ONLINE SUPPORTING MATERIAL Nicholas H. Dodman et al. Phenotype Description and Significance: Spontaneously occurring animal models of OCD have been described since the early 1990s, with acral lick in large breed dogs being the classical representation 1,2. Since that time, many other animal compulsive disorders have been described that have compelling parallels with the human condition, including face validity and predictive validity (including pharmacological responsiveness) 3 - 6. The full construct of animals with spontaneously occurring compulsions as models of human OCD, including genetic underpinnings and physiological homology, has yet to be established. Our genome wide association study provides the first step in that direction by identifying a highly significant association of canine compulsive disorder (CCD) in Doberman pinschers with the CDH2 region on chromosome 7 that is the first genetic locus identified for any animal compulsive disorder. This finding becomes even more compelling in light of recent studies implicating cadhedrin genes in autistic spectrum disorders, which bear many similarities to OCD 8 - 11. Canine compulsive disorder (CCD) is diagnosed in between 2 and 5% of dogs seen by veterinary behaviorists (1). The symptoms are often brought on by anxiety or stress that the dog cannot control, starting as displacement behavior in response to the stress. The behavior eventually becomes "fixed" and is displayed in absence of stressors. In Doberman pinschers, compulsive disorders include flank sucking and blanket sucking with some affected dogs also displaying pica and acral lick dermatitis (ALD). Flank sucking is characterized by repetitive mouthing and sucking of the flank region, resulting in effects ranging from a rough, dampened coat to alopecia to raw, open skin lesions. Medical issues resulting from blanket sucking are more commonly associated with ingestion of blanket pieces. ALD is most commonly observed in Dobermans, Retrievers, Great Danes, and German Shepherds. Trauma resulting from affected dogs licking the lower extremities of the limbs can lead to ulceration and infection at the site. All CCDs appear to have a strong genetic component as evidenced by breed predilection. A Doberman pincher genealogy showing the transmission of the blanket and flank sucking within the breed is shown in the figure S1. Sample Collection and Processing Blood samples, obtained with owner consent from affected and control Dobermans, were collected in EDTA tubes and stored at 4C until DNA was manually extracted using the Puregene DNA purification Kit (Gentra Systems) protocol. Subsequently, a genome wide association and subsequent fine mapping was performed. Association parameters: The canine Affymetrix v2 arrays contain 49,663 SNPs. After removing 34,963 SNPs with minor allele frequencies (MAFs) < 5% or genotyping rate < 95%, we measured association of the remaining 14,700 SNPs to CCD using the software package PLINK genome-wide significance using 10,000 random permutations. 12 , empirically assessing Figure S1: An example pedigree of Doberman pinschers with canine compulsive disorder. References: 1. Goldberger E, Rapoport JL. Canine acral lick dermatitis: response to the antiobsessional drug clomipramine. Journal of the American Animal Hospital Association 1991; 27(2) 179-182. 2. Rapoport JL, Ryland DH, Kriete M. Drug treatment of canine acral lick. An animal model of obsessive-compulsive disorder. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 1992 Jul;49(7):517-21. 3. Dodman NH, Shuster L. In: Concepts and controversies in obsessive compulsive disorder. Eds Jonathon S Abramowitz, Arthur c. Houts. Springer Science. New York. 2005. Pp 53-72. 4. Luescher A. Diagnosis and management of compulsive disorders in dogs and cats. 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