St. Peter’s CE JIN School Literacy Unit Plan Name: Mrs Jane Allott Term: Autumn Year Group: 5 Week beginning: 20th September 2010 Texts/ resources: Variety of Jacqueline Wilson books. Adverbs in dialogue activity. Extract of The Lottie Project Red group – Lower achievers and SEN children – Blue group Middle / Green Group Middle / Purple group Higher Day Objectives 1 Compare different types of narrative and information texts and identify how they are structured 2 Punctuate sentences accurately, including using speech marks and apostrophes. Whole class work Explain that as Jacqueline Wilson is our chosen significant author they are going to look at other examples of her story openings to gather more information about how writers open stories. Use The Lottie Project Extract 2 to discuss how dialogue is set out. Unit: Narrative Unit 1 – Significant Authors Week 2 Guided group tasks Prior learning: :Plan, tell and write complete stories with a clear sequence of events and showing how one event leads to another; use detailed description and powerful verbs to evoke setting and portray characters. Be able to punctuate dialogue. Differentiated independent tasks Children working in pairs for peer support. Each pair have a different story by Jacqueline Wilson and then read 1st chapter and make notes about the setting, characters, how the story is opened, in first or third person, as a diary? Opened with a description of the setting, dialogue etc. What are the main events in the first chapter that draw the reader in, what would you like to find out in the story, what do you think will happen next? Independent work – children to write a dialogue between a parent and child with the child upset or anxious about a situation that could be a story opener. Model the start on the board. Use The Lottie Project Extract 2 to discuss how dialogue is used to show a character’s feelings. Discuss how the writer shows a more compassionate side to Lottie Red group supported by HN Blue group to be supported by JA Green and Purple groups to work independently – encourage use of adverbs also in their dialogue. Direct phonics group to go and do this at 11.45 Plenary focus Pairs to feedback about their chosen story. Share some good examples of dialogue and ask children to pick out the words and phrases that show a good example. through her actions and responses in the dialogue. Explain that the following points: when a new person speaks, the words they Ask the following key questions: How does the writer show Lottie’s anxiety? How does Lottie manage to hide it from her mother? Model sentences on board without speech marks – where do they go – brainstorm a list of words to use other than said. 3 &4 Experiment with different narrative forms and styles to write their own stories 5. Infer writers' perspectives from what is written and what is implied Explain to the children that they have compared different story openings, introducing the character, dialogue, description of setting etc. Children to work independently on experimenting with different ways to open the story. They are going to now experiment with different ways to open a story. Use the story of Little Red Riding Hood from internet brothers grimm website. Direct phonics group to go at 11.45 am with HN Model an opening using dialogue, model an opening in the first person, model a description of the character, or the setting We have been reading “Buried Alive” as a serialised class novel by Jacqueline Wilson Explain that we are going to revisit the first chapter and look at what Jaqueline JA to support green group Share some of the different story openers together and discuss their effectiveness. HN to support blue group Children to find evidence about Tim’s character through the dialogue with other characters and what they imply – particularly dad. Work in pairs and make a list of phrases that they have found in the text. Make suggestions about the author’s perspective on Tim. HN to support red group JA to support purple group Feedback ideas to the class about their findings of what is implied about Tim’s character. Wilson implies about Tim’s character. Evaluation of objectives/ Next steps: What went well? What needs reinforcing? What to do differently next time: Individual children causing concern/ exceeding expectations: