Nova Scotia
Adult members interested in joining the Organization contact GGC via online (National website) or
by contacting the NS Provincial Office directly. The Customer Service Representative (CSR) enters
the person’s info into the IMIS system as an INQUIRY (INQ) which then initiates the 5 Phase
Welcome Process and Welcome Packages.
Welcome packages are sent to those adult members who have expressed a vague or general
interest in joining Girl Guides but may not have a strong understanding of where they would like to
volunteer or know a lot about Guiding.
Depending on what level of interest is expressed by the volunteer the CSR will determine what
Phase information to send to the caller and send either Phase 1 or 2 info.
Customer Service Representative:
Phase 1- ADULT - Welcome Pack
Phase 2 – ADULT - Volunteer pack
Intent: To welcome potential Adult members and give
Intent: To welcome potential members and find them an
them general info about Guiding.
appropriate volunteer opportunity and or select the
branch they want to work with.
 IMIS entry as INQ- IMIS # generated
 Normally the person wants to volunteer but may or
may not know what position or branch.
 Info sent:
if contact is made via phone, email:
 IMIS entry as INQ- IMIS # generated if not already
 Vague Interest letter
in system
 Girl Greatness Starts Here Brochure & Women
& Groove Brochure
 Info sent:
If contact is made in person:
 Very Interested Letter
 Record contact info in IMIS
 A1 form
 Girl Greatness Starts Here Brochure & Women
 Girl Greatness Starts Here Brochure & Women
& Groove Brochure given
& Groove Brochure (if entering at this phase.)
 Phase 2 package sent in the mail if they know
 Age Characteristics
what level/group they want to work with.
 Training fact Sheet
 e-Learning Fact Sheet
Phase 3– Potential Member (PMBR) IMIS Process
Potential Members (PMBR’s) are those adult members who have submitted an A1 but have
outstanding screening requirements. Potential Members can be members who are considered
Inquiries in the IMIS system or new members.
Forms are received by Records Coordinator and input into the IMIS System which tracks
outstanding information.
Forms required for Active Adult Membership:
 A1- Adult Registration Form (generates IMIS # & the Welcome Kit mailing)
 IR1- Image release (optional)
 S1- Screening Checklist
 S1A- Screening Checklist Form- if references are collected via email / fax
 S2- Interview Form
 PRC- Police Record Check
 Orientation to Guiding confirmation
Depending on the completeness of the forms received the following actions take place:
Records (IMIS) Coordinator:
As soon as a completed A1 is received a welcome package will be sent to the Guider. Mailings to these
Guiders will occur as they are received and entered.
Please note – this is a manual process. A separate list of all new Guiders is maintained for kit mailings. A
mailing label file will be maintained on a weekly basis and once the record has been entered into IMIS, a label
will be produced for the Guider mailout.
Welcome Kit:
 Getting Started – Branch Book
o So now you’re a Unit Guider
o FAQ’s
o Reminder to take Orientation Training Module
o Program Planning Tips
o Resource List / Idea Zone
o Sample meetings for identified Branch
o Behavior Mgmt Tips
o Cookie Fact Sheet
 District Directory
 Canadian Guider
 Safe Guide CD
Completed forms received in one package:
All forms are completed and submitted together
Incomplete forms received:
Forms are received with information missing or some
forms are not received.
IMIS changes status to ACTIVE.
PLEASE NOTE: an A1 is a must as no IMIS # can be
generated and therefore member cannot be entered
into system.
IMIS enters information for those forms that were
received completed.
As completed forms are received information is
Monthly: IMIS Coordinator runs PMBR report
indicating outstanding information and sends to
Provincial Commissioner (PC), AC’s, DC’s for
follow up.
4 months after Join Date National sends letter to
PMBR advising O/S information
Tracking report sent to PC, AC’s, DC’s.
6 months after Join Date – if outstanding information is
not received, the National cancelation Process begins.
CANCELLATION PROCESS for more information.
 Tracking report sent to PC, AC’s, DC’s.