ABC Book for Peter and the Starcatchers

Peter and the
RE 4030 Students
B is for bird, which is what Tinkerbell was before she
was placed in the bag of stardust. Leonard Aster
asked Fighting Prawn to send his men for a bird. To
everyone’s amazement, the bird that was brought
back was a beautiful green bird with a yellow head.
Leonard then placed the bird in the bag of stardust
and it was magically transposed into what Peter
called a fairy. Tinkerbell was created to help protect
Peter as he was staying behind on the island.
B is for Black Stache. He is the clever pirate that
captured the Wasp. In order to disguise himself as
an Englishman captain he is shown wearing an
English uniform, stolen of course. Flying the Jolly
Roger flag, he travels the sea chasing the powerful
starstuff. However, he was last seen chasing his
hand in the mouth of Mr. Grin on the island of
Captain Scott
Captain Scott is the captain of the ship, the Wasp. He was a very
fair captain and an English gentleman. He was very calm and
level headed even when Black Stache was almost upon them,
ready to attack. Captain Scott was willing to sacrifice the whole
crew in order to keep Molly’s father and the Queen’s cargo safe
from Black Stache and his pirate crew. Scott was known to be
very smart and very clever when it came to sailing and evading a
crew of pirates.
A Dory is a small boat that Slank and Alf used to capture
the treasure.
Pg 373- “One of the men seen the dory just down the
beach there- it’s swamped, and there’s a piece tore from
the transom, but the oars are still in the oarlocks, and it’ll
E is for England
England is located within the United Kingdom. Privateers attained
permission from the English government / monarch to capture
merchant ships belonging to the enemy nations. This method
took place after receiving a Letter of Marque from the English
government. Privateers where very common throughout the
disputes England had with fellow countries such as Spain and
Throughout the story, one is able to fly if they have obtained the
starstuff. Peter, Molly, the orphan boys, and others were able to
fly because they had access to the starstuff. Many times, Molly
and Peter saved themselves by being able to fly. At the end of
the story, Peter is able to fly anytime, even without using the
starstuff, because he touched the trunk that held the starstuff
“a familiar shape”
Ammm, the dolphin, was a wonderful friend and help to
Peter during this adventure.
“And then Peter saw a familiar shape—a blunt and grinning
snout, sticking up from the moonlit wavelets perhaps ten
yards offshore, clicking and chittering in return.”
This is not an everyday kind of glow, like the glow of a candle or
the even the glow of fireflies on a warm July evening. The GLOW in
Peter and the Starcatchers emanates from the unearthly source of
the very stars themselves, cast down in the dark of night to end all
hurts and right all wrongs. The GLOW is so powerful that just a
glimpse of it can cause a simple man to forget his lifelong aches and
pains. He can feel WONDERFUL and smell the eternal smells of
NIGHTTIME, infused with cinnamon, honey, and fresh baked
H is for home
Home is what Peter finds in the end. Peter started
out at a Wayward Boy’s home, but it did not suit him.
Home is where the heart is and Peter found that
within the search for his destiny. Along the way, he
made friends and enemies, but in the end, his
friends also found where they belonged… a place
called home.
The Island in Peter and the Starcatchers is inhabited by the
Mollusks people. There is lots of vegetation and jungle-like
terrain. Islands tend to be thought of as beautiful places, but they
can also be frightening. Peter eventually names this island Never
Land. Peter and the other orphans call the island “home” at then
end of the book.
In Peter and the Star Catchers the word kill is used very freely. As
we all know, pirates usually kill anything that gets in their way.
Pirates are not the only thing that we read about in this book that
kill. Mr. Grin the Crocodile has been known in this story to eat a
few sailors that go overboard. The orphans are captured by the
Mollusk Tribe, native to the island, and are nearly fed to the tribe's
neighbor, Mr. Grin.
L is for Locket
Molly keeps a special
locket around her neck
that contains magical
Little Richard
Little Richard was a giant of a man. He was
Slanks right hand man when it came to enforcing
his law. He was the one Slank counted on to
handle most of his affairs.
“…the giant jerked the whip back, dragging the
man effortlessly, as if he were no more than a dead
Mermaids are fish that have transformed into women
because of the effect of the starstuff. While they have a
tail like a fish, their upper bodies resemble those of
beautiful women. In the book, they have beautiful hair,
mesmerizing smiles, and gorgeous eyes. Mermaids love
their new look that the startstuff has created for them, so
they do everything they can to keep the magical trunk.
is for
Mr. Grin
Mr. Grin is monstrous,
Mr. Grin is mean,
Mr. Grin is merciless and oh so menacing,
Mr. Grin will munch on you for lunch.
Molly Aster is the girl who proves to be Peter’s equal
and his heroine. She is a real STARCATCHER who will not be
intimidated by the Others or their evil schemes. Molly will
go to any lengths to gather and protect the STARSTUFF. When
Peter enters the picture, Molly seems very protective of
him also and even relinquishes some of the invaluable
STARSTUFF to assure his safety. Unlike Peter, Molly will grow
up and face adulthood, is this a blessing or a curse?
The Neverland is the ship that Peter and the other orphan boys
sailed on. Throughout his voyage, Peter starts to notice strange
things beginning to happen on the ship. Peter has discovered an
old, battered chest on board and finds that Molly and the
crewmen, Slank and Alf, know things about it that he does not.
