Sous DOS 6.2
NB: Cette documentation est la stricte recopie d'un document du BDL, simplement transformé en accès hypertexte.
Sinon, aucun mot n'a été modifié. Vous retrouverez l'original sous PLANEPH.DOC Tous les fichiers sont dans le
répertoire EPHEMERI. L'ensemble peut être téléchargé sous EPHEMBDL.ZIP
NB : Les commentaires en rouge sont de l'auteur, à l'attention de ses lecteurs.
--------------------------------------PROGRAM PLANEPH 4.1
--------------------------------------G. Francou, J. Chapront, Bureau des Longitudes - France, Group :
Dynamics of Solar System,
December 1996
Authors' Address : Bureau des Longitudes, 77, avenue Denfert-Rochereau,
F75014 Paris France
Tel : (33) (1) 40 51 22 60
Fax : (33) (1) 46 33 28 34
E-mail : francou@bdl.fr
Summary :
01. Purpose
02. Files
03. Installation
04. Use
05. Ephemeris
06. Body
07. Variables
08. Frame
09. Options
10. Date
11. Tab Intervals
12. Location
13. Time
14. Units
15. Display
16.End Program
17. Supp. files
18. Precision
19. Constants
20. References
-------------------The program PLANEPH is an executable DOS program for PC which
computes the most usual ephemeris of planets between 1900 and 2100.
It has to be regarded as an example for the use of the planetary series
built by frequency analysis (Chapront, 1995).
The representations of the planetary motions are based on numerical
integration DE403 provided by Jet Propulsion Laboratory (Standish et
al., 1995).
--------------README : ascii : Information.
planeph.doc : ascii : User guide (this document).
planeph.exe : binary : Executable program.
planeph.tab : binary : Planetary tables.
planeph.loc : binary : Locations coordinates.
---------------------------The program uses two data sets :
Planetary tables : planeph.tab
Locations coordinates : planeph.loc
Procedure of installation : create a directory on disk (for example
PLANEPH) and copy the three following files in binary mode :
Executable program : planeph.exe.
Planetary tables : planeph.tab.
Locations coordinates : planeph.loc.
The program runs under DOS 6.2 operating system and following
versions. It needs an arithmetic processor and it is necessary to
configure the system with the file ANSI.SYS : device=ANSI.SYS.
04. USE
-----------The program starts in the directory defined by the procedure of
installation with the command : planeph. The commands of the program
PLANEPH are entered on the keyboard and the user makes his choice
with menus displayed on the screen.
The main menu shows commands to perform the following items :
- Define the specifications of the ephemeris,
- Run the computation,
- Refresh the current specifications, setting back the standard options,
- Quit the program.
It is advised to choose the specifications of the ephemeris in this order :
E : Ephemeris
B : Body
V : Variables
F : Reference frame
O : Options
D : Date
I : Tab intervals
L : Location
T : Time scale
U : Units
R : Results
The other commands are :
X : to executes the computation,
Z : to set back the standard options,
Q : to quit the application.
Before using the execute command (X), the user is able to modify all the
specifications of the current ephemeris.
Various menus allow the choices of the specifications. When using the
program the first time the menu Ephemeris" (E) is displayed.
To choose the specifications of the ephemeris, two modes are available
- Choose a code among a set of choices (ex : M for Mercury).
- Enter a numeric quantity in a given format (ex : 19960101 for the
The user can always Quit the current menu and Return to the main
menu with the keys "Q" or "R". When the choices of specifications
require multiple answers, one has to Confirm the whole set of choices
with the key "C". By default the specifications are :
E : Ephemeris : Geometric coordinates.
B : Body : Earth.
V : Variables : Heliocentric Rectangular coordinates.
F: Frame : Fixed Equatorial Frame J2000.00 (JD2451545.00000).
O : Options : Positions.
D : Date : Current date of the computer at 0h.
I : Tab Intervals : 1 day.
L : Location : Paris (France) 48d50'N 2d20'E.
T : Time scale : Dynamical Time (DT).
U : Units : Astronomical unit (au).
R : Results : Interactive display of the Results.
In order to avoid inconsistencies, a chosen specification can modify
automatically one another specification. For example, when choosing
the Sun as a Body (B) even though the Variable (V) is Heliocentric,
automatically, the variable becomes Geocentric.
---------------------------The user is able to choose between 9 types of ephemeris;
E1 : Geometric coordinates.
E2 : Apparent coordinates (geocentric).
E3 : Astrometric coordinates (geocentric).
E4 : Topocentric coordinates.
E5 : Physical ephemeris.
E6 : Osculating elements.
E7 : Rising, Setting, Transit times.
E8 : Sidereal time, Obliquity, Nutation.
E9 : Calendar.
Explanations about the 8 first types of ephemeris (E1 to E8) are given in
the other paragraphs.
The calendar (E9) contains the following informations :
- Julian dates.
- Day of the week.
- Number of the day and week in the year.
- Difference DT-UT (estimate) : Dynamical Time minus Universal Time.
- Equation of Time AST - MST : Apparent Solar Time minus Mean Solar
06. BODY (B)
------------------Depending on the chosen type of ephemeris, the user selects one of the
following INSTALLATION bodies :
M : Mercury J : Jupiter P : Pluto
V : Venus S : Saturn B : Earth-Moon Barycenter
E : Earth U : Uranus H : Sun
A : Mars N : Neptune
Earth-Moon Barycenter is available only for geometric coordinates (E1)
and osculating elements (E6).
---------------------------One has to specify variables in case of the following ephemeris :
* Geometric coordinates (E1) :
V1 : Geocentric / V2 : Heliocentric / V3 : Barycentric.
V4 : Rectangular / V5 : Spherical.
* Topocentric coordinates (E4) :
V1 : Apparent / V2 : Astrometric /
V3 : Horizontal / V4 : Hour angle and declination.
* Physical ephemeris (E5) :
V1 : Phases, Magnitudes, Diameters /
V2 : Planetocentric coordinates of the Earth.
* Osculating elements (E6)
V1 : Elliptic elements, set 1 : a, lambda, e, i, omega, pi /
V2 : Elliptic elements, set 2 : a, lambda, h, k, p, q.
* Rising, Setting and Transit times (E7) :
V1 : Rising and Setting / V2 : Transit / V3 : Twilight.
* Sidereal time, Obliquity, Nutation (E8) :
V1 : Greenwich sidereal time (UT) / V2 : Obliquity and Nutation.
Remarks :
The apparent coordinates (E2) and astrometric coordinates (E3) are
geocentric and spherical variables.
The topocentric coordinates, apparent (E4-V1) and astrometric (E4-V2),
are spherical variables.
The plane of reference (Equator or Ecliptic) for geometric coordinates
(E1), apparents coordinates (E2 and E4-V1) and astrometric coordinates
(E3 and E4-V2) depends on the chosen reference frame (see Frame (F)
With the geometric spherical coordinates (E1-V5), is also provided :
- geometric distance between the body and the center of the frame.
With the apparent geocentric coordinates (E2), are also provided :
- geometric distance Earth-Body,
- horizontal equatorial parallax.
With the astrometric geocentric coordinates (E3), are also provided :
- geometric distance Earth-Body,
- light time between Body and Earth.
With the apparent topocentric coordinates (E4-V1), is also provided :
- geometric distance Location-Body.
With the astrometric topocentric coordinates (E4-V2), are also provided :
- geometric distance Location-Body,
- light time between Body and Location.
The horizontal topocentric coordinates (E4-V3) are : azimuth, altitude
and zenith distance (apparent coordinates).
Azimuth is measured toward East or West from the South direction and
it is not computed at the Earth'poles or when the body is at the zenith.
Altitude and zenith distance take into account the astronomical refraction
when body is above the horizon (Radau's tables).
The topocentric coordinates (E4-V4) are : hour angle, declination
(apparent coordinates) and the local apparent sidereal time.
The physical ephemeris (E5-V1) are : phase, phase angle, defect of
illumination, visual magnitude and apparent diameter.
For Mercury and Venus, magnitude is not computed when elongations
are respectively greater than 125 and 170 degrees.
The planetocentric coordinates (E5-V2) are : planetographic longitude
and latitude of sub-Earth point and position angle of the axis of rotation
(north pole of the body).
The osculating elements (E6) are :
a : semi-major axis (au).
lambda : mean longitude (degree). Lambda est la longitude moyenne
de la position, définie par lambda =  + M avec M =  - esin,
l'anomalie moyenne et  l'anomalie excentrique.
e : eccentricity.
i : inclination on ecliptic (degree).
omega : longitude of the ascending node (degree). Notée 
pi : longitude of the pericenter (degree). pi =  où  est
l'argument nodal du périgée
h : e.sin(pi).
k : e.cos(pi).
p : sin(i/2).sin(omega).
q : sin(i/2).cos(omega).
p et q permettent de retrouver omega donc .
The ephemeris for Sidereal Time (E8-V1) are : Greenwich Sidereal Time
(mean and apparent), and equation of the equinoxes in UT (Universal
The ephemeris for Obliquity and Nutation (E8-V2) are : mean obliquity of
date, true obliquity, and nutations in longitude and obliquity.
08. FRAME (F)
--------------------The type of frame has to be defined in the following cases :
* Geometric coordinates (E1).
Frame : fixed of a Julian epoch / mean of date / true.
Frame : equatorial / ecliptic.
* Geocentric or topocentric apparent coordinates (E2) (E4-V1).
Frame : equatorial / ecliptic.
* Geocentric or topocentric astrometric coordinates (E3) (E4-V2).
Frame : fixed of a Julian epoch / mean of date.
Frame : equatorial / ecliptic.
* Osculating elements (E6).
Frame : fixed of a Julian epoch / mean of date.
Remarks :
A frame is defined with the equinox and the reference plane : equator or
A fixed frame of a Julian epoch is defined with the fixed equinox and the
fixed reference plane (equator or ecliptic) at this Julian epoch, whatever
may be the date of the ephemeris.
The mean frame of date is defined with the mean equinox and the mean
reference plane of date. Here, one takes into account the precessional
motion of the frame at the current date of the ephemeris.
The true frame is defined with the true equinox and true equator of date
in case of equatorial coordinates, and with the true equinox and mean
ecliptic of date in case of ecliptic coordinates. Here, one takes into
account precession and nutation at the current date of the ephemeris.
For the fixed frame of a Julian epoch, the user has to define the chosen
Julian epoch (for example 2000.0 for J2000). Generally, the Julian
epoch Jxxxx.xx and the corresponding Julian Day JD are related with :
xxxx.xx = 2000.0 + (JD-2452545.0)/365.25.
In case of apparent coordinates (E2) (E4-V1) the frame is always true.
The following coordinates :
- geometric, spherical coordinates (E1-V5),
- apparent, geocentric and topocentric coordinates (E2 and E4-V1),
- astrometric, geocentric and topocentric coordinates (E3 and E4-V2),
are :
- right ascension and declination when the plane of reference is Equator,
- longitude and latitude when the plane of reference is Ecliptic.
In case of osculating elements (E6) the frame is always ecliptic.
------------------------Options of an ephemeris computation have to be defined in the following
cases :
* Geometric coordinates (E1) :
Positions /
Positions and absolute velocities /
Positions and relative velocities.
One has to distinguish between absolute and relative velocities when
the reference frame is not fixed (mean of date or true).
Velocities are called "absolute" when they are not corrected with the
velocity of the moving reference frame.
Velocities are called "relative" when they are corrected - with the
precessional velocity in case of mean frame of date, - with the velocities
of precession and nutation in case of true frame.
* Rising and setting times (E7-V1)
Disk center / Upper limb / Lower limb.
Horizontal astronomical refraction values : 36.6' or 34'.
36.6' horizontal astronomical refraction is given by Radau's tables to a
zero apparent altitude, under the following conditions :
Latitude : 45 degrees ; Altitude : 0m; Temperature 0 degree C;
Pressure 760 mm (0 degree C)
34' horizontal astronomical refraction is mostly used in nautical
* Twilights (E7-V3) :
Civil / Nautical / Astronomical.
Twilight ephemeris are computed, without correction of refraction, when
the altitude of the solar disk center, at the observer location, is equal to :
06 degrees below the horizon : civil twilight,
12 degrees below the horizon : nautical twilight,
18 degrees below the horizon : astronomical twilight.
10. DATE (D)
------------------Length of validity covers the period :
Beginning : Jan. 1 1900 0h (JD2415020.5).
End : Jan. 1 2099 0h (JD2487704.5).
The initial date of the computation can be chosen in four different ways :
1. Date (format YYYYMMDD).
Example : 19960408 (1996 Apr. 8).
2. Hour (format HHMMSS).
Example : 60200 (6h 2m 0s).
3. Date and hour (format YYYYMMDD.HHMMSS).
Example : 20101001.170945 (2010 Oct. 1 17h 9m 45s).
4. Julian date.
Example : 2451545.00000 (2000 Jan. 1 12h).
In case of rising, setting, transit and twilight times, the initial date of the
computation is given at 0h; the formats 1 (Date) and 4 (Julian date) are
only useful.
Example : Date = 19970714 or Julian date = 2450643.5 (1997 Jul. 14
---------------------------------Tab intervals between two running dates should not overstep 999 days.
They are given in a format which is related to the format which has been
chosen previously for the initial date of the computation.
If the initial date is a calendar date (YYYYMMDD), tab intervals are
given under the form : DDD.HHMMSS.
Example : 0.023000 for 2h 30m 0s.
If the initial date is a Julian date, tab intervals are given under the form :
Example : 1.5 for 1.5 day.
