Rocks and Sediment Rock Types: Igneous (cool from magma), Metamorphic (change through elevated pressures and temperatures) and Sedimentary (particles eroded and transported, or formed from precipitation out of seawater) Sedimentary Texture-mainly important in CLASTIC sediment-transported particles Roundness, grainsize, sorting Grainsize depends mainly on velocity of the water transporting the sediment Faster water = larger grainsize Grainsize is usually measured in loose sediment with sieves. WENTWORTH scale defines the sizes on a logarithmic scale due to the hydrodynamic properties of grains Gravel (boulders, cobbles, pebbles, granules) is larger than 2 mm diameter Sand ranges from 2 mm to 1/16 mm in diameter Mud (silt and clay) is finer than 1/16 mm Sorting is a measure of the variation of grainsize. Certain environments tend to better sort sediment than others. Roundness is a function of how long the particles have been in transport, more rounding with more time. Composition depends on two things: original source material (e.g. Hawaii has a lot of basalt, so we would expect basalt sand and not quartz sand) amount of weathering. Quartz is by far the most chemically stable rock-forming mineral, so as the sediment weathers, the % of quartz increases as other minerals weather away. Overall description of the changes that take place with sediment is called the MATURITY of the sediment. Most mature is sand sized particles that are round and made of quartz. Carbonate sediment has a different set of rules as it is mainly formed by the biologic processes of calcite secreting shells. Grainsize and shape are much more dependent on the original shape than on any sort of weathering/rounding process. Carbonate sediment is usually found in areas away from clastic sediment influx.