Euro-Mediterranean Project – Technical File: RUE / IN / No. 09 a) General information Project title: Hazardous waste treatment and valuable products recovered with a pulsed-plasma technology (Prometheus) Location Portable demonstrator Code (identification of BRPR970467 the project, reference Scientific Officer: ADJEMIAN Alain programme, responsible DGXII official and DG) Area (RES, RUE, FF RUE/IN- Production technologies and sub specifications) Year of approval 1997 Sector Incorporation of new technologies into production systems. Programme BRITE-EURAM 3 Reference no. b) Co-ordinator, partners and suppliers Co-ordinator Soreq Nuclear Research Center Address City, post code, country Telephone no. Telefax no. Contact person Propulsion Physics Laboratory Nahal Soreq : Yavne Postcode: 81100 ISRAEL +972-8-9434347 Email: +972-8-9434227 Dr : WALD, Shlomo Other Contractors Partner 2: Air Liquide SA Centre de Recherche Claude Delorme Address: BP 126 City: Jouy-en-Josas Postcode: 78350 Org. Country: FRANCE Partner 3: De Neef Chemical Recycling NV Address: 8 Industriepark City: Heist-op-den-Berg Postcode: 2220 Org. Country: BELGIUM Partner 4: Universität Stuttgart Department: Institut für Raumfahrtsysteme Address: 31 Pfaffenwaldring City: Stuttgart Postcode: 70569 Org. Country: GERMANY Partner 5: JAKOB HANDTE & Co GmbH Address: 149 Ludwigstaler Strasse City: Tuttlingen Postcode: 78532 Org. Country: GERMANY c) Aims and objectives The challenge of the project "Prometheus" is to provide an economical and efficient decomposition method for fluid materials that could be implemented on the manufacturing lines within the plants. It is aimed to reduce the energy consumption, to avoid the production of pollutants, and eventually eliminate the need to transport hazardous waste from the plants to treatment centres. The proposed process combines the benefit of a cost effective and environmentally favourable method. The aim of "Prometheus" project is to manifest the advantage of pulsed-plasma over conventional plasma torch for fluid wastes treatment. The high-density, high-velocity plasma jet attributes to the enhancement of the radiative heat transfer in the interface layer between the plasma and the fluid. As a consequence, the energy efficiency of the process is supposed to increase substantially. The objective is to perform the proof of concept experiments on a transportable laboratory. The laboratory has to be designed, build and tested in pulse rate between 0.01 to 1 pulses/second and to treat several litters per hour of selected materials. The tests are to be performed by the end-user partners on real wastes. d) Situation of the project Description The project is now in its mid-term period and it isprogressing on schedule. Phase of advancement The transportable laboratory (5_10Kg/h capacity) is one of the main deliverables of the project. It has just been completed after laboratory tests in which 0,5Kg/h have been successfully treated. The transportable laboratory consists on two major elements: The power supply with the plasma injector and the reactor with the gas handling system. The first subsystem was designed and manufactured by Soreq NRC and the second by the University of Stuttgart together with Handte. Stuttgart and Handte integrated the system in Germany. It is expected to start experiments on November 1999. Dates of beginning and conclusion Beginning: 1.12.97 Conclusion: 30.11.2000 Innovative technology (if foreseen) High repetition rate (1Hz), high power (50kJ, 500MW), plasma source has been developed. Supplier Country, town Substantial contribution to the realisation of the prototype by Soreq NRC (Israel),Stuttgart University and Handte (DE) as it has previously described. The prototype can be considered a co-production of DE and IL. e) Open field for photos and graphic material 4 photos (see separate file) f) Results and achievements f1)Energy saving projects, substitution projects, power production projects Energy/year saved or substituted or produced in TOE/year if thermal energy, in MWh/y if electric energy. The energy consumption compared to alternative methods (incineration: conventional or plasma) is considered to be lower by about 50%.Similar reduction of costs. Pulsed Plasma can be served as an alternative process for cracking in the chemical industry. The potential of the project is enormous. For example, 1995, 36.8% of the VOC= Volatile Organic Compounds in Europe were incinerated at the cost of M$138.2 and the market is steadily increasing. The aims of this RTD project are to develop a new, efficient and environmentally friendly processing technique and equipment that can be used in a closed-loop process for the recovery of materials. However it still too early to be able to determine the real impact of this project. f2) Environmental and social impact CO2 emissions (t/year) NA SO2 reduction (t/year) NA Other effects The system is expected to be installed on-line of