Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología Directorio de Científicos y Tecnólogos Peruanos Octubre del 2001 CURRÍCULO RESUMIDO COORDENADAS Nombre Año de nacimiento Dirección postal Dirección electrónica Página web Teléfonos Facsímiles Institución actual : Ronald F. Woodman : 1934 : Instituto Geofísico del Perú, Apartado 13-0207, Lima 13, Perú : : : : : Instituto Geofísico del Perú - Radio Observatorio de Jicamarca Especialidad científica o tecnológica : Física del radio y Plasma. Sensores Remotos de la Alta Atmósfera. Grado más alto obtenido (indicar institución y año) : Dr (Ph D) en Física Aplicada, Universidad de Harvard, 1967 COLABORADORES MÁS FRECUENTES Nombres: PUBLICACIONES EN REVISTAS ARBITRADAS (en orden regresivo, añadir páginas si necesario, omitir ponencias en eventos) 1. Woodman RF, Chau JL: First Jicamarca radar observations of two-stream E region irregularities under daytime counter equatorial electroject conditions, Journal of Geophysical Research 107(A12): 10.1029/2002JA009362, 2002 2. Kudeki Erhan, Woodman RF: Incoherent-scatter plasma density measurements at Jicamarca using a transverse-mode differential-phase method, Geophysical Research Letters, In press, 2002 3. Kelley MC, Chen CY, Beland RR, Woodman R, Chau JL, Fritts D: Life history of a Kelvin-Helmholtz instability in the upper troposphere, Geophysical Research Letters, In press, 2002 4. Chau JL, Woodman RF, Flores LA: Statistical characteristics of low-latitude ionospheric field-aligned irregularities obtained with the Piura VHF radar, Annales Geophysicae 20(8): 1203-1212, 2002 5. Feng Zhaomei, Kudeki Erhan, Woodman RF, Chau JL: Transverse-beam incoherent scatter radar measurements of F-region plasma densities at Jicamarca, Radio Science, Submitted, 2002 6. Huaman Mercedes M, Kelley Michael C, Hocking Wayne K, Woodman Ronald F: Polar mesosphere summer echo studies at 51.5 MHz at Resolute Bay, Canada: comparison with Poker Flat results, Radio Science 36(6): 1823-1837, 2001 7. Bernhardt P, Huba J, Kudeki E, Woodman R, Condori L, Villanueva F: Lifetime of a depression in the plasma density over Jicamarca produced by space shuttle exhaust in the ionosphere, Radio Science 36(5): 1209-1220, 2001 8. Chau J, Woodman R: Interferometric and dual beam observations of daytime spread-Flike irregularities over Jicamarca, Geophysical Research Letters 28(18): 3581-3584, 2001 9. Chau J, Woodman R: Three-dimensional coherent radar imaging at Jicamarca: comparison of different inversion techniques, Journal of Atmospheric and SolarTerrestrial Physics 63(2-3): 253-261, 2001 10. Woodman R, Chau J: Antenna compression using binary phase coding, Radio Science 36(1): 45-51, 2001 11. Chau J, Woodman R: Equatorial Quasiperiodic Echoes from Field-aligned Irregularities Observed over Jicamarca, Geophys. Res. Lett. 28(2): 207-209, 2001 12. Kudeki E, Bhattacharyya S, Woodman R: A new approach in incoherent F-region E x B drift measurement at Jicamarca, Jour. of Geophys. Res. 104(A12): 28145-28162, 1999 13. Chau J, Woodman R: Low-latitude quasiperiodic echoes observed with the Piura VHF radar in the E region, Geophys. Res. Lett. 26(14): 2167-2170, 1999 