Bilkent University The Department of Archaeology & History of Art Newsletter No. 3 - 2004 FIRE WISE In Turkey and the countries in the Middle East ‘fire installations’ those whitegrey ashy and red colored spots, fireplaces, ovens and hearths, are, for the average excavation supervisor, a confusing matter. These terms are often all used for the same types of features without noticing that each one means something different. If the definition of fireplace is: ‘a place where a fire burns’, then it is ok for all of them. Unfortunately we don’t mean this when we speak of a ‘fireplace’. We can divide ‘fire places’ into 3 different groups. 1. fires that simply heat pots or baking plates. 2. fires that heat closed or semi closed spaces, like ovens and tanurs. 3. fires that warm the room/ living space. 1. Fireplaces. (Figures 1-6) This category can be found at ground level or dug partly in the ground’s surface. Fireplaces can be used outside the house as well as on verandas or inside buildings. In the first situation, on the ground level, there might be nothing left or only a scatter of ashes in white, yellow and grey colors, with more or less charcoal fragments in them. Such fires are made with wooden sticks, logs etc that burn with their ‘heads’ against each other, the ends burning or slowly smoldering away, leaving only ashes. The vessel used for food processing in such a fire stands slightly higher on a base of a few stones, a Ushaped ring of clay, or metal stands/ supports, depending on the period involved. Since the stones or metal stands are not likely to remain in position, it’s only the ash that shows the spot. The intensity of these cooking fires is not so high that the ground, the layer under the fire will color bright red or pinkish red, but maybe a black-brownish discoloration can take place. Long use of the same spot might result in a thicker ash layer, but since ash easily blows away with the wind, this may cause a wider area to be covered with ashes. The second group makes use of a natural or artificial depression, a hole or small pit, to contain the fire that burns inside. The advantages are that the wind is not blowing the fire out of control, the walls of the depression reflect the heat, and it is easier to place pots above the fire. The disadvantage is that no large pieces of wood can be used, since they don’t fit into the hole. Reflection of the heat may color the pit’s walls black or reddish-brown, while ashes will accumulate at the bottom of the pit/hole. In general, fireplaces are small spaces with a center of about 35-40 cm diameter, but because of the lack of superstructure they are difficult to detect and to identify. 2. Ovens and tanurs. (Figures 7-10) Ovens are usually closed shapes with several parts. An oven floor, with a diameter up to one meter, is made of layers of pebbles on top of larger stones, the whole covered by a fine plaster layer. A dome-shaped upper structure of mud brick or stones, and usually a single ovenmouth is then built. Many variations exist but the principle remains the same. The fire in the oven burns and warms the wall of the dome and the floor. The pebbles and stones collect the heat and later reflect it back in the oven. Usually the fire remains, wood fragments, ashes and charcoal pieces, are swept outside through the ovenmouth, or, in some types of ovens, swept into a shallow pit in the side of the oven floor where it can continue to smolder. Since the oven floor is a more complicated construction, there is a fair chance to find most of one during excavation. Sometimes the floor and the beginning of the dome can even be found. The oven floor or the place of a former oven is, during excavation, always given away by concentrations of smaller and larger pebbles and stones. The ash spots are usually around the oven location and probably most on the side of the oven mouth. The tanurs / tandirs1 (Figures 11- 18) This type of oven is quite different from the normal dome-shaped ovens and is in fact not a ‘real’ oven. The shape is 1 53 Arabic / Turkish Bilkent University The Department of Archaeology & History of Art Newsletter No. 3 - 2004 more or less cylindrical or bell-shaped. There is a hole at ground level for oxygen inflow and there is a large opening at the top. During excavation standing rings might be found, without a clearly constructed floor. The ‘oven’ is fired from the top. It is filled with everything that can burn, usually not much wood, but branches and dried weed and tezek. This is a kind of ‘cake’ made of dried cowdung. The outer lining of a tandir is made of stones or mud brick and is difficult to recover. Usually only the heavily burned inner plaster remains. This is a very brittle layer and crumbles away if the excavator isn’t extremely careful and skilled. Unlike a real oven, the bread is not placed on the floor but is pressed to the very hot wall. It sticks until it is ready. It will come off and fall down, but the experienced baker will not let that happen! Many tanurs / tandirs are partly dug into the ground. The advantage may be that it is easier to access the mouth, and the ground gives some insulation. The function of the air inlet is then of course not so clear anymore. In Kinet Höyük an almost complete tandir was found, dug deep in the ground with a stone lining around it. The body was made by coiling. No bottom structure was made, the body was filled with ashlayers Since the tandir is difficult to empty, we can often notice a accumulation of ash-layers in the section. 