's smoke, is there fire? Int. J. Hyperthermia, 14(6): 589-591,
Brizel DM. Future Directions in Toxicity Prevention:
radioprotectant. Sem. Rad. Onc. 8(4), Suppl. 1, 17-20, 1998.
The role of amifostine as a
Brizel DM, Light K, Zhou S, Marks LB. Conformal 3D radiation therapy treatment
planning reduces the dose to the optic structures for patients with tumors of the paranasal
sinuses. Radiother. Oncol. 51(3): 215-218, 1999.
Carter D, Hebert M, Leopold K, Brizel D. A double blind, placebo controlled trial of
sucralfate for the prevention of mucositis in patients receiving radiotherapy for cancer of the
head and neck. Head and Neck, 21(8): 760-766, 1999.
Brizel DM, Dodge RK, Dewhirst MW. Oxygenation of head and neck cancer: changes
during radiotherapy and impact on treatment outcome. Radiother. Oncol., 53(2):113-117,
DM Brizel, MD
Brizel DM.
Human Tumor Oxygenation: The Duke University Medical Center
Experience, in Tumor Hypoxia Pathophysiology, Clinical Significance, and Therapeutic
Perspectives. Vaupel and Kelleher (Eds). Wissenschaftliche Verlagsfesellschaft mbH,
Stuttgart, Germany, 1999.
Vujaskovic Z, Poulson JM, Gaskin AA, Thrall DE, Page RD, Charles HC, MacFall JR,
Brizel DM, Meyer RE, Prescott DM, Samulski TV, Dewhirst MW. Temperature dependent
changes in physiologic parameters of spontaneous canine soft tissue sarcomas after combined
radiotherapy and hyperthermia treatment. Int J Radiat Onc Biol Phys, 46(1): 179-186, 2000.
Prosnitz LR, Maguire P, Anderson JD, Scully S, Harrelson J, Layfield L, Dewhirst MW,
Samulski TV, Clough R, Rosner G, Powers B, Clegg S, Brizel DM. The treatment of high
grade soft tissue sarcomas with preoperative thermoradiotherapy. Int J Radiat Onc Biol Phys,
45(4): 941-949, 1999.
Brizel, DM. Management of advanced head and neck cancer with radiotherapy and
concurrent chemotherapy: improvements in efficacy and toxicity management strategies.
American Society of Clinical Oncology Educational Book (Spring 2000), 219-225.
Maguire PD, Samulski TV, Prosnitz LR, Jones EL, Rosner GL, Powers B, Layfield LW,
Brizel DM, Scully SP, Harrelson JM, Dewhirst MW. A Phase II trial testing the thermal dose
parameter CEM43T90 as a predictor of response in soft tissue sarcomas treated with
preoperative thermoradiotherapy. Int J Hyperthermia, 17(4): 283-290, 2001
Brizel D, Sauer R, Strnad V, Wannemacher M, Henke M, Monnier A, Eschwege F,
Wasserman T. Randomized phase III trial of radiation + amifostine as a radioprotectant
against xerostomia in head and neck cancer. J Clin Oncol. 18: 3339-3345, 2000.
Wasserman T, Mackowiak JI, Brizel DM, Zhang J, Peeples PJ, Sauer R. Effect of
amifostine on patient assessed clinical benefit in irradiated head and neck cancer. Int J Radiat
Onc Biol Phy. 48(4): 1035-1041, 2000.
Dewhirst MW, Klitzman B, Braun R, Brizel DM, Secomb TW. Methods and concepts of
tumor oxygen transport at the microcirculatory level: a review. Int. J. Cancer 90: 237-255, 2000.
Brizel DM, Scher RL, Walenta S, Dewhirst MW, Mueller-Kleiser W. Elevated tumor
lactate concentrations predict for an increased risk of metastases in head and neck cancer. Int
J Radiat Onc Biol Phy. 51(2): 349-353, 2001.
Walenta S, Snyder S, Braun RD, Haroon ZA, Amin K, Brizel D, Mueller-Klieser W,
Chance B, Dewhirst MW. Tissue gradients of energy metabolites mirror oxygen tension
gradients in a rat mammary carcinoma model. . Int J Radiat Onc Biol Phy. 51(3):840-848,
Snyder SA, Lanzen JL, Braun RD, Rosner G, Secomb TW, Biaglow J, Brizel DM,
Dewhirst MW. Simultaneous administration of glucose and hyperoxic gas achieves greater
improvement in tumor oxygenation than hyperoxic gas alone. Int J Radiat Onc Biol Phy. 51(2):
494-506, 2001.
DM Brizel, MD
Wasserman TH, Brizel DM. The role of amifostine as a radioprotector. Oncology,
15(10): 1349-1356, 2001.
Vujaskovic Z, Rabbani Z, Anscher MS, Feng QF, Haroon ZA, Amin K, Samulski T,
Brizel DM. Assessment of the protective effect of amifostine on radiation induced pulmonary
toxicity. Experimental Lung Research. 28:577-590, 2002.
Vujaskovic Z, Rabbani Z, Anscher MS, Feng QF, Haroon ZA, Amin K, Samulski T,
Brizel DM. Radioprotection of lungs by amifostine is associated with reduction in pro-fibrogenic
cytokine activity. Radiation Research 157: 656-660, 2002.
Kirkpatrick JP, Brizel DM, Dewhirst MW. A mathematical model of tumor oxygen and
glucose metabolism with complex reaction kinetics. Radiation Research, 159:336-344,2003.