14. Woodman, R, Chau J, Aquino F, Rodriguez R, Flores L: Low-latitude field-aligned irregularities observed in the F region with the Piura VHF radar: First results, Radio Science 34(4): 983-990, 1999 15. Woodman R, Balsley B, Aquino F, Flores L, Vásquez E, Sarango M, Huamán M, Soldi H: First Observations of Polar Mesospheric Summer Echoes in Antarctica, Jour of Geophys. Res. 104(A10): 22577-22590, 1999 16. Brandolini A, Balsley B, Mabres A, Woodman R, Capsoni C, D’Amico M, Ecklund W, Hagfors T, Harper R, Heron M, Hocking W, Lehtinen M, Rottger J, Sarango M, Sato T, Stauch R, Vaughn J, Wyatt L, Zrnic, D: Report from the International Workshop on Remote Sensing in Geophysics using Doppler Techniques, Bull. of Amer. Meteor. Soc. 79(4): 643-656, 1998 17. Swartz W, Woodman R: Same Night Observations of Spread-F by the Jicamarca Radio Observatory in Peru and Cupri in Alcantara, Brazil, Geophys. Res. Lett. 25(1): 17-20, 1998 18. Hysell D, Larsen M, Woodman R: JULIA radar studies of electric fields in the equatorial electrojet, Geophys. Res. Lett. 24(13): 1687-1690, 1997 19. Aponte N, Woodman R, Swartz W, Farley D: Measuring ionospheric densities, temperatures, and drift velocities simultaneously at Jicamarca, Geophys. Res. Lett. 24(22): 2941-2944, 1997 20. Woodman R: Coherent radar imaging: Signal processing and statistical properties, Radio Science 32(6): 2373-2391, 1997 21. Ragaini E, Woodman R: Demodulation of complex baseband radar signals for the analysis of multiple narrow spectral lines, Radio Science 32(2): 783-789, 1997 22. Hysell D, Woodman R: Imaging coherent backscatter radar observations of topside equatorial spread F, Radio Science 32(6): 2309-2320, 1997 23. Woodman R: On the true velocity in full correlation analysis, Radio Science 30(5): 1459-1465, 1995 24. Balsley B, Woodman R, Sarango M, Rodríguez R, Urbina J, Carey J, Ragaini E, Huamán M: On the lack of southern-hemisphere polar mesosphere summer echoes, J. Geophys. Res. 100(D6): 11685-11693, 1995 25. Maekawa Y, Fukao S, Yamamoto M, Yamanaka M, Tsuda T, Kato S, Woodman R First Observation of the Upper Stratospheric Vertical Wind Velocities Using the Jicamarca VHF Radar, Geophys. Res. Lett., 20: 2235-2238, 1993 26. Balsley B, Woodman R, Sarango M, Rodríguez R, Urbina J, Ragaini E, Carey J: Southern-Hemisphere PMSE: Where are they?, Geophys. Res. Lett. 20: 1983-1985, 1993 27. Larsen M, Palmer R, Fukao S, Woodman R, Yamamoto M, Tsuda T, Kato S: An Analysis Technique for Deriving Vector Winds and In-Beam Incidence Angles from Radar Interferometer Measurements, J. Atmos. Ocean. Tech. 9: 3-14, 1992 28. Fritts D, Yuan L, Hitchman M, Coy L, Kudeki E, Woodman R: Dynamics of the Equatorial Meso sphere Observed Using the Jicamarca MST Radar During June and August 1987, Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 49: 2353-2371, 1992 29. Fejer B, De Paula E, Gonzales S, Woodman R: Average Vertical and Zonal F-Region Plasma Drifts over Jicamarca, J.Geophys.Res 96: 13901-13906, 1991 30. Woodman R, Yamamoto M, Fukao S: Gravity Wave Modulation of Gradient Drift Instabilities in Mid-Latitude Sporadic E Irregularities, Geophys. Res. Let. 7: 11971200, 1991 31. Woodman R: A