SHO ME SKIN AMERICAN HAIRLESS TERRIERS (AHT) CONTRACT: This contract if for the purchase of an American Hairless Terrier & will be listed as AHT for the rest of this contract. Buyer(s): ___________________________________________________ Phone Home: ______________________ Cell: ______________________ Address: _____________________________________________________ Email: _____________________________________________________ AKC/UKC # __________________ Color: ___________ Sex: ______ Date Whelped: _______________ Delivery/Pick up Date: ________ Price: _________ Microchip #____________________________ SIRE: _________________________________ AKC/UKC #_____________________________ DAM: _________________________________ AKC/UKC #_____________________________ This puppy is sold with [ ] Full AKC/UKC Registration, [ ] Limited AKC/UKC Registration ** **ANY PUPPY SOLD WITH LIMITED REGISTRATION, MAY BE BROUGHT BACK TO THE SELLER TO BE EVALUATED BEFORE ALTERING AS A SHOW OR BREEDING PROSPECT AND UPGRADED TO FULL REGISTRATION AT ADDITIONAL COST BEFORE SAID PUP REACHES 8 MONTHS. There is a $200.00 NON REFUNDABLE deposit due to hold your puppy. The balance is due by the time of pick up or before being shipped & by the time the puppy is 10 weeks old. If puppy is not paid for & picked up by 10 weeks & no other arrangements have been made in writing; all monies will be forfeited. No further compensation to potential buyer and the puppy will once again be offered for sale. All shipping charges are the responsibility of the buyer. AKC/UKC registration on show potential puppy: seller will hold papers and be listed as co-owner with buyer until the AHT is finished as AKC/UKC champion or reaches the age of two years and has had all of the testing done as outlined in contract. The Breeder will receive no further compensation for the AHT for this privilege except any outlined in this contract. Papers will be signed to buyer within 7 business days of finishing championship or all testing completed. This is to insure AHT puppy will not be bred before reaching maturity, properly tested for the health of said puppy, & all future offspring. Seller's Agreement: 1. Seller certifies that this puppy is purebred, pedigree is correct, and is eligible for registration with AKC/UKC. Puppy sold with limited registration MUST be altered by 8 months of age. If no report is received showing alteration by 8 months of age; the buyer will relinquish ownership back to the seller including all paperwork concerning puppy or payment of full registered puppy price $______will be made within 5 business days of reaching 8 months of age. NO monies will be owed to the buyer. 2. Puppy is healthy, sound, socialized, is current on shots & worming. Buyer is encouraged to have puppy examined by a veterinarian and must confirm a claim of illness within 72 hours of purchase. Minor problems that are caused by the stress of transporting puppy are not covered under this guarantee. 3. Seller guarantees the puppy to be free of crippling hereditary defects proven to be caused by genetics until the age of 26 months and must be proven to be genetic & not caused by over exercise, improper diet, improper handling/care, or other environmental issues. This puppy is not guaranteed against: Hypertrophic Osteodystrophy (H.O.D.), Osteochondritis Dissecans (O.C.D.), Panosteitis (Pano), or any other non-genetic disease. 4. All vet bills are the responsibility of the buyer. If genetic disease is found by 26 months of age, a written report from the testing facility & owner’s vet must be provided to seller. A report from ORTHOPEDIC FOUNDATION (OFA Columbia MO) along with all X-rays for hip dysplasia & patellar luxation must be provided to seller. 5. Once diagnosis is confirmed as genetic, buyer has the option of keeping puppy & having it altered immediately (within five days). After the report from the OFA & your veterinarian are received, buyer will have one half of original purchase price returned within 30 business days with no further obligation from seller. Buyer may return said puppy and must include all paperwork showing puppy was kept current on all vaccinations, worming, and heart worm preventative along with proper high quality diet to date (or replacement is void). The puppy and all paperwork must be returned within 5 business days of buyer receiving reports or replacement is null and void. Seller will replace puppy when next litter becomes available, all shipping charges to be paid by the buyer. 6. Seller reserves the right of breeding any male sold with full AKC/UKC registration to a female owned or co-owned by seller at no additional compensation to buyer, and buyer will sign AKC/UKC papers for litter. Seller will pay costs for semen collection, delivery or will bring female to male for breeding, as well as take responsibility for placement of resulting litter. Buyers Agreement: 1. Buyer agrees to use SHOMESKIN as the first part of the puppy’s name on the AKC/UKC registration and will not alter, move, or remove any part of the name from the registration papers. Failure to comply will void contract. 2. Puppy will be sent home micro chipped. BUYER MUST REGISTER THE CHIP WITHIN 14 DAYS WITH AKC CAR. Seller’s information MUST be listed as emergency/alternate contact information and NOT removed or contract will be void. AKC/UKC Papers will not be sent otherwise. 3. If buyer obtains AKC/UKC champion status for this puppy, seller will rebate $200.00; other AKC/UKC show titles seller will rebate $75.00 for each title awarded. This does not include the Canine Good Citizen Program. 