Exception : For rising, setting, transit, twilight times (E7), tab intervals
are always under the form : DDD (integer).
Example : 5 for 5 days.
-------------------------The choice of a location has to be done in the case of topocentric
coordinates (E4), rising, setting, transit and twilight times (E7).
Three possibilities are afforded :
* Name of a location
The user has to enter the name of a location (between 3 to 30
characters). He is not obliged to input the complete name.
Caution! The spelling of the locations names is in french.
- If the chosen location is found by the program the user has to confirm
his choice.
- If the program finds several homonyms, the user is requested to
choose among a proposed list of 15 names at most.
- If the name is unknown or if it exists more than 15 homonyms, the user
has to reenter his choice or to quit the current menu.
* Geographic zone
The user has to choose a location after selecting a geographic zone :
continent, country, french department.
* Coordinates of a location (terrestrial longitude and latitude)
The latitude has to be written with the format DD.MM, negatively
southward and positively northward, between -90.00 and +90.00.
Example : -7.5 for 7 degrees and 50 minutes South.
0.02 for 0 degree and 2 minutes North.
The longitude of the location has to be written with the format DDD.MM,
negatively westward and positively eastward between -180.00 and
Example : -150.33 for 150 degrees and 33 minutes West.
16 for 16 degrees and 0 minute East.
Remark :
The meridian origin of the longitudes depends on the choice of time
scale (see hereunder paragrah).
----------------------------Three possibilities are afforded to define the time scale of the
computations :
* Dynamical Time (DT)
This time belongs to the family of time scales introduced in 1984 to
replace "Ephemeris Time" (ET) which is commonly used in theories of
Celestial Mechanics.
We use Barycentric Dynamical Time (TDB) when ephemeris is referred
to the barycenter of solar system, and Terrestrial Time (TT) for
geocentric ephemeris.
Within the precision of the ephemeris provided by PLANEPH, Dynamical
Time (DT) can be identified to Terrestrial Time (TT) which is physically
realized by International Atomic Time (TAI). We have the relation : TT =
TAI + 32.184s.
* Universal Time (UT)
It is the civil time of Greenwich meridian. Within one second of precision,
it can be identified to Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) which is the
time used for hourly signals and broadcast clocks. The difference
between TAI and UTC is an integer number of seconds.
* Zone Time
It is the Universal Time (UT) shifted with an integer number of hours.
Eastward Greenwich meridian : from UT+1h to UT+12h
Westward Greenwich meridian : from UT-1h to UT-12h
The difference between DT and UT can be deduced from the difference
TAI-UTC given each year by IERS (International Service of the Earth
Rotation). As for example, on 1986 Jan. 1, one has TAI-UTC = 30s.
Hence : DT-UT = 62.184s
Since the representations of the planetary orbits are expressed in
Dynamical Time, the program PLANEPH uses an "estimate" of the
difference DT-UT when ephemeris have to be computed in Universal
Time or in one another civil time. This "estimate" is provided in the
Calendar (E9).
Origine Meridian :
The time scale determines the origine meridian of terrestrial longitudes.
It is Ephemeris meridian with Dynamical time (DT).
It is Greenwih meridian with Universal Time (UT) or civil times.
The Ephemeris meridian is 1.002737909*(DT-UT) east of the Greenwich
14. UNITS (U)
------------------Different choices of units are afforded for geometric, apparent,
astrometric and topocentric coordinates.
Units of distances :
- Astronomical unit (au),
- Kilometer (km).
Units of angles :
- Sexagesimal hour/degree,
- Decimal hour/degree,
- Sexagesimal degree,
- Decimal degree,
- Radian.
Sexagesimal or decimal hours are proposed in the following cases :
- Equatorial coordinates (geometric, apparent or astrometric right
- Horizontal coordinates (azimuth),
- Hour angles.
The time unit of the velocities for geometric ephemeris (E1) is always
the day.
------------------------Results are displayed either in interactive or in sequential mode.
* R1 : Interactive display
The ephemeris are computed for the chosen initial date, as well as for
the previous or the following dates, depending on the tab interval.
With the keys "+" and "-" the user can compute and display ephemeris
for the following (+) and previous (-) dates.
It is possible to change tab interval (I) in order to center the ephemeris
on the date in the middle of the displayed outputs.
At the end of the computation, the initial date is the central value
displayed on the screen.
* R2 : Sequential display
The ephemeris are computed sequentially starting at the initial date, and
with the chosen tab interval.
The number of dates of the ephemeris is defined by the user (maximum
: 999).