Jamieson TA, Brizel DM, Killian JK, Oka Y, Jang HS, Fu X, Caruso J, Clough R,
Anscher MS, and Jirtle RL. Mutation of the mannose-6-phosphate/insulin-like growth factor 2
receptor adversely influences survival in head and neck cancer. Bio Med Central Cancer, 3,4:
Brizel DM. Does Amifostine Have a Role During Chemoradiation? Yes. Lancet
Oncology, 4(6): 2003.
Erickson C, Braun R, Yu D, Lanzen J, Wilson D, Brizel DM, Secomb TW, Biaglow JE,
Dewhirst MW.Effect of Longitudinal Oxygen Gradients on Effectiveness of Manipulation of
Tumor Oxygenation. Cancer Research. 63:4705-4712, 2003.
Eisbruch A, Rhodus N, Rosenthal D, Murphy B, Rasch C, Sonis S, Scarantino C, Brizel
D. How should we measure and report radiotherapy-induced xerostomia? Sem. Rad. Onc.
13(3):226-234, 2003.
Eisbruch A, Rhodus N, Rosenthal D, Murphy B, Rasch C, Sonis S, Scarantino C, Brizel
D. The prevention and treatment of radiotherapy-induced xerostomia. Sem. Rad. Onc.
13(3):302-308, 2003.
Vujaskovic Z, Rosen EL, Blackwell KL, Jones EL, Brizel DM, Prosnitz LR, Samulski TV,
Dewhirst MW. Ultrasound guided pO2 measurement of breast cancer reoxygenation after
neoadjuvant chemotherapy and hyperthermia treatment. Int. J. Hyperthermia 19(5): 498-506,
Blackwell KL, Kirkpatrick JP, Snyder SA, Broadwater G, Farrell F, Jolliffe L, Brizel DM,
Dewhirst MW. Human recombinant erythropoietin significantly improves tumor oxygenation
independent of its effects on hemoglobin. Cancer Res. 63(19): 6162-5, 2003.
Brizel DM, Hunter S, Downey MA, Fisher SR, and Scher RL. The Necessity of Neck
Dissection After Concurrent Chemoradiation for Advanced Head and Neck Cancer. Int J Radiat
Onc Biol Phy. 58(5):1418-1423, 2004.
Jones EL, Prosnitz LR, Dewhirst MW, Mrcom PK, Hardenbergh PH, Marks LB, Brizel
DM, Vujaskovic Z. Thermochemoradiotherapy improves oxygenation in locally advanced breast
cancer. Clin. Ca. Res. 10(13): 4287-4293, 2004.
DM Brizel, MD
Boccia R, Anne R, Bourhis J, Brizel D, Daly C, Holloway N, Hymes S, Koukourakis M,
Kozloff M, Turner M, Wasserman T. Assessment and management of cutaneous reactions with
amifostine administration: Findings of the Ethyol® (Amifostine) Cutaneous Treatment Advisory
Panel (ECTAP). Int J Radiat Onc Biol Phy. 60(1): 302-309, 2004.
Cárdenas-Navia LI, Yu D, Braun RD, Brizel DM, Secomb TW, Dewhirst MW.
Characterization of spatial pO2 frequency distributions and kinetics of pO2 fluctuations during
air and oxygen breathing for two rodent tumor lines. Cancer Research. 64(17): 6010-6017,
Chen L, Larrier N, Rabbani ZN, Anscher MS, Samulski TV, Brizel DM, Vujaskovic Z .
Assessment of the protective effect of keratinocyte growth factor on radiation-induced
pulmonary toxicity in a rodent model. Int J Radiat Onc Biol Phy. 60(5):1520-1529, 2004.
Robbins KT, Ferlito A, Suarez C, Brizel DM, Bradley PJ, Pellitteri PK, Clayman GL,
Kowalski LP, Genden EM, Rinaldo A. Is there a role for selective neck dissection after
chemoradiation for head and neck cancer? J Amer Coll Surg, 199(6):913-916, 2004.
Dewhirst MW, Poulson JM, Yu D, Sanders L, Lora-Michaels M, Vujaskovic Z, Jones EL,
Samulski TV, Powers BE, Brizel DM, Prosnitz LR, Charles HC. Relation between Po2, 31p Mrs
Parameters and Treatment Outcome in Patients with High-Grade Soft Tissue Sarcomas (Sts)
Treated with Thermoradiotherapy. Int J Radiat Onc Biol Phys. 61(2): 480-491, 2005.
Prosnitz RG, Yao B, Farrell CF, Brizel DM. Pretreatment Hemoglobin Levels are
Correlated with the Effectiveness of Radiation and Concurrent Chemotherapy in Advanced
Head and Neck Cancer. Int J Radiat Onc Biol Phys. 61(4),1087-1095, 2005.
Anscher MS, Chen L, Rabbani Z, Kang S, Larrier N, Huang H, Samulski TV, Dewhirst
MW, Brizel DM, Folz RJ, Vujaskovic Z. Recent progress in defining mechanisms and potential
targets for prevention of normal tissue injury after radiation therapy. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol
Phys. 62(1):255-9, 2005.
Wasserman TH, Brizel DM, Henke M, Monnier A, Eschwege F, Sauer R, Strnad V.
