EMSTAC Elementary & Middle Schools Technical Assistance Center USING CO-TEACHING AND TEAMING STRATEGIES TO FACILITATE INCLUSION FOR STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES THE ELEMENTARY AND MIDDLE SCHOOLS TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE CENTER EXPERT ONLINE CHAT EVENT WITH MS. DIANNE TRACEY Frederick County, Maryland July 26, 2001 - 3:00 - 4:00 p.m. EMSTAC 1000 Thomas Jefferson St., Suite 400 Washington, DC 20007-3835 Emstac@air.org Using Co-teaching and Teaming Strategies to Facilitate Inclusion for Students with Disabilities 07/26/01 - 3:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m., EST Facilitators: Ms. Dianne Tracey, EMSTAC Linking Agents from Frederick County, MD Chat Event Description Ms. Diane Tracey has been a Special Education Facilitator/Linking Agent in Frederick County, Maryland for the past three years. Prior to her work with EMSTAC, she spent 26 years as a special education teacher in Frederick County. As a Linking Agent Ms. Tracey is able to support special education in her district by providing information and opportunities in collaboration, improving writing skills for students and training for special education assistants. As a special educator she worked with children with learning disabilities, developmental delays, physical disabilities, and emotional disturbance. The services provided for these children were both inclusive services in the regular education classroom and resource room services. **As we continuously improve our chat events, we occasionally experience technical glitches. This was the case on July 26th at the beginning of this event. We apologize if this prevented anyone from joining our chat regarding inclusion. We were able to fix the problem quickly and continue the chat after the slight delay. Unfortunately, we lost some time and therefore were not able to ask all the questions of our expert that we had planned. We started to discuss issues related to co-teaching and teaming strategies, but there is still much more to explore. We will have future chat events to focus on the inclusion topic but in the meantime, we hope you will continue this discussion on our Bulletin Board. THE FOLLOWING IS THE UNEDITED TRANSCRIPT FROM THE CHAT EVENT: diannetracey Hi everyone! I finally found a way to get on line. I did go through a modem. jshanley yea! diannetracey Is the chat still going on? jshanley well -- I think people left -- but we still have 1/2 hour..so more people may get on. diannetracey Ok diannetracey This has been experience just getting on line. I think it was a firewall issue. jshanley Diane -- please tell us a little about what you have found to be the important attributes of a successful inclusive setting. diannetracey Inclusion is the product of collaboration and commitment. We have found that it is important to start with people who are committed to the idea and are willing to be a part of a team to make it work. charitywelch How easy or how difficult is it to create the collaborative teams? diannetracey The team process allows for all parties involved to be a part of the plan for the student. We found that sometimes modifications made for a particular student, such as a particular strategy, was beneficial to many other students as well. charitywelch Schedule conflicts is often viewed as a barrier to collaboration between general and special education teachers. What strategies do you employ to overcome this barrier? lydiakillos Hi Dianne! Glad you made it on! What were some of the roadblocks to bringing teams together, and how did you overcome those when creating teaming structures? diannetracey The teams were formed at first by people sharing students included in their classrooms. As we worked together it became clear that it was helpful and people were sharing what the team was able to accomplish. diannetracey (ID=13) (26-Jul-01 3:44:34 PM) The roadblocks often were time for collaboration. In one school, we chose to meet for one hour after school once a week. We were very organized so we could make the most of our time. lydiakillos We've talked recently about the importance of "specials" teachers (i.e. Art, Music, Phys. Ed) in creating inclusive teaming. Can you say more about why this is so important? diannetracey By using an agenda for our meetings we were able to stay on task, address everyone's concerns or needs and create learning opportunities for the students. amanda_schwartz Hello, Diane. I am entering the conversation late. I was wondering how you are able to schedule your day to facilitate time to collaborate or whether you only meet once a week after school. diannetracey We chose to include the "specials" teachers because we felt that they were the group of teachers in the building who worked with all the students with disabilities and were often overlooked when it came to training. charitywelch I have heard of schools and/or districts that have used 10-year implementation plans for training, consensus building, paradigm shifts, etc. In other words, creating inclusive models is a process. What did initial implementation look like in your district? diannetracey Our meeting times were after school because we could not create a common planning time during the day. Another school I worked in had a staff development time built into the school's schedule and our time could access that time once a month. jshanley Do you evaluate the impact of the collaboration upon student achievement or any other student measures? Also, what impact does the collaboration have upon the professionalism of your educators? diannetracey It has probably been about 10 years since we began the inclusive model here in Frederick County. We began by implementing the Neighborhood Inclusion Project through the Maryland Coalition for Inclusive Education. lydiakillos What was the most influential factor in terms of encouraging teachers to become involved with teaming and collaboration? diannetracey (ID=13) (26-Jul-01 3:52:46 PM) We conducted an action research project based on collaboration and the results indicated the targeted students made great progress in achieving their IEP goals and also were doing well with the demands of the classroom. amanda_schwartz Are schools fully-inclusive or are there self-contained or mainstreaming placements as well? diannetracey the most influential factor was letting them know what was in it for them. We shared lots of written information, personal contacts, etc. to let them know that support was available at that time and after the collaboration began. diannetracey Frederick county provides a continuum of services that range from some self-contained classes, resource room, and co-teaching. amanda_schwartz How has teaming eased the transition of children with special needs in the classroom? diannetracey the team soon finds that each member has something to offer and is able to support the others on the team. As a result, the student is able to have more opportunities in the general Ed classroom. the focus of the team is to provide supports for the student that will enable learning and/ or social interactions. amanda_schwartz I may have missed this, but who are the members on the team and how were they selected? diannetracey the team was made up of : Reg. Ed teacher, spec Ed teacher, art teacher, assistant, and Linking Agent. The team was chosen because we had a couple of students with special needs entering their classrooms with a one on one assistant. To enable the transition, the team was formed. LNishi In classrooms where there are both a general education and special education teacher available, who is the "lead"? Are both teachers viewed as lead teachers? Has this dynamic influenced any outcomes? diannetracey As the team worked together, another team was interested and joined us. we met concurrently with myself facilitating one team and the special education teacher facilitating the other team. It turned out to be a great transition from the Linking Agent facilitating to the school taking the responsibility. Jess Thanks everyone for participating in the chat! It's 4:00 and time to wrap it up. I know there are many more questions that we have for Dianne that we didn't get a chance to ask, so I hope we can continue this discussion on the Bulletin Board. Dianne--thanks so much for facilitating this chat, and I'm glad we were finally able to connect with you! diannetracey Co-teaching is a natural outcome of collaboration but can take many different forms. Through the collaborative effort, it is determined who will be the lead. It seems the most effective is the shared lead. amanda_schwartz If co-teaching is used, what models are used (One-Teaching, One-Drifting; One-Teaching, OneObserving; Station Teaching; Parallel Teaching, Alternative Teaching; Team Teaching)? A great reference for all those who may be learning about teaming is Marilyn Friend and Lynn Coook's book, "Interactions" diannetracey I'm glad I was able to be here. thank you for inviting me and thanks to all who dropped by to chat. lydiakillos Thanks, Dianne! amanda_schwartz Thanks Dianne for all of the information!