Woodrun Association, Inc. 5024 Woodrun on Tillery Mt. Gilead, NC 27306 Phone: (910) 439-5214 Fax: (910) 439-5279 Woodrun Association, Inc. Minutes for Board of Directors Meeting October 7, 2010 Call to Order – Welcome: 7:00 p.m. Chairman: Bill Staiano Present: Bill Staiano, Pete Blue, Ed Kane, Jim Fox Absent: Gordon Knowles, Wallace Snuggs, John Bowers Motion to Approve Minutes: September 2, 2010 Motion made by Jim Fox to approve the September minutes, 2nd by Ed Kane. Motion carried unanimously. Road Deposits Director: Wallace Snuggs Wendy Cardais – 158 Fairfield, Lot 9 – New Septic Gae Armstrong – Lot 373 - Gravel Finley McRae for Andre Vander Westhuisen – Fiddlers Ghost – Septic work Mario Makar – Lot 266 Eller Drive – Gravel Elwood Trogden – Lot 1300 Fiddlers Ghost Circle – Backhoe work - drain Building / Roads / Secretary Director: Wallace Snuggs No report on Buildings and Roads. Vice-Chairman / Treasurer Director: Gordon Knowles In Gordon’s absence, Bill Staiano delivered a report for Gordon Knowles. Collections are at 89% of current dues or at $460,305 and $31,440.00 had to go to collections. Collections still has $26,830 from last year’s dues, with current dues, for a total at collections of $58270 for the last two years. The current past due accounts represent 63 members with 87 lots. We are currently pursuing judgments against all of last years (2009-2010) past due accounts. Presently, there is nothing new to report with Time Warner Cable. Security / Campground Director: Pete Blue Pete Blue stated there was nothing new to report at the campground or security. Bill Staiano commented that the campground gets very little use and is costing more to maintain, than revenue produced and is not realistic to maintain. There are constant issues with a member that is not paying and we have had to lock out the electric and water until they paid. Again, this member has not paid for October and will have the water and electric shut off again until paid. Bill Staiano stated he supports the idea of installing fence to secure the campground area, and using the area for the storage of boats, trailers, etc. This would help resolve the issue of boats and trailers being parked in people’s yards and on common areas, which causes safety hazards and maintenance issues. Maintenance / Boat Docks Director: Ed Kane Ed requested to purchase material to put new decking and rub boards on the boat docks and is working on an estimate of the cost of the materials. It would keep the same footprint but replace pier pillars, decking and rub boards where needed. The buoys are ready to put in the water and Ed is contacting Jeff Page to get them put in. Pricing for bumpers is still being looked into at this time. Aerating and seeding of residential yards is being turned over to Kurt Dezember, who is also doing the mowing as of October 1. The resident’s of Woodrun have been giving good reports on Kurt and are very satisfied with the work he has been doing for them. Maintenance has been building up the shoulders of the roads, aerating and seeding and will continue working on these areas. The maintenance team put out some fall decoration of pumpkins and mums at the gatehouse and it looks very nice. They did a great job. Jim Fox commented that he didn’t think the lights were coming on at night when they should and Ed will have Joe look into and correct if needed. Pool / Beautification Director: John Bowers No report on Pool/Beautification. Ed Kane stated he had several people asking him about the yard sale that has previously been held at the BP. To be brought to John’s attention when he returns to see if we can get something in the works. Clubhouse / Social Director: Jim Fox Jim reported that the new stove and warmer and installed and working good and we are in the process of purchasing the sheet pans for the warmer. There will be a Fish Fry on October 16 and Halloween Party on October 31. There was a question from a member about Woodrun furnishing hayrides during the Halloween party. Woodrun did not furnish hayrides in the past, but a member had a hay wagon here last year that he was letting people ride on. Woodrun will not be providing hay rides. Chairman / Pool / Marketing Director: Bill Staiano Lot 219 has perked for a three bedroom, and there is a title search and insurance being added but still issues obtaining a clear deed that are still in process. There is an issue contacting the former owners to clear up the title issues. Bill and Gordon to discuss, and resolve, the issues with the original attorney that handled the deed on Lot 219. There has been some interest in some other Woodrun owned lots that do not perc, but we will sell for $3900.00 each. Bill reported that we have closed on Lot 687, on Manchester, for a total to Woodrun of $8471.42. Once we take out the bad debt of approximately $5000.00 plus from previous dues, we received approximately $3000.00. There has been some interest in members deeding back their lots to Woodrun under the stipulation that they must pay all association dues, taxes, title search and title insurance, so that Woodrun receives with a clear deed and at no cost to Woodrun. Aquatic Resources came today and are in the process of finding the leaks in the pool. Once they can pinpoint the issue, the pool will be drained and covered. Ed Kane commented that Aquatic Resources looking at the return lines or the drain lines but it will be at least another week before we receive feedback on the findings. Old Business: Updating By-Laws – o Bill, Gordon and John working on amending and adding to By-Laws and are working toward having ready between the first of the year and the annual meeting. There are legality issues still being worked on with another meeting set for this month to consult with John Olmstead. o Stove for Clubhouse At stated above, the new stove is installed and working great. Lot 687 SOLD - $8471.42 Lot 219 – Continued problems contacting the former owner to clear up deed issues. Pete suggested there might be another alternative to get them to respond but may need another attorney to get involved. New Business: Carolina Water Rate Increase – 27% increase, do not support and attend hearing in Winston Salem in November. o Bill Staiano read notes from Gordon Knowles stating Gordon Knowles would like Woodrun to make a stand against the increase and to attend the hearing in Winston Salem. Gordon stated there needs to be an argument made of the outrageous increase, and the numerous letters that report carcinogenic properties in the drinking water. Let them know to get their house in order, produce clean, healthy drinking water, then we may consider a more reasonable rate increase of 2-3%. Bill Staiano stated he agrees with Gordon’s points due to the economic climate and problems with contaminated water. All board members voiced agreement. Gordon to gather people to attend hearing in Winston Salem. Aerating and seeding for residents or turn over to Kurt Dezember o Maintenance will be aerating and seeding Woodrun property and Kurt Dezember to do residential customers. Gate house hookup for cameras, internet, set up of DVR, surge protector, cleaning up wire and screen in office. o Bill reported he had a quote from Brack Electric for $450.00 to complete the work, motion to accept made by Pete Blue to accept bid, 2nd by Jim Fox, motion carried unanimously. New Applications for Membership: Lorenzo Morales – Lot 1092 – Associate Membership (tabled at last meeting) o Motion made by Jim Fox to accept membership, 2nd by Ed Kane. Motion passed unanimously. Open Public Comments: o Question raised if wiring in gatehouse is complete, and Bill Staiano confirmed it has been finished. Next Board of Directors Meeting: November 4, 2010 Adjournment: o Motion made by Pete Blue to adjourn, 2nd by Jim Fox, motion passed unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 7:40 p.m.