At the exit (Q), the initial date and tab interval remain unchanged, and
the user can view the whole set of results with the keys "+" and "-" for
following and previous dates, "S" and "E" for Start and End of the
With the key "B" the user can save his results on a Backup file at his
At the first use, the name of the file which is proposed is : planeph.res.
The backup file is registered in the current directory. Several files can be
created to save various ephemeris. If a file already exists to save new
outputs, results are appended on that file.
Backup files contain page skip characters (Ctrl-L) for printing.
-----------------------------------------------The command Q in the main menu allows to quit the program. The user
has to confirm his request, and is able to save the specifications of the
last computation to reallocate them for a further run of the program.
In case of FATAL ERROR during the computation of the program, a
message requests the user to quit the program. He may report to the
authors the informations contained in the file : planeph.err.
------------------------------------------Several files are created during a run of the program, in the current
directory :
* File : planeph.prm.
The file contains the specifications of the last computation before leaving
the application, if the user has chosen this option.
* File : planeph.tmp.
The file is created when the user chooses a sequential display of the
results (R2). It is automatically scratched at the end of the program
unless an abnormal termination.
* File planeph.res.
This is the file which is proposed to the user when saving sequential
results (R2). At the end of the program, the user has to handle the
backup files created during the application : printing, copy, scratch ,...
* File planeph.err.
This file contains the parameters of the computations in case of a
-----------------------The precision of the representation used for the computation of the
planetary ephemeris can be estimated by the largest discrepancies
obtained with a comparison to the original ephemeris DE403, which are
used as source.
Geometric equatorial coordinates J2000
Body Heliocentric Geocentric
Mercury 0.010" 0.006"
Venus 0.002" 0.011"
E-M Barycenter 0.002"
Mars 0.002" 0.009"
Jupiter 0.002" 0.002"
Saturn 0.002" 0.002"
Uranus 0.002" 0.002"
Neptune 0.001" 0.001"
Pluto 0.005" 0.005"
Sun 0.005"
The precision of the results when using the program PLANEPH depends
also of the values of the constants used (see below).
Results are often displayed with 1 or 2 extra-digits beyond the precision.
------------------------Standard epoch J2000 1/1/2000 0h DJ2451545.0
Julian century 36525 days
Astronomical unit 149597870.691 km (DE403)
Light time (1 au) 0.577551833 d/au
Earth Equatorial radius 6378.137 km (DE403)
Oblateness of the Earth 0.335281
Gm = k2 * Mass(Body) / Mass(Sun) ; source : DE403
Gm Sun 0.2959122082855911 -03
Gm Mercury 0.4912547451450812 -10
Gm Venus 0.7243452486162703 -09
Gm Earth-Moon Barycenter :0.8997011374291877 -09
Gm Mars 0.9549535105779258 -10
Gm Jupiter 0.2825345909524226 -06
Gm Saturn 0.8459715185680659 -07
Gm Uranus 0.1292024916781969 -07
Gm Neptune 0.1524358900784276 -07
Gm Pluto 0.2188699765425970 -11
Sidereal time : Aoki et al., 1982, The New Definition of Universal Time,
Astron.& Astrophys., 105, 359.
Precession : Lieske et al., 1977, Expressions for the Precession
Quantities Based upon the IAU (1976) System
of Astronomical Constants, Astron.& Astrophys., 58, 1.
Nutation : IAU 1980 Theory of Nutation, J. M. Wahr, 1981, The forced
nutation of an elliptical, rotating, elastic and oceanless earth, Geophys.
J. R. astr. Soc., 64, 705.
Refraction : Tables de R. Radau, Annales de l'Observatoire de Paris.
Tome XIX.
Planetary elements : Davis M.E. et al., 1992, Report of the
IAU/IAG/COSPAR Working Group on cartographic coordinates and
rotation elements of planets and satellites : 1991, Celest. Mech., 53,
Magnitudes : Harris D.L., 1961, Photometry and Colorimetry of Planets
and Satellites, Planets and Satellites, G.P. Kuiper and B.A. Middlehurst
eds. University of Chicago Press, 272.
--------------------------Chapront J., 1995, Representation of planetary ephemerides by
frequency analysis, Astron.& Astrophys. Suppl. Series, 109, 181.
Standish E.M., Newhall X.X., Williams J.G., Folkner W.M., 1995, JPL
Planetary and Lunar Ephemerides DE403/LE403.
Interoffice Memorandum, IOM 314,10 - 127 Jet Propulsion Laboratory.
Chapront J., Francou G., Rocher P., Representation of an ephemeris by
frequency analysis. Applications to planets and satellites. IAU
Colloquium 165, Poznan, Poland (July 1996).
<End of document>
Il existe une version Word 97 nommée ephemeri.doc