General Statistical Instrument Theory of Atmospheric and Ionospheric Radars, J. Geophys. Res 96: 7911-7928, 1991 32. Palmer R, Larsen M, Woodman R, Fukao S, Yamamoto M, Tsuda T, Kato S: VHF Radar Interferometry Measurements of Vertical Velocity and the Effect of Tilted Refractivity Surfaces on Standard Doppler Measurements, Radio Science 26: 417-427, 1991 33. Yamamoto M, Fukao S, Woodman R, Ogawa T, Tsuda T, Kato S: Mid-Latitude ERegion Field-Aligned Irregularities Observed with the MU Radar, J. Geophys. Res 96: 15943-15949, 1991 34. Palmer R, Woodman R, Fukao S, Tsuda T, Kato S: Three-Antenna Post Statistic Steering Using the MU Radar, Radio Science 25: 1105-1110, 1990 35. Palmer R, Woodman R, Fukao S, Larsen M, Yamamoto M, Tsuda T, Kato S: Frequency Domain Interferometry Observ-ations of Tropo/Stratospheric Scattering Layers Using the MU Radar:Description and First Results, Geophys. Res. Lett. 17: 2189-2192, 1990 36. Kudeki E, Woodman R: A Post-Statistics Steering Technique for MST Radar Applications, Radio Science 25: 591-594, 1990 37. Kudeki E, Surucu F, Woodman R: Mesospheric Wind and Aspect Sensitivity Measurements at Jicamarca Using Radar Interferometry and Post- Statistics Steering Techniques, Radio Science 25: 595-612, 1990 38. Ierkic H, Woodman R, Perillat P: Ultra-High Vertical Resolution Radar Measurements in the Lower Stratosphere at Arecibo, Radio Science 25: 941-952, 1990 39. Hysell D, Kelley M, Swartz W, Woodman R: Seeding and Layering of Equatorial Spread F by Gravity Waves, J. Geophys. Res 95(17): 253, 1990 40. Fejer B, Kelley M, Senior C, Beaujardiere O, Holt J, Tepley C, Burnside R, Abdu M, Sobral J, Woodman R, Kamide Y, Lepping R: Low- and Mid-Latitude Ionospheric Electric Fields during the January 1984 GISMOS Campaign, J. Geophys. Res, 95: 2367-2377, 1990 41. Woodman R, Chu Y: Aspect Sensitivity Measurements of VHF Backscatter Made with the Chung-Li Radar: Plausible Mechanisms, Radio Science 24: 113-125, 1989 42. Fejer B, De Paula E, Batista E, Woodman R, Bonelli E :Equatorial F Region Vertical Plasma Drifts During Solar Máxima, J. Geophys. Res 94: 12249-12255, 1989 43. Szuszczewicz E, Fejer B, Roelof E, Schunk R, Wolf R, Leitinger R, Abdu M, Reddy B, Joselyn J, Wilkinson P, Woodman R: SUNDIAL: A World-Wide Study of Interactive Ionospheric Processes and their Roles in the Transfer of Energy and Mass in the SunEarth System, Ann. Geophys. 6: 3-18, 1988 44. Biondi M, Fejer B, Woodman R, Meriwether J: Measurements of the Dynamics and Coupling of the Equatorial Thermosphere and the F-Region Ionosphere in Perú, J. Atmos. Terr. Phys. 50: 937-942, 1988 45. Abdu M, Reddy B, Walker G, Hanbaba R, Sobral J, Fejer B, Woodman R, Schunk R, Szuszczewicz E: Processes in the Quiet and Disturbed Equatorial-Low Latitude Ionosphere: SUNDIAL Campaign 1984, Ann. Geophys. 