Institutional Privacy Board UPR Medical Sciences Campus Application for Research using Individually Identifiable Protected Health Information IMPORTANT NOTICE: Complete this application in all its parts. Do not leave any question unanswered. Cross-references with another document will not be accepted. Before submitting this application to the Office for Research Affairs, please verify that it has all the required signatures. You should attach the following documents to this application, if applicable 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Research Proposal Authorization document in English and Spanish. A letter from the performance site establishing a cooperation agreement and their responsibilities toward this project. Copy of the HIPAA required training certificate for all personnel, including faculty advisors. Include original and two copies of all the documents ADMINISTRATIVE INFORMATION Protocol Number (To be assigned by the Compliance Office) Project Title Principal Investigator School Department Office Num. Telephone Mailing Address E-mail Fax Page 1 of 6 Is any of the IPB (Institutional Privacy Board) member part of this project? If Yes, indicate FUNDING SOURCES Federal Agency (Specify Agency) Private Funds (Specify) Institutional Funds (Specify Program) Not Funded PERFORMANCE SITES Medical Sciences Campus University District Hospital Pediatric Hospital University Hospital at Carolina Other (Specify) Page 2 of 6 Yes No LAY SUMMARY Summarize (in no more than 400 words) the proposed research using non-technical language that can be understood by members whose primary concerns are nonscientific. The information must include: A brief statement of the purpose, background, significance Research design and methodology A brief specific description of the procedure(s) involving the individuals Potential risks to participant’s rights DESCRIPTION OF DATABASE/S OR RECORD DATA EXTRACTION, AND RECORDING SOURCE OF DATA: (i.e. research participants, medical records, database etc.) It database/s or records are going to be used: describe, in a meaningful fashion, the nature and location of the database/s or records to be used in the research METHOD OF DATA COLLECTION: (i.e. interviews, questionnaire, data chart extraction) Attach a printed copy of the datasheet you are going to use to record the extracted data The method of extraction of data from the database/s or records; whether the data extracted are recorded (on paper or electronic medium) with individually identifiable protected health information that permit the potential association of recorded elements with identifiable individuals; and nature of the identifiers. Page 3 of 6 USE AND RECORDING OF EXTRACTED DATA WITH IDENTIFIERS: If the extracted data is going to be recorded with identifiers, justify this with reference to the research protocol and justify any other use of the identifiers. IDENTIFIERS JUSTIFY Name All geographic subdivisions smaller than a State, including street address, city, country, precinct, zip code, and their equivalent geocodes All elements of dates (except year) Telephone number Fax number Electronic mail addresses Social Security Number Medical record number Health plan beneficiary numbers Account numbers Certificate/license number Vehicle identifiers and serial numbers, including license plate numbers Devise identifiers and serial number Web Universal Resource Locators (URLs) Internet Protocol (IP) address numbers Biometric identifiers, including finger and voice prints Full face photographic images and any comparable images Any other unique identifying number, characteristic, or code, except as permitted None of the above will be used Page 4 of 6 DESCRIBE THE INDIRECT IDENTIFIERS USED (e.g. unique study identifier, encrypted/coded identifier, etc.) Describe how the link between the indirect identifier and subject is going to be maintained securely and separately from the extracted data. LOCATION OF EXTRACTED AND RECORDED DATA Describe where the medium containing the recorded data used for analysis/evaluation is going to be kept, and enumerate the measures used to secure it from unauthorized access. SHARE OF EXTRACTED DATA WITH RESEARCH COLLABORATOR If you are going to send extracted data electronically or any other media to collaborators, describe the necessity for inclusion of direct identifiers. If you are sending direct identifiers, please include the general security measures you intend to employ. LINKAGE OF EXTRACTED DATA TO OTHER DATABASES Provide details concerning these databases and the mechanism of linkage. STATUS OF THE EXTRACTED DATA AFTER COMPLETION OF THE RESEARCH Describe what you are going to do with the extracted data after completion of the project . WAIVER If you wish to request a waiver or alteration of the requirement of the Authorization, please answer each one of the following statement, as it is pertinent to your research proposal. Yes No The research involves more than minimal risk to participants. Yes No The waiver or alteration will adversely affect the rights and welfare of subjects No waiver requested Page 5 of 6 INVESTIGATOR’S ASSURANCE I certify that the information provided in this application is complete and correct. I understand that as Principal Investigator, I have ultimate responsibility for the protection of the rights of the participants, use and disclosure of the individual’s protected health information, conduct of the study, and the ethical performance of the project. I agree to comply with all University of Puerto Rico Medical Sciences Campus policies and procedures, as well as with all applicable federal and state laws regarding the protection of participants’ rights in research, including, but not limited to the following” The project will be performed according to the UPR MSC IPB certified protocol No changes will be made in the protocol or authorization form until approved by the UPR MSC IPB A valid authorization will be obtained from human participants, if applicable I will complete the required educational program on ethical principles and regulatory requirements. I further certify that the proposed research is not currently underway and will not begin until all required approvals have been obtained. Principal Investigator (Printed Name) Date Principal Investigator’s Signature _______________________________ STUDENT’S FACULTY ADVISOR’S ASSURANCE STATEMENT Required for Students and Residents This is to certify that I have reviewed this research protocol and I attest to the scientific merit of this study and the competency of the investigator(s) to conduct the project. Faculty Advisor (Printed Name) Date Faculty Advisor’s Signature _____________________________ Form Approved as of August 24, 2005 Page 6 of 6