Influence of intravenous amifostine on xerostomia, tumor control, and survival after
radiotherapy for head and neck cancer: 2-year follow-up of a prospective, randomized, phase
III trial. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 63: 985-990, 2005.
Nordsmark M, Bentzen SM, Rudat V, Brizel D, Lartigau E, Stadler P, Becker A, Adam
M, Molls M, Dunst J, Terris DJ, Overgaard J. Prognostic value of tumor oxygenation in 397
head and neck tumors after primary radiation therapy. An international multi-center study.
Radiotherapy and Oncology. 77: 18-24, 2005.
Forastiere AA, Ang K, Brizel D, Brockstein BE, Dunphy F, Eisele DW, Goepfert H,
Hicks WL, Kies MS, Lydiatt WM, Maghami E, McCaffrey T, Mittall BB, Pfister DG, Pinto HA,
Posner MR, Ridge JA, Samant S, Schuller DE, Shah JP. Head and Neck Cancers. J Natl
Compr Canc Netw 3:316-391, 2005.
Kirkpatrick J, Blackwell K, Hardee M, Brizel D, and Dewhirst M. The Effect of
Darbepoetin Alfa on Growth, Oxygenation and Radioresponsiveness of a Breast
Adenocarcinoma. Radiation Research, 165: 192-201, 2006.
DM Brizel, MD
Lanzen J, Braun RD, Klitzman B, Brizel D, Secomb TW, Dewhirst MW. Direct
demonstration of instabilities in Oxygen concentrations within the extravascular Compartment
of an experimental tumor Cancer Res. 66(4):2219-2223, 2006.
Brizel DM, Esclamado R. Concurrent Chemoradiation for Locally Advanced Head and
Neck Cancer: Consensus, Controversy, and Conundrum. J Clin Onc. 24(17):2612-2617, 2006.
Anné PR, Machtay M, Rosenthal DI, Brizel DM, Morrison WH, Irwin DH,., Prakash B.
Chougule PB, Estopinal NC,Berson A, Curran WJ Jr., A Phase II Trial of Subcutaneous
Amifostine and Radiation Therapy in Patients with Head and Neck Cancer. Int J Radiat Oncol
Biol Phys. 67(2):445-452, 2007.
Dewhirst MW, Cardenas Navia I, Brizel DM, Willett C, Secomb TW. Multiple etiologies
of tumor hypoxia require multifaceted solutions. Clinical Cancer Research. 13(2):375-377,
Epstein JB, Beaumont JL, Clement K. Gwede,CK, Trotti A, Mary Rachel McDowell MR,
Murphy B, Garden A, Meredith R, Le Q, Brizel D, Isitt J, Lu J, Bellm L, Cella D. Longitudinal
Evaluation of the Oral Mucositis Weekly Questionnaire – Head and Neck Cancer, a Patient
Reported Outcomes Questionnaire. Cancer. 109: 1914-1922, 2007.
Brizel DM. Pharmacologic Approaches to Radiation Protection. J Clin Onc. 25(26):
4084-4089, 2007.
Kasibhatla M, Kirkpatrick JP, Brizel DM. Chemoradiation for Advanced Head and Neck
Cancer How Much Radiation is the Chemotherapy Worth? Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 68(5):
1491-1495, 2007.
Vokes EE, Brizel DM, Lawrence TS. Concomitant Chemoradiotherapy. J Clin Onc.
25(26): 4031-4032, 2007.
Moon EJ, Brizel DM, Chi JTA, Dewhirst MW. The Potential Role of Intrinsic Hypoxia
Markers as Prognostic Variables in Cancer. Antioxidants and Redox Signaling. 9(8): 12371924, 2007.
Vujaskovic Z, Thrasher B, Jackson IL, Brizel MB, Brizel DM. Radioprotective Effects of
Amifostine on Acute and Chronic Esophageal Injury in a Rodent Model. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol
Phys. 69(2): 534-540, 2007.
Wu QJ, Godfrey DJ, Wang Z, Zhang Z, Zhou S, Yoo S, Brizel DM, Yin FF. On-board
Patient Positioning for Head and Neck IMRT: Comparing Digital Tomosynthesis to kV
Radiography and Cone-beam CT. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 69(2):598-606, 2007.
Koontz BF, Miles EF, Rubio MAD, Madden JF, Fisher SR, Scher RL, Brizel DM. Preoperative Radiotherapy and Bevacizumab for Angiosarcoma of the Head and Neck: Two Case
Studies. Head and Neck. 30(2): 262-266, 2008.
Bensinger W, Schubert M, Ang KK, Brizel D, Brown E, Eilers JG, Elting L, Mittal BB,
Schattner MA, Spielberger R, Treister NS, Trotti AM. NCCN Task Force Report: Prevention
and Management of Mucositis in Cancer. JNCCN 6(1): S1-S8, 2008.
DM Brizel, MD
Brizel DM , Murphy BA, Rosenthal DI, Pandya K, Gluck S, Brizel HE, Meredith FR,
Berger D, Chen M, Mendenhall W. Phase 2 Study of Palifermin and Concurrent
Chemoradiation in Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma. J Clin Onc. 26(15): 2489-2496,
Forastiere AA, Ang KK, Brizel D, Brockstein BE, Burtness BA, Cmelak AJ, Colevas AD,
Dunphy F, Eisele DW, Goepfert H, Hicks WL Jr, Kies MS, Lydiatt WM, Maghami E, Martins R,
McCaffrey T, Mittal BB, Pfister DG, Pinto HA, Posner MR, Ridge JA, Samant S, Schuller DE,
Shah JP, Spencer S, Trotti A 3rd, Weber RS, Wolf GT, Worden F. Head and Neck Cancers. J
Natl Compr Canc Netw. 2008 Aug;6(7):646-95.