6(1): 69-80, 1988 46. Larsen M, Woodman R, Sato T, Davis M: Power Spectra of Oblique Velocities in the Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere Observed at Arecibo, Puerto Rico Puerto Rico, J. Atmos. Sci. 43: 2230-2240, 1986 47. Kelley M, Labelle J, Kudeki E, Fejer B, Basu Sa, Basu Su, Baker K, Hanuise C, Argo P, Woodman R, Swartz W, Farley D, Meriwether J: The Condor Equatorial Spread F Campaign: Overview and Results of the Large-Scale Measurements, J. Geophys. Res. 91: 5487-5503, 1986 48. Woodman R, Pingree J, Swartz W: Spread-F-like Irregularities observed by the Jicamarca Radar during the Day-time, J. Atmos. Terr. Phys 47: 867-874, 1985 49. Woodman R: Spectral Moment Estimation in MST Radars, Radio Science 20: 11851195, 1985 50. Sulzer M, Woodman R: Pulse Compression Hardware Decoding Techniques for MST Radars, Radio Science 20: 1146-1154, 1985 51. Pfaff R, Kelley M, Fejer B, Maynard N, Brace L, Ledley B, Smith L, Woodman R: Comparative In Situ Studies of the Unstable Day-time Equatorial E Region, J. Atmos. Terr. Phys. 47: 791-811, 1985 52. Woodman R, Rastogi P: Evaluation of Effective Eddy Diffusive Coefficients using Radar Observations of Turbulence in the Stratosphere, Geophys. Res. Lett. 11: 243246, 1984 53. Woodman R, Kudeki E: A Causal Relationship between Lightning and Explosive Spread F, Geophys. Res. Lett. 11: 1165-1167, 1984 54. Sulzer M, Woodman R: Quasi-Complementary Codes: A new Technique for MST Radar Sounding, Radio Science 19: 337-344, 1984 55. Maekawa Y, Fukao S, Sato T, Kato S, Woodman R: Internal Inertia-Gravity Waves in the Tropical Lower Stratosphere Observed by the Arecibo Radar, J. Atmos. Sci 41: 2359-2367, 1984 56. Lunnen R, Lee H, Ferraro A, Collins T, Woodman R: Detection of Radiation from a Heated and Modulated Equatorial Electrojet Current System, Nature 311: 134-135, 1984 57. Gonzales C, Woodman R: Pulse Compression Techniques with Application to HF Probing of the Mesosphere, Radio Science 19: 871-877, 1984 58. Fritts D, Geller M, Balsley B, Chanin M, Hirota I, Holton J, Kato S, Lindzen R, Schoeberl M, Vincent R, Woodman R: Research Status and Recommendations from the Alaska Workshop on Gravity Waves and Turbulence in the Middle Atmosphere, Fairbanks, Alaska, 18-22 July 1983, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 65: 149-159, 1984 59. Sato T, Woodman R: Spectral Parameter Estimation of CAT Radar Echoes in the Presence of Fading Clutter, Radio Science 17: 817-826, 1982 60. Sato T, Woodman R: Fine Altitude Resolution Observations of Stratospheric Turbulent Layers by the Arecibo 430 MHz Radar, J. Atmos. Sci. 39: 2546-2552, 1982 61. Sato T, Woodman R: Fine Altitude Resolution Radar Observations of UpperTropospheric and Lower- Stratospheric Winds and Waves, J. Atmos. Sci. 39: 25392545, 1982 62. Larsen M, Swartz W, Woodman R: Gravity-Wave Generation by Thunderstorms Observed with a Vertically-Pointing 430 MHz Radar, Geophys. Res. Lett. 9: 571-574, 1982 63. Gonzales C, Behnke R, Woodman R: Doppler Measurements with a Digital Ionosonde: Technique and Comparison of Results with Incoherent Scatter Data, Radio Science 17: 1827-1833, 1982 64. Fejer B, Farley D, Gonzales C, Woodman R, Calderon C: F Region East-West Drifts at Jicamarca, J. Geophys. Res. 86: 2150-2180, 1981 65. Woodman R, Kugel R, Rottger J: A Coherent Integrator-Decoder Preprocessor for the SOUSY-VHF-Radar, Radio Science 15: 233-242, 1980 66. Woodman R: High-Altitude Resolution Stratospheric Measurements with the Arecibo 430-MHz Radar, Radio Science 15: 