Key Terms Ch 30 Pages 809-817

Mona Cheng
Period 3
Key Term
Brown v. Board of Education May 17 , 1954; Involved the segregation of the Kansas public
schools  Ruled for the desegregation of schools after having
a case where a young black girl had to travel miles to go to a
black school when she lives near a white school.
“Separate but Equal”
Ruled that separate schools were not equal; it damages those
Doctrine Overturned
who are affected by it  Brown II  implemented the ruling
in the case
“Massive Resistance”
A lot of southerners did not like the ruling; some schools
ignored the law, some schools circumvented it; 100+ southern
Congress members signed a “manifesto” to try to get rid of the
laws that desegregated schools.
Shuttlesworth v.
Southerners wanted to make the desegregation of schools
Birmingham Board of
unconstitutional  this court case refused to declare those
laws unconstitutional.
Little Rock
Desegregation in Little Rock, Arkansas was demanded by the
federal courts but mobs intervened when they tried to
desegregate the school and Governor Orval Faubus did not do
anything to stop it; Eisenhower the National Guard there to
restore order and make sure the law was obeyed  Little Rock
finally then accepted its first black students.
Montgomery Bus Boycott
Rosa Parks started it in Montgomery, Alabama when she
refused to give up her seat; organized black groups then seized
this as their chance to boycott the segregation of bus seating 
all blacks were boycotting the buses; in 1956, Supreme Court
ruled that the segregation in public transportation was illegal.
Martin Luther King’s
Did not believe in using violence to solve the issues they were
facing; peaceful demonstrations  allow themselves to be
arrested or beaten  do not fight back; influential and widely
admired as a black leader.
Legacy of World War II
A factor that contributed to the rise of African America
protests; millions of men and women who were black had
worked in the military/war plants and have more experience
and a broader outlook of the world.  Was able to see their
poor and isolated place in the world.
Urban Black Middle Class
Another factor contributing to the rise of African American
protests; Supporters of the civil rights in black communities 
ministers, educators, professionals, students at black
college/universities; urban blacks  had more opportunities to
interact with each other than rural blacks who were under the
direct supervision of whites.
Business Leaders’ New
Many started to believe in a New Deal idea  the Keynesian
welfare state  would maintain social order  increase mass
purchasing power and stabilize labor relations.
Federal Highway Act of
Election of 1956
Army-McCarthy Hearings
Economic Benefits of
“Massive Retaliation”
Dien Bien Phu
Recognizing Israel
Suez Crisis
Fidel Castro
Hungarian Revolution of
Eisenhower’s Restraint
Allowed for a 10 year project costing $25 billion dollars to
build 40,000+ miles of interstate highways; paid through new
taxes, and the purchase of fuel, automobiles, trucks, and tires.
Eisenhower won by a landslide over Adlai Stevenson 
Democrats retained control of both houses in Congress
McCarthy accused Secretary of the Army Robert Stevens and
the armed services of being communists  became a
publicized court hearing  McCarthy bullied the witnesses,
accused without and evidence and evaded issues which made
his widely disliked  died a few years later.
Using nuclear weapons would be more cost-efficient; the
government would not have to spend a lot of money on the
American army to fight in battles/wars.
Early 1954; Village in Vietnam that 12,000 French troops were
surrounded in; May 7th, 1954  French collapsed in Vietnam
without American help – Eisenhower did not think American
intervention was permitted/would have been supported;
May 14th, 1948  Israel declared its independence and was
recognized by Truman the day after; Palestinian Arabs did not
like being displaced from their own country  many ArabIsraeli wars are to follow.
General Gamal Abdel Nasser of Egypt seized Suez Canal from
the British to build their great Aswan Dam across the Nile
since the U.S. withdrew their offers to assist them when Nasser
began to develop a trading relationship with the Soviet Union.
1957; Led a resistance against the Batista regime (was the
leader of Cuba); Established a new government in Cuba.
Hungarian dissidents were demanding democratic reforms;
Soviet tanks and troops went into Budapest and ceased the
uprising  restored a pro-Soviet regime; Eisenhower did not
intervene in this at all.
Did not intervene in Vietnam with his military; Restrained
from creating a large American military establishment though
it was urged by a lot of people.