Brizel DM and Vokes EE. Induction Chemotherapy: To Give or Not To Give? That Is
the Question. Sem Rad Onc. 19(1): 11-16, 2009.
Brizel DM. Targeting the Future in Head and Neck Cancer. Lancet Oncology. 10(3):
204-205, 2009.
Murphy BA, Beaumont JL, Isitt J, Garden AS, Gwede CK, Trotti AM, Meredith RF,
Epstein JB, Le Q-T, Brizel DM, Bellm LA, Wells N, Cella D. Prospective Study of MucositisRelated Morbidity and Resource Utilization in Patients receiving Radiation Therapy with or
without Chemotherapy for Head and Neck Cancer. Jour Pain and Symptom Mgmt. 38(4): 522532, 2009.
Salama JK, Haddad RI, Kies MS, Busse P, Dong L, Brizel DM, Eisbruch A, Tishler RB,
Trotti A, Garden AS. Clinical Practice Recommendations for Radiotherapy Planning following
Induction Chemotherapy in Locoregionally Advanced Head and Neck Cancer. Int J Radiat
Oncol Biol Phys. 75(3):725-733, 2009.
Chino JP, Sampson JH, Tucci DL, Brizel DM, Kirkpatrick JP. Paraganglioma of the
Head and Neck: Long-term Local Control with Radiotherapy. Am J Clin Onol. 32(3): 304-307,
Pignon JP, le Maitre A, Maillard E, Bourhis J, and MACH-NC Collaborative Group (inc.
D Brizel) Meta-analysis of Chemotherapy in head and neck cancer (MACH-NC): an update of
93 randomized trials. Radiother. Onc., 92(1): 4-14, 2009.
Craciunescu O, Brizel, D, Cleland E, Yoo D, Muradyan N, Carroll, M, Barboriak D,
MacFall J. Dynamic Contrast Enhanced-MRI in Head and Neck Cancer Patients: Variability of
the Precontrast Longitudinal Relaxation Time (T10). Medical Physics. 37(6): 2683-2692, 2010.
Roach MC, Turkington TG, Higgins KA, Hawk TC, Hoang JK, Brizel DM. FDG-PET
Assessment of the Effect of Head and Neck Radiotherapy on Parotid Gland Glucose
Metabolism. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. In press, 2010.
Book Chapters
Brizel D, Prosnitz LR, Winer EP, Scott J, Crawford J, Moore JO, Gockerman JP.
Combination Chemotherapy with and without Adjuvant Radiotherapy for Advanced Hodgkin's
DM Brizel, MD
Disease. The Duke University and Southeastern Cancer Study Group Experience. In Adjuvant
Therapy of Cancer VI, Salmon SE, ed. W.B. Saunders, Co., pp 610-619, 1990.
Brizel DM, Prosnitz LR: Basic Principles of Radiation Oncology in Plastic Maxillofacial
and Reconstructive Surgery, 3rd edition. G. Georgiade, editor. Williams and Wilkins,
Baltimore, 1996.
Brizel DM.
The Role of Combined Radiotherapy and Chemotherapy in the
Management of Locally Advanced Squamous Carcinoma of the Head and Neck in Principles
and Practice of Radiation Oncology. 4th Edition. Edited by Perez, Brady, Halperin, and SchmidtUllrich. Lippincott Williams and Wilkins. pp 905-917, 2003.
Brizel DM.
Strategies for Protecting Normal Tissue in the Treatment of Head and
Neck Cancer in Current Clinical Oncology: Squamous Cell Head and Neck Cancer. D.
Adelstein, editor. Humana Press, Inc. Totowa, NJ. pp. 227-238, 2005.
Brizel DM.
The Role of Combined Radiotherapy and Chemotherapy in the
Management of Locally Advanced Squamous Carcinoma of the Head and Neck in Principles
and Practice of Radiation Oncology. 5th Edition. Edited by Perez, Brady, Halperin, and SchmidtUllrich. Lippincott Williams and Wilkins. pp. 611-619, 2007.
Brizel DM.
Chemical Modifiers of Radiation Response Head and Neck Cancer as a
Model System in Principles and Practice of Radiation Oncology. 5th Edition. Edited by Perez,
Brady, Halperin, and Schmidt-Ullrich. Lippincott Williams and Wilkins. pp. 807-819, 2007.
7. Yoo DS and Brizel DM. Translational Research in Head and Neck Oncology in Head and
Neck Cancer: Multimodality Management. Editor: Jacques Bernier. Humana Press Inc. In
press, 2010.
Manuscripts Submitted for Publication/in Preparation
Schroeder T, Geradts J, Dreher MR, Brizel DM, Kennedy K, Quinones QJ, Palmer GM,
Rabbani ZN, Rubio MA, Scher RL, Viglianti BL, Lan L, Mueller-Klieser W, Walenta S, Reichert
TE, Dewhirst MW. Glycogen and glycopenia are spatially correlated to hypoxia in human head
and neck cancer. In preparation.
Higgins KA, Hoang JK, Roach MC, Chino J, Yoo D, Turkington TG and Brizel DM.