417-422, 1980 67. Woodman R :High-Altitude-Resolution Stratospheric Measurements with the Arecibo 2380-MHz Radar, Radio Science 15: 423-430, 1980 68. Richmond A, Blanc M, Emery B, Wand R, Fejer B, Woodman R, Ganguly S, Amayenc P, Behnke R, Calderon C, Evans J: An Empirical Model of Quiet-Day Ionospheric Electric Fields at Middle and Low Latitudes, J. Geophys. Res. 85: 4658-4664, 1980 69. Rottger J, Rastogi P, Woodman R: High-Resolution VHF Radar Observations of Turbulence Structures in the Mesosphere, Geophys. Res. Lett. 6: 617-620, 1979 70. Gonzales C, Kelley M, Fejer B, Vickrey J, Woodman R: Equatorial Electric Fields During Magnetically Disturbed Conditions 2. Implications of Simultaneous Auroral and Equatorial Measurements, J. Geophys. Res 84: 5803-5812, 1979 71. Fukao S, Sato T, Kato S, Harper R, Woodman R, Gordon W: Mesospheric Winds and Waves over Jicamarca on May 23-24, 1974, J. Geophys. Res. 84: 4379-4386, 1979 72. Fejer B, Gonzales C, Farley D, Kelley M, Woodman R: Equatorial Electric Fields During Magnetically Disturbed Conditions 1. The Effect of the Interplanetary Magnetic Field, J.Geophys.Res. 84: 5797-5802, 1979 73. Fejer B, Farley D, Woodman R, Calderon C: Dependence of Equatorial F Region Vertical Drifts on Season and Solar Cycle, J. Geophys. Res. 84: 5792-5796, 1979 74. Woodman R, Basu Su: Comparison Between In-Situ Spectral Measurements of FRegion Irregularities and Backscatter Observations at 3 m. Wavelength, Geophys. Res. Lett. 5: 869-872, 1978 75. Ruster R, Rottger J, Woodman R: Radar Measurements of Waves in the Lower Stratosphere, Geophys. Res. Lett. 5: 555-558, 1978 76. Rastogi R, Woodman R: VHF Radio Wave Scattering due to Range and Frequency Types of Equatorial Spread-F, J. Atmos. Terr. Phys. 40: 485-491, 1978 77. Rastogi R, Woodman R: Spread F in Equatorial Ionograms Associated with Reversal of Horizontal F Region Electric Field, Ann. Geophys. 34: 31-36, 1978 78. Rastogi R, Hedgecock P, Woodman R: Correlated Changes in the Equatorial Electrojet and in the Interplanetary Magnetic Field During a Geomagnetic Storm, J. Atmos. Terr. Phys. 40: 867-869, 1978 79. Fukao S, Kato S, Yokoi S, Harper R, Woodman R, Gordon W: One Full-Day Radar Measurement of Lower Stratospheric Winds over Jicamarca, J.Atmos. Terr. Phys. 40: 1331-1337, 1978 80. Fejer J, Rinnert K, Woodman R: Detection of Stimulated Brillouin Detection of Stimulated Brillouin, J. Geophys. Res. 83: 2133-2136, 1978 81. Woodman R Rastogi R, Calderon C: Solar Cycle Effects on the Electric Fields in the Equatorial Ionosphere, J. Geophys. Res. 82: 5257-5261, 1977 82. Woodman R: Mesospheric Winds at Equatorial Latitudes: A Review on Observational Aspects, J. Atmos. Terr. Phys. 39: 941-958, 1977 83. Morse F, Edgar B, Koons H, Rice C, Heikkila W, Hoffman J, Tinsley B, Winningham J, Christensen A, Woodman R, Pomalaza J, Teixeira N: Equion, an Equatorial Ionospheric Irregularity Experiment, J.Geophys.Res. 82: 578-592, 1977 84. Harper R, Woodman R: Preliminary Multiheight Radar Observations of Waves and Winds in the Mesosphere over Jicamarca, J. Atmos. Terr. Phys. 39: 959-963, 1977 85. Basu Su, Aarons J, McClure J, La Hoz C, Bushby A, Woodman R: Preliminary