I. GENETIC ENGINEERING-the transfer of genes from one chromosome to another.
A. This has become a much studied area in the field of genetics. It is also very controversial.
B. Genetic engineering can be conducted in a variety of ways.
II. RESTRICTION ENZYMES-special enzymes that can be used to isolate and remove a specific DNA
fragments and genes. These have become very useful in genetic engineering studies.
III. RECOMBINANT DNA TECHNOLOGY-involves the use of DNA from two or more different
A. Plasmids-small circular fragments of DNA found in some bacteria.
1. These contain only a few genes. They often contain genes that provide the bacteria
with the ability to develop resistance. These also contain genes that help the bacteria
breakdown certain materials.
B. Example of Recombinant DNA Technology using Plasmids
1. There are two types of enzymes used in this procedure:
a. Restriction enzymes
b. DNA Ligase-what does this enzyme do?
2. Once the bacteria are engineered to produce human insulin, they are cloned. Gene
cloning refers to the production of identical copies of a specific gene.
a. The bacteria are known as cloning vectors since they accept and replicate
DNA from a foreign source.
b. Transgenic-refers to a genetically modified organism that carries a gene
modified by genetic engineering.
3. Plasmids are also being examined to see if they can produce the following:
a. Interferons
b. Clot factors
c. Erythropoietin
IV. THE POLYMERASE CHAIN REACTION (PCR)-process in which identical copies of DNA can be
produced very rapidly.
A. This process can make copies of specific segements of DNA.
B. The enzyme DNA polymerase is used in this process.
C. Now, there are actually machines that are used to carry out polymerase chain reactions.
D. As mentioned earlier, PCR creates specific segments of DNA. These segments can be
analyzed using a procedure known as DNA Fingerprinting.
1. By using a process known as Gel Electrophoresis, DNA segments can be separated
according to their charge and size. This results in a series of distinctive bands. This
procedure is currently being used in crime investigations.
VI. Genetic engineers are currently looking at viruses to treat certain illnesses.
A. The researchers are trying to develop, through genetic engineering, viruses that are programmed
to attack and kill specific pathogenic cells in the body.
A. Animals, including humans, contain stem cells.
1. These are cells that can develop into the various tissues that make up a living organism.
2. Development of these cells begin when stem cells are subjected to certain chemicals
such as hormones.
B. All living animals contain stem cells, however, they are most abundant and easy to find in
C. Researchers are trying to determine what makes stem cells develop into certain tissues. If this
can be discovered, then stem cells could possibly used to treat:
VIII. GENE THERAPY-involves the insertion of genetic material into human cells for the treatment of
a disorder.
IX. THE HUMAN GENOME PROJECT-Federal supported program that attempted to map out all of the
human genome.