Analysis of Pretreatment FDG-PET SUV Parameters in Head and Neck Cancer: Tumor
SUVmean has Superior Prognostic Value. Submitted, 2010.
Bourhis J, Blanchard P, Maillard E, Brizel D, Movsas B, Buentzel J, Langendijk JA,
Komaki R, Leong SS, Levendag P, Pignon J2, on behalf of the MAART Collaborative Group
Effect of amifostine on survival among patients treated with radiotherapy: a meta-analysis of
individual patient data. Submitted 2010.
Craciunescu OI, Yoo D, Cleland E, Muradyan N, Carroll M, MacFall JR, Daniel
Barboriak D, Brizel DM. ,Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MRI in Head and Neck Cancer: The
Impact of Region of Interest Selection on the Intra- and Inter-Patient Variability of
Pharmacokinetic Parameters. Manuscript in preparation.
DM Brizel, MD
Brizel DM, Yoo DS, Peterson B, Carroll MD, MacFall JR, Cleland E, Hoang J,
Craciunescu OI. The Use of Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MRI to Assess the Effect of
Concurrent Chemoradiation and Synchronous Molecularly Targeted Therapy in Advanced
Head and Neck Cancer. Manuscript in preparation.
Journal Referee
AHRQ Effective Health Care Program
British Journal of Cancer
Clinical Cancer Research
Cancer Research
Clinical & Experimental Metastasis
Clinical Therapeutics
Head and Neck
International Journal of Cancer
International Journal of Hyperthermia
International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics
Journal of Clinical Oncology
Journal of the National Cancer Institute
Journal of NeuroOncology
Lancet Oncology
Nature Clinical Practice Oncology
New England Journal of Medicine
Radiation Research
Radiotherapy and Oncology
Southern Medical Journal
Supportive Cancer Therapy
Journal Editorial Boards
Radiation Research
Journal of Clinical Oncology
Up to Date Oncology-Radiation Oncology Section Editor, Head and Neck
Guest Co-Editor Journal of Clinical Oncology Special Review Series:
Guest Editor Seminars in Radiation Oncology- Head and Neck Cancer
Medical Center Committees
1991 - 2001
Duke University Institutional Review Board (IRB)
1991 - 1993
Quality Improvement Committee, Department of Radiation
Oncology, Duke University Medical Center
1992- present
Residency Admissions Committee, Department of
Radiation Oncology, Duke University Medical Center
DM Brizel, MD
1993- present
Private Diagnostic Clinic (PDC) Retirement Committee
Duke University Medical Center Clinical Practice Committee
1994- 2002
Duke University Comprehensive Cancer Center Protocol
Review Committee
1994- 1995
PDC Clinical Affairs Committee
1995- 1996
PDC Managed Care Committee- Physicians
Board of Directors Duke University Comprehensive Cancer Caring
Department of Radiation Oncology Committee on Appointments,
Promotion, and Tenure (AP&T)
Chairman, Department of Radiation Oncology Committee on
Appointments, Promotion, and Tenure (AP&T)
Clinical Sciences Faculty Council on Academic Affairs
Chairman of Search Committee for Chief of Division of Otolaryngology
Head and Neck Surgery, Department of Surgery
Duke University Medical Center Oncology Site Based Research
Committee (SBR)
Duke University Comprehensive Cancer Center Clinical Trial Scientific
Review Committee
Private Diagnostic Clinic- Clinical Operation Improvement Committee
Duke Medicine- Executive Committee Oncology Center Governance
National and International Committees
American College of Radiology: Clinical Practice Accreditation Site
American College of Radiology: Patterns of Care Survey Site Visitor
Accreditation Council of Graduate Medical Education
(ACGME) Radiation Oncology Residency Site Visitor
1995- 1997
American Board of Radiology Clinical Oncology Task Force:
Charged with developing questions for written board certification
DM Brizel, MD
Program Committee for 1998 annual meeting of Radiation
Research Society
American Society of Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology Publications
Grant Reviewer/Site Visitor NCI Canada
National Institutes of Health Radiation Study Section: Ad Hoc Reviewer
Seed Grant Reviewer Radiological Society of North America
National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN). Head and Neck
Cancer Committee Member
Temporary Member, National Institutes of Health Radiation Therapeutics
and Biology Study Section
Medical Advisory Board, Society of Persons with Oral and Head and
Neck Cancers (SPOHNC)
Permanent Member, National Institutes of Health Radiation Therapeutics
and Biology (RTB) Study Section (4 year term)
ASCO Cancer Education Committee Annual Meeting and DiseaseSpecific (Head and Neck Cancer) Small Meetings Subcommittee (3 year
Organizing Committee and Faculty Member Third International
Conference on Translational Research in Radio-Oncology
ASTRO Health Policy and Economics Regulatory Subcommittee
American Head and Neck Society Program Committee 7th International
Conference on Head and Neck Cancer
Scientific Board of Directors Patient Advocate Foundation and National
Patient Advocate Foundation (www.paf.org)
ASTRO Conflict of Interest Task Force Member
2007(3 yr term)
ASTRO Conflict of Interest Committee Member
ASCO Cancer Education and Small Meetings Committee; Head and
Neck Cancer Track Leader responsible for development of educational
program for Annual Meeting
ASCO Scientific Program Committee Member responsible for developing
scientific program for 2008 Annual Meeting
DM Brizel, MD
NCCN Mucositis Task Force Member
2007(3 yr term)
ASTRO Research Evaluation Committee
NCI Head and Neck Cancer Steering Committee: Previously UntreatedLocally Advanced DiseaseTask Force
Program Committee 7th International Conference on Head and Neck
Cancer. San Francisco, CA. July 19-23, 2008.