Comparisons of VHF Radar Maps of F-Region Irregularities with Scintillations in the Equatorial Region, J. Atmos. Terr. Phys. 39: 1251-1261, 1977 86. Woodman R, La Hoz C: Radar Observations of F Region Equatorial Irregularities, J. Geophys. Res. 81: 5447-5466, 1976 87. Woodman R: Inclination of the Geomagnetic Field Measured by an Incoherent Scatter Techniques, J. Geophys. Res. 76: 178-184, 1976 88. Fejer B, Farley D, Balsley B, Woodman R: Radar Studies of Anomalous Velocity Reversals in the Equatorial Ionosphere, J. Geophys. Res. 81: 4622-4626, 1976 89. Fejer B, Farley D, Balsley B, Woodman R: Radar Observations of Two-Dimensional Turbulence in the Equatorial Electrojet, 2, J. Geophys. Res. 81: 130-134, 1976 90. Balsley B, Rey A, Woodman R: On the Plasma Instability Mechanisms Responsible for Esq, J. Geophys. Res. 81: 1391-1396, 1976 91. Balsley B, Carter D, Woodman R: Vertical Ionization Drifts in the Lower Equatorial Ionosphere and the Meridional Current Systems, J. Geophys. Res. 81: 1296-1300, 1976 92. Fejer B, Farley D, Balsley B, Woodman R: Oblique VHF Radar Spectral Studies of the Equatorial Electrojet, J. Geophys. Res 80: 1307-1312, 1975 93. Fejer B, Farley D, Balsley B, Woodman R: Vertical Structure of the VHF Backscattering Region in the Equatorial Electrojet and the Gradient Drift Instability, J. Geophys. Res. 80: 1313-1324, 1975 94. Woodman R, Guillén A: Radar Observations of Winds and Turbulence in the Stratosphere and Mesosphere, J. Atmos. Sci. 31: 491-505, 1974 95. Rastogi P, Woodman R: Mesospheric Studies Using the Jicamarca Incoherent-Scatter Radar, J. Atmos. Terr. Phys. 36: 1217-1231, 1974 96. McClure J, Hanson W, Nagy A, Cicerone R, Brace L, Baron M, Bauer P, Carlson H, Evans J, Taylor G, Woodman R: Comparison of Te and Ti from Ogo 6 and from Various Incoherent Scatter Radars, J. Geophys. Res. 78: 197-205, 1973 97. Woodman R, Sterling D, Hanson W: Synthesis of Jicamarca Data During the Great Storm of March 8, 1970, Radio Science 7: 739-746, 1972 98. Sterling D, Hanson W, Woodman R: Synthesis of Data Obtained at Jicamarca, Perú, during the September 11, 1969, Eclipse 7: 279-289, 1972 99. McClure J, Woodman R: Radar Observations of Equatorial Spread F in a Region of Electrostatic Turbulence, J. Geophys. Res. 77: 5617-5621, 1972 100. Hanson W, Sterling D, Woodman R: Source and Identification of Heavy Ions in the Equatorial F Layer, J. Geophys. Res. 77: 5530-5541, 1972 101. Woodman R: Inclination of the Geomagnetic Field Measured by an Incoherent Scatter Technique, J.Geophys.Res. 76: 178-184, 1971 102. Woodman R: Vertical Drift Velocities and East-West Electric Fields at the Magnetic Equator, J. Geophys. Res. 6249-6259, 1970 103. Farley D, Balsley B, Woodman R, McClure J: Equatorial Spread-F: Implications of VHF Radar Observations, J. Geophys. Res. 75: 7199-7216, 1970 104. Woodman R, Hagfors T: Methods for the Measurement of Vertical Ionospheric Motions Near the Magnetic Equator by Incoherent Scattering, J. Geophys. Res. 74: 1205-1212, 1969 105. Balsley B, Woodman R: On the Control of the F-Region Drift Velocity by the ERegion Electric Field: Experimental Evidence, J. Atmos. Terr. Phys. 31: 865-867, 1969