4. Buyer will keep seller informed of current address & contact number for the life of the puppy. Photos & updates are highly appreciated-we want to hear from you throughout puppy’s life. 5. Buyer will notify if for any reason the puppy can no longer be kept & will take said puppy and papers back no questions asked. There will be no compensation or charge to buyer for further care of puppy. 6. Buyer WILL NOT sell/give puppy, or allow any progeny, to a shelter, pet shop, or research facility. If puppy or any offspring is placed in ANY of these; an agreement termination fee of $5000.00 will be paid to seller to cover damages to kennel name and reputation & aid in recovery of said animal (s). 7. NO female shall be bred before 18 months of age & not after 7 years old intentionally or unintentionally. NO male shall be bred before 12 months of age either intentionally or unintentionally. NO female is to be bred more than one time per year unless no litter is produced; only one puppy is produced, or is medically necessary. A copy of the vet report is to be sent before a back to back breeding occurs. 8. Maintain current preventative medical care (including but not limited to: heart worm, flea/tick control, and proper vaccines), high quality food, water, love, and socialization. 9. Buyer agrees not to tie or chain puppy as a means of containment. The puppy will NOT be kept as a kennel animal. This means it will not be kept outside in a confined structure, pen, dog run, or tied/chained on a permanent or semi-permanent basis; but shall have adequate area to move freely for an animal of this size and KEPT AS AN INDOOR PET ONLY. 10. Puppy will not be bred until at least the minimum of the following genetic testing is completed & passed: heart murmur, Von Willebrand’s Disease (vWD), OFA certification on Patellar luxation or “slipped knees & hips. Testing for full Cardiac & thyroid are STRONGLY recommended. Copies of all testing results are to be sent to seller. This AHT will only be bred to other AKC/UKC AHT that have also had the proper testing completed always trying to further the breed standards. 11. The Buyer agrees that if any provision of this contract is found to be unenforceable, that provision shall be severed and the remaining provisions of this contract shall have full force and effect. This Guarantee is Null and Void for any of the following: 1. Puppy changes ownership. 2. Puppy sold with limited registration and not altered or upgraded to full registration by 8 months of age. 3. Puppy ever bred that has limited registration or full registered dogs bred before 18 months for females or 12 months for males. 4. Puppy is ever used for FIGHTING/BAITING or EVIDENCE of abuse is present. If buyer is ever convicted of any animal abuse charges or has AKC/UKC privileges suspended or revoked for violating their rules and regulations–puppy and any/all offspring along with all paperwork will be returned to seller with NO compensation to buyer. 5. If any of the above situations are found or puppy is registered with any service other than AKC/UKC–it will be the seller’s option to reclaim ownership of said puppy and any/all offspring. This will include all paperwork and registrations being signed back to seller with NO compensation to buyer. ~Please note we are dedicated to the enrichment of our dogs’ lives. A few small steps; you will have a healthy, happy puppy and you will be satisfied. ~Highly Suggested -Take your puppy to at least one beginning obedience class. These puppies have great potential, are very smart, and will be very large adults; everyone will benefit from this class. ~Any puppy sold with full rights is not guaranteed by breeder to be a show/breeding dog; only that puppy shows no faults disqualifying at time of sale. VIOLATION OF THE CONTRACT WILL CONSTITUTE BUYER'S UNCONDITIONAL SURRENDER FULL PHYSICAL POSSESSION OF THE PURCHASED DOG ANY/ALL OFFSPRING AND ALL REGISTRATION DOCUMENTS AND HEALTH RECORDS SIGNED BACK TO SELLER WITH NO COMPENSATION TO BUYER. IN THE EVENT THAT THE SELLER MUST CONTACT OR RETAIN AN ATTORNEY OR THE AKC/UKC TO ENFORCE THIS CONTRACT, ALL EXPENSES INCURRED SHALL BE PAID BY THE BUYER, INCLUDING ATTORNEY’S FEES, COURT COSTS, PUNITIVE DAMAGES, & ANY OTHER EXPENSES INVOLVED IN ENFORCEMENT OF THIS CONTRACT. ANY LEGAL ACTION IS TO BE IN THE COUNTY OF THE SELLER'S RESIDENCE AT TIME OF CLAIM. SINCE VIOLATIONS OF THIS SALES AGREEMENT MAY BE DETRIMENTAL TO THE REPUTATION AND VALUE OF THE SELLER’S DOGS AND KENNEL NAME AND SINCE SUCH DAMAGES WOULD BE TOUGH TO QUANTIFY, THE BUYER AGREES THAT ANY SUCH VIOLATION ENTITLED SELLER TO PAYMENT, ON DEMAND, OF AN AMOUNT EQUAL TO FIVE (5) TIMES THE ORIGINAL PURCHASE PRICE AS LIQUIDATING DAMAGES AND THE BUYER WILL IMMEDIATELY REMAND CUSTODY OF THE ABOVE NAMED PUPPY TO THE SELLER WITH NO MONIES REFUNDED TO THE BUYER. *THE UNDERSIGNED (BUYER) AGREES TO UPHOLD ALL COVENANTS OF THIS AGREEMENT TO INSURE THE WELL-BEING AND PROTECTION OF THE AHT. IF BUYER BREACHES ANY PART OF THIS AGREEMENT, SELLER IS RELEASED FROM ANY OBLIGATION. BUYER AGREES THAT HE/SHE FULLY UNDERSTANDS AND AGREES TO THIS AGREEMENT . I/we, ___________________________________________________, have read the details of this contract and fully understand what I/we have read. I/we agree to abide to the conditions of this contract. ______________________________________________________ DATE: ____________ Buyer’s Signature ______________________________________________________ DATE: ______________ Co-Buyer’s Signature (if applicable) ______________________________________________________ DATE: ______________ Seller Signature