Scientific Program Committee 4th International Conference on
Translational Research in Radiation Oncology (ICTR2009) March 12-15,
2009; Geneva, Switzerland
American Board of Radiology Oral Board Examiner in Radiation
Oncology (Head and Neck/Skin Cancer Category)
Program Committee 8th International Conference on Head and Neck
Cancer. Scheduled for July 21-25, 2011. Toronto, Canada
Selected National and International Presentations:
Co-moderator of "Cancer Treatment Modality Modifiers" scientific
session at 34th annual American Society of Therapeutic Radiology and
Oncology (ASTRO) meeting, November 9-13, 1992.
Invited speaker: “Why Does Low Dose Hyperthermia Work in the Clinic?”
43rd Annual Meeting Radiation Research Society, April 1-6, 1995.
Invited speaker: “Quality Asssurance of Polarographic Measurement of
Tissue O2 .” 43rd Annual Meeting Radiation Research Society, April 1-6,
Radiation Experts Advisory Meeting.
Chicago, IL, June 15-16, 1995.
Co-moderator of symposium on soft tissue sarcomas at the VIIth
International Conference of Hyperthermic Oncology, Rome, Italy, April 812, 1996.
HL-91 Advisory Panel. Sponsored by Amersham PLC. London, UK.
February 2-3, 1997.
Invited speaker: Symposium on Clinical Implication for Moderate Dose
Hyperthermia at 16th Annual Meeting of North American Hyperthermia
Society, May 3-7, 1997.
Invited speaker: Symposium entitled "Clinical Radiobiology: Already At
A Clinic Near You." 39th Annual Meeting of the American Society of
Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology (ASTRO) , Oct. 1997.
Sponsored by Ortho Biotech.
DM Brizel, MD
Co-moderator Scientific Session V- Cervix: Hypoxia/Novel Therapies.
39th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Therapeutic Radiology
and Oncology (ASTRO) , Oct. 1997.
Workshop moderator and participant, "Tumor Hypoxia: The Microenvironment and Gene Expression. 46th Annual Meeting Radiation
Research Society, April 25-29, 1998.
Invited speaker, "Human Tumor Oxygenation, The Duke University
Experience"Symposium sponsored by Paul Janssen Medical Institute,
Munich, Germany, March 12-13, 1999.
Invited Speaker: NCI Workshop on Translational Research in Radiation
Oncology, Washington, DC. Sept. 9-10, 1999.
Invited Speaker: NIH Symposium on Organ Preservation in Head and
Neck Cancer, Bethesda, MD. Sept. 7-8, 1999.
Symposium on Malignancies of the Chest and Head and Neck, Chicago,
IL Oct 1-2, 1999.
Symposium Chair Innovations in the Management of Treatment Induced
Toxicity. Sponsored by Alza Pharmaceuticals at the 41stAnnual Meeting
of the American Society of Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology. San
Antonio, TX. Oct 31, 1999.
Radiation Oncology and Anemia Advisory Panel. Sponsored by Amgen.
Key Largo, FL.
Feb 4-6, 2000..
Invited Speaker: Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain.
Symposium on Tissue Hypoxia, London, UK March 23, 2000.
Invited Speaker: American Society of Clinical Oncology 36th Annual
Meeting Educational Session: Concurrent Chemoradiation for Head and
Neck Cancer: Selecting Patients, Getting Them Through It, and Is It
Worth It? New Orleans, LA. May 20-21, 2000.
Invited Speaker: Multimodality Treatment in Advanced Head and Neck
Cancer, 5th Int’l Conference on Head and Neck Cancer. San Francisco,
CA. July 29-August 2, 2000.
Scientific Faculty: Tumor Physiology and Cancer Treatment" 6th Int’l
Conference on Chemical Modifiers of Cancer Treatment, Banff, Alberta,
Canada. October 5-7, 2000.
Invited Speaker: Presidential Categorical Course on Head and Neck
Cancer. 42nd Annual Meeting of the American Society of Therapeutic
Radiology and Oncology. Boston, MA. October 22-26, 2000.
DM Brizel, MD
Symposium Speaker: Treatment Strategies to Improve Outcomes in
Radiation Therapy. 42nd Annual Meeting of the American Society of
Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology. Boston, MA. October 22, 2000.
Invited Speaker: The mechanistic relationship between tumor hypoxia
and treatment outcome. Tumor Hypoxia Symposium. 92nd Annual
Meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research. New
Orleans. March, 2001.
Symposium Co-Chair and Speaker: Tumor Oxygenation and Lactate
Concentration Influence Treatment Outcome in Head and Neck Cancer.
20th Annual Meeting North American Hyperthermia Society. San Juan,
Puerto Rico. April, 2001.
Invited workshop participant: The Radiation Biology/Oncology
Interaction: What Should the Future Hold? 49th Annual Meeting
Radiation Research Society. San Juan, Puerto Rico. April, 2001.
Invited Speaker: Strategies for Improving Efficacy and Managing Toxicity
in Advanced Head and Neck Cancer. 4th Annual Milton J. Dance Head
and Neck Rehabilitation Center Conference. Greater Baltimore Medical
Center. Baltimore, MD. October 26, 2001.