the waste producer's facility. So, it will avoid waste production, enable recovery of materials and eliminate the need of transportation of hazardous materials for treatment at central sites f3) Economic data _Investments up to now (Euro) 1.5 M€ _Investments (foreseen) 2.5 M€ _EC funding 50% _Pay back (years) Prometheus has developed a process usable for many and completely different applications. The wide range of applications and the early stage of development makes impossible to provide pay back figures. _Comment on investments, turnover and profits (if any) of the supplier and user. Following the present RDT project a second phase is needed for the design and manufacturing of industrial pilot plant (~10M€). The pilot plant will have potentialities in the order of 0,1 t/h, that is ten times the demonstrator. It is expected to be ready in three years after the project end. for demonstrations. g) Co-operation data Role of the partners (host, supplier and key enablers) SOREQ NRC - R&D performer, Inventor of the method. The main contribution is plasma source development. Supplier of plasma injectors. The University of Stuttgart performer - R&D, Development of the reactors. Testing and analysis of the system performance. Handte - Design and manufacturing of the gas handling system. Air Liquid - End user - Defines the prospect wastes to be treated and performs tests on its wastes within its premises. De Neef - End user - Defines the prospect wastes to be treated and performs tests on its wastes within its premises. Technology transfer (description of the technology, name of the supplier) Up to now formalised technology transfers have not taken place. Localisation of the applied technology/plant Transportable test facility to be installed at the premises of the end user partners. Industrial potential applications could be everywhere. Characteristics of the non-EU area (short description) The main R&D Partner is located in IL. This location of the Prime Partner has no particular impact on the project. Relevant aspects of the co-operation (management, technical, economic) No co-operation difficulties up to now. Best practices and lessons learned Geographical distance had no significant impact. An homogeneous technical background has favoured the progress of the project. Employment observations No impact for three years on employment . When industrial phase will start there will be a moderate increase of employment for the supplier and practically no impact for the end users h) Potential application Potential applications are hazardous fluid waste treatment and recovery of products from wastes. Other prospect applications are classified. The market consists of industries such as petrochemical, plastic, pesticides, electronics, paints and coatings etc., include hazardous organic compounds in their processes either as a raw material or product or intermediate agent. VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds) halogenated organic materials, phosphorous compounds are a good example for the utilisation of the proposed method. The most common treatment method for these materials is thermal incineration. For example, 1995, i) General comments The project has, up to now , achieved its goals and it is on schedule. It is too early to speak of success of the project .It is more appropriate to speak of its importance. The importance is determined by a) the validity of the basic idea and b)by the variety and importance of the potential applications. a)The plasma specific features enable a most efficient radiative heat transfer to the treated material bed (Evaporation-rate increase by a factor more than 200 was experimentally demonstrated) Therefore, energy is transferred to selected chemical bonds and not wasted on global thermal heating of the treated bed. The process can be defined as a highly efficient photolysis. It is expected that the proposed method will be the best available technology for many fluid wastes: liquids, slurries powders and gases. 40%-50% lower treatment price is assumed compared with available alternative This, does not include the benefit of material recovery and saving of the costly transportation of wastes to treatment centres. b) The process is envisaged for the treatment of chemical products used in large quantities by industries. Examples are: VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds) and halogenated organic materials. The co-operation experience All the partners actively cooperated to the project so that all efforts have been devoted to solve technical problems. Funding and eventual OPET support Funds were adequate to the tasks and correctly allocated. No OPET support. Other promotional measures The portable laboratory , that is the main deliverable of the project, is conceived to promote the dissemination through tests. j) Contact person for further information Name Dr. WALD, Shlomo Telephone no. +972-8-9434347 Telefax no. +972-8-9434227