Peter soon confronts Molly and learns that she is an apprentice to
a group of strange people: The Starcatchers. The “Never Land"
is attacked by Black Stache during a massive thunderstorm; the
decrepit ship wrecks on the rocks surrounding a small island. The
magical ship does not survive.
Oh sO POwerful
Oh sO Beautiful
Over its waves me ship gOes
There’s nO Other place to be
hO hO hO
The Ocean is where pirates like me rOam free!
(sung to "Take Me Out to the Ball Game")
Take me out to the ocean,
Take me out to the sea,
Show me the foamy waves rolling there,
As I breathe in the salty sea air!
Let me look, look, look at the ocean,
See the sea and explore,
For it's fun to dive from the top
To the ocean floor!
Take me out to the ocean,
Take me out to the sea.
Show me the currents and ocean tides,
Let me see where the seaweed resides!
When you look, look, look at the ocean,
Look at all it is worth!
For the ocean covers three-fourths
of the entire earth
by Meish Goldish, 101 Science Poems & Songs
for Young Learners, Instructor Books
Peter is a brave and resourceful
young boy. He is also the leader
of the Lost Boys because he
can spit the farthest. Join Peter
on his adventure to help the
Starcatchers to protect a
powerful secret.
is for porpoise.
Molly talks to a porpoise named Ammm who is
also a Starcatcher. Ammm relays messages back and
forth between Molly and her father in order to aid in
protecting the trunk filled with Star Stuff. Molly and
her father must speak porpoise in order to
communicate with Ammm. Ammm has a hard time
understanding Molly because she cannot speak
porpoise fluently yet. Ammm plays a major role in
helping the Starcatchers gain possession of the trunk.
Q is for Quest
Quest is another word for journey. The characters in
Peter and the Starcatchers are on different quests.
Black Stache is on a quest to find the trunk filled with
starstuff. Molly and Peter are on a quest to find the
same trunk before he gets to it. To fulfill a quest you
must be wise, hard working and clever. You’ll have to
read to discover who claims the starstuff first!
R is for rum. Peter used rum, even though he
was not sure what it was, to get passed
Leatherface, who guarded the trunk. He knew
pirates liked to drink it, and it made them sleep.
Picture retrieved from
StarStuff ShowerS from the Solar SyStem.
A Spoonful of StarStuff iS Strong.
StarStuff haS Shaped StorieS throughout hiStory.
StarStuff iS Super Natural.
Scary people abuSe It’S Strength.
StarcatcherS Stop the StarStuff from Spreading.
The savages kept capturing Alf and the Wayward boys one
at a time while they were in the jungle. When James first
saw the savages, they had dirty feet with yellow toenails.
The chief savage was actually a slave on an English boat for
13 years and knew the English language very well. The
chief did not like the English at all and tried to feed them to a
giant crocodile even though the Wayward boys were just
children. They were not cannibals like Alf and the boys
previously thought. They spoke in a language that consisted
of grunts and clicks.
S is for scruffy, the word
used to describe the crew on the
Never Land. The scruffy
crewmen were dirty, unhappy and
stinking of sweat. The scruffy
men wore dirty, ragged clothes
and were barefoot.
T stands for TINKERBELL. A small green
bird is immersed in a bag of starstuff,
mutating into a fairy the crew names Tinker
Bell. She wears a green dress because the
bird was originally green, and her hair is
blond because the bird had a yellow head.
is for teacher.
Teacher is a beautiful blonde haired mermaid.
Teacher was transformed from a fish into a mermaid
by the Star Stuff that leaked from the trunk into the
water. She is the leader of all the mermaids in the
Mollusk Island Lagoon who were transformed by the
trunk that they call “creator”. Peter saved Teacher’s
life after she fought Slank and Little Richard for the
trunk and in return Teacher helps Peter return the
trunk to the Starcatchers.
is for underwater. Peter and Molly both
save each other by using the stardust to
retrieve each other from underwater.
Mermaids in the story battle the pirates
by attacking them underwater.
Image retrieved from,%20Cuba/
The Wasp is the fastest ship on the sea. It is
originally thought to be carrying the precious
Starstuff, and therefore it is the target of the
pirate Black Stache and his crew. After The
Wasp is captured, Black Stache renames the
ship The Jolly Roger. This picture shows what
is left of the ship after a terrible storm terrorized
the sea and after Black Stache acquired it.
is for
Peter will dazzle you
Mollusks will surprise you
Smee will make you laugh
Slank will make you
And Stache will cause a SHOCK.
Mr. Grin will
scare you
Starstuff will change you
Porpoises will make you happy
Mrs. Bumbrake will make you glad you don’t have a
And Neverland will cause your imagination to run wild.
Y is for Yarn
Yarn is another word for story. Pirates
and sailors LOVE to tell yarns to
anyone who will listen. Sometimes they
exaggerate their yarns to make
themselves look scarier and bolder.
Black Stache always worried about
how his actions and accomplishments
would be passed on to other people. He
always wanted his yarns to be the most
notorious of the sea!
Y is for youth. Peter, James, Tubby Ted,
Prentiss and Thomas make up the group of
orphan boys aboard the Neverland. All of these
boys are also about the same age as Molly.
Black Stache and Slank are both furious that
children have taken the most amazing treasure
from them! However, Mr. Aster is very proud of
the bravery of these youth!
Z stands for King ZARBOFF III. King of
Rundoon, known for being a horrible, evil
ruler. The story is that before becoming king,
he let his pet snack loose in his father’s
room while he was sleeping and it ate him.
He had no remorse afterwards.