Invited Participant: Molecular and Cellular Biology of Moderate Dose
Radiation and Potential Mechanisms of Radiation Protection. National
Cancer Institute/Department of Defense, Bethesda, MD. Dec 17-18,
Invited Panel Participant: Neck Dissections After Chemoradiation Are
Either Superfluous or Ineffective and Should Be Abandoned in All Cases.
44th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Therapeutic Radiology
and Oncology. New Orleans, LA. October 6, 2002.
Invited Speaker: Mucositis in Radiation Oncology. 4th Annual Nursing
Program in conjunction with the 44th Annual Meeting of the American
Society of Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology. New Orleans, LA.
October 6, 2002..
Invited Speaker: Cytoprotective agents must be used with curative intent
chemoradiation. Controversy Session: European Society of Medical
Oncology. Nice, France. October 21, 2002.
Invited Speaker: Hypoxia and Tumor Resistance. How to Improve
Cancer Treatment? Centre Antoine Lacassagne. Nice, France. October
19, 2002.
Invited Speaker: The Role of Recombinant Human Keratinocyte Growth
Factor (rHuKGF) in Head and Neck Cancer. The First Annual Opinion
Leader Consortium on Novel and Targeted Therapies for Head and Neck
Cancer. San Juan, P.R. February 5-9, 2003
DM Brizel, MD
Invited Speaker: Management of Radiation Induced Toxicity. The Role of
Recombinant Human Keratinocyte Growth Factor. 1st International
Congress on the Future of Supportive Therapy in Cancer. Hamilton,
Bermuda. March 15, 2003.
Session Chair: Radiotherapy versus radiotherapy + concomitant
chemotherapy; Meta-Analysis of Chemotherapy in Head and Neck
Cancer. Paris, France. June 28, 2003
Symposium Moderator and Speaker: Physics versus Pharmacy versus
Fractionation: What’s the Score in Head and Neck Normal Tissue
Radioprotection? 45th Annual Meeting of the American Society of
Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology. Salt Lake City, UT. October 22,
Invited Speaker: Motexafin Gadolinium (MGd) with Hyper-fractionated
Irradiation and Concurrent 5FU/Cisplatin in Locally Advanced Head and
Neck Cancer A Phase I Trial The Chemotherapy Foundation Annual
Meeting. New York, NY. November 13, 2003.
Invited Speaker: Hypoxia and PET Imaging in the Radiotherapy of Head
and Neck Cancer. Refresher Course. 89th Annual Meeting of the
Radiological Society of North America Chicago, IL December 2, 2003
Invited Speaker: Motexafin Gadolinium (MGd) with Hyper-fractionated
Irradiation and Concurrent 5FU/Cisplatin in Locally Advanced Head and
Neck Cancer
A Phase I Trial The Second Annual Opinion Leader
Consortium on Novel and Targeted Therapies for Head and Neck
Cancer. Montego Bay, Jamaica. February 25-29, 2004
Invited Speaker: Mechanisms & Therapeutic Strategies for Radiation
Induced Mucosal & Pulmonary Injury. National Institute of Allergy and
Infectious Diseases Workshop (Animal Models for Radiation Injury,
Protection, and Therapy), Bethesda, MD, May 25-26, 2004
Invited Discussant: Advanced Head and Neck Cancer. Head and Neck
Cancer Oral Presentation Session.
American Society of Clinical
Oncology 40 Annual Meeting. New Orleans, LA, June 8, 2004
Invited Debate Participant: Correction of Anemia and Hypoxia is
Essential in Patients with Locally Advanced Head and Neck Cancer.
Southern Association of Oncology. 17th Annual Meeting. Amelia Island,
FL, August 5, 2004.
Invited Discussant: Hypoxia and Vascular Targeting Oral Presentation
Session. American Society of Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology.
46th Annual Meeting. Atlanta, GA. October 5, 2004.
Invited Speaker: Hypoxia and PET Imaging in the Radiotherapy of Head
and Neck Cancer. Refresher Course. 90th Annual Meeting of the
Radiological Society of North America. Chicago, IL. November 30, 2004
DM Brizel, MD
Invited Speaker/Panelist: ASCO/ASTRO Special Session on Combined
Modality Therapy. American Society of Clinical Oncology 40th Annual
Meeting. Orlando, FL, May 16, 2005
Invited Speaker: Strategies for the Prevention and Management of
Xersostomia. First Annual Chicago Supportive Oncology Conference.
Chicago, IL, October 6, 2005
Invited Speaker/Panelist: ASCO/RRS Special Session on Tumor
Hypoxia. “The Clinical Significance and Assessment of Tumor Hypoxia.”
American Society of Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology 47th Annual
Meeting. Denver, CO, October 16, 2005
Invited Speaker/Panelist: ASCO/ASTRO Special Session on Combined
Modality Therapy. “Consensus, Controversy, and Conundrum in the
Management of Advanced Head and Neck Cancer.” American Society of
Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology 47th Annual Meeting. Denver, CO,
October 17, 2005
Invited Speaker: Hypoxia and PET Imaging in the Radiotherapy of Head
and Neck Cancer. Refresher Course. 91st Annual Meeting of the
Radiological Society of North America. Chicago, IL. November 29, 2005
Invited Speaker: Concurrent VEGF and EGFR Blockade in Conjunction
with Concurrent Chemoradiation in Patients with Locally Advanced Head
and Neck Cancer. 4th Annual Opinion Leaders Meeting on Novel and
Targeted Therapies in Head and Neck Cancer. Key Biscayne, FL.
