Biome Research Project In this project, each research group will be assigned one biome to study. You will use the internet and the Ecology textbook to find information about your biome. Your study will include climatic characteristics, common plants and animals in the region, and also any adaptations those organisms might need in order to survive in that particular environment. Each group will turn in an information sheet detailing their research as well as present their findings to the class with a brief PowerPoint presentation. Observing students to your presentation will be responsible for logging key pieces of information about the biome on a data sheet as part of their grade as will you also when observing presentations other than your own. Possible online sources of information on biomes: Project Requirements 1. Use the websites given above or any other approved website to research your given biome and complete the “Biome Information Sheet”. 2. Be sure to cite every source in the area provided in this packet, including the source of any pictures your group adds to the PowerPoint presentation. Remember that “” is not a source, it is a search engine. 3. Each presentation should be at least 8 slides in length with the first slide being your title slide with your given biome and group member names and the last slide being a list of the sources where you found your information and graphics. 4. Your presentation should be no longer than 8 minutes in length. Each person in your group must present at least 2 slides during the presentation. Grading Rubric Category Research and Group Work* 10 points Students worked together to compile the required information and stayed on task throughout the project 7.5 points Students worked together to compile research, but needed to be reminded to stay on task and did not gather sufficient research 5 points Students worked together to compile research, but research is lacking important elements of the biome and group work was not acceptable >2.5 points Students did not work together to compile research, and they could not control their group or get any work done. PowerPoint Presentation Biome Life Biome Characteristics Spelling and Grammar Professionalism Students described all life in their biome ranging from human, plants, and animals with pictures and credible descriptions Students described all characteristics of their biome with pictures and in depth descriptions Group’s presentation has no spelling or grammar errors Students handed presentation in on due date with a completed works cited that covers everything in their presentation Students described all life in their biome ranging from human, plants, and animals but is missing some key elements Students described some aspects of life in their biome but are either human, plants, or animals. Students did not describe any aspects of life in their biome. Students described all characteristics of their biome but are missing key elements Students described some characteristics but is not appropriate material. Students did not describe any characteristics of their biome. Group’s presentation has between 1-2 spelling or grammar errors Students handed presentation in on due date with a works cited that is missing a few key elements Group’s presentation has between 3-4 spelling or grammar errors. Students did not turn presentation or works cited in on time. Group’s presentation has more than 4 spelling or grammar errors. Students did not turn presentation or works cited in on time and when turned in it is not an acceptable final piece. *A separate grade will be given for the information sheet you will complete based on the presentations of groups other than your own. Works Cited/Sources 1. ____________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ 2. ____________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ 3. ____________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ 4. ____________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ 5. ____________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ 6. ____________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ 7. ____________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ Biome Information Sheet 1. Group member names: ___________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 2. Name of biome: _________________________________________________ 3. Where on Earth is your biome found? _____________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 4. Does your biome have any special seasons or yearly cycle? __________ __________________________________________________________________ 5. Temperature range of biome (C): _________________________________ 6. Amount of yearly precipitation (cm): ______________________________ 7. Dominant plants: _______________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 8. Characteristic animals: __________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 9. Any special adaptations needed by wildlife in order to survive in this particular biome? __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 10. Use this area to add any interesting facts or details about your biome that you would like to share with the class. Keep these extra comments at or under three. ________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ Name: __________________________ Date: __________ Period: _____ Group Presentation Biome Information Sheet Biome Climate Temperature Range: 1. Tundra Precipitation: Temperature Range: 2. Taiga Precipitation: 3. Temperate Deciduous Forest Temperature Range: 4. Temperate Rain Forest Temperature Range: 5. Tropical Rain Forest Temperature Range: Precipitation: Precipitation: Precipitation: Temperature Range: 6. Desert Precipitation: 7. Grassland Temperature Range: Precipitation: Dominant Plants Characteristic Animals Special Adaptations Special Features