3. Cooking places in the house (Figures 19-21) Climates that are very warm in summer are often very cold and wet in winter. So cooking outside is not an option anymore. The house might have a large fireplace attached to a wall, as we can see on the Konya plain. The opening is inside the room. The fireplace has a very large mouth, to allow work easily in front of it and it has a chimney for smoke transport. At the same time the cooking place functions like a hearth. Summary In some places the cooking place is not attached to the house, instead special ’kitchen-houses’ are used. Tanurs and Tandirs 4. Hearths (Figures 22-23) Hearths are fireplaces whose one and only function is to heat the room. Recognized by ancient users as very dangerous inside buildings, these places are often closed in by stones, sherds etc. They are mostly round platforms, of about a meter in diameter, with a small depression in the middle. The fire burns on these platforms and the ashes smolder in the middle until new fuel is added. The example on Fig. 22 is a flat disk-shaped platform with a circa 10 cm deep depression in the middle. The rim of the hearth is about 5 cm high. This type is usually located in the middle of a room. This type of indoor hearth has of course no chimney, so if there is no hole in the roof to evacuate the smoke it will be very unpleasant in the house/room, but never cold! 54 Outdoor fireplaces for cooking are small in diameter and characterized by ash and charcoal. Outdoor ovens are about a meter in diameter, domed and have a floor made of stone and pebbles, no ash on the spot but irregular spots around the oven are possible. The archaeological remains are usually a circular area with pebbles and stones surrounded by some ashy spots. Of this type, usually the circular inner lining remains intact a few centimeter high. It is a brittle clay layer of 1-2 centimeter thick. Inside this circle ashes may be found. Of the outer lining made of non-burnt clay or bricks, usually nothing can be found. Indoor fireplaces for cooking and heating are usually clean of ash and charcoal, rather wide, about one meter and have a chimney. Fireplaces for heating are round structures with a fire in or on it. Usually the fireplace is well protected by a wide edge or low upstanding walls. Often it is situated in the middle of the room far from walls. In that case there is no chimney for smoke transportation. The wooden roof construction is often plastered as protection against sparks from the fire. B. Claasz Coockson Bilkent University The Department of Archaeology & History of Art Newsletter No. 3 - 2004 Fig. 4 Fig. 1 Modern metal pot supports - Elmalı - TR Fireplace for cooking – Findicak-TR Fig. 2 A woman cooks on a fireplace with a metal stand - Fındıcak – TR Fig. 5 A small hole to contain a fire under a vessel - Acemhöyük – TR Fig. 3 U-Ring made of clay with three higher points to support the pot-bottom – Ilıpınar - TR Fig. 6 Fire under a baking plate - Tell Hammam et Turkman- SYR 55 Bilkent University The Department of Archaeology & History of Art Newsletter No. 3 - 2004 Fig. 10 Fig. 7 Oven of a different type - Luxor – EGY Dome-shaped oven on the Konya plain – Konya – TR Fig. 11 A tanur, both holes closed with metal sheets - Tell Hammam et Turkman – SYR Fig. 8 Section through a oven floor with an ash-pit - Ilıpınar – TR Fig. 12 The lower part of a tanur with an air inlet - Kinet Höyük – TR Fig. 9 The concentration of small pebbles is the indicator of a oven floor - Ilıpınar – TR 56 Bilkent University The Department of Archaeology & History of Art Newsletter No. 3 - 2004 Fig. 16 An almost complete tanur found at Kinet Höyük. The bottom line runs just below the air-inlet - Kinet Höyük - TR Fig. 13 Tezek or dried cow-dung, piled-up for use in winter - Acemhöyük – TR Fig. 17 The same tandir after being cut for the section - Kinet Höyük – TR Fig. 14 The fire burns inside the tanur - Tell Raggai – SYR Fig. 18 Dug-in tandir in a rock-cut dwelling - Pancarlık – Cappadocia – TR Fig. 15 The dough is stuck to the hot inner wall - Tell Raggai – SYR 57 Bilkent University The Department of Archaeology & History of Art Newsletter No. 3 - 2004 Fig. 22 Cutting a section through a circular hearth - Titriş Höyük - Urfa - TR Fig. 19 The exterior of a fireplace attached to a room - Konya Plain – TR Fig. 23 Circular hearth made of upstanding potsherds - Kinet Höyük – TR Oven Fig. 20 The interior during the baking of thin bread - Hoyran – Lycia - TR Tanur / Tandir Fireplace 35 cm Fig. 21 A kitchen-house - Tell Hammam et Turkman – SYR ← Previous article Fig. 24 58 Sketches of the most common types Next article →