February 8-11, 2006
Invited Panelist: Clinical Status of Keratinocyte Growth Factor. 3rd
International Conference on Translational Research and Preclinical
Strategies in Radiation Oncology. Lugano, Switzerland. March 12-15,
Invited Speaker: Concurrent VEGF and EGFR Blockade in Conjunction
with Concurrent Chemoradiation in Patients with Locally Advanced Head
and Neck Cancer. 3rd International Conference on Translational
Research and Preclinical Strategies in Radiation Oncology. Lugano,
Switzerland. March 12-15, 2006.
Invited Speaker: Targeted Therapy in the Treatment of Head and Neck
Cancer. 2nd Joint American-Israeli Cancer Conference. Jerusalem, Israel
June 26-29-2006.
Invited Speaker: Instructional Course on Organ Preservation in Head
and Neck Cancer. American Head and Neck Society Annual Meeting.
Chicago, IL. August 17, 2006
Invited Speaker: Integration of Targeted Therapy with Chemoradiation in
Advanced Head and Neck Cancer. 4th International Chicago Symposium
DM Brizel, MD
on Malignacies of the Chest and Head and Neck. Chicago, IL, October
26, 2006.
Invited Debate Speaker: Role of Induction Chemotherapy in Routine
Management of Head and Neck Cancer. Multidisciplinary Head and
Neck Cancer Symposium. Jointly sponsored by ASTRO, ASCO, and
AHNS. Palm Springs, CA. January 18, 2007.
Invited Speaker: Is CDDP (100 mg/m2) x 3 the standard concomitant
chemo radiation treatment? International Meeting on Innovative
Approaches in Head and Neck Oncology. Sponsored by the European
Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology. Barcelona, Spain.
February 24, 2007.
Invited Speaker: Todd H. Wasserman Symposium on Translation
Research. Siteman Cancer Center, Washington University School of
Medicine. St. Louis, MO. May 11, 2007.
Invited Discussant: Personalized Strategies for Organ Preservation
Current Status, Future Promise. 43rd Annual Meeting American Society
of Clinical Oncology Chicago, IL June 3, 2007
Invited Discussant: Surviving Without Oxygen. 43rd Annual Meeting
American Society of Clinical Oncology Chicago, IL June 3, 2007
Invited Keynote Speaker: Integrating Physically and Biologically
Targeted Therapy Against Head and Neck Cancer. Australia-New
Zealand Head and Neck Society 9th Annual Meeting. Brisbane, Australia.
July 26-28, 2007.
Invited Speaker: Head and Neck Cancer Combined Modality Therapy
Current State of the Art and New Concepts. 19th Annual Fall Foliage
Cancer Conference. Asheville, NC. October 19, 2007
Invited Speaker: Combined Chemotherapy and Hyperfractionation.
American Association for Cancer Research. Annual Meeting Education
Session. San Diego, CA April 13, 2008.
Invited Speaker: Integrating IMRT with Chemotherapy. 7th International
Conference on Head and Neck Cancer. San Francisco, CA. July 21,
Meet the Professor: Hypoxia Research and Clinical Practice. 7th
International Conference on Head and Neck Cancer. San Francisco, CA.
July 22, 2008.
Invited Speaker: Managing the Acute Toxicity of Chemoradiation.
Presidential Symposium 50th Annual Meeting of the American Society of
Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology. Boston, MA. Sept 21, 2008
DM Brizel, MD
Invited Discussant: Head and Neck Cancer Oral Presentations. 50th
Annual Meeting of the American Society of Therapeutic Radiology and
Oncology. Boston, MA. Sept 24, 2008
Invited Discussant: State of the Science Symposium on Human
Papilloma Virus in Head and Neck Cancer. National Cancer Institute.
Washington, DC. November 9, 2008.
Invited Speaker: Targeting EGFR and VEGF in the Clinical Setting. 4th
International Conference on Translational Research and Preclinical
Strategies in Radiation Oncology. Geneva, Switzerland. March 13,
Invited Speaker: Functional Metabolic Imaging in the Management of
Cancer. Presidential Symposium 51th Annual Meeting of the American
Society of Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology. Chicago, IL. November
1, 2009.
Invited Speaker: Concomitant Radiation and Systemic Therapy for
Larynx Preservation. ASCO, ASTRO, AHNS Multidisciplinary Head and
Neck Cancer Symposium. Phoenix, AZ. February 26, 2010.
Invited Speaker: Treatment Toxicity in Head and Neck Cancer. American
College of Radiation Oncology. 20th Annual Meeting. Orlando, FL.
February 25, 2010
Invited Speaker: The Future of Hyperthermia in the Treatment of Head
and Neck Cancer. European Society of Hyperthermic Oncology.
Rotterdam, The Netherlands. May 20, 2010
Invited Speaker: Sequential Versus Concurrent Chemotherapy: Who,
When, and How? Scheduled for 6th Annual Oncology Congress. San
Francisco, CA. October 17, 2010
Invited Speaker: State of the Art Radiation Therapy in Head and Neck
Cancer. Scheduled for 22nd Annual Fall Foliage Conference. Asheville,
NC. October 23, 2010
Contact Information:
Office Telephone:
919 668-7345