Each unit will revolve around a historical theatrical tradition

Hawthorne High School
Adv. Drama
Mr. Ingram
Fine Arts
(310) 263-4400 x7019
Hello Students and Parents,
My name is Mr. Ingram, and I will be the Drama instructor for this class. I feel it is very important to
know that my students and I have the full support of their families and community. This class
should prepare the student for life after high school by raising artistic awareness, developing
communication skills, and providing a safe environment for self expression and personal growth. In
addition to teaching self confidence, drama teaches crafts, skills, and leadership abilities.
As supervising instructor for the Drama Club, I want to take this opportunity to inform you that we
are always looking for parent volunteers and boosters for our school drama performances. If you
are interested in supporting your student by building sets, sewing costumes, fundraising, selling
tickets, or any kind of assistance, we would appreciate your involvement greatly.
Please take a moment to read and review the information in this syllabus with your student to
confirm an understanding of and a consent to the class rules, expectations, assignments,
materials, and other course policies.
The Teacher and Students will Maintain a Respectful Learning Environment:
1. RESPECT SAFETY: Safety (both physical and emotional) is most important in the theater.
2. RESPECT PEOPLE: Be respectful to other students, teachers, guests, and yourself.
3. RESPECT TIME: Use restrooms during passing period. Be in your seat, prepared to work when
the bell rings or be marked tardy. 3 unexcused tardies equal an unexcused absence in my class.
4. RESPECT PROPERTY: In addition to not stealing or using things without permission, NO
electronic devices are to be used during instruction unless you have permission from the teacher.
5. RESPECT POLICIES & PROCEDURES: Not only must students follow procedures for this class,
but they must obey all school rules while on campus, and in the presence of school faculty/staff.
1. PARENT CONTACT: Students with good
attendance, work, or behavioral habits will
receive positive phone calls or a letter home.
2. EXTRA CREDIT: Students may earn extra
credit through extra commitment and effort.
attendance, and behavior affect these.
4. DRAMA CLUB: Join the Drama Club by
attending bi-monthly meetings.
5. GO TO COLLEGE: Drama helps to improve
communication skills and it’s FUN.
Class Consequence (stand outside, etc)
Points Taken
Lunch Detention
Parent Contact
Administration (Defiance)
*This sequence does not apply to every situation
and offense. It is a simplified version of the
school discipline flow chart.
Grading Policies: 1000 Points Total per Semester
0 → 599
D– → D+
600 → 699
C – → C+
700 → 799
B – → B+
800 → 899
A – → A+
900 → 1000+
Paperwork: Weekly class participation assignments are due at the end of class, on the last class
day of each week. Students must submit assignments in a portfolio (3-ring binder). Class
assignments, handouts, and paperwork updates shall be available on the school website:
Late work for unexcused absences will not be accepted. Parents MUST call in to the office to
excuse an absence within 10 days to excuse an absence. However, students are responsible for
making up any and all missed work for excused absences within one week of the absence(s).
The NoGo List: The NoGo policy states, “No appeal requests will be honored for appeals for
students wanting to participate in any EXTRA-CURRICULAR activity/event” and “all field trips are
subject to the NoGo List. NO EXCEPTIONS.” Because of this, no student who is currently on the list
will be allowed to participate in Theatre Festival field trips or Department Productions as anything
but audience. If a student is not able to complete their Department Production or Festival Scene
assignment due to the NoGo list or serious illness, the student will be given a written assignment to
allow them to makeup the credit. Note that ONLY the aforementioned reasons will allow a student to
do these makeup assignments. Advanced Drama requires commitment.
Assignment Descriptions and Point Values: 1000 Points Total
Writing Workshops- 50pts x 2: Students will use time in class to write acting résumés, scenes,
acts, and plays. Students must keep a writer’s notebook, and use a computer to type their progress
on a regular basis. Students are advised to set up an email address and send the most recent
updates to the instructor and themselves to ensure that progress will be saved. Students will
regularly critique, and be critiqued on the quality and effectiveness of their dramatic writings. One
month before the end of the school year, students will vote on the top play(s) or scenes, and the
students will produce, perform, and direct the written works as the Summer Student Production.
Department Productions- 200pts: Students in the class are divided evenly into five teams that
correspond to five elements of technical theatre (Set, Costumes, Lighting, Props, and Makeup).
Each student will be required to design or assist one Department Production per semester in their
appropriate technical element (if the student designs the technical area in the first semester, they
must assist in the second semester, or vice versa). Whether designing or assisting, the student will
be required to: help the instructor in designing the technical element; attend all technical rehearsals;
supervise ten hours of after-school or Saturday work sessions; and make a report on the
effectiveness of their contribution to the show. (Stage management or assistant directing for a
Department Production can be applied to this grade if all other requirements are met.)
Student Directed Scene/Festival Scenes- 200pts/100pts each: Twice each semester,
students must research a scene or play from a selected theatrical style, and direct, design, or
perform in it. Students will demonstrate an understanding of the play or scene and the theatrical
conventions of the theatrical style. Students will apply their knowledge of the professional standards
for actors, technicians, directors, stage managers, designers, and researchers by staging the
scene. For Student Directed Scenes, students will receive half of their credit for a prompt script,
which is divided into four parts. The remaining half of the grade is based on each student’s
direction, stagecraft, or performance. For Festival Scenes, students will receive full credit for the
performance and presentation of the scene (paperwork is recommended, but is optional).
Theatre Manifesto/Directing Analysis - 100pts: 10 minute presentation or 1500 words
minimum for each. The Manifesto is a measure of the individual student’s opinions on and
knowledge of theatre. Students will respond to such questions as: What does theatre mean to you?
Is theatre dead? How can theatre change people’s lives? Etc. The Directing Analysis will follow the
same format as the Student Directed Scene Prompt Script, but will be presented to the class for a
vote is to determine the student directors of the Summer Student Production.
Summer Student Production- 200pts: At the end of the year, the entire class is responsible
for the staging of student-written work to demonstrate and apply their understanding of theatrical
directing, production, and performance as a whole. Some students will perform, others will design,
and a few will direct. The grade is based on individual commitment, attendance, and the quality of
the production. The students will stage the show as an ensemble, but will be graded individually.
Class Participation and Performance- 10pts/week x 20 weeks: Students will be required to
participate in acting exercises, writing, improvisations, theatrical history/theory presentations, notes,
and maintenance of the theater. Students will automatically receive credit for attendance and
participation each week, but points will be subtracted for unacceptable behavior, unexcused tardies,
and unexcused absences. The ten points merely represents an average for weekly assignments.
Extra Credit: Students will have many opportunities to earn extra credit by completing extra class
assignments. Work Session = one point for each hour of quality work. Department Productions =
students who assist in a technical area for an additional Department Production will receive one
point for each hour of quality technical assistance. Performance = Students performing in
Department Productions will receive one point for each hour of quality rehearsals and performances
they do. Extra Credit and Drama Club = hours used for class assignments cannot be applied to
drama club hours, however extra credit hours from Work Sessions or Department Productions may
be applied to Drama Club hours because the Drama Club’s main function is to promote these
events. Fundraising hours are not considered part of Work Sessions or Department Productions.
Supplies: Students must come to class prepared with the following materials every day:
 2” 3-ringed binder (for this class only)
 5 labeled dividers
 Lined loose-leaf paper (notes)
 Pens/Pencils
 Non-spiral notebook (journal)
 Play Scripts/Books Distributed by Teacher
-----------------------------------------------------------------------cut here-----------------------------------------------------------------------
Emergency Contact Information:
Parent Daytime Phone Number(s):
Parent Evening Phone Number(s):
Emergency Contact Information:
Evening (
Is the student allergic to any substance or medicine?
□ no, □ yes; what? ________________________
Does the student require regulated or emergency medicine (insulin, asthma inhalers, etc)? What?
Explain any other information that may be pertinent to your child’s health or safety __________________
Class Calendar:
Résumé Workshop/Monologues
Student Directed Scene (paired scene)
DP Fall Play
Scene Writing Workshop/Improvs
DP Talent Show
Theatre Manifesto/Theory
DP Winter Play
Student Directed Scene (4+ scene)
Act Writing Workshop/Readings
Festival Scenes (Dominguez Hills)
DP Spring Play
Play Writing Workshop/History
DP Battle of the Bands
Director’s Script Analysis/Production
Festival Scenes (CSULB)
Final- Summer Student Production
Advanced Drama and Drama Club
Advanced Drama should ideally contain the most experienced, talented, and dedicated drama
students. Because of this, the drama class should contain as many drama club members (and
officers) as possible to strengthen the communication between the advisor and the club. Club
membership is not required to be in the class, nor does class enrollment entitle club members to
special privileges concerning club attendance. However, since class credit is the priority, SchoolWide Production hours can count toward the minimum number of club hours required for club
membership. Club membership is an additional opportunity to be involved in the advancement of
the performing arts.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------cut here----------------------------------------------------------------------Please detach this portion of the pamphlet and send it to school with your student for a grade.
Audio/Video Release
I would like to ask for your approval to video tape, photograph, and audiotape your child’s performances during
class and school plays. The purpose is to document his/her progress in acting and performance. I find audio-video
recording to be an indispensable teaching tool for young actors because it allows them to see and hear what they
say and do on stage. It provides a unique opportunity to improve one’s skills. Any recording of your student’s
performances will be limited to classroom display and to the school website for parent and student viewing.
□ Approve ____ □ Disapprove ____
Parent/Student Contract:
I/We the parent or guardian/s of ___________________ (student) have read and agree to the class rules,
grading procedures, release, and attendance policy, for Mr. Ingram’s class, as well as all school policies.
I/We understand that the student has also signed and agreed to the same. If there is any emergency,
discipline concern, or feedback (positive or negative), I understand the teacher may contact me.
Parent Name (print)
Parent Name (print)
Parent Signature
Student Name (print)
Parent Signature
Student Signature